Escape the Manor RP with Ray anyone? I'm bored af 

That song always makes me get goosebumps >_>


Escape the Manor RP with Ray anyone? I'm bored af That song always makes me get goosebumps >_>

36 374
Rules: No God modding, no magic allowed, must find weapons
Objective: Get the keys and escape without being killed
Background: You were lost in a forest and it started to become dark. you were hungry and thirsty and without any resources left. you happened to stumble upon a large house in the middle of the forest. you knocked on the door to be answered by Ray, who let you in. she gave you food and water and a place to sleep for the night. at sunrise after she fed you breakfast, she said she would show you the way out of the forest. as you touched the doorknob, the power went out. you turned the doorknob to find that it was locked. "Welcome to the game. Won't you please play with me?" Ray said before grinning psychotically
oh my Jesus Christ XD
"must find weapons"
no exceptions Amber :3
miss me