Nite:hey I'm nite.I'm one of bubbles friends gonna be on here for a week and see how things go


Nite:hey I'm nite.I'm one of bubbles friends gonna be on here for a week and see how things go

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Sky: Oooo *Pokes Nite*
Sky: Are you gay or something “-“
nite:I um er I uh h-Harley!
Sky: o3o Harley is my baby
Harley:he's not out yet and not yet comfortable
Sky: Dämnit -3-
nite:you weren't supposed to tell her that!😓😁
Sky: *Hands u ???* Have a kid .-.
Harley:nite ya got to come out some time dãnm it you've been in there your hole life!
nite:what the?!?!
Sky: Kids help o3o ???: *Looks at Nite*
nite:*looks back* umm Harley:no you magically come out. nite:no
???: *About to cry* Sky: Don’t let her cry rude
nite:what I uh *hugs her* shh it's okay it's okay
???: *Hugs back*
nite:I'm still staying in here though * literally in a closet* Harley:god dãnm it nite get out!
Sky: I’m so hot I need to turn my fan on ???: You hiding from them too
Harley:well I could've told you that you're hot ;) nite:no harls and that joke was crãp *looks at the little* yea
Sky: *Blushes* ???: What did you do that made you wanna hide from the world
Harley:*kisses your cheek* nite:-_-I like the same sēx. Harley:just say it you are gay!
Sky: XDDD ???: My parents accused me of murder when I never killed the person……
Harley:I'll kill him if he doesn't get out he's sitting On my soccer bag. nite:there dumb
Sky: NUUUU DX ???: They never loved me so I ran I never liked them either
Harley:*remembers that murder is bad and sighs* fūck. nite:well if you need a place to stay Harley's house is pretty nice
Sky: NOOO NITE SHE’S YOUR KID DX ???: *Looks at Nite* You hate people
Harley:you can't over my place to others moron-_- nite:no I like most people there fun
Sky: I’m allowed over I’m your wife XDD Sauki: I’m Sauki I’m 7 years old
Harley:hehe yea nite:so are you really my kid now 7 year old sauki
Sky: YES SHE IS and I love u baby Sauki: That’s not up to me
Harley:I love you too boo nite:*sighs* alright well I'm nite and I'm 22 also I am gay...
Sky: Hehe mine Sauki: *Smiles a bit*
Harley:mine and he said it my god he said it! nite:so wanna go get some lunch?
Sky: *Gasp* Sauki: It’s night
Harley:*smiles and hugs you* he's out baby! nite:really?*walks out to the window* oh yea it is
Sky: Where were you when I needed you today *^* Sauki: I don’t have money I haven’t eaten in a week so
Harley:Thursday are crazy for me I'm sorry babe nite:kitchen rad!!
Sky: I GOT WORRIED DX Sauki: ?
Harley:I'm sorry baby*hugs*i didn't mean to worry you nite:come on *picks you up and runs down stairs*