Collage by victoria_0


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ok what do you want?
hi I’m uri and thanks for commenting on my looks I think your cute too
oh ok so do you want to date me or what
and I think your really cute
um yea I can date you
ok but how old are you
cause I’m 13
oh ok do you care about age
no your to cute anyways 🥰😍😘
awwwww that’s so sweet💋💋💋💋💋💋💋😍😍😂😍😘😘😘😘
no prob so what do you want to do baby
I don’t know really. do you want to play role play
yea that’s fine you start
at a skating rink skating
sits down tying my skate
finds you and walks toward you and says hi I missed you
says hi and asks how you are
asks if you want to skate with me
says yes grabs your hand and takes you to skate
almost trips but doesn’t and keeps on skating but when you turn around I bump into you and we both fall down
I get up and say sorry and help you up
hey hole wants to talk to you
ok so.... I’m about to leave school in about 55 minutes
for real
who wants to talk to me?
ok put her on
as long as she isn’t going to be mean
hi Victoria it’s chole here and I wanna say I’m sorry
it’s ok I’m fine tho I don’t know why you left me
hello I need it to go back to URI using it
I need it to go back to Uri I using it
you guys know I’m leaving in about 25 minutes
ok so shyla we talk in a private chat just like I do with my bae ok?
hey I have to go
hey you need to go cause this is a private chat
hey I need uri back on
I need uri back on
ummm there’s a big problem
what is it
what’s wrong?
um so I can’t date you
I have to delete my account because my dad six that I shouldn’t be dating you and I need someone better because he doesn’t know you and he said your ugly which was rude so today is my last day
make a new account and then follow methanols tell me to make a chat page and then tell me that it’s you
make a new account then follow me then tell me to make a chat page then tell me who you are. ok?!!
I cant
I can’t even have pic collage any more and he’s checking my phone today at 1:00
he said I have to delete it know so I want to say my last words
I love you forever and always but I’m gonna break up with you but I love you hot sexy body
I’m so sorry here’s some pics of me before I go
I love you and good bye
bye but please make a new account and follow me
I’ll try baby girl