Hi guys. I'm going to share this to help people. I don't want any harsh comments please. 

Well yesterday 1st March 2015. I was about to slit my neck. I had the blade in my hand and the tears were running down my face. I couldn't take it anymore. The girl


Hi guys. I'm going to share this to help people. I don't want any harsh comments please. Well yesterday 1st March 2015. I was about to slit my neck. I had the blade in my hand and the tears were running down my face. I couldn't take it anymore. The girl

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Your really brave y'know
thanks. bring brave is the only think that's keeping me alive
keep fighting and ignore the haters, things will work out for you. Stay strong 💕
I believe you are truly beautiful and even if your going thorough something like that, never let it get the best of you. I've learned... the only reason people do that to you is because they either want something from you or want to be like you, your way better than them and it's always okay to cry and even if you feel like your worthless, uh our not, there will always be people who love you and there will always be people who hate you.. you need to think about the people who care for you because really it's stupid to think about the people who don't. stay brave and strong💕and never forget there is people who love/care about you💙💙
thank you xxx
I need to tell you something; you are the best first follower anyone could have! Please keep posting rlly I can't live without you. I'm dying so please don't die too. I'm so proud of you. You be happy; I don't care if you don't see my death message. xoxo