My friend is auditioning for NOCCA in visual arts and this is one of her entries. ISNT IT GOOOOD??!!!😍😍😍 I hope gets in!


~click~ My friend is auditioning for NOCCA in visual arts and this is one of her entries. ISNT IT GOOOOD??!!!😍😍😍 I hope gets in!

15 1
That is amazing!!! tell her good luck for me, I hope you BOTH get in
πŸ˜„πŸ˜„thanks! I'm working hard on my monologue!!
Awesome! that's good, what's it about?
it's from "Our Town"by Thornton Wildler and it's said by Emily after see died and she's going through the memory of her 12th birthday and she's finally finding closure that she's dead. it's a really hard piece that surprisingly connects to my life.. πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
oh πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ½ Okay, well it sounds interesting
no I'm not actually a zombie or anything. I just understands the thing she says- especially at the end. 😬😬😊😊 And it is interesting. the play is interesting but so hard to read!
oh okay, I wasn't suspecting anything like that, but yeah it sounds really cool, and good luck again! I think it'll build up your skills
no problem!
shading and beard skills on point! I wish I could do that!