Yay I made my Plant Cell Cake Model for Science 😊 I hope I get an A+  (I get to eat it after) ☺️


Yay I made my Plant Cell Cake Model for Science 😊 I hope I get an A+ (I get to eat it after) ☺️

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I looked at it and couldn't figure out what it was made of and now I see it and I was like: 😱candy omg
Yeah a lot of gummy worms ☺️ But I had to cut them up I felt so sad and sorry for them πŸ˜₯
XD Lemon, they're GUMMY worms
Gtg eat dinner brb
Okie, I'll still be here :P
I am back
I know they are gummy but I used to think everything had feelings
It kinda sounds stupid but it's true
Nooo! I'm sorry.. I'm just.. not myself lately
It sounds like something I would say
Lemon..... I seriously need help with my life.
How can I help? D:
Uh.. Idk... Honestly it'd be good to die.
Nooo that's not a good idea 😟
My friends are super embarrassing lately in front of everyone..
And one of them she like takes pictures of me and shows them to everyone.. 😞
And usually it's basically being made fun of..
Yeah I was just playing clash of clans and I was like nooo wait ☺️
Soo yeahhhh my life sucks 😐
My friends were like: "Watch Fairy Tail!" so I've been watching it. It's weird
I feel sorry for you
:c don't be.
πŸ˜₯ I wish I could help you but idk how
It's just.. ugh. Idk how either. I really wish sometimes I could die.
But Whai?
My life. My friends.. Uh.. They all know I like people now.. And sooo..
No please don't say things like that 😰
They kinda are realizing I've been depressed. And now they're trying to get me to be 'happy' and uh.
They know you like me?
Soo.. Our school is having a dance and I was talking to Aqua about it and he took it the wrong way, and thought I was asking him, but luckily he was going with someone else.. 😁
No one knows I like anyone... Idek what ppl will do if they find out
0.0 I kinda told them. And I kinda like someone irl too and we're all like best friends so yeahhh
Last year my school had a dance, my old school
Same. I was afraid to tell my friends, but I needed to talk to them about it. 😢
Idk if my new school will have one
Yeah, so I'm just going to be with my friends XD they made me laugh they told me: "Morgan, we're going to be the lonely people in the corner." and I mean that's our lives everyday
Um yeah.
That's fine
I was surprised there was one, like my parents would KILL me if I took anyone anyways 0.0
But I don't have guts to ask anyone 😣
I dun even wanna
I'm fine with it honestly but what I'm not fine with is how people see me, I mean yes I'm quiet.. But OMG.
Ikr?! I mean I'm all like: "Dude. You want me to go to the dance to make me happy? idk if it's going to work."
What do you mean?
Everyone in math like a week ago were talking about me, saying I was so quiet and innocent and I was silently raging like: "Get to know me, and then say that!"
My friends, okie, so I told one of my friends today who I liked, so they said if I didn't ask him to the dance that she'd do it. So I mentioned it and he freaking was like: "Wait what? I'm going with someone" and so now I'm embarrassed for life 😁
I don't know how I make myself happy but I think it is bc I can make my shoes screech
XD okay. I'm happy honestly, my friends just don't believe me... D:
No one likes me at my school but my friends... and you
Yeah, but I mean like they're always going to be my best friends. I honestly am known as one of the shy people... And like then someone heard me talk at lunch and was like: "WOAH YOU TALK!" and one of my friends was like: "Yeah she talks. We all talk."
Well... no one like likes me except you... No one at my school does
LEMON! All my friends that play MC have a PC account and they can be your friends! I'm being srs 0.0
This is awkward bc I know people like me, but usually it's not for my personality.. 😐
You know what I mean right πŸ˜”
People only want to date people to become popular, I'm good at the bottom. I mean like, I'm not interested in becoming KNOWN.
Yeah.. 😞
No one at my school likes ppl for there personality
I'm just like so frustrated with my life right now .-.
I don't think
Idk anyone at my school XD
Yeah, same. And then there's a person who likes me and I like him, and like he said he likes my for my personality, so since he's my friend, I'm trusting him.
I only know a few 7th graders who are my friends and like 3 8th graders
Ikr! My mom always asks who the people are in my classes and I can name everyone from my old school and a few other people..
I only know 8th graders from my friend's older sister and I don't know any 7th graders other than you. And then I know a lot of 6th graders.. Mostly from my school last year.
There is this one 7th grade girl that is kinda creepy
She dates everyone
I am glad she didn't ask me
No she's in 8th grade
That makes it creepier πŸ˜–
That reminds me of someone.. 😐
And like he asked me out in 4th grade, but he was like super desperate and I was like: "I'm not allowed to date.."
But like... She gives me the creeps
And this is the awkward part: His name also is Dylan.
Dude when you told me your name, I srsly was like: ....
I feel like I should go knock myself out know
Dude, itz okie
But pplz r creeps 0.0
Idek anymore XD I'm so tired
You just changed ur picture
Heh I've been looking through my pictures XD
Again XD
Yessss :P I usually change it 5 times a day :3
I don't take selfies idk how to 😐
You hold you phone up and turn it towards you face and take a picture
And if I do I feel awkward about it then I delete it
XD I have some creepy selfies I discovered.. I probably will post them sometime to embarrass myself :P
Dudeeee guess what XD
I think I'm sick again, 0.0 nonstop coughing for like the last few days, MY FRIENDS JINXED ME
They told me to cough, and in my next hour I couldn't stop coughing :c
My brother threw up last night and he helped me make that cake... I REALLY hope he isn't still sick
Ew. Okie honestly I threw up in my mouth today, ik it's gross DX
I have before...
Too much coughing :L
Yeah, same. So I'm like being super cautious now.
When I do it it's always warm 😣
Okie TMI.
>>Too Much Information<<
I knew I shouldn't have said that
XD that's just. Ew.
Itz okie. I'm pretty gross :P
Dude, the guy who sits next to me in orchestra claims he knows like my life and tries to tell me I liked this guy Morgan in second grade and I was like: "?! No.. We were FRIENDS"
Dude. Srsly. Believe me, there will be times.
I'll be like saying something and my friends will find it incredibly gross..
Like talking to my BFF about how crickets can bite you! And then she got a fear of crickets.. Oops.
Me too
XD I used to catch bugs in second grade and the OTHER Morgan >>I would never do this<< caught a Black Widow.. And now I'm pretty much afraid of all bugs 0.0
I kill spiders with cleaning spray and once one crawled up my arm so whenever I feel something on me I always run around in circles trying to see what it was
I am scared of spiders and crickets the most
EW! Okay, I was about to go asleep one night >>this was like 3 months ago<< and turned over and screamed bc there was a spider crawling ON the pillow I was using and my mom killed it.. And I refused to sleep downstairs that night.
I'm afraid of snakes and spiders mostly and then I am like oaky with wasps as long as they don't get close to me..
That's scary
But I have nightmares about crickets
I freaked out.. Whoops. I was feeling something crawling on me all night long and my mom also found an ant on me which was weird.
I will die if those things touch me
I just am like: "Stay away and we can be friends.."
Not literally but that's how scared I am of them
I'm okay with them bc I haven't been stung yet I guess
XD Ikr
I haven't either... Just the number of hives we have around our house...
A few months ago my friend found a night crawler and threw it at me and I screamed and literally ran away 😁
We have mud wasps and yellow jackets
Yeah, but ours are mostly bees and wood bees
The yellow jackets are giant that's why I am scared
I saw a yellow jacket when I was working outside a few days ago and I freaked out bc it was like circling me DX
I am scared of June bugs
Ours are tiny, but it's also basically freezing outside so that might be it too.
Bc they make a really scary sound to me
When they fly
XD I hate June Bugs
I know they are blind but I don't feel like they are blind when I am near them like they will chase me inside
One flew down my shirt and my mom was laughing when I screamed
Once a bird flew in my house
>~< Ikr I miss our dog that ate them
Birds keep running into the windows and it makes me jump every time.
U had a dog that ate June bugs?
Yeah, her name was Cinnamon
I don't know if I should tell you this
OMG Katy is snoring and I've been trying to figure it what it was and it was her XD
It might make you sad...
Tell meeee DX
When birds fly into my window they hit it so hard that I think they die
They do
Same.. D: I feel so bad for them..
I seriously find DEAD birds on our balcony..
And my sisters dog once attacked one while it was trying to fly away
It was a tiny bird
I might have a picture of Cinnamon still, but I'm not sure, it's been almost 3 years since..
So innocent
Ivy >>our Labrador mix<< almost killed a bird by like srsly pulling out most of its tail feathers..
I'm going to look, one moment.
Nvm not on my phone.
Okie I'm back
U had a lot of doggies
We only have one right now
Kinda. Not a lot but a fair amount, what about you..?
We did have one when I was four years old... He got hit by a car
We have 3.. Not on purpose but from kind hearts I guess..
I don't even remember him πŸ˜₯
We've had three other dogs that were so old or sick we had to put them down and then Copper, my first dog.. πŸ˜”
That's sad D:
Yeah :(
:c I miss Copper, almost...
We had to put her down.... :c she bit my family and me.. But she was an adult and had a previous family that abandoned her..
She was my dog, but I didn't feel like I was as close to her as I am with Katy.
Oh... That's sad πŸ˜₯
Yeah.. But I mean, I have Katy, so I don't really think about this..
Yeah. I mean, Katy is my current dog, and the past can't always haunt me.
I don't know about that with me...
What do you mean..?
I did something with a cricket 2 years ago and it still scares my
Wait I don't think I get it
What'd you do..?
Yeah, don't worry. Kindergarten still haunts me, Fourth grade too..
I cut a cricket in half and it jumped away that still scares me and that was 2 years ago
Kindergarten= Breaking my chin open >>have the scars for proof😐<< Fourth= Sick for almost half the year
I can't remember as far back as Kindergarten
I don't think that's supposed to happen.. 0.0
Well except who my teacher was and where
I kinda do.. Kinda
Yeah. I only remember bits and pieces of stuff back then.
:L I went and got Katy and she payed down on my pillow
But Kindergarten was fun for me... There was one day there we all got cotton candy bc one of the teachers had a cotton candy machine
No fair! XD
Well... It can happen with humans too... the cricket incident
She looks so sad DX
That made me gag. :s
This morning my friend, we didn't add her in EVER, hacked into our group chat 0.0
Well... Your nerves don't die right away... That gives your body the ability to do that
Grosssss DX
Probably not if we were cut in half... That sounds weird but...
Wait no it can happen
You should stop there.. 0.0
You can survive if you are cut in half o-O
Ew, ew, ewwwww
But... You are probably disgusted enough
Just, like it'd be weird
Yes I am XD thanks so much for the science lesson
I am sorry 😐
I hope that doesn't stay in your mind forever
Itz okie
I would feel bad
Dude. Like I said I can be gross too.
Nah, I'll probably forget. My brain is cluttered 0.0
Hmm.. Lemme think of something gross to say..
Okay I have one that is disgusting :s idk how to say this without being awkward
Hmm.. I'll try to come up with something tomorrow that doesn't make me want to puke.
Just... Some things can never come out of my mind. That is one of those... I always flashback to it at the most awkwardest place... Like whenever I am not thinking it happens
Lol Goodmorning basically. >>on my side of the states<<
Is awkwardest a word?
I think?
I'll try it with autocorrect
Oh... Why not just tell me now?
It says it's a word
Oh. Okie
Trust me... My friends say really inappropriate things but I never feel awkward I kinda just forget
Okay.. So when I got stitches in my chin, they were glue stitches and I tore them out multiple times, somehow..
Um yeah
My friends are like cursing at school, and I just sit there awkwardly.. I guess I am the innocent one.. I like don't really curse too often..
Heh. Gross enough ?
I have never said a really bad swear word...
I curse usually in my head, bc like my brother and I hear my parents curse so like yeah. I usually do it when I'm mad though. 0.0
XD Idek what this has turned into. 2 conversations at once
Gross enough...
XD so what do we talk about now??
Gooddddd :3
Told you I'm grossZ
I'm all like half asleep..
Well... Did it hurt pulling that glue out?
I don't remember how it felt, I just remember getting in trouble from it XD
I probably would never do something like that... I don't wanna see someone's chin cut open... I don't want to know what it looks like
I never attended to cut my chin open! I was playing tag :3
With lotssss of blood o.O
I know just... It sounds... like a hole in your chin
Yeah. This was Kindergarten, all fun and games until someone gets hurt
Nah. Just have a tiny scar
Eww that sounds gross.
?? What?
I mean when it happens you have a hole in ur chin
Not right now
Nah, I never did, just a deep cut. Kinda. Sorta. More like a scratch?
Oh okie, I was like: "What's wrong with scars..?"
Yeah I should go to sleep soon... I am not gonna be happy in the morning. My head kinda hurts also... πŸ˜”
Yeah I have scarfs
Yeah. Same. Luckily I don't have any tests tomorrow.. At least that I know of.
I don't :s
I have... 2 tests tomorrow I think...
I have plenty of my own too.
Because I just get effected during the morning and like when school is about to end
Yes it's 11:15 PM πŸ˜•
Oh. Same, I'm tired like after school and then I usually like lay in bed for the rest of the day after school if I can.
1:15 AM here, idc tho :P
I have never tried that...
Laying down after school.
I can't take a nap where I live
My brothers school is right across the street so it's always so noisy
I don't take naps XD
Well I don't either... Idek
I am like on the phone or on MC, stuff like that
XD I'm confusing sorry
Me too... I dunno
Ye. My friends always say that I'm always confused and I totally agree bc usually I am XD I like drift into a thought and then get poked and be like: "W-what?"
?? What's wrong?
I think I should go before I fall asleep and drop my phone... I have done that before
Then sleep! Dude, I totally get it, I'm almost asleep right now anyways. :p c u tomorrow? <3
Goodnight <3
Bye Dylan!
Bye Morgan
Goodnight <33
<3 c:
Goodnight for reals not XD
<3 :D
Okay <3 :D
Heh, today like we get to watch movies all day and while everyone is watching Frozen the sub said we can be on our phones so I'm taking advantage.
What's new?? πŸ˜„
You got on! :D
Hai πŸ˜‡
I think there are new emojis if you update your phone. I haven't but I might try 😊
Srsly? I'm going to try tomorrow. Sorry, my family we all watched a movie together..
Oh, wait I have them, I forgot O.o 😁 Just more of a traditional person
Oh :P
Yeahhhh. Soo what's new?
Not much.
Same, but I gtg for today, I'll be on later when my friend falls asleep XD she's spending the night with me..
Done cleaning, but I'm guessing you're not on..
Sorry.. I kinda fell asleep.. 😞
Okie... I did too πŸ˜‹
XD I fell asleep again and like I'm back now, but I had to eat breakfast
Oh ☺️
So.. 😐
What's new..?
I have been working on a collage all morning so I will post it soon
Oh okie! Awesome!
Cool! :D
Yeah.. It's really sad...
Yeah πŸ˜” I was going to post one soon.. But it's so sad..
The thing I am scared of.. I heard someone tell me they are coming to bomb the White House soon and that's in Washington I live only 1 state away from Washington πŸ˜₯
D: it's okie Lemon.
We're all afraid.
No it's not.. They could decide to do it everywhere near Washington
Yeah.. They don't like how we have free religions.
They as in I.S.I.S.
I know.. But the entire world is after I.S.I.S. now honestly.
I hope they know we have defense against aircrafts.. 😞
I just.. What if this never could have happened?
Yeah... πŸ˜”
Everything would be different..
This is going to be another 9/11.. They already had suicide bomber attacks in Paris..
Brb, I'm going to talk to my friend..
I have to watch my brother so.. I guess I will talk to you later πŸ˜•
Oh.. Yeah, um now like my brother is making me play Wii Sports with everyone else :P
Hey... Um... Are you back..?
I am back now 😐
Aw.. I have to go to lunch with my grandparents..
Oh okay see you later then 😊
:P Well, I'm at my house for a few minutes
Omg sorry I was watching a video 😞
Are you back?
It's okie
I'm here
Just freaking out.. XD I bit into a Starburst and my tooth fell out and like it wasn't even loose
Welllll.. See you in like 6 hours then?
I am here
I am sorry.. I fell asleep and I had to eat dinner.. Then I watched a movie.. I hope your not mad 😞
My phone died right after I asked if you were their
I'm not! It's okie!
Oh hai! 😁
Oh okie XD ☺️
So.. What's new?
Nothing much. What about you.?
Not much.. I might not be on Monday or Tuesday until like 5 or 6 PM your time.
Yeah, I probably won't be on Thursday like all day until like 6 your time :L
OH. I have karate still on Monday and Wednesday at 3 your time :l
I have karate on Monday only
Luckyyyy DX
It starts at 6 my time which is 8 your time πŸ˜•
Mine starts at 6 my time which is 8 your time πŸ˜•
But mine starts at 8 your time and ends at 8:45
Oh. Mine starts at 3 your time and lasts until 4..
Oh okay
Btw sorry had to restart my phone
Yeah XD
PicCollage is glitching out for me 😐
That's why it sent those 3 times
That happens, I had restart my phone bc it wasn't responding.. :L
It said an error occurred then sent them all XD
Ye ik.. I've had it happen too >~<
XD yup
If it says that ignore it :P
Sorryyyyy forgot to tell you that
It's fine.. Usually when that happens it won't post it..
But now it decides to XD
:L Ye.
XD PC can be very irritating
Yeah I hate having to re type it whenever it does that
Ikr! Especially when it just sits there after you press send..
Yeah and the send button goes away
Yep :l
XD so what else is new
Idek 😐
Yep. Okie c: what now?
Idk o.o
Oh.. Well.. What do you like to do?
It did it to me too XD I just deleted one
Um.. Idk how to answer that.. Like on PC?
Yeah I saw πŸ˜‹
Like in your free time or like anytime.
:P whoops
Um.. play Minecraft? Maybe? 😁
And skateboard 😊
XD I couldn't say differently honestly.. I mean also like talking to my friends and stuff..
Yeah.. I don't get to see my friends a lot though
Oh.. D:
My best friend I have him on Skype but he is never on..
I guess I should call him instead of that
My friends always bug me to use my Skype but my iPod is always dead.. 0.0
Yeah.. Plus I have a phone now, so like why not call them?
Oh :P
XD yup
I use Skype on the computer
Oh.. Only my dad knows my Skype password soooo yep. :L
But that is also why it's harder to make time for it because your not always by your computer
My best friend who moved 2 years ago barely texts me anymore.. And it makes me sad honestly.. We've been through a lot together, but almost as much as my best friends currently
Oh.. I haven't had a friend move.. And I haven't moved.. Well not far anyways. I stayed in the same city
Wow.. I've lived here in Oklahoma for 10 years now.. But soon that'll change most likely.. 😞
50% of my friends have moved or ignored me after my other friends moved.. 😁
I have lived in San Diego my whole life
My parents want to move..
We just moved from our old house to our new house
And we still own it my parents put it for rent
I was born in Texas, and lived in Austin for about a year.
Oh.. So you most likely don't remember what it was like?
Oh. We lived in another house before also, but it's on my parents storage business so they put it out to rent.
No.. But we have pictures.. It looked nice..
Oh.. I bet it's really hard to move.. πŸ˜•
It will be.. πŸ˜”
I don't know because I never have had to.. Just a few houses away
We'll probably have to move soon.. My dad wants to start his own company, maybe, with some other people he works with..
Yeah.. I mean.. In Texas, I had nothing to leave really.. But now.. I have my friends, and I can't leave them..
I feel bad for you.. I hope everything goes alright for you.. I couldn't even imagine moving a long distance..
Don't feel bad for me.. Seriously. I mean my family will move sooner or later.. Hopefully later..
Oh.. That sounds cool.. Your parents having their own company..
Maybe.. I mean.. Not really.. I barely get to see them now..
Oh.. Nevermind.. I hope I don't sound like a jerk since I said that.. I don't know.. πŸ˜•
You don't.. They own a storage business already that keeps them busy enough.. And my dad works.. My mom she's usually who I see.
