❤️tAp pLz😂
Omg I love Charlie soo so so so so much!!! He’s so funny😂😂😂
QOTD: favorite character ever???
AOTD: oh jeez idk. Bella, Edward, Charlie, Emmett, Alice, Esme, Katniss, Peeta, America, and Maxon????😂


❤️tAp pLz😂 Omg I love Charlie soo so so so so much!!! He’s so funny😂😂😂 QOTD: favorite character ever??? AOTD: oh jeez idk. Bella, Edward, Charlie, Emmett, Alice, Esme, Katniss, Peeta, America, and Maxon????😂

39 1
AOTD-Oof....Liam Steward,Ruby Daly,Tessa Gray,William Herondale,James,Magnus,Charles Meriwhetter the fourth,Vida,Jude,Celste, err...That’s it?
AOTD: Peeta, Katniss, Finnick, Rue, all the good Narnians, all the Wingfeathers, Sarah Cobbler, Maraly, Dawsey Adams, Juliet Ashton, Isola Pribby, Eli, Kit, the Weaslys, Nevile, Luna, Sam, Legalos, Aragorn, Bilbo, Beckendorf, Annabeth, Percy, Calypso, Thalia, Jack the bulldog, Almonzo Wilder, and alot more!😜
Emika Chen, Simon Snow, Penelope Bunce, Luna Lovegood, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonnagal, nEwTtTTtTTtTtTtT fHdjajajiajajajajjajajajaj and uh Horace from MPHFPC
hi his is panda girl and so you I love that that movie