Lets do a q&a


Lets do a q&a

28 4
YOU HAVE CHOIR HOMEWORK? I'm in the choir and we never get homework. what do u have to do?
I agree. I don't know how bad or good I would be at putting on makeup, I just don't do it. When I was younger I used to play around with it at sleepovers.
Yeah, I do the same thing. I look in the mirror everyday and instantly see my vast amount of acne. And too often that's all I see. I look at my unnaturally flat chest, my large nose, and uncontrolled eyebrows and think that this is all I am. It's really nothing though. I'm keeping myself natural, and that in itself is an incredible thing. It's a pity how many girls only see the flaws in themselves. I do actually have a high self confidence level and I'm well on my way to seeing only the positive things when I look in a mirror. Lately I have been seeing the good when I look in the mirror.
I hope you can to.πŸ’• My secret was working out. One I started to see myself getting abs and biceps I was like "woooahhh". It feels good to take part in shaping yourself into someone you can be proud of. Also, I have tried to start eating healthier, which has also given me some sense of self accomplishment.
Favorite song and artist/band?
I'll do the background and quote!
here's the pic bigger
Cool! I like that song too!
Thank you so much!!!!! I can't believe anyone could ever admire me! And to become who you want to be, you don't have to do it majorly. Just try taking small steps. Maybe work out or just do come exercises once or twice a week to start out. And try having a salad a few times a week (or anything healthy really). I'm pretty skinny as well, but I'm finding that building muscle helps me gain some weight so I can be closer to average. I'm still not passed 100 pounds but I think that's just because I'm not curvy at all πŸ˜‚.
haha thanks ilyπŸ’ž
real name?
what's ur real Ma,e??
^^^same question as YouHaveTalent
I think it's ready to post. you? 😊
and you can post it now if you want to, I'm posting it tmrw πŸ’•
What is life?