Oh.. My mom works in a different city and its like a 45 minute drive for her and she has like 3 jobs.. Her first one, she gets under payed.. So she has to have more than one job..
Oh.. I'm sorry.. 😞 I really only see my brother now, and he's ANNOYING. So I keep to myself..
My dad used to have to work in a different city.. He would leave our house around 5 to be there at 6..
Yeah.. My brother is nice to me sometimes but other times he teams up on me with my sister.. πŸ˜• Then they try to get me in trouble..
Yeah my mom has to leave around that time
Yeah.. I'm the older child, so basically I get blamed, and my parents believe him 😁 One time I got in trouble for calling him a name after he called me one and went home CRYING.
Yeah.. I really hate how life is so unfair.
Yeah I am the older child too.. Just its me against two sometimes
Wait, I wasn't crying my brother was XD
Yeah.. I'm glad I only have 1 sibling, but usually I wish I had none.
Oh XD I was like.. Did he say a bad word?
My brother says bad words.. He is lucky he's not kicked out of school or expelled yet
Nah, just called me a stupid nickname that my best friend's little brother repeated and started calling me it.. :L
He repeats whatever people around him say
And he is FOUR.. That's the worst part.. He is in pre-kindergarten not even first grade!
Little kids can get away with anything..
Or just kindergarten
What?! :0
My brother is in 3rd grade but he's supposed to be in 4th but my parents let him start school a year after he was supposed to..
I know why he says them.. He does it to get attention and he learned it from one of my friends who I hate now bc he is a jerk to everyone and his parents agree with whatever he makes up
He has to swear in like every sentence he says
Wow.. Sounds like one of my friends who moved away, she was a jerk and when she came to visit me a few years ago, I said something and she replaced a word I said with a curse word and my brother was around..😐
I would get to see my best friend more.. Just he had to go through 2nd grade twice because he switched schools
And he is one grade below me
But I say we are still in the same grade
My brother isn't that bad, but my parents like freak out if I say something about my brother being an idiot and then don't do anything when HE says I'm an idiot..
Because tbh we should be
That's cool! My friends all have come and gone..
My brother is a devil 😈
He is and like everyone knows it
I lost my like 5 friends from 3rd grade bc it was a huge fight.. :L I wasn't in it though, I was trying to resolve it.
XD Dylan
My brother is basically evil.. I was FTing one of my friends yesterday and he and his friend barged into my room and were screaming at me and I literally freaked out and then my friend was like: ....
What is FTing?
Face Time >>Face Timing<<
So Yeahhh
Yeah :P
XD yup
My brother was a devil for Halloween once
Fits him perfectly then, huh?
He had a little red suit and a hood with horns and he had a pitchfork with sparkles
XD beautiful
He also had wings and a tail
Yeah :P
What now? XD
Idk.. XD
:P I was thinking about COC and then I remembered how I got a nickname from a spelling error on it :L
Oh.. Yeah.. People make jokes about that at my school
Yeah.. My friends all call me Morgue now.. And then found out that it's not a perfect nickname bc now they ask me if I enjoy having dead people inside me..
What do you mean by dead people inside you??? o-o
A morgue is what dead bodies go in.. :l so yeah.. They pronounced it "Mor-goo" thou
I thought it was a coffin
There's like 2 different things
What does a 'morgue' do? I am kind of scared now πŸ˜–
A morgue, is like... um.. It's not bad XD they just make it sound bad
Oh okay
My friends make it so everything sounds different.. Like... Hm..
You know that movie Despicable Me?
They're just weirdos, I'll put it that way.
I thought a morgue was that think the girl walked into with the juice box
Hmm.. Idk
I'm going to look it up..
I was scared bc it had a lot of spikes
And why would you do that to a dead body?
Oh no..
Morgue: 1. a place where bodies are kept, especially to be identified or claimed. "the cadavers were bagged and removed to the city morgue" or a collection of old photographs and stuff
I copied and pasted half XD
So.. When you die your body is put in one and random strangers can claim it theirs?
Hmm.. So I'm basically a place where people's bodies are claimed..?! 0.0
Yeah.. That sound kind of creepy
DX yup my friends won't call me that anymore, I'll make sure of it
Yeah I wouldn't like it
I feel like a creep now.. 😐
My friends usually have a nickname for me like everyday..
I watched this show on TV and it was like a cop show I think it is called Hawaii Five-0 and..
Yesterday's was Meat Sherbet >>My first and last name XD<<
Hawaii Five-0?
Idk if I should tell you because just thinking of it scares me
Unless you aren't scared of anything :P
Meh, I watched a rated R movie, last week with my parents.. Nothing's worse, I swear.
XD definitely scared of like stuff
XD and you don't sound like a creep.. Just I get scared easily.. Really easy
Nah. I do. I swear.
Yeah I have too.. I watched one twice
Dude, I screamed when my friend threw a worm at me.. Idk why thou XD
Eek. It was creepy..
It's rated R bc they swear and there is a LOT of blood and..
The bloody handprints on the wall got me :L
Guns and stuff that is gross..
:L my parents chose it so it wouldn't have that.
But it was rated R bc of all the cursing.
Yeah it had a lot of like.. People losing their leg or hand.. Even this one guy got torn in half and survived for like an hour
But they had to show that part
I made it through the decapitated head, but not the bloody finger prints.. 😁
I think it was based on a true story.. Idk maybe they edited it
I was like super pale I guess.. My parents turned it off.. And my uncle slept through the entire thing XD
Omg I just freaked out AGAIN..
Ew. That's.. nice.
Last night this little tiny moth crawled up my finger and I flicked it off and yet it comes tonight also.. It was the SAME one
XD ur haunted
I swear it was it was just as small and as fast
I keep finding these white moths everywhere :L
That's.. something for sure 0.0
I think it is attracted to my phone..
The lightttt :p
Yeah.. I just hope it's not a clothes moth eating holes through my blanket.. Or my bed XD
XD my mom would freak thou
Yeah XD I should turn down the brightness
Maybe it will go away
Hmm.. Maybe
Omg. So when I was little.. XD
OMG I am not going to sleep tonight
I had this tiny grasshopper I caught outside and I would let it out in the house.. And it would come back to me.. But like one day I let it out and forgot about it and my mom freaked out
XD Why not?
It just flew by my ear and made a really loud noise.. 😨
Lucky I'm not so girly or else I would be like: "EWW." Which is super annoying considering like everyone's afraid of bugs when they're like that :L
It scared me..
So yep. More annoying this way XD
Katy keeps snoring and it's making me laugh :3
It's like attacking me..
At me? DX
Kill it then..?
It just landed on my pillow
It was their for like 2 seconds
Trap it in like a jar or something XD
Amazing, a smart moth.
I will try
I used to do this.. But with like all bugs XD
My brother ate dead ants when he was like 2 and I think I told him to..? Idk I'm evil XD
Oh. I am scared of those weird worms
They are fat..
The ones in trees?
And I think they are called grubs
I hate them
No. Just. No.
Dude. I touched one before DX and I touched a slug because it looked like a dead baby bird and I screamed also.. My grandpa threw it over the fence XD
My friend used to eat ants alive
I think he squished they first before he put it in his mouth
They're protein!
Okie, ew. No.. EWWW
At my old school there are so many ant colonies..
That made me gag 0.0
I can't really go barefoot outside.. There are ants and they will bite.. They're not fire ants though, luckily.
Sorry.. πŸ˜•
Itz okie. πŸ˜„
They bite?
XD it hurts sometimes.
That's the bad thing about Hawaii.. There are so many ants that you have to put any traps in every room
Hawaii? :0 you've been to Hawaii?
So the house I stayed in there were like 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms and there was one with ants all over the ground
But in my bathroom bc I got my own room
Lucky still.. I never have went out of the country or very far away..
The shower was a bathtub also
XD okie
And it shot out a big ball of ants.. So did the sink
Well isn't Hawaii still part of the U.S. or no?
But still.
Haven't really traveled much in my lifetime..
I have been out of the country I forgot..
Mexico is not the U.S. and I've been their like 3 times
Airplanes scare me
My dad travels out of the country for his job sometimes and said once that he might take us to New York one year for Christmas..
I've been on a airplane once.. To Florida and back :L so technically twice
I have been to New York.. When I was like 1.. I am the only one in my family who's been to New York.. Not including my parents
Bc my sister or brother weren't born yet
Going to Washington D.C. and New York over Spring Break with my dad for a school trip, but like it was expensive and I don't know anyone going XD
I have been to.. Massachusetts, New York, Florida, Hawaii, Utah, Arizona, and Mexico.. 😐 I didn't realize how many states I have been to
Hmm.. I've been to.. Wisconsin, Michigan, Florida, Arkansas, Kansas, all the states to get to Wisconsin which I'm not going to try to name, Texas, Missouri..
XD I've been to a lot more than I thought too.
I'm excited but nervous honestly. GOING WITH MY DAD IS GOING TO DRIVE ME INSANE XD
Oh I think in 8th grade I can go on a trip to the east coast
Idk though it's a long ride
That's what scares me..
:D that's the exciting part though!
You literally get to see the world beneath you!
Nooo not for me..
I do not like airplanes
But it sounds funnn
I have a lot of bad experience with airplane trips
:L go if your friends are going?
I know it does.. And it is cool seeing the world under you but.. Airplanes scare me
Okie back :L
Yeah, ik, but if you have the chance you should go.
Yeah.. I should.. I just get bad and.. dark feelings in airplanes
I would go if I could honestly! :D it sounds so cool!
I am going to.. I guess if I can.. But I hope nothing bad happens.. 😣
Dylan, nothing will happen. Everything is okay. Plus you have a year to consider it.
You need to quit worrying!
I know.. Just.. All the shows and stories of airplanes..
Usually, those aren't real. So I mean like, everything will be fine!
And.. Idek now..
Well.. I will think about it..
Just.. Do what you're comfortable with.
A few days ago someone bought a lemon and it's just out on the counter in the kitchen so whenever I pass it I think of you.. ☺️😁
Aww.. ☺️
πŸ˜„ It's the truth.
I always think of you too.. 😊
Really? 😊
Yeah ☺️
Awww.. ☺️
Yeah.. Last Friday in my last class we got a bunch of candy and there were these Popsicles in my teachers refrigerator so when the bell rang I saw some people run across to our classroom so I followed them and I got this lemonade Popsicle 😊
But I didn't want it for a second and I thought of you.. And I wish I could have gave it to you.. 😊
☺️ Omg.. XD stop it ur making me blush
It's the truth.. But I had no one to give it to..
Well.. It was yours.
:L it feels weird blushing.. I don't really blush a lot.
Yeah but.. I didn't want it. And I didn't have anyone to give it to.. 😐
And it made me think of you
XD srsly though, you're making me blush
:D But you're being sweet <3
When we're older we could meet each other.
Probably. Why not?
I mean.. Like.. Idk.
Wait your joking right?
I was being completely serious.
Um.. Maybe?
Anything is possible
😁 I mean like, we could meet if you wanted to.. But probably not for a while..
Um.. Okay..
I totally made this super awkward.
No you didn't! It's fine 😊
Oh.. okay. I just thought so.. 😁 I mean friends always meet sometimes..
Yeah.. That's true. 😁
But I mean, sometimes they just don't know it's them.
But.. How would you know it's me or how would I know it's you?
Yeah, I made this awkward, sorry I'll drop it.
Hmm.. I'm not sure.
I'll probably have PC for a long time thou.. So we can always communicate.
D: No you didn't! I am fine. You can always talk to me.. I will be here for you
☺️ Okie. And I'll be here for you.
❀️ ☺️
I just realized I was really nervous to bring that up.. I guess I thought I'd sound like a creep..
No you don't! I was just surprised that you told me that.. 😊
Heh.. I'm random.. 😁 And yeah. I mean, it'd be nice to meet you!
Plus I wouldn't joke around like that.. 😁😊
I guess so.. But. Where?
I'm not sure... Like I said, it might not be for a few years.. πŸ˜πŸ˜”
Oh I wouldn't either..
Yeah.. Like 8 years.. 😞
D: Yeah..
But.. Like when we get older, we could probably call each other.. My parents probably wouldn't care then..
In 8 years.. I will be 20 and you will be 19? I think I am right? 😁
😞 I wish we could like now.. But my parents would find out and kill me..
Do you know what your golden birthday is?
What's that..?
Oh.. I wouldn't want to do that to you.. Then you would hate me..
No.. I would hate myself! ☺️ I could never hate you.
I think it's like when you..
So my birthday is June 21, 2003
When I turn 21 that's my golden birthday
That makes sense
Bc the day your birthday is on when you turn that number it's your golden birthday
Yeah.. My birthday is May 7, 2004.. usually have always been the youngest..
Wellll.. I'm already past 7.
:P whoops.
My brothers birthday is December 1st so he had his golden birthday when he was born XD
Wait no
Wow XD
Wait.. What?
When he was 1 year old
XD that makes more sense
I didn't really think of it
Before typing it
My brother doesn't let me take pictures of him but I secretly took one today of him XD
Thatz me everyday
Me too I took one of him on Saturday and he just stands their and does a weird face
XD my brother his face made me laugh and he tried to take me phone when he figured out what I was doing
XD πŸ˜„
I'm just like totally jealous of my brother's freckles XD I've always wanted freckles and I'm like the only one who has like 10.. :L
Yeah.. The bad thing is sometimes he takes them himself and I don't put a password on here bc he will try to get it until it locks my phone for like 31 years
My family all has the same password and they told me not to change it.. So basically my parents can get on my phone whenever they want.
That's happened to me before.. And you have to go to the Apple Store and get it reset.. It deletes everything off it
My dad warned me about that before.. And then my brother tried to guess my password, but I took my phone away from him XD
I have a lot of freckles.. ☺️
I srsly have like 10.. 😁
Soo.. 😁
Soo..? What now? πŸ˜„
Idk.. I think that moth is gone though πŸ˜„
XD Dylan
XD but ow. I laughed which resulted in coughing :L
What instrument do you play?
:( Sorry
The Tenor Saxophone 😊
It's okie, I'll still laugh. I need to laugh sometimes.
Cool! :D
My friend, she plays the trumpet, wants to switch to saxophone next year.
It's my first year with it.. Idk if I am good or not
Cool :)
Same.. I suck as far as I know 😁
XD yeah
Ooh! I know how to prove you're good! You got first chair.
Idk.. I played to Alto Saxophone for one year but then I decided to switch.. And it's my first time with it but I am still in intermediate band and not begging band :P
Um.. 😁
Basically here, as far as I understand, you choose an instrument to start with and then you can switch to similar instruments?
You can switch to whatever you want..
I'm in orchestra I don't know this stuff XD
Yeah.. 😊
We have a small orchestra though.. 😁 everyone is in band..
Oh.. last year there were so many people in band..
But now I am at a new school
There's probably like 25 of us.. 😁
Yeah in my class there is about..
35 or 40 people.. 😁
Yeah XD
Mostly trumpets
:L I had to remind myself that this is a small town XD
Oh, you're all combined?
Last year there were 2 beginning bands and when we had a concert we were combined.. There were easily over 60 of us
Not this year
Wow.. For our Winter concert we're combining with the other middle school here.
There is only 1 intermediate band
I get it now.
I'm so confused XD
Wow.. You do live in a small town
I can seriously look up the population, and it's going to be like barely any XD
About 36,000 two years ago
Oh.. I still do stupid things though.. I still doorbell ditch people ☺️😁
XD that's small.. o-O
There's me and my friend who lives two doors down and we're like the only kids..
Told you it was a small town, I seriously said that on Minecraft.
Yeah.. Once there was a big pothole in the middle of the road and my neighbor went and sat in it but then a car came so we yelled at him XD It's still there and it's lIke a chair
Well, my friend isn't THAT stupid.. Hopefully..? 😁 Her brother is though XD
Oh.. That's real small
What is?
Yeah another stupid thing I did once was I was on a kayak or a paddle board and there is a kind of boat called a catamaran and it is basically 2 parts with an open space in the middle so I went under it XD
I just do stupid things sometimes..
Yeah me too.. :P
Once, >>a few days ago<< I was reading on my phone, and I fell asleep on my phone and I must've been laying like ON the screen, because when I woke up I had no battery left XD
I might have to get off my phone soon..
But I can go on my iPad
I'm srsly so tired I'm hyper so I'm going to be up like all night and sleep through the day probably XD
Okie :3
I just don't know if I have PC on my iPad
Bc my phone has low battery
I'm pretty sure you can log on from the Internet too
Yeah you can
Okie cool!
But when I went on PC from the computer it didn't have a comment button :P
They must've not updated the Internet version?
Yeah idk
This only became a thing like a month ago XD
It would be cool if they did
It did?
Before you would've just had to remix/respond it was respond back then.
If I stop talking for a while just wait bc that's probably me getting my iPad when I run out of battery 😁
Okie! I understand, Dylan.
But I also might have to download PC on my iPad
I'm just sitting here on my bed charging my phone as we type XD
Oh lol
I might fall asleep soon honestly XD
Me too..
Ye, I'm too lazy to sit on the floor like I do when I play MC
If I do then I guess I will see you tomorrow? 😁
Itz basically 2AM :P
Basically if I'm not busy I check my phone like every two minutes XD
For you it's Monday lol I have 2 more minutes until Monday πŸ˜†
Monday is the worst day of the week.. Oh! I should turn off my alarm XD
Now I won't wake up at 6:30 :P
Wait do you have school this week?
:D do you?
Happy Monday XD
Ok good I thought you did for a second..
Nah, luckily not. If so I hopefully would've been sleeping?
Okie, cool.
I don't and thanks XD
XD yw
Yeah.. I am happy it's not as hot as before
Like in October it was 90 degrees over here
I was freezing.. XD I was sitting on the edge of my bed and my toes went numb..
Omg my feet are so cold DX
If my mom likes the cold so much she should sleep downstairs :L
It's still warm here.. Just not as warm
Ehh.. It was like 40 here.. my dad said a few days ago at like 4:30 it was snowing
I am not cold 😁 But right now my phone says it's 64 degrees outside
I'm going to die.. I'll see one second
36 :L
I'm going to become a Popsicle soon DX
You're lucky it's warm there! My parents still want to move up NORTH. COLDER. DX
I would probably feel the same as you rn if I was where you are..
XD I don't think I'm going to survive another 8 years of cold
Yeah, especially since you're used to it being warm..
I probably will, just going to be wearing like 8 layers of clothes 0.0
Well.. I went to Utah when I went skiing and when I got out of the car there was snow but I still felt warm without a jacket
I was wearing a short sleeve shirt XD
:0 lucky
I FREEZE to death here every year.. I seriously have just been drinking warm tea in the morning.
If I try to put on that many jackets..
I will get that heat thing..
On Saturday I was wearing a coat and a jacket
Then I will pass out
Saturday was so hot :0
Lucky! It was like 30 with the wind chill :L
I won't
XD I've been trying so hard not to get sick but like I have terrible allergies and everyone thinks I'm sick :L
I don't think I am sick rn
I hope not
:L in fourth grade I was almost always sick
I've been sick only like 2 this year..?
I think I got the flu in January and August..
I remember fourth grade.. It was fun for me..
Is it bad?
I was sick the entire year.. Including Christmas.. I ruined Christmas.. I puked on accident 0.0
Not really for me.. Just last time I had it.. I couldn't move or like I got really dizzy and nauseous..
It sounds bad
Yeah, I guess 😁
Depends on the person, my mom has different effects..
Oh.. I don't wanna find out what mine are.. 😟
:L you shouldn't want to. Unless you like feeling terrible.
Yeah I don't.. So I am not 😁
Yeah, that's good. If I'm around anyone that's sick, I basically get sick though.. 😁😐
:o 20%
I might have to go like right now.. My eyes are halfway closed XD
I'll talk to you tomorrow, okie?
Okie Goodnig- Goodmorning XD
Goodmorning XD ❀️
Wait. I'll talk to you later today I mean
<3 ☺️
Byee ! <3 😊☺️
Yeah XD
Bye <3 😊
Goodmorning! πŸ˜„
Goodmorning 😊
Sorry, I was ignoring my phone for a while XD
Today was horrible.. At least for me. πŸ˜•
What? Why?
