Can you guys hmu with some easier names, I know I said I know a lot but who is actually named Lily?? Idk anyone with that name, and I know an Ava but she's like four, she hasn't done anything worth my time 
I mean if this is even a bit entertaining which


Can you guys hmu with some easier names, I know I said I know a lot but who is actually named Lily?? Idk anyone with that name, and I know an Ava but she's like four, she hasn't done anything worth my time I mean if this is even a bit entertaining which

17 0
so it's summer, I'm only a small childe, I ain't got nuthin going on
and this was a time where my sister did a lot like a LOT. she was in soccer and swimming and chillin at the YMCA of something, but I was like "no screw that I wanna do whatever"
so I did, I did whatever pretty much but I had to go sit outside a lot bc I didn't wanna go out
girl idk what magical land of the Lily's u live in but here in good ol' O.H.I.O no one's named Lily
if that's ur name I can make up some fantastical story but rlly the only person I knew named Lily was my dog and her name got changed in the end
anywho ha, my mom decided to take me to the water park so I can be a good kid f
-is for friends who do stuff together
that wasn't supposed to be there. so ye, I was chillin and this girl came up to me and was like "hey boi wassup I'm Kelsey, come hang out with me" and obviously I'm down bc my mom was boring (who naps at a water park??)
me n Kelsey are walking around or whatever pretending to be mermaids or something idfk, and she sees this boy-who's like 16- and she was like "ooh dang see that fresh papi over there" and I'm like "lol u wild" (i didn't really care I was invested into my mermaid persona)
dang let's wrap this up, so she's tryin to talk to him but he's all "back off u roach" and my crusty self was chillin in the back like whatever, and I turn and fRICKIN KELSEY IS OVER HERE WITH HER LITTLE ELEVEN YEAR OLD NOODLE ARMS SMACKING THE SHÏT OUTTA THIS POOR KID
she's not doing any damage bc she's 11 but either way this kid is PÏSSED
I realize he's been talking to this hunny and all the sudden she's watching him get beat up by Kelsey
I BLASTED OUTTA THere so fast you don't even know
like TWO HOURS LATER I hear the speaker come on "yo yo yo fake Miami wassup my dudes, can this chick Kelso come down to the front desk her mother darling is looking for her"
nah it's not my name. it didn't sound rude either, I was just surprised that a bunch of people didn't know anyone named lily
so I run up to the front desk and guess who's there, that boi
like he was like 15 or some shït what a lil wimp
anyways I'm like "where have both of them been it's been like 2 hours" apparently Kelsey was hiding and that boy had been looking for her
for revenge or something idk
either way it was a wild ride for both of us, I hung out with her the rest of the time like the guy left or something and we were trying to get into this private area or something bc we saw hot dogs idek but I'm not gonna forget Kelsey bc she told me that if you do what you want you might be able to convince everyone that that's what ur supposed to be doing
not sound advice from a psycho 11 year old but I still took it