Wallpaper for all of you Supernatural peeps


Wallpaper for all of you Supernatural peeps

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hey sweets. the reason why I wasn't on was because I have a cold😷 my mom gave me some drowsy medicine to help me sleep and I went to bed early. I'll try to talk to ya after school okay? bye bye!💙💚🌹
Awww I'm sorry your sick again sweetheart. I hope you feel better sweetheart. Okie. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to today.. your health is way more important. Drink plenty of water baby!! Make sure you get some rest. Drink Gatorade and stuff too. it'll help. I hope you have a good day. if you don't pleaaaase tell me okay? I want to help you feel better if you don't feel good after school okay?