Wait.. Did someone do something? πŸ˜”πŸ˜
Are you there? 😞
Yeah. Just reading on my phone.
So what's wrong then?
Well.. After sailing when we were driving home I accidentally bumped my brothers booster seat because he was right next to me and he threw his fist at my face..
Then my nose started to bleed.. πŸ˜•
Oh.. 😁
And when we were going into the restaurant for dinner my brother was trying to spit on me and I tried to jump over those things infront of the parking spot..
I almost tripped and my toes were bleeding.. 😞 That's why.
Please don't say what I think you're going to say.
Okie. Nvm. That's not too bad..
What do you think I am gonna say?
I honestly don't know XD
XD o-o
My brother was pretty annoying today too.. 😐😁
Apparently I told him I liked someone, and so he brought it up in front of my friend, and she told him and then she started to say something about you and I literally gave her a death glare
Oh.. Yeah same here..
My brother doesn't need to know everything about me.. :L
About me..?
Um.. Yeah. My brother doesn't know that you're my friend actually, he'd tell my parents that I talk to people online or something..
But my friends do.. 😁
I am so lucky my brother knows not to play with my phone.. πŸ˜…
Same, my brother knows I'd murder him. 😊
I am lucky he is only 4 and knows basically nothing. 😁
My brother is 9 and he's basically useless with all the technology stuff.. He doesn't listen to my dad when he explains it to us..
My brother thinks he is playing a game.. When he is on the App Store downloading something.. Or clicking all the buttons on the computer..
I basically got all the mods and texture packs my brother has for him.. :L
My dad gave up on trying to teach him how XD
I don't know how to get mods or texture packs.. πŸ˜” I wish I did
My dad srsly searched it up on the Internet and then taught me.. The Internet actually helps.
I'm telling you, he doesn't listen.
I tried that.. Most of the websites that show up for me are total scams because you can just tell by how the website looks 😐
Oh.. For texture packs I use Planet Minecraft which makes it easier bc it basically walks you through it
Oh.. My friend told me that's the best website for downloading mods but I still can't :L
Yeah, that's usually where I got my mods from..
Oh.. I just find it hard moving all the files into different files and that stuff XD
Oh, I'm afraid to get mods now, bc last time I did.. I got a virus and we had to restart almost all of our computers and my dad HATED me for it
I am afraid of downloading stuff from the internet now..
Yeah.. I really don't trust myself..
I tried downloading this paint game on my computer and it like made the screen flash.. And even though my dad says the virus is gone.. It still flashes every once in a while.. 😣
Because my brother just likes to play on those paint websites when he is on a computer XD
:0 that didn't happen for me.. Just everything was really slow..
Oh yeah, I used to like to do that too when I could :P
Oh.. I get scared when it flashes though.. It just gives me a creepy feeling when it does..
0.0 it sounds creepy
Soo what else is new, other than you basically bled all day?
I don't play Minecraft on it though, I play it on my moms computer because mine has a virus
I don't know..
XD I srsly didn't have a life today and was on my computer all day
Yeah I did basically bleed all day XD
XD yeah.. I kinda figured that. :P
I also fell off my skateboard.. I didn't get hurt I just ruined my shirt πŸ˜•
:L quit trying to kill yourself, Dylan.
Luckily it wasn't near the dock where I could fall in the water XD
Itz the truth. It seems like you're trying to today.. 😁
XD that would be interesting
D: srsly though. Don't try to!
I wasn't.. :c But I did almost choke on water today.. I don't know what is wrong with me today XD
DYLAN! Oml! Srsly! XD
Okie I will stop
Good! D: I can't lose you!
Me neither.. πŸ˜₯
πŸ˜” Srsly.. Idk what'd I do..
I would be heart broken if something bad happened to you.. Idk what I would do.. 😰
D: If something did happen to me: Just move on, I want to see you happy, always know that.
No I can't! Brb
Okie, and yes, you can.
I would never! I am starting to cry..
No and nothing bad will happen.. Trust me
Please.. πŸ˜₯
Okay.. I trust you.. Just if something did..
Just know, I couldn't be happy, knowing you're unhappy.
Well.. I would have to put myself out of it if I lost you.. But none of us would like it that way.. πŸ˜₯
And it wouldn't be fun.. for any of us..
Dylan.. Just.. You would have to try for me.
I know.. But.. It's better when you're happy.
What do you mean?
Well.. People say that when people around you are happy, you're happy.
No.. I would never be happy if something happened to you.. And..
Nothing is going to happen.. Please.. Just.. Can we talk about something else..?
Dylan, you have to understand I feel the same if something happened to you, but you need to be happy! I'm not the only person in your life, you're going to like.
Of course..
Well.. let's talk about something else.. I am crying right now.. πŸ˜₯
I wish I never brought this up.. Really..
I'm so sorry.. This is my fault.. πŸ˜”
No it never would've happened if I shut my mouth.. I started it telling you about my horrible day
Dylan. Stop. Right. Now. I wanted to know about your day. And I brought this up. I'm sorry. Okie? We don't have to argue about this.
Okay.. D:
So.. What do you want to talk about..?
I don't know..
You can decide... I'm sorry for making you cry, Dylan..
I forgive you.. It's not that big of a deal.. Right?
It is to me.. πŸ˜”
No.. I don't want to make you feel bad.. Please just believe me..
It was only like a minute.. And I don't want to make you feel like you did something wrong..
I believe you completely, I just feel bad about every mistake I make in life.. πŸ˜πŸ˜”
Okay.. As long as I am here.. I will keep you safe..
Dylan, a minute is far too long to cry still.. 😞
Dylan.. You don't need to protect me, you know?
I don't know.. I don't know anything right now.. 😞
But okie.. Only if you say so..
It's okie.. Everything is okie.
I'm fine! I can defend myself. I promise. I may not be able to defend my feelings.. But still.
Life is okay. I promise.
Dylan, please, tell me if I ever hurt you..
You never have! I don't want you to say that.. Because I know that you never will..
I don't know about me.. Sometimes I can't tell..
You haven't. I promise. But I know I say stupid things sometimes.. Sometimes I don't realize I say them.. Or type them.. Until I can't take them back.
K I am here.
What now..? I really don't feel like talking about that anymore.. 😁
Um.. So..
Soo.. 😁
Idk what to say XD
Yeah.. Um..
What are you doing for Thanksgiving, I guess?
I think I am going to my parents friends house
Like we usually do. 😐
What about you?
I'm going to see my uncle.. 😊
Cool :D
Yeah. It's cool that you have like a tradition.
Idk.. All me, My sister, and brother do is watch a movie.. Bc we are that only kids there :(
Yeah.. I don't have any cousins or anything so it's kind of lonely when we go somewhere with our family..
Yeah.. My cousins live on the east coast..
It would be a long way over here for them..
And they don't really travel a lot
My family does though
Oh.. That's sad.. But I mean most likely I'm not going to have cousins. I have half-cousins as my dad calls them.. My parents', cousins' kids XD
That's cool! My family doesn't have much time to travel really..
But I don't like airplanes.. I am sure you know already..
Yep, you told me this like yesterday XD
If you could travel to any place in the world where would you go?
Yeah XD
Hmm.. Canada. What about you?
Maybe Alaska? Idk 😁
Ooh! I've been to Alaska.. But it was a LONG time ago..
Do you remember what it's like?
No. I was srsly like 1...
Oh.. :P
Yeah.. I think we were visiting family.. 😁 idk for sure
Alaska would be fun.. Maybe.. Because I would be able to go anywhere using a sled XD
Except up a hill
Maybeee XD
But I would freeze to death if I went to Canada.. Oh well :P
Idk.. :s
Canada is cold?
You probably would too since you're used to it being warm, it's cold all year long in Alaska..
Yeah.. I think? Idk.
Wait.. I should know this.. You kinda taught me 😊
It's way up north of course it's cold XD
XD yeah
Wait.. How did I teach you this?? XD I have like short-term memory sometimes
Idk.. You said your parents wanted to move up north more where it's colder??? 😁
Oh.. Yeah.. XD
Idek why I can't think rn :L
Sooo what else is new XD
Well goodnight, Dylan. I'll see you tomorrow. ❀️☺️
πŸ˜• I fell asleep.. Sorry 😁
I will try not to hurt myself anymore XD
I will see you later today. Not until later though.. 😊
It's okie. I already hurt myself today XD
I kinda tripped on our stairs and passed out..
Hey.. I am home 😊
I hope you are okie D:
And tbh.. If I had stairs in my house.. I would ride laundry baskets down the for fun 😊
Even though it sounds like I would kill myself.. I would still try it ☺️
XD ours suck, they stop in the middle and they're tile and metal :L
I was telling you not to kill yourself and then I tried to kill myself I guess.. 😁
D: No wonder you passed out! That must have hurt a lot!
Yeah I was gonna say that XD
It was actually because I hit a nerve.. And I actually passed out in my mom's arms luckily and not on the stairs.. 😁
:P my life is a crazy one for sure
Oh.. Thank gosh.. That would have hurt a lot..
Yeah, no kidding.. But I woke up on the floor XD and my mom said she didn't put me on the floor.. 0.0
What did you think when you woke up?
I saw my mom and brother looking down at me telling my name and I was like: "What..? Oh.." and remembered and started to freak out
*yelling not telling XD
At least you are okay.. That's what matters the most <3 😊
XD I would've been okay, even if I did break my foot or something. :P
Wait are you okay
:D so you didn't hurt yourself today, right?
Um.. Yeah 😊
Yeah. Just tired of being poked and prodded.. .-. I was at my grandparents' house and I kicked a chair right where I hit it earlier.
Good! XD 😊
Owie D:
Yeah, and I literally like was so mad at myself for that bc then my mom started to freak out again.. :l
You sound like what I went through yesterday.. Just way worse. πŸ˜•
Nah. I've been way worse. Just be glad I'm not in a coma or something :L
Yeah.. o-o
THAT would be way worse.
Be back in an hour or like hour and a half.. :L Family.
I don't really know what a coma is though.. I think it's where you sleep for a long time..?πŸ˜‚
Okie, I'm back.
A coma is when you basically fall asleep/pass out and nobody can wake you up.
Yeah.. 😁
I had to empty the dishwasher and I had to take a shower.. πŸ˜•
Itz okie. I had to play a game with my family before they sent me to bed XD where I now lay texting my friends and talking to u
Yeah, my friends don't sleep I don't think XD
And.. last night when you said you weren't the only person in my life I would like..
You are probably right but it won't matter if I do because you are the only person that likes me back..
.. Dylan, don't say that.. You don't know that for sure.
No it's true.. And I can tell. It's easy.
Dylan! DX
What? :L
Don't say that! You honestly don't know. I've always thought that too, but look, I'm wrong.
Yeah.. I meant there is no one else that likes me back besides you..
I can tell and it is really easy too.
Well, you realize that's what I've always thought? But I mean, you and someone else likes me.. 😁
Dylan! Stop!
But they admitted it.. And no one has ever told me that, you are the only person who has..
You. Don't. Know. That. For. Sure. So. Stop! DX
Well.. Okie. 😞
Wait. Someone will. I promise. Okie?
Thank you.. I don't want you to be sad.. πŸ˜”
Yeah but.. How should I know?
You will. I promise.. ☺️
You'll know for sure
But.. I like you..?
Just.. Someone likes you, other than me, and is afraid to tell you. Okie? That's usually how it is.
Dylan... I mean.. Oh. My. Gosh. Um.
Well.. That will just make my life harder..
Dylan! DX
But.. I like you..?
It's the way of life, nobody's life is perfect.
Yeah. But knowing the guys I know, you like someone else too?
I know.. Just.. Nevermind..
Not anymore.. Because.. I like you now.. I don't know how to stop..
:L Dude. No secrets are kept from me, I'll eventually find out :p
Now I feel super guilty.. 😁
Of what?
Well.. I guess we should just be friends..? πŸ˜” It will make both our lives better
It's your choice.. I understand both ways.. πŸ˜•
Well.. I can do something.. That might make it better?
There.. 😁
Delete what I said.. :P
Okie, I'll delete what I said too XD
There. 😁 I'm so sorry..
So.. XD
I am fine.. Don't feel sorry.. 😐
I don't want to go through last night again..
Dylan, it's obvious you aren't. You can't lie that easily. :L
Oh.. Yeah.
Srsly though.. 😐 I am not lying.
Okie, fine. I'll believe you.. 😁
I wouldn't lie to you.. Trust me.. And you probably think I am but I am not.
So.. I guess you day was bad XD
Yep.. How was yours?
Better than yesterday ☺️
I am not hurt! 😊
That's good. ☺️
XD that's an accomplishment.
Yeah.. Bc I decided not to bring my skateboard
But then I kinda rode my friends skateboard
But I didn't fall :D
Oh. So what have you been doing? I mean you've been gone all day, you've been doing something?
XD That's fantastic
Sailing.. :L
Sounds fun. :3
Yeah.. 😊
Well, at least you've been having fun! :D Someone always needs to be happy, and everyone else will be happy.
XD I'm so confused
Idk XD
Oh okie XD πŸ˜„
Soo.. What's new? :p
Um.. Not much.. I am going to have to eat dinner soon..
That's okie. I'll be here until like 2 in the morning XD
Maybe. I might fall asleep XD
Yeah I have to eat right now.. πŸ˜• So see you maybe later..? Probably not tomorrow though..
Okie, and yeah, I'm pretty busy tomorrow. 😁
Oh okie.. So.. Goodnight.. For a little while XD
Goodnight for a little while XD πŸ’™
Okie I am done with dinner 😊
Okie! Sorry I was watching a video :p
Are you still there..? 😁
Okie, just checking..
Well I am going to watch a movie.. My dad told me to.. So I will see you later tonight..?
Of course! I'll be on for a while, at least another two hours, most likely.
Have fun! <3
Okay <3 See you later ☺️
See you! :D <3 ☺️
Okie.. :D
XD Byeee <33
I am back.. 😊
Okie! Like I said, I'm here :P
Okie ☺️
Sorry, I was like yelling at my friend in texts, she's still awake and I'm like: "Go to sleep!" And she's like refusing XD
She said she's stuck in the couch >>she's in a hotel rn<< and so now I'm laughing
It's hilarious what my friends do XD and now she's like: "WHY ARE YOU STILL UP AT THIS HOUR?!" And I was like: "I fell asleep and you woke me up by texting me.."
What do I do with my life XD
Idek.. o.o
:P sooo
What now..? 😁
Idk.. XD what'd you watch?
Charlie Brown XD
I think my brother chose it then he wanted me to watch it
Ohh XD my brother was been trying to get me to watch Netflix with him, but basically I ignore him.. 😁😊
XD ☺️
Yep, my brother would just talk through whatever it is we're watching anyways :L
Omg.. They have a lemon emoji.. :P
My best friend keeps saying it's a mango.. and I was like: "It's a lemon..?"
Wait I'm confused now XD
My friends always complain I'm confused but they're confusing :P
It's a lemon. I think.
Okie XD
XD Idek anymore
Soooo.. 😊
πŸ˜„ What else is new?
Idk o-o
Same. I was thinking about getting on Creative but like nobody is ever on at night anymore :P
Yeah.. Once there were like.. 10 people including me..
Yep I got on like an hour ago there was like 8.. :L
Ye, nobody is like on very much anymore :L like ever
Mhm.. 😐
I usually don't have a lot of time to play.. But when I do I try to get on creative for a little while
Soo.. What's new? I srsly didn't really do anything today.. :/
Yeah, same. Unless like, Muskey, asks me to get on a diff server
Soooo.. Like what do you want to talk about today?
I haven't RP'd in a while
I like RP everyday with everyone :L
"RP'd" XD
Amazing XD
Lucky D:
Nah, I'm kinda pulled into it. My friends started relying on me, so like today I couldn't but like they srsly had the nerve to call me and ask anyways! DX
Yep. My life everyday: When I wake up: *buzz buzz buzz* All the texts say the exact same thing "Do you want to get on Minecraft with me?"
I usually wake up from all texts I get :L
Poor Morgan 😦
Meh, I'm used to it XD
Just like when I tell one of my friends I stayed up late or something she's all like: "Are you tired?" if I say no she likes kills me XD She literally made me like excerise last time..
I can't spell again omg XD
That's me.. Always 😊
Yep. Just to mess with my friends after that I usually don't spell like anything I say right XD
πŸ˜„ It's all fun and games :3
☺️ Yep. XDD so what now?
I don't know..
Ummm.. XD trying to think of something 😊
Okie ☺️
Oh! So.. Um.. This is going to be weird, but like, since you don't like pictures of yourself, describe you to me.. You know what I look like. ☺️
Sorry if like that sounded creepy XD
Well.. I have a lot of freckles.. And I have greenish brown eyes..?
And black hair
:D cool
My eyes are like yours but in pictures usually come out as like brown :L
Mine change XD.. I am weird.. :P
Woah! Really?!
o-o Yeah..
:D Epic
Thanks <3
You said that I wouldn't like you if I found out what you looked like, and know what..? :3
I didn't know what you would think.. When I told you my eyes can change color
I think you sound adorable. πŸ˜„β€οΈ
They do it randomly
It's cool! I mean I've heard people claim it before.. But idk
Aww.. Really? ☺️
Yes, really :D ☺️
πŸ˜„ I srsly think so, like I said, I don't joke around a lot.. 😁
Yeah.. I don't either.. Except once.. I did, on clash of clans and I said "Wallbreakers plz (jk)" when I requested and my friend literally said "Idk what "jk" means so I gave you Wallbreakers" I got so mad
And now I know not to
My dad and I are the only ones like ever on, in my clan, so like he'll ask for people to donate and I'll be all like: "No." and then he'll just keep asking everyone to donate XD
And I finally give up and quit responding to him :p
Yep. My dad says he's more like a 5 year old trapped in an adult's body and I agree XD
There a few people on in my clan.. I have a townhall 8 in my clan and he has donated like 2,000 troops o3o
So I am thinking of making him Co Leader soon
Maybe for Christmas XD
0.0 That used to be me.. In different clans where ppl got on XD
Kewl. :3
I like totally am giving up on my clan soon and like ditching them :p my dad's going to complain but like, he can come too probably XD
I think I'm like TH7? Idk.. I'll look
I am TH 7.. I kinda rushed it though bc I was upgrading to TH 6 then I had enough gold and just started TH 7 right away.. Now I need to upgrade all my defenses and walls :P
Yeah, TH7 XD I started this like 2 years ago and I still suck
Oh. I just maxed out all my walls and like now I'm upgrading everything else owo
I started like 18 months ago.. I stopped playing for a while because everyone in my old clan stopped playing clash of clans and I was the only one in that clan that would actually log on
Yeah, I had a friend on COC who let me join his clan, but then I guess like he totally forgot about it.. So I left and made RainbowNinjas for all my friends and that clan failed so now, here I am.. With UnicornSwag.. .-.
I still have level 5 walls πŸ˜•
My friends agreed to only join if it was UnicornSwag:/
And I don't have barbarian king yet XD
Neither do I..
:3 Hewwo
Hai o3o
XD when I read that I started choking from laughing 030
I'm a little insane, from today and being tired XD
I didn't know I could make people laugh that easily XD
My friends say I'm not happy but here I am laughing for no reason at all XD
Yeah.. I wouldn't ride a laundry basket down your stains bc you said they were tile and steel o-O
I wish I had stairs in my house.. So I could try to do it.. And record it XD
I told my parents we should cover them with carpet and then they gave me weird looks.. 0.0
I would put my bean bag at the bottom of the stairs XD
XD That's not really safe, but it'd be funny XD
And I said XD twice on accident 0.0
I know.. I told you I do stupid things XD
So do I! XD
Plus, like what's not cool is if you did.. Downstairs like has this stupid carpet that would give you carpet burn :L
Omg. That scared me XD I didn't realize what time it is
Owie! DX
Every night around like 12:30 a train goes by and it scared me.. :L
Ye.. I don't really like being downstairs much XD
I don't live near trains.. I live in a quiet neighborhood.. Whenever there isn't school bc my brothers school is like 2 houses down from my house 😐
And.. People come over the hill we live on and completely ignore the stop sign that is there.. Then my dad yells at them.. πŸ˜•
Lucky! I'm pretty sure it's all the way across town too.. But it's a not a big city so that's not very far away :L
Oh, wow. 😁
My dad is really busy.. And I only got to see him so much today because I passed out..
