What was the most memorable dream you've ever had?


What was the most memorable dream you've ever had?

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I was in my friends room and a shadow came inside her room with a mummy who's head was on fire, so we ran to school and the mummy was in the bathroom. Then we got magic candy that made us fly and we flew to my uncles house and went swimming πŸ˜‚
when I was ice skating and there were gaps to put the blades, and people were sat in the in the middle of the swirly bitsπŸ˜‚
Another was went my mom got captured by the Redcoats when we were in a park and they took her away and my dad and brother and I hid in a craft store and my mom was in my dads cousins flower shop
THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was an Indian dancer and me and my native Indian friends were smooshing boiled eggs with a big tree and I was really into the dancing and all and suddenly these Indian lady's were jumping off the Grand Canyon next to me so I thought that was a good idea so I jumped off and died
It was wierd... but it was like a imaginary land camp thingy, and I met my old friends and people....πŸ˜ŒπŸ’•
this is so creative
I forgot most of my dreams (I don't dream too much).... This is absolutely beautiful!
Hello! I am hosting fandom games on my account! I would love it if you would join! It would mean a lot and I feel like your creativity could be utilized on my games!
you just get better and better!!!! this is amazing !!!