Collage by piccollagep


5 3
what’s this
we can talk from here and so people follow you
I might do the icon contest
please follow me
I am
I follow all my followers unless they are h8pages
I didn’t know
it’s ok everyone makes mistakes
wat do you mean by ( h8pages )
there is lots of people who make pages against others I will take a screenshot of a h8 page and show u what I mean
I remix it
let me show u something else
look at it
they just h8 on people and the put things against them in the pages so like that people unfollow them
they h8 on people
can you look at the people that I follow and if there is a h8 person please let me know
ok I will
no i checked
ok thanks
can you do me an icon please
I did it
the icon
I tried tell me what u think
I don’t see an icon form
it is all in pink