Oh.. D:
Yeah.. My mom takes care of us during the day really. But I mean today I'm pretty sure I scared everyone more than they ever have been scared.. 0.0 It scared me too honestly, I was crying because my mom was. 😁
Yeah. :L I get sad like whenever other people feel sad..
Yeah.. That was my brother when he was like 2.. Whenever he heard someone crying he would cry with them.. But he would like get mad at the same time.. It scared me every time he did it..
DX I feel like really bad when someone's sad, so I seriously will cry with them, and then like feel sad afterwards even though usually I wasn't even sad before.
Yeah that's what my brother did.. o.o
c: I'm not alone! My friends think it's weird I'm pretty sure.. :l
Yeah.. There is one reason I am not enjoying this school year..
Or I am not going to..
What? Why?
Because.. My birthday is on the last day of school.. But my parents are still going to make me go to school..
Srsly? :o
And we don't really do anything on the last day of school.. :c
Yeah XD
Wait. When do you start school, then? Our school year always starts in August and goes like half-way through May..
Wowwww. I'm so sorry for your loss 😁
:o Whattt! My school starts in September and ends in June D:
Well, we leave in like different parts of the country..
You get to start Summer before me :c
You get to start school after me! DX
I don't mind school, but I'd rather be at home like reading and stuff.
XD and stuff, yes so descriptive. Stuff as in being lazy all day :P
I don't mind it either.. Just some days can be really long for me.. Idk why..
But our half days are weird
My weeks have seemed to go by fast for me.. I mean like soon it's going to be Winter Break already!
Whenever it's a half day we have our lunch moved to a different time
Woah, what do you mean by Half-Days?
And I don't get it.. I only have 1 half day every month.. But on our half days we get out later than my old school even though they have half days every week :c
You don't have half days?
What are they?
XD that's why I freaked out. I thought you were KIDDING.
Omigosh you need to come to San Diego.. o-o
I would if I could, Dylan.
One day each month.. On a Thursday all of our classes are shortened.. But I don't like it bc my lunchtime is later :L
Wait.. Srsly? :o
Yes.. Seriously.
Oh. My. GOSH. XD that sounds so cool! :/ Oklahoma is so boring, I guess XD
You know how I remember Oklahoma? 😁
Sometimes I wish I could move somewhere warmer but then I'd be really pale XD
The state that kinda looks like a cooking pot :P
Omg what XD
We were like taught to memorize it as our home state 0.0 So like now it's just like: "Yep. There's Oklahoma, they boring state of oil."
That's okie! It doesn't matter if your pale.. I don't think.. :L
Idek I'm self conscious Xd
Have you ever looked at a map and like the shape of the state is like a square with a handle..? Maybe..? 😁
State of oil?
Oh.. Those oil pump things?
Yep. We're known for oil drilling.. :L And kind of..
That go up and down with the weigh on the back?
XD yes. There's tons of those
Oh.. I might sound crazy but 😁 That's how I remembered Oklahoma..
Nah, that's usually how we're remembered.. Our state is basically only a state because of oil.
Yeah.. We have these giant platforms in the middle of the ocean that pump oil.. But they are far out.. And literally they are just cement pillars holding up a bunch of little small tubes pulling oil from under the ocean..
It's not fun when they explode though..
Wow. I didn't know about those.. What's California known for?
Yeah.. Those things caused a big oil spill.. That killed a lot of birds and fish and like everything in the water..
DX that's what's causing some of the pollution..
I don't think people are on them though.. Unless they are somehow collecting it or doing something..
Hm.. Idk XD
I think the oil runs through a long pipe that is under ground or under water.. Which isn't really safe.. :L
Yeah.. 0.0
Idk what California is known for.. I am gonna search it up
Okie! :3
Apparently it's known for more than 1 thing..
A lot of things o-o
I think it was.. Hollywood, Sunny weather, costal beaches, and stuff like that
Well, you do live in one of the largest states.
That sounds nice XD then there's Oklahoma; oil drilling.
:3 But it's nice here!
When it's warm. XD
That's good 😊
Same here c:
Ye. I wish you lived near me though, or I lived near you.
XD Dylan, it's always warm there
☺️ Then we could actually meet each other.
πŸ˜” But sadly... We live like 14 hours apart at least.
Yeah 😊 That would be nice.. :c
Wait..? How is it 14 hours? Like from an Airplane or a car?
Yeah.. c: But like I said we always could meet each other when we're older. Even if it is 8 years, I'd still meet up with you.
Idk. I was guessing XD
Yeah ☺️ <3
c: <3
Well from a plane it would be like 2 hours.. Because it's usually 4 or 5 for me to fly to the east coast
I'm not sure..
A car.. Would take like.. I think about 2 days.. o-o
Yeah, no kidding 0.0
Because it takes me 14 hours to drive to Utah.. It's pretty long
Utah is like almost halfway to Oklahoma. 😁
Probably more than 2 days.
Yeah.. Maybe
Maybe 3 days? 😁
I once took a like 30 minute plane ride to Los Angeles.. Idk why but I guess we had to go their before we could go on the plane that took us to where we were going
I think it was Hawaii.. I am not sure though..
Oh. Well that's cool! I mean like, getting to go somewhere, isn't something you get to do everyday!
Yeah.. Except.. Airplanes..
I've only flown to Florida and that's it XD
Dylan, there's an 80% that the plane won't like explode or anything like that! Well probably more like 50% chance.. but still!
If something did happen... D:
What?! 50%?!
80%! Keep it there!
So like out of the about 30 times I have been in an airplane I survived a 50% chance?
Noo! That's not what I meant! *facepalm*
I thought it was like 90%?
Maybe? Idk. Don't listen to my judgment though, it's like always off XD
Oh.. Okie..?
Should I search it up
Just.. Idk. Um, if it makes you feel better you can think that.
Idk XD I was trying to help and I made it worse
Sorry.. 😁
Well your right there is an 80% chance it won't explode.. What about everything else?
0.0 What. I was right?
What if.. The plane ran out of fuel?
No I didn't search it yet
I was like guessing numbers XD my family always teases me when I do that.. :P
Oh okie
But the only reason a plane would explode is if someone planted a bomb before the plane leaves
I mean like it most likely won't..?
Dude. Like.. Nothing is going to happen.
It would also have to be the seat right under the fuel tank
Like.. Maybe I would be okay if we had to make a landing not near the airport but.. There is basically no way a plane can explode
Yeah, but don't worry about it! It like srsly won't!
XD my comments r like so late
Okay I think you are right.. It said you have a higher chance of dying on a beach by getting hit in the head with a coconut than dying from a plane crash
0.0 That's comforting.. For people who don't live near coconut trees..
Or you have a higher chance of dying in a car crash than a plane crash
Because you don't have beaches near you D:
Yeah.. That's sad thou DX So many deaths a year..
I'm sorry! I'd rather have beaches than like constant roads everywhere! DX
Well you are probably right.. I should stop worrying about airplanes.. o-o
My advice: Don't go under any palm trees.. 0.0
XD I would be worrying more about coconuts now
They are hard to break..
It would break your skull before breaking itself..
Wait.. Please don't worry about anything..? 😁
0.0 I've never had a good coconut before. My dad bought some, but they all were rotten or something..
Okie.. I will try no to.. 😁
That's comforting.. I have a new fear: coconuts 0.0
Thank chuuuu! <3
I don't eat them.. Or whatever you do with coconuts.. I just tried smashing one at my friends house with a sledgehammer and it took 1 try when I thought it would take 3
Well.. Don't hit yourself hit the sledgehammer if you ever do that again.. 😁
I won't XD
You make pinΓ  colodΓ s! XD Idek if I did that right
Good. :3 πŸ˜„ I worry about like everything XD
Idk how and.. Don't those have like.. Alcohol in them?
Not always! 0.0 You think I would have one then?
It's pinapple and coconut, Dylan! XD
Idek.. I just remember someone telling me what was in them.. Then I wanted to be safe by not having them anymore XD
But I remember now.. It's been like 3 years since I've had one though.. That's probably why.. :c
I'm not 21 I'm pretty sure, either, or a rebel enough to actually drink alcohol. 0.0 I srsly am like freaking out when my parents drink alcohol
Okay.. :P
I've had like a slushy thing of one XD
Dude. I'm not like an alcoholic.. Or anything like that. 0.0
I know! Just.. Remember how I told you about that person who was my friend but now he is a jerk to everyone?
He is kind of an idiot.. 😐
He took his dad's beer and drank it..
Okie? I'm confused XD
Wait. WHAT
Yeah.. DX
0.0 Oml. That's.. Uh.. Something. Like. Ew.
My parents made me try their beer before when I was little to like teach me a lesson I think..
Then he told me it tasted good.. And I was like: Dude.. Your going to get messed up in the brain..
What did you do?
My brother wants to try my dads beer.. But he is four so it's not as bad as knowing what's in it when you are older DX
Like I seriously remember me like gagging and stuff XD they only gave us a tiny sip but it was disgusting..
What. Is. Wrong. With. That. Guy? 0.0
I think it is made of like wheat.. That's all I know
Yeah.. Me and my brother were literally like 5 and 3..
It's like different stuff everytime.
I'm all like laying here disgusted at this XD like what the heck? Why are we talking about this stuff? 0.0
Yeah.. It's disgusting..
Um.. Idk.. Should we stop?
Yep :s
XD that late comment actually worked.
Mine never work.. Idk why
I was like: .. another late comment.. great.. OMIGOSH FINALLY ONE ACTUALLY WORKED XD
Mine like never of :3
*do UGH autocorrect
Oh no.. D:
I have 20% battery
Nuuu DX don't leave me!
I should actually go to sleep.. 😁
I have to wake up at like 7:30, so I'm actually awake at 8:30 XD
So, um, goodnight Dylan. <3 c: ❀️ ☺️
Goodnight Morgan <3 😊
I'll see you tomorrow, maybe at like 11 your time? I'm not sure? Well, goodnight.. 😊 <3
Goodmorning, Dylan. I'll see you later. <3
Goodmorning ☺️
I'm home, brb though, I have to do some chores
Okie :D
I do to πŸ˜•
So see you later 😊
I'll be back in like an hour.. I kinda am not supposed to be on my phone rn XD
Okie XD
Back. XD for like a while now :3
Soooo.. What's new?
Dylan? D:
I have to go see my grandma.. I will be back in like 2 hours D: So see you maybe when I'm back.. Or later tonight. 😊 Bye
Oh okie! Bye! Have fun!
I guess we'll talk tonight..? 😁
I am back 😊
Haiiii X3
Sorry I had to go for a while..
Okie XD
Omg I am terrible at checking my phone, so sorry XD
It's okie XD
Me too :P
I'm on Creative like working on my plot and totally forgot.. 0.0
Oh.. Should I get on creative..? 😁
You can if you want, I'm changing my skin yet again XD
Okie.. I guess I will XD
Okie, meet me at my plot.
So how did it look? :D
>>The flag btw<<
It looks great :D
Fantabulous! :D
Yeah ☺️
XD I have a headache from staring at the screen for so long.
I was just putting some signs XD
Oh okie XD
D: Then you should go to bed
Nah. I'm fine.
I don't wanna make you have a headache DX
You don't.. Idk I've been thinking too much maybe..
Oh.. Okie.. Only if you say so..
Srsly. I probably won't be able to sleep anyways :P
Oh.. :c
Yeah. That's usually what happens after we stop talking for the day/night I read for an extra hour usually..
Oh :L
Yeah. I don't think I like sleeping XD
So what's new today?
:L same.
So.. What should we talk about today? XD
Well.. Today for you XD
Today for me? My day was boring XD
It's still Wednesday here o-o
And Thursday for chu c:
Yep :D
My day so far, I guess great since I'm talking to you! <3 :D
I had to rethink that :L
Aww thanks ☺️
πŸ˜„ I was thinking it was Wednesday
Yw, Dylan <3
I was like: "Wait what.. oh right.. All the Thanksgiving texts."
I'm still sort of upset at Aqua, honestly. You don't want meet my bad side 😁 I will seriously rage.
Yep. 😊
You should ask my brother XD
Idek if I have a bad side :P
I try not to. But my brother basically drives me insane everyday..
He'll seriously come up and hit my shoulder to make me mad or something.
😐 Same here.. Except I don't always get that mad..
XD I do bc he won't quit it
When I do.. 😁 Lets just say someone gets hurt
Yep. My brother usually I twist his arm or something barely and he'll complain about it to my parents :L
Your brother sounds like my brother :o
XD That's bc we have younger brothers, and younger siblings try to annoy older siblings. :P
I've never hurt anyone seriously though..
Idk about your brother.. But my brother is a devil.. 😐
Oh nooooo DX they're texting AGAIN?
Yep. Pretty much.
This is literally his face when he is coming to annoy me 😈
Then when I get to the point where I am mad.. Someone will get hurt.. :c
My brother tries to act like an angel but basically he finds everything I do wrong hilarious which also causes me to get frustrated with him :l
Sometimes it's me.. Or my brother.. Or both of us.. o-O
That's.. something. 😁
Oh.. :L
I've never been THAT mad. I've just felt like I'm going to murder my brother :3
Well sometimes he thinks it's good when I am mad and then he tries to hurt me.. :c
Well.. You would understand why that happens.. He spits in my face.. >:L
Pretty much XP
And he will laugh when I am mad
EWWW DX My brother just like tries his best to do everything I do wrong for me to do it in front of my friends, yelling when I'm on the phone.. :L
Wow. My brother does that too, laughs and I'm like: "NATHAN YOU THINK THAT IS FUNNY?" And then basically I freak out on him :L
Yeah.. He is crazy
Yeah but my brother is skittish and he laughs then runs away and hides
Yeah, I'm pretty sure we all are XD
My brother usually locks himself in the bathroom and then I just like sit outside the door and when he opens it he screams and I find it hilarious.
I'm like: "You've done this so many times and I do the exact same thing.." :L
And my brother thinks it's cute to act stupid :l
XD My brother acts like he was innocent.. When he started it
Ikr?! My parents never believe it was HIM. >:l
And then usually I get frustrated with everyone and like hug one of our dogs XD
Yeah.. Because they are younger they think it's okay.. >:o
Yeah! My brother is only 2 years younger than me too.. So like he's old enough to know this stuff!
Usually little Poof >>AKA Katy<<
My brother is.. 8 years younger.. But idc because he still does the same thing EVERY DAY. :c
Little poof :D
Ikr, no matter the age they're always going to be freaking annoying :L
XD yeah my dad calls her Le Poof
:O do you have any pets?
Our dogs have many nicknames
My sister has a dog.. I used to.. They died πŸ˜₯
D: I'm sorry
And her dog.. It really rude.. >:I
Katy is like always grumpy :L and my family basically don't think of her as much as I do..
Katy will always be my dog, and grumpy or not, I love her <3 :D
My sisters dog has once grabbed coffee grinds out of the trash and threw them across the CARPET..
Btw do you like coffee?
The first night we got my brother's dog, Lola, she stole a hamburger from the counter XD
Do you?
Our dogs are.. weird 0.0
I don't like it either.. My sister does though.. Which I find disgusting that she likes it
I tried coffee once and I was like: ... I'll stick with tea.
I choked on coffee before from just a sip of it XP
:L my parents said it would help wake me up, but I don't really care XD
I was gagging
Me too XD
Just no.. XD I just am very picky and I have been told so by many people
Idk if I am.. Maybe a little XD
:L a few years ago my grandpa did, yesterday my best friend did XD
Btw I think the Internet version of PC has comments now :D
Okie :D
I think she told me that bc I said I didn't like ham when autocorrect, autocorrected her to "Hamm" instead of "Hmm" XD
o-o I think my clock is beeping rn bc I never set the time forward again.. :L
I had to or else I would wake up at 7:30 instead of 6:30 to get ready for school XD
Wait.. I thought it was forwards?
Wait. You're right XD
Idek D:
All I know is my clock is 1 hour ahead of real time rn
XD bc I was like: "The sun sets at like 5:30 everyday.." :L Mathematics
I just have an alarm on my phone rn:P
:L So what now? XD Unless you want to talk about clocks and time.
Idk XD
I found my skin I had when I met you XD I still have it in my skin list :P
I still have my skins from my other account..
Which isn't common considering I usually forget they're there.. :o I have an idea :D
XD I changed it back to it :3
Memoriessss XD
Oh okie XD
XD Idek
o-o That was a while ago..
Yeah XD Memories..
:P That was almost a month ago now, dude I remember you asking me to marry you, and I was like: "..? To be nice, I'll accept."
I don't remember XD
I kinda remember doing it
But I didn't tell you.. Somehow you read my mind
I just remember thinking that.. I remember you asking me about how your replica of your head looked.
The giant one XD
Oh yeah.. When I build our heads :D
And asking me if you should put the crown on it.
Oh yeah ☺️
XD and then I remember about to leave and I saw your request.. And I was like: ":o Really?" XD I was shocked
:L Idek how you knew I did that XD
Did what..? XD
The request
I'm so confused
It's like a teleport request, it pops up. ☺️
XD I was like, "Knew you did what?"
Oh I didn't know.. :L
Yeah.. But now I'm glad I accepted ☺️
I was thinking that you'd probably watch me get off and divorce me, and that's why I accepted :P
Oh.. :L
And also I mean, trying to be a nice person also.
Yeah.. 😁
And you are nice ☺️ <3
Thank chuuu! You are too! <3 :D ☺️
Here! *virtual hug* XD
Thanks :D
Yw! :D
XD so random
Yeah XD
:P Random is a good thing.. Usually.
It is :D
Idk XD
XD Sometimessss πŸ˜„
Random can srsly lighten people's moods though :p
Late comment.. :c
Whaaat I'm so confused XD
Oh. Yeah..
Late comments always fail me.. :c
Yeah XD
My spelling always fails me XD
Minecraft needs autocorrect 0.0
My spelling.. I don't get it but it always fails whenever it feels like it.. :c
Idk when though XD
Yeah XD
But then like when I realize my mistake an hour later I'm like: ... Wow.
I usually realize it a few seconds later
I usually realize it a few seconds after
I don't really check over what I type :L until afterwards
But I either delete all of it and type it again or leave it XD
XD Ikr
I'm just like: ...... FINE BE THAT WAY . 0.0
Oh :l
Yeah. I get really angry at the stupidest things XD
Me too..
Like.. Idk.. My life usually. 😁
I felt like I used to many heads in my cabin and I almost freaked out.. I almost missed where I was pointing my mouse at XD
I was just like: "What in the world..? oh it's popcorn XD"
I'm probably going to fall asleep soon XD
Me too :L
:L Do you just want to talk later today/tomorrow still for you.
Okie.. I don't know.. XD
It's up to you, I can easily stay awake for like another 2 hours if i want to XD
Yeah 21 minutes until tomorrow XD
Yeah.. XD
For me :D
Yeee XD
Then it'll be Thanksgiving for you too. :3
It's kind of funny XD I have 2 followers and you almost have1,000
Yeah. I mean, I've had PC for over a year actually..
Yeah :3
Maybe 2..
XD I used to not care what I posted but then my parents got accounts to watch over me, but they like forgot about PC I think..
I guess 2 followers is good then if I only started a month ago.. 😁
Well.. Like 3 weeks
Yeah.. I had 1 for like a month.. Then time went on, here I am.
XD ye
Oh.. The other account following you, that's my shared account with one of my best friends. And um, she posts all the weird pictures she gets of me and stuff XD
I took her phone one day at lunch and took a picture and she posted it and I was like: ......
I think I know which one XD
Ohhh noooo DX
My life is embarrassing XD They were taking random pictures of me and somehow I got her phone and yeah..
:P like this one she took at my house that I just made my icon :P
And I did it again :L
My face in every picture I have of me XD is so weird
D: No it's not
Yeah it isssss
Well.. Maybe some of them XD but not all of them
Yeah, all of them XD I don't have any perfect picture of me. I have these really messed up selfies I took, who knows when.. 0.0
:I Brb
XD I almost fell asleep
And then I was like: "Wait.. where's my phone?" XD
I almost just killed myself
Happy Thanksgiving, Dylan!
Happy Thanksgiving! ☺️
☺️ <3
I know.. I kinda fell off my bed
Dylan.. Are chu okie?
Yeah.. My wrist hurts from landing on it tho.. :c
Well, goodmorning, I'm going to bed.. Sorry, I can't keep my eyes open anymore.. 😁☺️ <3 I'll see you later today, Dylan
Okay ☺️ Bye Morgan <3
Bye, Dylan. <3 😊☺️
Bye 😊❀️
Goodmorning! I'm going to be gone almost all day though, so I'll see you tonight, I guess?
I actually can talk for like another hour.. I'm in the car though, so my phone is slow. :L
Oh :I
Sorry.. I'm still here, but now I have my phone for a while again..
Oh okie. :D
Wait.. Brb, again, sorry. I was talking to my uncle, sorry.
Okie ☺️
Back again, sorry. It's been a busy day.
Oh :L Okie
Last night it felt like I broke my wrist after we went to bed.. :c
Yeah.. So how was your Thanksgiving?
Good XD
What about you?
What?! Why? :o
When I fell off my bed
XD slow comments
Dudeeeee D: don't do that, and pretty good.
Yeah.. XD
I sorta tripped then fell XD
:3 So what else is new so far? The day is already over half over :o
Dylan! 0.0
I will try not to anymore.. :I
Good. You shouldn't try to do it anyways XD
Well.. :D I helped my mom make part of our dinner for tonight bc we all bring something to dinner
And we always make sweet potatoes with marshmallows c:
Cool c:
I didn't.. Again I just didn't think before I typed it XD
Oh okie XD
Ow. I'm stuck with my brother in the back of the car and he randomly elbowed me in the ribs :c
Owie D: That's the worst! My brother does the same.. Just he punches instead DX
Yeah.. So I tickled him and I don't know but I don't think he meant to honestly he was like "Hey! Quit!" and then he said something I didn't hear :L
Oh.. :L
Yeah. XD he's lucky I'm in a good mood rn :P
Yeah o-o
If I wasn't... He probably would be elbowed back :L
I told you, I'm evil.
Idk if I am XP
Probably.. 😁
It depends on the day, at least X3 And people usually are on their, like, bad days..?
XD My parents always tell me I'm very violent and I'm just like: "... okay."
:L I can't argue.. It's honestly the truth ^~^
o-o Okie
Yeah, just a warning. 0-0
Um, yeah, sometimes I have a bad day and hate everything or otherwise I'll be peaceful and usually calm.. :L
Sorry my service went off for like 3 minutes
Oh.. I don't really have bad days a lot.. .~.
XD Well I had to go do something anyways
Neither do I.. But sometimes I do.. :L like the day when I decided to tell you I couldn't like you.. I srsly tore myself apart..
Oh okie XD
Yeah.. I kinda just was staring at the wall.. And I felt like I was sitting on air.. o~o
I felt like.. I don't know how to say this, like dying would be better than staying alive I guess..? I mean I hate making people sad.. 😞
I felt like that too.. Then I felt sick..
D: I'm so sorry.
Well.. I am fine now 😁
Well, I mean I still liked you.. So I srsly felt like killing myself for saying that.. πŸ˜” I'm still sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you.
I did too.. πŸ˜•
I'm so sorry, Dylan... πŸ˜”
And I still do.. πŸ˜…
Late comments
Still do as in, want to kill yourself..? D:
It's okie. Mine are all late.. :L
No.. Still do as in like you.. πŸ˜πŸ˜…
Oh.. Yeah, I still like you too.. 😁
XP For a second I thought of deleting what I said..
X3 Meh, Itz okie
Okie.. :D
But, yeah.. I never stopped liking you.. πŸ˜…
Me neither.. ☺️😊
But I am thinking all next week is going to be bad.. :L When I tripped over the curb on Monday.. My toes are like scarred and it hurts to put normal shoes on..
:D ❀️
c: <3
:c Yeah.. It's gonna hurt..
Bc I have to run everyday in PE
The late comments DX
D: You have to do PE or did you choose to do PE?
Nope. I have to do it
Srsly..? 0.0
You get to choose..? D: Lucky
DX that sucks 3: :c
Yeah.. The only thing we choose is our extra class.. For me it's band :D
Yeah.. We have electives, we can choose from, there's like 6 to choose from, and like I didn't pick PE XD I'm too lazy
Ohhh we choose 2
WHAT?! You get to choose all your classes?!
We only have one elective D:
No.. XD only 2
Oh.. XD
o.o ..?
My brother just kept punching me.. HE WAS CHEATING XD I probably sound crazy
Cheating on what XD
We made up a game over the summer where whenever we saw a Waffle House, you get to punch someone.. And like ow.
Ohhh XD
It's like the Slugbug game.. With the car.
Ouch, I think my shoulder is going to be bruised though.
There are only like 2 I know of in San Diego
There are probably more tho
Yeah, it was when we drove to Florida there were like millions. There aren't any near us, we're driving home XD
Yeah XD
Yes! :D my dad said whoever punches someone next he'll punch them XD
XD That's what my dad does..
I've only been punched by my dad at karate, and it was on accident
My brother is an evil little person o.o
I have gotten hurt at karate many times.. :P
Ikr.. I accidentally punched my brother's friend in the face because he walked into the punch.. 0.0
Not by my parents tho.. They don't do karate
My dad and brother do it with me.. My mom used to.. But she got too busy.
OMG That's what my sister does to get me in trouble.. She like kicks me barely then says: "Why'd you kick me? Now I get to kick you!" And I am like: "... 0-o"
My sister does it with me.. Which is bad for me.. :c
Wow. My brother is like talking to me and I'm just like: "Yeah.. Whatever" and then he touched my neck and when we get home I swear, he dies.
o.o ...
I don't have a sister, I wish I did though.. :L
Yeah. Dude. My neck is very ticklish. And my friends have learned that sadly, and usually they poke my neck and I like make a weird noise so they do it ALL THE TIME. :L
Like.. My brother can be nice to me.. But not my sister.. Even though everyone says she is.. She will lie to get me in trouble.. That's how bad she likes to do it.. >~<
Yeah.. :L
Wow.. My brother doesn't ALWAYS, try to get me in trouble. But when we fight my parents usually get so annoyed they tell us to go to separate rooms, which is usually why I'm downstairs.. :L
I seriously will like freak out on my family if they do it. But not on my friends .~. Guess I'm afraid to.
My sister does ALL the time.. :c
Afraid to what?
Afraid to get mad at them.. I haven't really ever been mad at my friends, I get more angry about myself than them.. 😁
DX stupid comments. It wouldn't send so I typed it twice :L
Oh.. 😁 I have been mad at my friends.. But that was like in 1st grade XD It was a waste of our time
I didn't see it but okie XD
I deleted it :P
My friends when they get mad at me, it like makes me cry everytime.. I'm really easy to break.. 😞
Yeah I think me and my friend got in a fight in like kindergarten and we both had to go to the principals office.. We had to eat lunch in there XD It was so weird
XD There finally.
Wow.. I've never been to the principal, I don't think..
Yeah that was the only time I have.. Ever..
Yeah.. I srsly will like break myself when they're mad at me.. I usually didn't do anything.
Oh.. Maybe I did, once? But if so I don't remember it. :L
But what I hate is, the next day, they act like NOTHING ever happened. >~< it makes me mad, just to know they freaked out on me, and totally don't even think about it.
Yeah. I'm going to stop now XD
Okie XD
I just realized I was ranting :L Whoops
Ranting..? What's that? o.o
Like, raging basically.. :P I don't realize I'm doing it until I like stop XD
My brother chose to touch my neck again, and I tickled his neck and he GIGGLED. 0.0
o-o It's raining rn..
It's been raining all day.
D: I have been scarred for life.
.... Something is wrong with him today. He's singing to me: "Morgan is my baby. Yes she is my baby." And I starting gagging.
o~o DX
Save me.. 0.0 Now he's singing about being in love with a tube.. He's playing Super Mario Brothers and is like driving me insane.. .-.
What... Nvm about then.. XD I asked him why he was in love with a tube and he said that he said that he was going to jump into a tube.. :O
*That then oops :L
Oh.. Okay..?
Idek what he's doing with HIS life.
😁 XD
XD it's a lot funnier irl.
Probably.. But rn my sister is being SOO annoying! :L She is singing with the TV to one of those Disney channel shows DX
No offense if you like that channel.. 😁
Nah. It's okie.
Stupid comments won't send again. :L
Do you..? :P
They won't send.. 0.0
Omg I tried like 10 times and it said there was an error.
To answer your question: No I don't like Disney XD
I hate it when it doesn't send.. But sometimes it sends a minute later for me
Finallyyyyy. I don't think PicCollage likes meh DX
Even when it says there was an error it sends a minute later :L
Ikr! I was like, "Are you going to send..? No. Okay.."
It didn't for some reason!
:L :s
I think I have to leave soon.. I will bring my phone tho
I DID NOTHING. He said I thought he was dumb..? :L
So see you later..? πŸ˜‚
Okie, :D I have to charge my phone soon.. But luckily I'm almost home!
Okie bye
Yeah.. See you. <3
Bye <3
I'll be on tonight, I can't believe my parents are making me eat dinner.. 0.0
Hai, I'm back. Are chu there? :D
I just got home :D
Okie! :D
How was your Thanksgiving?
Good 😊
How was yours?
Good, XD guess what though.
XD I lost another tooth today. I was just like watching a movie and it fell out 0.0
What is wrong with my teeth is the question thou.. .~.
Yeah.. :P what's new?
Mot much.. Except when we came home, my sister tried shoving me into the wall and I kicked her.. Now I got meh phone taken.. But my parents forgot about my iPad mini :D
That's what I mean.. She tries to get me in trouble for no apparent reason.. 😞
Oh. XD
They forgot about it bc I never use it in front of them XD I only use it in my room
Oh.. That's almost like my iPod.. I don't really use it anymore :L
Well I do use it.. Just not in front of everyone XD
Soo.. 😁
Soo.. ☺️
What now..? XD
Idek.. Um.. What else is new?
Idk XD
I have a lot of pictures from Hawaii on my iPad :D Maybe I will make a cool collage
:L same. Ummm.. What do you want to talk about?
:D okie
Um.. o-o Idk
Um.. Do you have like a favorite moment in your life or something? XD idk
I don't really know o.o
Do you..? :P
I don't think so..? XD
I mean I have chosen some amazing moments, that my brain will always remember :3
Oh okie XD
Ye. One of the includes meeting you ☺️
o-0 Really ☺️
That's so nice ☺️❀️
Yessss :D
Ty, Dylan. ❀️☺️
I guess that is one of mine too <3 :D
You're nice too, you know? :D <3
Aww thanks Morgan 😊
You're very welcome, Dylan. πŸ˜„
πŸ˜‡ XD
We're so weird :P
Yeah 😁
But weird as in a good way. πŸ˜„
😊 So what do you want to talk about?
I don't know.. .-.
Ummmm.. You decide. I've already tried XD
... 😁
I can try.. Give me a minute..
Um.. :L Maybe..
Okie, do you have a favorite food?
Okie XD
.o. Of course!
XD what is it?
Pasta 😊
Amazing. 😊
What is yours? πŸ˜„
I would definitely have to say... Mangos. :D
I love mangos too c:
And lemons.. XD
I used to eat like the lemons from ice water and stuff.. My parents always have me weird looks though..
Yeah.. Like literally every restaurant we go to.. I take the nearest menu and scan it in like one second to check if there is pasta XD
o~o XD
XD I usually get something plain.. :L I'm a plain person
X3 But then again my parents are already convinced I'm crazy.
XD Yesterday in the store I saw these things called 'lemon bites' or something like that.. I like stood there and I was tempted to run and put like 3 boxes of them in our shopping cart XD
There were also pumpkin pie cupcakes and I was like: "So amazing o-o" XD
XD Where my family went today for Thanksgiving they had an entire table full of pie and I was like: "You people are trying to get us fat, eh?"
But it was amazing XD
Did you have a favorite part of the day? 😊
Um.. Yeah.. Talking to you ☺️❀️
Aww.. Why are you so sweet? XD You make me blush everyday now.. ☺️
But, I would have to say the same. ❀️☺️
o.o I do..?
Is that good..? 😁
Yeah.. 😊
I had to think about it.. XD like how to say it.
Okie 😊
I'm all like: "...? Um let's just say yeah XD"
I honestly fall for you everyday** I totally said it wrong last time
Me too <3
<3 Like right now.. ☺️
Yeah.. 😊❀️
:D ❀️
c: <3
c: <33
:D <3
Sooo.. :D
XD What now?
Idk :L
I will try to think of something.. It might take a while tho.. 😁
Um.. So what's your hobby? I mean like you skateboard and sail.. All that stuff.. Or which is your favorite?
XD okie
Oh okie
Sorryyyyy DX
Um.. I have to say, I like them all.. I don't really skateboard a lot tho.. 😐
Oh.. 😁
It's fine XD I didn't even have an idea
Okie.. XD I hadn't seen your comment so afterwards I was like: "... 😐 Oops."
:L Whoops.
You can come up with something now.. XD
It's okie if you don't know.. I can help Xd
Okay.. Almost XD
Okie.. :D
How many places have you been throughout your life..? 😁
Hmm.. Many different places... I can try to name the states.. XD
What about you..?
Like states XD Idek.. 😐
Hmm.. I've provably gone to.. Around 12 states..? Maybe?
Um.. I think about 7 XD
Mostly from driving up to Wisconsin :P
Or 6.. o-o
I'll count one moment..
Oh :P
I tried to XD
12 exact :P
I counted 6 for me XD
Honestly I looked up a map and thought about it for like a minute XD
I've been to some from like camping.. :L and vacations
Idek what I've done with my life. 0.0
Yeah.. I have been camping.. Just not out of California.. Well, Idk
I have been to this island to the northwest of San Diego..
I have.. 😁 My parents bought a camper last summer, I think it was? So like our vacation was a very long road trip.. :L
.O. Coollllll :D
It was a long road trip bc we had all three dogs with us.. 0.0
Yeah.. It was really fun.. There was this whole little city and it has an airport XD The island is so small but it has an airport
It took me a day to get there..
By boat.. :I
Wow.. That must've sucked? Maybe?
Ohhh XD
That makes sense
Yeah.. My mom was lucky. She only had Katy in her lap, when me and my brother had Lola and Ivy.. 0.0
Yeah.. Like the boat basically went 10 miles per hour
Max or the engine would like overheat
+ We had like 8 hour days of driving sometimes and it's actually painful to sit that long..
I was just like staring at the wall for a while and then I was like: ".... PicCollage, rightttt." XD Idek what I'm doing
Yeah.. I was scared to go tho bc.. When we got to the boat.. It's not our boat it's my dad's friends..
Oh.. I see why.
But there was a hatch in the floor that was OPEN.. And I could see the engine and I was like: Please don't tell me we are going to get stuck in the middle of the ocean >~<
0.0 I would've probably refused to go right then.. I would be like: "N-no it's okie, I like the land better.."
If that would've happened.. I would have never known you.. o.0
But when I got there I was like: Omg.. If my dad still had his boat.. We could have been there in under 4 hours..
If you DID get stuck out in the ocean, SOMEONE would've found you, somehow.. Just think positive.
XD My dad gets on to my brother about saying omg he says that he sounds like a girl. And I was like: "......"
Yeah.. Well there were like cargo ships passing by at least 50 miles away.. We could see them.. And we had so much food XD
You must always be prepared! :D
We would get rescued..
See..? Positive! :D
Um.. Okie XD
It took like an hour just to get ready to leave XD
XD sorry. I'm like trying to not be like so tired I'm insane but like I'm definitely not just like my normal self XD
I am such an idiot.. There were sails on the boat.. Why didn't I think of that?
I think I am tired too
DX Itz okie. YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT! SHUT UP. 0-0 No. Just no.
Never. Again. Say. That. Please. I hate it when people are so negative about themselves DX
Okie.. o-o
Well, I'm an idiot now.. :L
Hey this time the late comment helped :D XD
XD Good job
0-0 HOW!? You are not!
Don't say that.. You are fine! Your not an idiot! πŸ˜•
I freaked out on you.. I told you shut up..! DX I feel bad.
Well.. Don't feel bad D: Then it makes me sad when someone else is sad.. Or when they feel bad..
DX Then don't call yourself an idiot.
Okie I won't.. I promise πŸ˜‰
:D good. At least not around me. πŸ˜„
Okie :D
:D Ty
XD Your welcome
XD I'm so random.. But don't feel bad.. D: you just didn't realize.
Well.. Goodmorning Morgan <3 :D
XD Goodmorning. <3
Not for me yet.. XD.. 1 and a half hours o.o
I might not make is XD I only have 28% battery and I am really tired
You should sleep then...
But I like to talk to you D:
I like talking to you too, but I don't want to keep you from sleeping.. 😁
Okie.. :c I guess I will see you to- later today ☺️ Good night for me XD But also good morning Morgan <3
Good night, Dylan. ☺️ <3
/Good morning XD
Good night 😊 Or good morning
XD Yeah, <3 Which ever you want to call it. I'll see you later. <33
Good morning! <3
Good morning! 😊
Hai! :D
Hewwo :3
:D sorry, comments may be slow, I'm on MC XD
Okie XD
Playing Draw My Thing :P
Oh on Mineplex..? 😁 I forget
Ye.. I haven't played this in forever.
Me too.. XD
But I can't..
Oh.. DX
My first account got permanently muted when I stopped playing Mineplex for like 6 months and this one got muted permanently but idk why.. :L
D: Oh.
But I still wish I hadn't lost my server.. 😞
I would log on everyday and it would sometimes be just me but I had access to whatever I wanted to do.. :P
And everyone on there was friendly.. 😊
:o Amazing.
I would've joined :D
And.. If you don't believe me.. I am thinking of making my own server soon.. :D
I would have let you be a staff with me c:
:o really?
Yeah.. 😊 And this server.. Might take months of work.. :c
D: I'll help you
I don't plan on it being one of those big servers.. Just a small one.. And like I can give the IP to my friends
:D okie
Really? :D
Yes! :D
Okie.. When do you wanna start?
I should probably look on YouTube how to make a server first XD
Idk, whenever you want.. :P
Well.. I can start rn because I'm not doing anything except talking to you XD
Then maybe later today I can try XD
Okie :3
I should see if I can get the owner of my old server to help me.. If he still plays Minecraft.. :D
But sadly.. I think he doesn't have his Skype anymore..
K :)
Okie c:
Are you still good at downloading mods?
Oh.. uh.. I'm not really supposed to anymore.. But I know how.
Oh.. Okie
Sorry. 😁
Well I might only need a few mods.. Which don't really matter.. But I will need plugins.. Idek how or where to get those. 😐
Oh.. Um. I can try to teach you to get mods.. 😁
Okay..? XD
Um.. Yeah. It might be different though.. XD
Okie.. :P
Yeah, like I can try at least. It's actually more simple than you think.
It is? I always thought it was hard.. When I saw someone do it.. I forgot everything he had to do.. XD
Nah, I actually started to remember how to do it.. And texture packs aren't too different.
Okie, so, do you want to try now, or later?
Well.. I am not by the computer.. abut I guess you can tell me..? Then I can just do what you said..? Idk XD
Um. K. Just a few minutes thou XD
Okie XD
Sorry in a game :L
Again. XD
Okie XD
Well we can try later XD But I should start by looking up a video.. 😁
Okie. Even though you aren't here, I'll explain it in a minute.
Okie.. I'll start in a few moments..
Okie. Let's do this.
First pull up the mod you want, and make sure you have the Minecraft folder open
Secondly, press download >>Yes I'm doing this on Planet Minecraft XD<<
Then while it's downloading, open the the section called 'mods' in the Minecraft folder.
Or maybe it's not there.. 0-0 It used to be there..
Okie, anyways.. After it finishes downloading copy and paste it into 'mods' or drag it into 'mods' and doneeee XD
But.. Making. A. Server. Is. So. EASY.
It's literally like 15 minutes,
But I gtg.. So I will see you.. Later? 😁
😊 Of course. See you, Dylan.
Bye Morgan 😊☺️
Byeee <3 c: ☺️
Well, good luck with your server! :D I gtg.. So I'll see you tonight, at latest.
I have to go to lunch.. But I made the server! :D The IP is
It might not let you join and that's bc the server is not online or I need to get something for it..
See you later! <3
Okieeee! And I'm only back for a minute
And I'll try your server sometime tonight..
Hewwo? R u on MC :3
I can get on XD
Sorry I'm back now :P
Are chu there? 😁
I guess that's a no.. 😞 Um, I'll check every once and a while.. See you.
Today.. Was not fun.. πŸ˜•
I couldn't really find out a way to make a server.. That allows anyone to join..
So if someone wants to join you have to download this thing and it's a waste of time.. I will keep trying tomorrow though :D
I think my old friend can help me out.. He was the owner of my other server.. I was the Co Owner. XD
Well, I will see you.. Tomorrow..? I am sorry for ignoring my phone.. I honestly was being a jerk.. I should have talked to you.. But, Goodnight Morgan <3 😊
Itz okie, I've done it too.. :P I kinda woke up at 4AM... I think it's bc I fell asleep at 11 last night.. 0.0
Have a good rest of your night/morning, whatever you want to call it.. ☺️ See you tomorrow, Dylan. <3
Goodmorning Morgan 😊
XD Goodmorning, Dylan. I can't believe I actually slept again o.O
Well, sadly... I have to work on my book report.. :L see you.
:D Good luck! Byeee Morgan! ☺️😊
The server is running btw.. I made like 3 on accident but they were all bad..
Now I have one so anyone can join and it is a spigot server :D That means I can add plugins
I couldn't have done it without my old friend..
Okie! I'm actually here XD I finished the part I'm doing today.
Good job btw :D
Yeah I had to change the IP of it
So it's not the one that I told you before
Thanks c: <3
And I couldn't have done it without you either.. <3 :D
Okie! :D <3
I'll try it in a while.. I can't rn.. Me and my friend are hanging out XD
Me too XD
Hewwo I'm back :P
Hai.. I am SO close to having a server D:
Hai.. I am SO close to having a server D:
What do you mean by "So close"..?
Oops it posted twice..
XD Itz okie
:L Like.. This might sound complicated XD
Okie..? I'm all ears anyways X3
All I have to do to turn on the WAN is make a new "Custom Service" and then anyone worldwide can join when the server is online
Okie.. 😁 What is WAN?
Wireless Area Network XD
Wireless Area Network XD
Ohhh XD
Omg it keeps double posting.. I am using the internet version of PC and not the app
Oh.. I haven't used it yet.. My phone is like always at my side XD
Yeah.. I never knew of WAN until today. But there also is LAN, Local Area Network.. So people on your wifi can join
Ye, that's what me and my brother use to play together on single player :P
XD I am ony on the Internet version because I have to use the computer right now anyways XD
Oh okie XD So what's new from today or yesterday?
Um.. Just 2 whole days of.. Working. o-o
Oh.. Yeah.. DX I had totally forgotten about my book report until today.
Well.. Before I forget, I wanted to tell you something.. 😊
D: I am so sorry.. My dad said I had to get off the computer :c And.. Good news :D I think the server will be good tomorrow. Tomorrow I am going to ask my old friend/the developer of the server to install some plugins for it :D So.. I hope you are there
So today, my family went to Sonic, and there was like this lemon flavor.. And I considered getting it.. But then I felt bad, since we live so far apart.. 😁😞
XD Hai
And I'll TRY to be there
Okie XD
Okie XD
Yeah.. 😁 It basically makes me feel bad now, when I see a lemon.. I wish we lived closer..
OMG double post AND late comment DX
But, I mean it's a Sunday... Who knows what I'll be doing, other than my book report.. Maybe more decorating XD
Itz okie. 😊
<3 :D
<3 ☺️
So, what's new? 😊
XD We just got our Christmas stuff out too :D Like 5 hours ago
XD My dad got our Christmas stuff on Wednesday and I was like: "It's not even Thanksgiving yet.. :o"
And can you play MC rn or not?
Sure, what server?
:L Your probably going to be mad at me XD I got hurt again.. o~o
DYLAN! DX What did you do this time..?
Creative :D
Okieee :D
I was at the beach with my friend and he saw part of a palm tree in the sand and I tried to grab it..
And it was like deep in the sand and my hand slid up and I got a cut
D: Ouch
Hewwo :D
Hewwo c:
c: What do you want to talk about?
Idk 😁
Um.. Any random topic really. XD
Anything? cx Idek rn
How was your day..? 😁
Good, yours? 😊
Okay.. It was good and bad XD So it is okay
XD okie. I know how that is :L
Yeah.. :P
:3 Usually though they get better after talking to you <3
o3o Aww 😊 <3
X3 It is the truth ☺️
Same with me πŸ˜‡ <3
☺️ <3 You seriously don't know how happy you make me :D
Omigosh.. 😨
I forgot to stop the server..
What do you mean..?
I probably don't.. o-o
Like.. Make it go offline..
Yeah.. But.. Why is that bad..?
I'm so confused XD
I probably don't know how much I make you happy XD
Um.. Well idk if it's bad right now.. Because it's still LAN..
Oh. Well you make me very happy. XD You make me laugh and smile everyday more than once.
Well, I don't think that's bad..?
Me too ☺️😊❀️
:D I seriously am like smiling so much right now..
Yeah.. It probably isn't. But my friend told me some servers have gotten hacked when they were left online 24/7
But idk if it's true.. I will have to search it up
Oh.. Well.. I mean, ClimaxCraft did have a hacker.. That's why it reset.
But, I think it depends on the server.
Me too πŸ˜„ Whenever you are here.. You make me smile. 😊
Well my server is a Spigot Server
XD What a name
😊 That's good. I try. πŸ˜„
A Spigot Server? XD
Yeah.. :L
XD I'm trying so hard not to laugh.. I would laugh, but my brother isn't a very deep sleeper.
Spigot and Bukkit Servers allow you to download plugins
It's beautiful XD
And yes it's spelled "Bukkit"
Ye, I've heard of them, but never really thought about it :P
Yeah XD I never hear of Spigot Servers and I heard of Bukkit but I always thought it was a mod pack
Ye.. XD
*I've never heard
It's okie, I got what you meant.
I think I've been focusing too hard today.. 0.0 I've had like a random headaches throughout the day..
And I started with trying to download a Bukkit server but apparently there aren't anymore Bukkit servers bc it was like illegal or something XD Idk
So then I tried Spigot and it worked!
Now I just need to port forward my internet router..
:o Illegal servers ?
XD that's what I got from all of that
Idk I forgot XD But the Bukkit website blocked the download and said that you can try later XD
Ohh okie. I srsly thought you meant it was illegal and I was like: "o.o srsly?"
The things that catch my interest 😁
Yeah and I went to a port forwarding website bc I never knew about it until today and said you have to pay like $40 to do it the "easy" way and I was like: "... Is this going to prevent me from having a server..?"
Then I looked in the comments and this guy said he would help if you had questions XD So I am still waiting for him to reply
All I need to know is what Custom Service/Extended Port option do I choose
Sorry for the long comments o-o
Oooh. They sound important XD
Itz okie.
Sorry for the late comments 😁
XD Yeah they are really important.. Otherwise anyone else that would want to join would have to download something and I would have to pay to have more space for people.. D:
Long comment again..
D: Oh..
It's alright
😊 It's okie. Idc how long they are. Just as long as I'm talking to you.
c: 😊☺️
c: <3
Yeah.. I wouldn't want to have to make everyone download a wifi extension to join..
<3 :D
So cold.. 😁
DX that would really suck..
Ikr..? I'm curled up in a ball under my blankets.
How did you do that?
The question mark in a box
Oh.. It's probably because it's one of the new emojis.. It's actually a cloud snowing XD
Omg.. Probably something with my phone..
You just need to update it.
Nvm then XD
But I still haven't updated it yet.. I probably should
X3 it's a beautiful cloud of snow XD My friend one night scared me and she just texted me: "#PrayForSnow" and I was like: ..?
Yeah.. The new emojis are cool.. Except one.. 😁
Oh no.. What is it..?
Because she texted that after sending me a picture of her brother wearing lipstick and a wig XD
Eh.. The middle finger.
:0 What!
After I said that I instantly turned red XD I felt it.. I feel guilty just saying that.. 😁
D: Don't feel bad it's just Apple DX
What have they done.. D:
Ikr? DX
Soon people might start spamming it in their collages or someone else's
Yeah.. I've already seen people post it.. and I was like: "O.o moving on.."
If they ever make the new ones not a question mark box
Yeah I have seen one of them
😁 Yeah..
The one with the green tongue..
Is that how you spell tongue?
Okie XD
Green tongue.. I don't know anything about a green tongue..
I'll look though.
Ohhh! I found it! XD the money obsessed one
Yeah XD
I was like: "O.o Green tongue..?" *instantly scrolls past* XD
:P whoops.
It's okie
Omg PC is being so slowwww DX
Mine is a little
It like totally stopped for a minute :L
Soo.. What now?
Idek XD
I'll try to come up with something..
Okie XD
What's your favorite part of living in California?
:L That's a hard one
But I have to say..
😁 Sorry.
Late comments still DX Sorry
Hmm.. Sunny weather :D And the beaches and that I love near the water
It's okie XD
California sounds beautiful.. 😊
What's your favorite part about living in Oklahoma..? I think I already know your answer XD
It is :D
But some parts can be really repetitive..
Uh... Friends. Definitely my friends.. There's nothing really that nice here.. But yeah 😁 It's nice how it snows.. But it's already around 30° in the morning..
Yeah XD
It still sounds wonderful and beautiful! :D
It would be nice to live somewhere where we don't freeze to death. 😁
Okie XD If you say so
It's the truth.. :L it does. Way better than Oklahoma at least.
:L Like California :D XD
XD Yeah.
Late comments
California sounds really nice, but my parents like it where it snows..😐 And where I freeze.
It's only like an hour drive to get snow in California.. Only like an hour north
Yeah.. My dad says he's not really wanting the job in Dallas anymore, so.. They've been talking about Wisconsin for a while.. It's where my dad's side of the family all is..
:o Wow.
D: So you are moving further away..?
Maybe.. Who knows at this point.. It's basically up North but also a little East.. 😁
I think you are :c
Yeah.. My parents are like crushing my heart with it. 😞
Moving away from all of my friends.. Moving farther >>most likely<< from you.. I would have no one..
D: I wish I could move closer to you.. But not leave my friends.. DX
Maybe they will move West in the future :D Think positive 😁
Oh.. Yeah. πŸ˜”
Yeah.. Maybe. If not.. I could when I'm old enough.. 😁
😁 It's honestly you choice. I won't be mad at you XD
Dudeeeee living by a beach would be amazing! :o
XD And by you.
Aww <3 😊
☺️ It would be nice to meet you in person. You seem like a nice person.
<3 c:
You too 😊
:D Ty, Dylan. You're too sweet.
Wait so you haven't been to Hawaii?
Never. 😁
You are too 😁
:D c:
Late comments o-o
Thank you <3
Well.. Hawaii is kinda close to San Diego XD
There's an ocean in between them XD
It's a 6 hour flight tho.. 0.0
They both sound beautiful.
I know XD I have been there it's a group of islands
When I was little.. I used to tell my parents to take my money so we would have enough to go to Hawaii.. They always would laugh and shake their heads.. It feels silly to think about it now..
My parents went there once.. My dad stepped on an urchin XD
Oww! D:
It was long before me and my brother tho X3
Oh.. XD
Ikr..? 0.0 I cringe everytime.
I think I have been there twice or three times
I went this summer actually c:
Ye.. They haven't ever been gone for more than a week usually.. Except the one time when they week to Canada for something with my dad's job.
:o lucky.
Hawaii and Canada are like where I want to go.. πŸ˜„ They sound amazing in different ways.. And now there's San Diego to add onto my list.
Yeah I have a bunch of pictures on my iPad
.o. It sounds so beautiful.
What is Canada like..? o-o I have never seen a picture of Canada
It's different in every part! In some parts they speak French even ! :D But.. it's cold. 😁
I could make a collage.. Of Hawaii
:D If you want
My parents went to this one part, I don't know what part, but there were seagulls and pigeons everywhere.. They took pictures.. It seems beautiful.
Yeah that's the only thing I know about Canada.. cold
:o Really? :D I would love that.
Very cold.. 😁
Thank chuuu :D
Yeah there are pigeons and seagulls here too.. Lost of pigeons.. 0.0
There are about 100 that all sit on these telephone lines near my school
Pigeons are like adorable XD I see them sometimes.. But not a lot.
<3 XD I would like to see that.
There is also another thing.. There are a lot of homeless people in different parts of California. Or like near the place where I live
The city basically
Yeah.. It's a big city/state.. πŸ˜”
I don't really see too many homeless people.. It makes me sad though..
I know.. But knowing what they do with their money..
Yeah.. 😞
Or just no money at all..
There are also a lot of homeless people in Honolulu.. I am pretty sure that is the city.. If I am wrong that's the island
**Or they just have no money at all..
Honolulu is an island :D
Because they buy a ticket to Hawaii and it's so warm but then they don't have enough money to make it home..
DX Sad times, these days..
Oh okie
The city of Honolulu XD
Ye.. I basically have tried to remember all of this stuff over the years XD
Amazing. :D
Late comments again DX
The Hawaiian names are really long.. I don't know if I can even remember the street we lived on..
Oh! I do!
Lived on..?
It was Kumapali Rd.
You LIVED on Hawaii?! :O
Something like that XD
When we were there XD
Wow. It sounds weird, but to them our street names probably sound weird.
Idek anymore
Ohhh XD
Yeah XD
I feel so stupid :L I just remembered you said you loved in San Diego for your entire lifetime so far.
*lived stupid autocorrect! DX
Yeah XD
My problems with my phone XD
D: Don't say that! You're not stupid!
:L I am sometimes. We all are. 😁
True.. 😁
I almost just fell asleep..o-o
😁 So we can't really argue..
You can sleep.. It's okie.
Well.. I will see you.. Tomorrow hopefully? 😁 Goodnight Morgan <3 😊
Wait.. Goodmorning
Goodnight, Dylan. ☺️ <3 Tomorrow, hopefully. 😁
XD Almost goodmorning to you.
Goodmorning or Goodnight XD
Either way.. 😊
Well, I'll see you later. Goodbye, for now.
Good morning! <3 I'll try to finish my book report really fast. 😁 Be back soon.
Good morning! You don't have to rush just for me D: You need to get a good grade on it Morgan..
😁 I want it over with, but honestly I haven't been working on it, yet.. And apparently we're going somewhere..? I'll see you later, I guess. Good luck on your server! :D
Okie thanks :D
Np! :D I'm actually about to work on my book report now.. 😁 I only have to glue some stuff and find some things to put inside.
Okie XD I have to play my instrumnet.. It might take like an hour.. o-o
1 assignment done.. 4 more to go o-O
4..? :o I just finished btw :D
Ugh.. 2 more.. They are SOO hard.. DX
1 more.. 0.0
DX I sorry.
Also sorry for ignoring my phone.
Are you back..?
Hewwo :3
Hewwo :3
Oops it posted twice.. XP
D: I wish I could get texture packs..
I tried getting one and it said it might have a virus..
I am going to dinner for my brothers birthday :L I will see you.. tonight..?
Of course you will! :D Sorry I had to eat dinner.
And, tell your brother happy birthday for me, siblings are siblings, no matter how annoying they are, you love them.
I did ☺️
And I'm back.. I literally thought it was like 10 PM bc it gets dark at 5 XD
It used to get dark at 8 PM
Well, good night if you are asleep.. And good morning in 1 hour
I'm actually still awake. I've been waiting for you. πŸ˜„
:D Okie
I srsly need help getting texture packs DX
Okie, would you like a tutorial? 😊
K. Let me get to my computer so I know what I'm doing XD
I might be able to try right now.. If my dad doesn't come near my room.. πŸ˜…
I will too :D
It's okie. You don't have to right now. I'm just trying to help.
Okie :D
So, it's easiest on Planet Minecraft.
So like, I randomly chose one XD Hopefully without a virus.
Go to download.
Does it have to be 100% finished?
Only if you want everything to be textured.
Then depending on the website it takes you to, (Adfly- do Skip Ad) (Mediafire- Press download) click download..
While it downloads, open your Minecraft folder again.
There should be a little folder inside called 'resourcepacks' open that.
Then drag or copy and paste into the folder. Voila.
Wait I need to get a texture that's 100% done
I got a Christmas texture pack XDD
I am already lost D:
Where are you at?
D: Lucky
Woahhh.. It looks so awesome XD
I can tell you the name of the texture pack..
Um the part where it shows everything I clicked on a texture and do I click download? XD :L
Ye. :3
YES o3o
I want your texture pack :D
Ohh okie XD
It's called "Christmas Texturepack 1.8" with little snowflakes around it. :D
It's 100% done too! :D
I honestly was just scrolling through the new texture packs XD
:L This might take a while
Found it :D
XD Okie!
K its at adfly
Ye, so at the top right corner in a few seconds press Skip Ad
Now media fire
What now?
Press download.
K, so do you have the Minecraft folder?
No but it opened a different page
It did..?
Okie, well do you have an Apple or Windows computer..?
Windows.. I know you have a Mac DX
Because if you have a Windows computer, it may be different..
Oh.. 😁
Meh.. I will try on Chrome
Well, then.. Um, to get the Minecraft folder, I would search it up on the Internet.. My dad actually got it for me.. But, I was next to him, and I saw there was also a way for Windows.
I am not hating on Apple XD Just I knew it would be different
Okie.. Mine actually opens an ad everytime XD
I knowwww XD
I know how to get it XD I have it just do I Open or Save it.. It worked this time
Okie! :D Cool!
It says "ChristmasTexturepack1.8.zip do I open or save?
Uh.. I'm not sure, save?
I'm guessing.. 😁 Sorry.. Only like, a techy with Apple products.
So where do I drag the file to in the .minecraft folder?
Into the one labeled 'resourcepacks' and then once you open Minecraft, it should work! :D
XD I wish I had an Apple computer also
I actually didn't expect to get a computer.. My dad said I would have to learn Java first, and I never finished :L
Ehh I like Apple and Windows PC's the same.. Idk XD
My dad hates Windows for some reason.. Idk. He says they're always having problems o.O I honestly don't have an opinion, yet, if I'll ever have one. X3
I've only used my mom's old Windows and my friends'.. 😁
.o. So much relief! I have been scanning my computer for viruses, and it FINALLY finished, saying I don't have viruses :D
What do you mean by "lear Java" ..?
Java? It's like the language of computers, or at least one of them. My dad works with computers, and I'm kind of taking after him, so my family expects me to learn Java early. 😁
You're welcome? Why? Did it work? :D
I know Java.. The company and software.. Idk if thats what you are talking about tho
Ye. I'm talking about that πŸ˜„ It's nice to not have to explain everything.. I usually have to when I talk to my friends.. 😁
That was like 30% of making the server XD I had to install the newest version of Java and Minecraft runs on Java..
XD Ye. All computers run on Java.. Usually? I mean when I was making my mod, that's what was considered me learning Java.. But like I said.. Never finished.. πŸ˜…
XD I know Java.. A little bit.. Not a lot o-o
You were making a mod.. 0.0 I would've downloaded it
😁 Yeah.. I never really liked how it was though..
Me and someone else were planning on making a mod.. 2 years ago.. Before I knew that youhad to program it and do all this stuff.. We thought you could just tell the computer what you wanted and it would do it 0.0 I feel stupid now XD
Nah, it's okie! I used to want Minecraft.. But then when I got it.. I didn't know how to not destroy stuff, bc my BFF taught me with a mouse on a Windows :L
She tells me everyday I'm still a noob XD
XD Yeah uh :L I failed trying ot change my icon
Nuuu! You should just try doing it at day time in Minecraft!
I've been gawking at everything on Creative for like the last 30 minutes XD it looks so beautifulllll! :D
I did
You did, what?
Also with F1 mode :D
Thereeee I did it XD Merry early Christmas.
I havent seen the server with this texture 0.0
It's so pretty! :D
:o Especially spawn.
:D You too Morgan <3
:D <3
Seeeee? You did it! :D
Wait.. How did you zoom yours in?
And.. Do you have Optifine?
I did it when changing my icon and I made me look more at the ground in MC
No, what is that?
Howww D:
How what?
XD I'm so confused
Nvm :D Okie I am gonna get off my computer.. It's way easier on the app version of PC
Ye. XD I've been using my phone and computer..
Of courseeee it decides to post all three.. :L My phone hates me
I was like: "O.o Wow. Just wow."
So, what's new? :D
Optifine makes you have less lag :D
Oh.. I still don't have the server running the right way.. :c
Oh.. I have Forge. I think.. At least I did.
It's still not port forwarded
Oh.. c: You'll figure it out! Just don't stress, and keep smiling! :D
Yeah :D
:DD <3
☺️ <3
c: πŸ’™ So what else is new?? :D
Yeah idk if I have Forge.. XD
Oh.. It's like Forge or Optifine, I think..
Well.. You taught me how to get texture packs :D
:D It's always good to know how to, for the future.
Now I can tell all meh friends and they will be like: "Okie.. Can chu show me?"
XD I feel like I have helped lots of people now c:
Before you told me the Christmas Texture I was going to get this one called "GravyCraft" 0.0
You have :D That is a good thing c:
Ye, I've seen it.. And tried it.. I didn't really like it. 😁
Oh.. What is the one you had in your last post the one with your friend? In MC?
It looks pretty cx
That one is called Wolfhound and it's my usual texture pack :D
It isssss! I love the glowstone so much in it! 😱
XD But how do you switch between textures? Is it in the options when you press escape?
Okie, so when you get on Minecraft you go to options, and you can change between them anytime, while you're in Minecraft or like anytime.. I'm using like 3 at once to change my GUI and the sky, and the usual texture XD
And yeah, it is XD I made that a really long explanation of nothing
It's okie 😊
At least we are talking to each other :D
Yeee c:
But I still don't know the definition of GUI.. I know it's the bar that you put your items in.. But what does it stand for?
So like what do you want to talk about tonight?
I honestly don't know.. 😁
Umm.. Idek.. 😁
Hm.. What's your favorite animal? 😁
o.O I know it's GUI and that's it..
Okie I thought I was the only one.. πŸ˜…
Nopeeee. I don't know everything XD
I don't have a favorite
:D Cool!
I see why. They are all amazing, in every single different way c:
My top favorites are.. Pigs, Sharks, Puppies, and a lot of other animals I cannot think of right now.. Too many XD
XD Amazing
Yeah.. I don't have a top favorite.. They all are my favorite πŸ˜‡
I would definitely say, anything that can't kill me is my favorite.. o.o I mean like I fear of so many different things, including like sudden death XD
The ones I listed XD But I don't like other animals.. Ones that kill you.. o~o
c: Amazinggggg
Anyone can have a sudden death?
Late comments omg :L
Yeah, I know. XD
What is that? Is it where you die immediately..?
I mean like.. I don't know.. Not sudden death but like being killed. :L Idk how to describe ItZ
Or you die suddenly..?
For nothing?
Um, like, suddenly I guess.
XD I don't know. But there is a dictionary behind me.. 0.0 I shall look in the book of death.
XD All I know is when I opped my friend on my server he did /kill on me.. So I went in console and typed: "SUDDEN DEATH" And spammed /kill on him XD I also de-opped him so he wouldn't do it again
Uhh.. If it's too scary don't type it.. Please
It's means like unexpectedly you die, I guess.
XD More long comments
Nu. I only looked up sudden XD it didn't actually say sudden death in the dictionary.
Oh okie πŸ˜…
Me and my brother did a /kill war XD he got really mad at me bc we were still kinda new and I was just testing everything.. X3
Ye. I wouldn't like want to scare chu.
XD I /killed him when he was already in the death screen 😁
That's nice. XD
Yeah.. I don't wanna have nightmares.. o-o
Ik.. I'm not THAT mean :P
I almost made a command block where you respawn that is set to /kill him.. But then he had to go
No.. You aren't mean.. Just if something scary is put in my sight it doesn't come out
My brother was screaming at me so I told him I would stop, and then did it like a hundred times XD Me and my brother torture each other.
Ik how that is.. I still remember the horror movie I watched.. o.o
XD My brother and sister don't have MC accounts.. Although if they did I would do that..
XD Ye.. My brother got one like a month after me.. cx
o.o This one show
Gave me nightmares when I was like 6 and it at least haunted me for a year
When I was little I was like.. Afraid of zombies and stuff, now I'm taking after my dad >>AGAINNN<< and I love Sci-Fi and stuff like that XD
Idk if it was a show or movie
What was it about?
Idk what Sci Fi is.. Is it like science..?
Or odd movies..? Or.. Scary..?
Science Fiction! :D Aka- My lifeeee
It's like zombies and stuff :L Imma nerd. XD Reading and technology is basically my life.
XD I knew it.. Not really 😞
It's okie! You learn something new everyday! :D
Late comments o.o
Kinda sounds like me..?
XD Amazing. We should get along just fine if we actually meet each other, then. :3
Like.. I had to read a lot for the server.. And half of it I couldn't understand the first time.
Oh.. I would've totally read it for no reason if I had time XD I read like 5 books at a time, not all at once, but like I read a different book everyday basically.. My family thinks I'm crazy. Which I am :D
I was complaining to my dad about how cold it is and that I wish that we lived somewhere warm and he said: "We do live somewhere warm." ... Only in the summer though. DX
Itz da truth tho :P
Sorry for the long comments 😁
Yeah I like to read also.. I learned a whole lot from those 3 days of making a server
:D Cool! What genres are your favorites? πŸ˜„
I never knew about port forwarding, the difference between WAN and LAN wireless.. A lot of other stuff too
Uhh.. 😁
owo Something new everyday. More like every hour XD
What is a genre? Like the type of book..? 😞😣 facepalm
? Book series?
Like.. Fantasy, Science Fiction, Realistic Fiction, History.
There's more I just don't feel like typing all of them. :P
Oh.. 😁 Um.. I have read this book about law.. and it is about a kid, his dad is a real estate agent and his mom is a divorce lawyer and the kid is friends with a judge in the court..? 😁 XD
And the kid wants to be a lawyer or a judge when he grows up..?
Okie.. I had a book like that.. But that stuff bores me 😁
Oh. I think had that book.. 0.0 Idk maybe.
What was yours called?
Something like Kid Lawyer or something.. Idk.. It's been a while. I only read the back.. :L
XD Idk.. Somehow it makes me read more of it.
What do you read?
Science Fiction! That's my guess XD
OMG That is the book XD
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Action, that type of stuff 😁😊
That's the same one I am reading rn
XD I knew ittttt
Idek how I knew what you were talking about if I didn't read it tho..? o.o
Well.. Do you know of any books you have read that I might like.. 😁 Or that you liked?
Hmm.. Rn I'm reading The Maze Runner series.. It's been pretty good! :D And I've read Percy Jackson, this one series called Pegasus... Hm.. I like a lot of books..
Idk if you'd like them tho..
D: I might have to go soon.. I will be lucky if I can stay awake for school.. :c If I stay up past 11 it hurts meh eyes during the last 2 hours of school
Well.. I will stay awake XD Just I dun want my eyes to hurt
Okie.. That's fine! :D I srsly could stay up all night and it wouldn't do anything until like 8.. :L
:D I have heard of The Maze Runner and it sound awesome! My friend said he would put it on when I had a sleep over at his house one night.. But I forgot why we didn't.. :L
The movie.. 😁 Disappointed me. The books, once again, dominated the movie >~< And the movie said stuff about the second book.
Lucky D: I wish I could do that..
You should try reading it though! I did the third book for my book report, and now I'm reading the prequel XD You're supposed to read it last, according to my mom.
And I have tried reading Percy Jackson in 4th grade.. I think I finished The Lightning Thief but idk I remember a lot of it though :D
I've only tried that once before.. In 3rd grade XD I stayed up until like 7 and then slept for like 30 minutes.. :L
XD I like love all of these randomly chosen series. I srsly just choose a book and read it. :L
I accidentally started reading the 5th book of a series before and I didn't realize it until I was like half done.. 😁
D: Oh no
Speaking of books XD
XD it was funny though. I was like: "This book makes no sen- *turns it over reading the spine* Are you serious rn?!" XD I raged.
:o You have a story? :D
I wish I could read fast.. I have to have read 2 books by December 4th.. I already read one and I need to write like 2 pages on it and I need to read another one.. I can do it tho I have before XD
Ooh. Books. Are like.. My life. XD A lot of things are, I guess. I can seriously read all day long if you let me :P
When is Winter Break D: I felt like Thanksgiving Break was only a day.. πŸ˜•
Idk.. All I know is it's around Christmas.. But one of my friends said we get 15 days off? I don't know if it's real tho..
Thanksgiving break was constant rushing around for me XD And then like an hour of free time.
I should try that.. I will probably fail bc of distractions XD Like I would probably read for 30 minutes.. Then just get up and start something else and forget.. Then come back 10 minutes later and basically do the same thing
It's 2 weeks off
I just don't know when
Hm.. You could try! :D I usually read with Katy in my lap.. And she actually helps me concentrate when she isn't trying to lick the book. :L
Probably the week before Christmas week
And Christmas week
:D I am like always available around Christmas. XD I have like no family that is close.. 😁
Ye, you know.. We're going to school on Christmas XD
Me too.. All my family is on the other side of the U.S. :L
Not really. I'm joking. 0.0
And we basically never travel for Christmas
My family is up in Wisconsin.. And then my grandparents live near us, my uncle lives near us, and my other uncle lives in Texas, and then some in Nebraska.
XD I know you are
Ikr.. I don't think I ever have. 😁
I was like: "o.o I hope he didn't take me srsly."
I have like twice..
But half of my presents were back at my house anyways XD
My family usually comes to see us.. XD I mean.. We could go and see them, but they choose to come here. :P
I asked for books for Christmas XD And my dad said "Wow you're so demanding." and I was like: o-o "Okie?"
Omg once my dad did that and I freaked out bc it was like 10 PM and we were watching a movie and he said: "Wait Dylan, you have school tomorrow!" and it was on a 3 day weekend and I like ran to my room and started raging
Oh. XD
That's like the longest comment ever o.o
Nah, I've seen people hate on PC's actual account like a screen length long.. :L
Yeah.. My cousins never travel to us.. They have like once maybe..
And I was like: ".. I feel bad for you PicCollage."
The rest we go to them XD
You're lucky you have cousins! 😁
I wish half those times they could come to us bc I have had so many bad experiences with planes
😁 It's okie, Dylan.
Like altitude sickness..
And fear.. Of bad things
That could happen on planes and when you are in the air
It's okie! Dude, smile and think about happy things, everything will be alright. πŸ˜„
Okie.. 😁
D: I should go now.. It's 11 PM here and I don't want to feel weird in the morning
Like going to fall asleep while I am walking DX
Really! You do realize, there's barely any chance of that happening. We talked about this beforeeee.
Okie. Goodnight, Dylan! <3 c:
I know.. Just again.. Something that scares me.. Never leaves for a while
😁 I know..
Goodnight Morgan 😊❀️
Have a good day at school tomorrow! :D see you tomorrow night.
Okie byeee! You too! 😁
Ty! Goodbye! ☺️❀️
See you tonight? πŸ˜„πŸ’™
Um.. Sure! 😊❀️
Okie! See you then! πŸ˜„
Hewwoooo! :D
Hai :3
I am here 😊
But I will see you tomorrow..? If you are asleep
Muskey told me you had an assignment for homework.. I understand 😁
Morgan..? D:
Good night 😊❀️
I will see you tomorrow :D
I'm so sorry... I feel asleep.. 😞
Homework..? No, I just couldn't get on.. My parents don't allow me to do technology on Monday and Wednesday due to karate..
Well.. See you tonight, I guess.. I'm so sorry.. 😁
:O Okieeee! I'm happy! 1,000 followers. At last.
:D Good 😊
When you are happy, I can be happy 😊
And that means today won't be a bad day c:
And it's okie XD I fell asleep right after that
XD Okie. I was staring at the wall waiting and I guess I fell asleep ? 😁
:D I'll try to be happy more often then.
Okie XD I am home from school :D
D: I missed you by 5 minutes on Minecraft.. DX
Okie.. I will see you tonight..? Maybe?
😁 Sorry.
I gtg, now.. So, yeah, tonight.
Okie bye :D
Hewwo :D
For some reason I downloaded a hacked client for Minecraft but it was in 1.7.2 so there weren't any pvp servers to join and try to get banned on XD
XD Thatz nice.
Hewwoooo! Sorry, I just got back.. My family was like, watching something, and I was drawing X3
O.o Muskey made an account.. And followed you. She's _GeekyGalExtra_.. Now do all of my friends stalk me or something...?!
Okie XD
Hewwo :D
Um.. I guess I will see you tomorrow if I can't tonight..? Because today was my brothers actual birthday.. Sunday was his birthday party :P
I'm still hereeee
I've just been watching YouTube XD
Ohhhh.. Well. XD Happy birthday again, to your brother.
DX Sorry, I'm getting really bad at checking PC constantly
:c Are you still there..?
D: Yes I am here! Don't chu leave meh! 😦
I haven't! :D
<3 And I won't.
Good 😊
c: How are chu?
Me neither ☺️ <3
Good c: I love the texture pack :D
<33 Dank chu! You have made my day.. XD that's saying a lot since I only have 1 more hour left of it.
:D Yay! I'm glad I could help! ☺️
I tried to download a hacked client and I did but it's not for 1.8 :c
D: Oh..
XD Late comments
What do you mean only 1 hour left?
It's already 11:16 here. XD Of my day.
XD I am a hacker πŸ˜†
0.0 I was about to be like: "O.o Okie then.."
There aren't any 1.7.10 servers so I can only hack single player XP
XD How nice of you.
Ohhh XD
What did I do nice?
XD Nvm. But now you're making me laugh.. :D
Okie then..? ☺️ I have no idea why
XD Yeah, it was a late comment. 😁 Sooo.. What's new?
And I would only hack a server where the staff aren't nice :L
Well.. You're making my day better.. 😁 It wasn't too great today.
XD So basically like every server?
And I would fly around hoping they don't have anti cheat or anti fly plugins c:
c: Amaze
Then I would use kill aura and fast bow 😁
😊 Cool!
Um XD I am still looking for 1.8.8 hacks :D
X3 You're going to be a hacker?
Bc I know a server I can use them bc I am friends with the staff c:
Ooh okie!
Meh.. Idek
I would just like to try and use fast bow which is bow spam on Mineplex block hunt c: To get revenge on the chickens that sit in the tree as hiders on the map..
Bc all those chicken hiders have fast bow
And it's not fun.. :c
I hate them, SO much.. >:c Itz not fair for the rest of us.
Yeah.. Bc then you can't get off the boat and they all get their diamond axes.. >:c
Then they have speed, diamond axes, and fast bow.. Also the effect that the shocking hider has if the are that kit
Yeah.. >~< Hackers make Minecraft.. Like.. Disappointing.. Minecraft's bug updates should fix it..
The noise tho.. It makes me jump everytime XD
Well XD I will avenge us :D
c: Ye!
If I find a working 1.8.8 hacked client :D
X3 Yeah. :D
Bc now I know how to download hacked clients and Optifine c: It's quite easy
Amazingggg. c: I'm not ready to be a hacker tho.. I don't think I ever will be.
Yeah.. The one I have right now doesn't have like everything. There are some clients with about 30-40 hacks.. o-o
0.0 That's.. A lot of hacks.
The one I have arm has like 20 and like 8 don't work
Wait.. Arm? .?.
:c Except I dun wanna be called a hacker.. πŸ˜•
But I have my ways to not get caught c:
Itz okie! I won't call chu a hacker! No matter what, I'll be on your side! πŸ˜„
XD Your sneaky ways.
There are some that turn off all your hacks by typing .panic or something XD
Huh.. That's kewl. :3
And I could do the puppy eyes XD
Somehow in science one of my friends brought up I do karate and that I was almost a black belt so now everyone is calling me the Karate Kid :L Ugh..
I would say: "Would you really hurt a little innocent lemon..?" Of course lying XD
:P Weird XD
I am almost a black belt too XD 😊
Sorry I had to restart my phone.. :L
Well.. like 9 months.. If that counts as close XP
So now I'm like: "I give up.. Call me what you want." So now this person behind me calls me "Morgan-Man" or something o.o
Oh okie np! 😁
Same. 0.0 I can't believe they expect me to become black belt by Spring.. I'm so not going to make it.. 😁
Oops late comments xc
Sorry. It's being SUPER slow..😁
I probably won't either.. :L
I am not the best at karate.. o~o
😁 I hate how my friends use ME as their defense.. 😞
Sameee. My dad thou.. He's definitely going to be there.. His next belt is black belt.. 😁
Aww 😦 Poor Morgan D:
😁 Dude. Whenever they get threatened or something and I'm behind them, "Morgan knows karate." 0.0
DX I would drop out if I could.. I hate hurting people..
Well.. My friends are just like: "Free for all!" When they get in fights.. 😁 I feel embarrassed when they do thou.. Bc then I have to write an 'incident report' :L
Which they pull me out of class to do..
Then when I come back everyone is like: "Did you get in trouble..?!"
Wow.. My friends... They never get into fights. But like.. Ugh.. They use me, the person everyone finds so quiet and harmless, as their defense :L Smart going there..
Wow.. Everyone thinks that I'm so quiet.. and they sometimes this one person will whisper to me: "How are you so smart?" and in my head I was like: ".... Smart? Ha."
:L Same.. But my parents say: "If someone is like hurting you then punch them back and we won't care if you get suspended for a week you will get ice cream every night." And I am like: Well getting out of school is nice :D But not for a bad reason.. And.. Yeah.. :L
Yeah.. My parents are like against violence and then like.. Ugh.. They don't care like if my brother punches me. But they care if I punch them.
Long comments :c
Omg same.. o-o I hate it soo much Bc my sister and brother will do it and then they run to my parents and I literally give them both a death stare and whisper: "Don't think you are safe there.. >:D"
Another long comment :I
XD This is exactly why siblings suck. Parents never believe the older children.. :L
X3 Itz okie
Yeah chu are so right.. But when they are nice.. If they ever are.. Then I am just like: "..."
Yeah. My parents only believe my brother.. So basically.. This morning really sucked.. Because they made me tell them, 'why I'm mad at them' when I wasn't?! And so I totally broke apart, and told them how I felt.. 0.0
Yeah.. It kind of made me cry.. 😁 But.. Like then.. I kind of tried to forget.. 😞 Which isn't easy.. And I did. Until when I came home from school, they apologized again..
So.. I guess your day was bad..? 😬😦
But, me and my brother aren't the closest.. Same with me and my parents.. I usually hide out downstairs away from them when I can.. And if I don't.. I usually get in trouble for something my brother starts.. My brother is like an angel in their eyes.. He's always so confident about himself.. And tries to make them do stuff for him.. And then.. My dad talked to me about it.. And he said basically the only reason I get in trouble is my brother.. And then there's him, who gets in trouble all the time..
Very long comment O.o
XP But at least we are talking to each other 😊
Yeah! :D I'm trying to forget about everything right now.. So this is helping. πŸ˜„
Soo.. How was your day? 😊
Good.. I guess.. :L
That's good.. I guess? 😁
Well.. today and yesterday were.. awkward.. Really awkward..
How so?
We had to learn CPR in PE..
o.o Oh?
I was like this: "Nnnnoooooo thanks 😁 I am okay"
XD I would be like: "O.o I'm giving you 5 seconds to get away from me now.."
But it was hands only
Okie. Good. 😁
If not.. That really would've been awkward.
And I was like: "πŸ˜… That's a little better"
Still.. I don't like touching people.. 😁 I would probably be really red..
And it was on theses fake people.. It was creepy Bc I never knew the fake people had a mouth to mouth part.. o.o
It started coming out of his chin XD and it was pink so it looked like a tongue
O.o Errr... Idek how to respond to that..
And yesterday someone deflated ours while someone else was doing it..
That would've been.. Interesting.. 😁
But.. I would have ran or tried to pass out if we had to do mouth CPR.. I would back away and hold my breath until I fall on the floor
I would've done the same.. But then.. You might GET CPR. 0.0
Just, be glad it wasn't a person.. A REAL person.
Oh.. Um.. I would do something else.. Well they would have to at least check your heart beat before doing it..
I would probably try hitting my foot again, and passing out πŸ˜…
But otherwise I would get shocked.. By an AED.. Which I never want to happen
0.0 Nuuuu
Yes.. I am so glad.
😁 I don't think I could be a doctor..
But the fake people were creepie.. They just seem to look at me in a weird way.. Even though it's half of a body
Honestly the shock of one of those wouldn't stabilize my heart beat.. It would stop it..
Ikr.. 😁 Don't try to kill urself :c
Like.. Have your friends ever tasered you?
With their fingers XD Not a real taser.. 0.0
No..? .o. Have yours?
Well.. I cannot stand it when my friends or my sister or dad or mom does it..
I will like jump and scream then just fall over..
How do you do it?? o.o It sounds creepy.
O.o Painful, I'm guessing?
:c Are chu okie?
o.O Nope.. Never.. I'm glad.
Itz okie. But.. Like.. 0.0 Ouch.
No.. Just it like gives you a weird feeling.. And makes you jump no matter what.
But then again, you must remind yourself, most of my friends are girls.. And they are weird, yes, but.. Not like.. Hurt you?
It doesn't hurt.. Just its like a shock.. Well I can't explain what it feels like XD
Well.. Never explain it to my friends.. They would try it.. And they think I don't get mad at people.. So most likely me..
Okie I will keep a secret.. But Muskey is following me.. She can see my collages.. Like this one..
Should I delete the comment?
Idk.. I don't think she would do that..
Oh okie XD But I did anyways
XD She's like my best friend.. So hopefully not.
Okie XD
So.. What's new..? Other than uh this morning..?
I honestly think she made a PC account so she could watch over us.. Since we're one of her 'ships', and she's only following us..
Wait what's a ship again?
Hmm.. My friends got into a fight.. And then dragged me into it. :L
Two people, you think would be cute in a relationship.
But I mean.. I honestly don't know what to think anymore..
I like you, but.. Like.. Idk.. We don't even live near each other.
Yeah.. D:
😞 So I guess, I'm rejecting the shipping, so, I don't have to think about it.. I'm not sure.. It just makes me feel.. Awkward. When your friends try to ship you.. 😁
Wait you reject it or accept it..? 😞
This 'shipping' sounds horrible 😞
Reject it.. I like you.. But.. I don't like it how people TRY to push people together.. It makes people depressed, I know, because I get shipped with you AND someone else.. DX I just don't feel like going through relationships. I mean.. Everyone likes someone at some point.. But.. *sigh* Nvm.
Yeah.. If anyone ever says anything about it to you.. Ignore it.. I didn't at first.. Because I didn't know what it was.. Now I'm stuck here.
Wait.. What do they do if you accept..
They'll try to get us into a relationship.. Or whoever it is, that they ship with. 😞
... Um. Why would they do that..?
I try to act like it doesn't bother me.. But like.. It gets to me.. And it's slowly breaking me.. No matter what.. Luckily nobody has said anything for a while.. I hope it stays that way.
Because. They're girls. :L All drama and love. This is why I hate being a girl. This is what happens.. πŸ˜”
I hope no one finds out about 'shipping' at my school.. I will promise not to tell anyone..
Thank you. I don't want you to bear this pain.. 😞 I hope nobody does.
I hope nobody already does..
If there is someone.. I will stop them from sharing it with everyone at my school..
Just. NEVER mention it to your friends. Never. Or else.. 😞 This might happen. I was just asking what they meant..
Even if.. I die trying..
I won't..
That's probably good.. I'm happy at least one of my friends don't ship me. In science, Padfoot >>her username on Mc<<, asked Peace >>another username<< who she ships me with, and she said nobody.
Oh okay
Good. You don't realize, how freaking stupid, girls are, over love. I've seen it happen.. But I honestly haven't liked someone since 3 years ago.. Until I met you.. ☺️
I honestly whispered to myself: "Thank the heavens.."
For what..?
XD Sorry I am getting tired
😞 Sometimes I'd rather not be a girl.. Everyone thinks we're all the same. All about liking people and drama, that stuff. I don't really care about that stuff, that kind of makes my friends, my friends, they're the same way. Usually. 😁
XD For her not shipping me.
Chu can sleep if you want.
Oh.. :c
Yeah.. 😁
Nah. I am fine until 11 PM.. Here.. For chu that's 1 AM
Like in 22 minutes :L
Ye, I was up until 4:30 on Sunday.. heh.
o-o How..?!
Idk.. I don't really NEED sleep. 😁
:c Again.. I wish I could do that.
But it does affect my moods. :L Like usually I'll be hyper when I'm tired XD
Nah, it's not fun. You basically stay up until you look at the time..
Oh.. But we could talk more 😁
If we both did it..
Yeah.. But it's good to sleep. You're supposed to sleep 8 hours a night.. That's more like 10 hours of sleep in a week for me. 😁 It's better you sleep.
Okie.. I only get like 6.. or 5 😁
During the week
o.o What?! Do you like stare at the ceiling at like 3 in the morning for like 4 hours or something?
Um.. No..?
Yeah.. During the week.. Around 10 hours of sleep in the weekdays.. Weekends maybe.. 2?
I have to wake up at 6:10 AM every weekday..
0.0 How do you like only sleep 5 or 6 hours.. oh.
If I go to be now.. I will get to sleep for like 7 hours
I wake up at 6:30AM.. But usually am like.. Checking all my apps XD
I thought you meant the whole week.. 😁
Ohhh nooo XD
Yeah.. About 5 for me.. Meh.
XD that's why I was like: "When do you wake up?!"
The whole week I get like 43 hours :L
Wow. XD
Including weekends..
Ohh.. That makes sense.
Over Thanksgiving break.. My parents thought I was crazy.. I slept until like 8 or 9 AM every morning :L
Chu should sleep.. 😁
What I do is I wake up at around 6 like weekday or not then just check meh apps.. Only on weekends.. And if it's a weekend I will just sit in my bed and play on my phone until like 9 and I will go into the kitchen and my parents will be like: "You slept in.." Then I will just pretend to act like I just woke up and say: "Yeahhh.. 😁"
Omigosh so long :c
IKR? I usually do that! But then like on Thanksgiving break I truly slept in.
Back :D
Okie! :D
Oh! I remember now! XD
I found out when my Christmas break is. It's the week of Christmas and after.
Yeah I will have to go in 10 minutes.. I can barely stay awake
Then. Sleep. Dylan.
Yeah I found out today also :P
I actually found out yesterday.. But I fell asleep XD
So like 2 and a half weeks until Winter Break
Ye! :D
And for your plot who's chest or presents is who's..?
How do we know?
You should just sleep now, Dylan, if you can barely stay awake.. I don't want you to get bad grades because of me, either. :c
Just.. Uh.. I guess put a sign.
Idek.. It's just going to be crazy if there's individual gifts everywhere..
Okie.. But don't ever think that you will make me get bad grades D: You make me happy so my life isn't just normal.. 😊
I spent like an hour today making my gifts c: They r carefully hidden tho
:D Dylan, you make me happy, also. ☺️ I'm just repeating what you said to me before.
Okie..? Idk if that means like in chests around the plot or..?
Okie XD
Heh.. It's hidden. I can't say where >:D
X3 I do that sometimes randomly :P
Okie.. I would never like try to find them.. Only if you want me to.. But I don't think you do XD
But Idek what to make for gifts yet..
XD Nopeee. They are secretly hidden, where only I can find them :3
I made some jokes into mine, heh..
And memories 😊
Um.. I don't quite know what that means but okie
I am just tired
Ikkkk. :D Itz secret until Christmas Eve.
Then. Sleep.
Oh okie 😊
Wait so all of us will get on MC on Christmas Eve..?
All I can say is, one of yours, IS a memory, from a few nights ago c:
Oh okie XD
Hopefully.. Some of my friends, might not.. And I don't think Allinar will..
Ugh.. This will take a while.. Idek what to do yet :L
It's okiee! I shall help chu!
I saw Allinar on today.. I don't think he recognized me though.. I said hello but he never answered me back..
Okie :D
Yeah.. He doesn't really do anything except RP now.. :L He used to actually say hi.
:DD Especially with my friends'.. :P I know them, by heart.
Yeah XD I logged on and he was just in the middle of a RP
Ye.. I was surprised he said hi to us that one night.. One time I tried to get him to do the Christmas thing.. But he kinda just flew around and I was like: "... *facepalm* In the chest. Look IN the chest."
It was the same with Aqua though.. Usually I'm on the phone while playing MC.. But not this time..? It was at like 9:30 or something. :P
Yeah.. He said he was making a shop then like left.. o-o
I was like: "Okie then.. Back to building or whatever I have to do this time."
Yeah.. I saw Falcon.. I said hi.. But idk if they know me yet.. :L
I honestly don't know what else to do.. Ooh! My friend, she might be a little late tho..
I don't think so.. RAVENFYRE doesn't either. XD I stopped her from building around your tree.
Oh XD You mean the tiny one?
She had MC.. But then she tried to get a mod and broke her dad's computer with the virus.. So she's not allowed to until she gets her new computer. She says she's getting it for Christmas.. 😊
I saved ur tree XD
XD It's not really a tree.. Basically heads on leaves.. 0.0
Yeah.. And then they kept asking each other where they got the heads and I was like: "......"
I srsly was watching the chat for no reason and they kept asking each other and I was like: "Guys. It's neither of your tree.." And they completely ignored me :L
Well.. I have to go to bed.. 😁 Um I will see you.. Thursday..? Maybe not tomorrow Bc we both have karate.. But.. Good night Morgan <3 😊
Goodnight, Dylan! <33 c:
Good night :D
<33 :D
I'll see you either tomorrow, or Thursday. <3 :D Byeeee
Hey I am back 😊
Sorry! 😁 I've been really busy today.. And I'll see you tonight?? I have to eat dinner.. 😁
I'm officially here for da night :P
Okie! I haven't eaten yet tho.. Just got back from karate
And.. Since you are going to be one of my staff on my server, I need your help
I am planing on making 4 games.. Or should it be one game?
Well gtg eat dinner :D
Idk.. And okie! Sorry. I was like reading while I waited and I got absorbed into the book XD
I actually didn't go to karate.. Again.. My foot, the one I hit and passed out from, has been hurting today and yesterday.. Soo ye.
Oh okie DX
Yeah.. :D Hewwo
Hai :3
I have been waiting for you. :3
Aww ☺️ Well I am here now c:
Well.. Idk how life can get worse..
c: Ye! Well.. How was your day?
What do you mean..?
Not good
D: Why?
Heh well we just finished CPR yesterday.. But now we are doing a dance unit in PE
o.O In PE?
But I am lucky it's not the typical type of dancing.. It's cultural dancing.. Today was Israel
Yeh.. Idk why
Well.. My day sucked too. 😁
But if it was the other kind of dancing.. I would wish you were there.. Otherwise I would make myself pass out.. :c
Like when you dance with someone else
D: I wish I was there anyways.
Yeah.. XD The problem is, I don't like to dance. :L
Yours was bad too?
I don't either.. I can't
My mom found out about the dance tomorrow night.. And she's basically MAKING me go.. πŸ˜…
Today I failed.. :P
At dancing
And it's like a party for like the school.. But then again everyone is like asking people to it.. I'm just glad nobody asked me.
:c I feel bad for you D:
XD I failed at singing earlier.. My voice cracked and I was coughing.. :L
Oh XD Well I tried doing this dance today and basically ran in circles bc it's hard..
I just don't really want to go.. 😞 But I decided to go. For my friends..
Oh. XD
And I got kicked in the shin.. That's why I didn't wanna do it at first.. Part of it is kicking XP
I will never try to sing..
XD I would fail. I fail at PE no matter what really.. Glad I don't have to do it. 😁
Yeah.. So I guess I got hurt twice today..
I don't usually sing.. But me and my friend were FaceTiming and were like singing Christmas songs together and then my voice cracked. :L
Getting kicked in PE and getting a racket ball thrown at about 70 mph strait at my stomach.. I almost passed out and felt like vomiting.. Now there is like a big mark where it hit me
Twice? :c
:o Are chu okie?! D:
No.. Not really :L
D: I wish you didn't hurt yourself like everyday.
I almost fell over.. I am pretty sure there is still a mark
:c I hope you feel better soon.
Trust me, I wish I didn't either.
Thank you 😊
I think if nobody hurt themselves.. It'd make everyone a tiny bit happier.
Yw, Dylan! πŸ˜„
Yeah. I was not happy.. I tried to act like it but after 2 minutes my friends started to tell it wasn't good..
Then they told meh to go to the nurse.. So I did
D: I'm sorry..
It should be better tomorrow.. The nurse asked me if it felt like I broke my ribs and I was like: ".. o.o It can be that bad..?"
O.o I'm hoping your going to say you didn't.
Also my friends said someone else can throw it 3 times as hard as I got hit today.. I guess I was lucky
:c I very sorry.
No I didn't..
Good. At least you didn't break your bones. 😁 Think positively. :3
If I did break a bone or a few.. I wouldn't be on right now
DX True.
And wouldn't have gone to karate
Very true..
Yes think positive :D
πŸ˜„ Very positive. What was good about your day?
Something..? Anything?
Talking to you :D
☺️ <3 Same! :DD
I really wish you lived near me, or I lived near you.. But if you did, I'm pretty sure, you'd fit in perfectly with me and my friends, even if you are older. πŸ˜„
<3 c:
Well I am only older by a year.. That doesn't matter tho :D
Well a year and a month.
Ik! :D XD But srsly, you act just like me and my friends. :3
I think I would too c:
I actually don't know.. So 😁 Nevermind XD
I do..?
XD But.. At first, it's a little overwhelming with them, honestly. They will drive you insane, but they'll always be your best friends, you know what I mean?
Yeah.. The way I am, they're just like me, really. But usually a little more crazy and louder XD
Yes of course XD My friends tho.. Well my friends at school.. Are really weird.. Not in a good way :L
They can swear sometimes..
Welllll.. Still. XD
But I never have in my whole life.. And I hope I don't
But other times they are good :D
Bc friends are friends c:
My friends do too.. Not all of them, but most of them.. Except for me and my closest friends. >>Which actually they have PC too XD<< But.. Actually, Muskey, wasn't really my friends until MC came up.
Ohh XD
Of course! XD Sorry for the long comments.
Yeah. :P I am usually like the quiet one who isn't as crazy as the others, but still pretty crazy X3
It's not long.. Not as long as last night.. I did a really long comments and took up like a page XD
Yeah.. :P About a page. XP
Same with me :D
Yeah, you could easily fit in with us. 😊
Like seriously someone asked me and said: "Do you talk?" and I was like: "..." :s
Ikr! I feel invisible sometimes and then this people are always like: "Do you talk a lot a home?" And I'm like: "Yes..?"
Yeh.. Me too XD
My friend was teasing me today, because we have to present our book reports and she told me that I had to scream mine, since I'm so quiet :L
I honestly don't talk as much as my brother though.. But like once you've met my family, you never want to come back to my house, most likely.. My dad was singing to Muskey when I was on the phone with her yesterday and I was like: "DAD! STOP! DX"
I don't like presenting.. o~o
o.o ..?
Ikr.. I was shaking and I didn't even get to finish.. And I couldn't look up from the floor.. I don't even know if they could hear me.. πŸ˜…
>~< Sorry that was random.
:s I do that.. And like.. When I am done I will calmly go back to my seat.. Then do something else and pretend no one just heard that XP
How was it random..? D:
I basically try to hide away from like the world.. I didn't actually have friends until one of my best friends came up to me in 4th grade asking me if I wanted to play a game.. Everyone thought I was weird, which I now accept. :P
Idek what I'm saying really XD
Me too.. :L
I was reading Buffy the Vampire Slayer in 4th grade.. Other than being sick for like half the year, I had gotten lots of weird looks and stares.. πŸ˜…
Idk what I read in 4th grade.. I do remember winning a contest tho
:o Really?
We made Popsicle stick bridges XD
Wow. I've never done that before.. 😁
And my team had so much extra sticks so we just doubled some weak parts and dumped like 3 containers of glue on it after we finished..
It seemed to work :D
Amazing. c:
My teams bridge held 91 pounds.. And like I am not even 91 pounds yet
o-o So I could have sat on it without breaking it
:L Idek how much I weigh...
I still have half of it XD
XD Awesomeee
I weigh like 87 pounds :D
:P That was really random
XD Maybe around that, for me? I know I don't weigh over 90 pounds tho.. :L
XD Itz okie. Itz normal to be random.
I might weigh 89 or something.. I think that's what it was last time
Which was over Thanksgiving break
Bc I had to weigh myself for my sabot :L
Idek.. XD Um. I weigh something. .?.
But I am honeslty really light..
And I am 5 feet 2 inches tall or around there :L
Um.. Those boats that I sail..
My friend is really tiny.. I can srsly pick her up.. And apparently she's underweight, which makes sense since she doesn't eat anything, so now like we keep trying to feed her XD
Ohh.. Right, sorry.
It's okie
I'm being serious about her being tiny tho..She doesn't come up to my chin..
I have short term memory.. But I remember like, important things somehow.. :L
Yeah.. There was one kid last year that someone could pick him up.. By the head
It was.. Quite a scene.. And a sight.. 😁
o.o Okie then.. I can pick my brother up.. But like only for a second.. :L
It sounds painful.. DX
But it didn't choke him.. Surprisingly
That's good.. 😁
I can pick up my brother.. He is only 40 pounds tho
My brother.. He eats like nonstop, he says he's always hungry basically.. I think he weighs like 70 pounds... :L idk for sure.
Yeah.. People at all the middle schools I have gone to have done stupid things
But also sometimes hilarious
Don't we all? πŸ˜πŸ˜…
My brother doesn't eat dinner.. Then expects to get dessert or something sugary after dinner
Wow.. :L
But.. I don't think you or me would do something as stupid as locking someone in your band locker then forgetting the combination to open it..
Or remembering it but struggling to open it..
True. But then again, we don't have lockers just for our instruments. 😁
Maybe.. At our ACTUAL school. All of the schools got messed up this year.. One school is remodeling, so our school moved to the other one and so like.. Everything got messed up. :L
Oh.. Last year all the bigger instruments piled theirs into a big locker.. That's where someone got locked in
Oh.. 😁
But now we have tiny lockers.. Well not as big.. You can still fit but you would have to duck.. And you can open them from the inside if they don't have a lock on them
We have shelves XD Once again, this school.. 😁 I really hope our school remodels to look nice. 😐
And is nice inside.. 😁
The bad thing is people try to make you late or something to your next class by putting your lock on backwards before you put your instrument away and shutting your locker
Oh.. :c Everything good, backfires..
Oh.. My school isn't really at all inside.. There are no hallways.. The classrooms are just building connected to other buildings.. The only inner part of my school is the classrooms and the office and auditorium and stuff like that :P
Sorry for all the long comments DX
Wow.. I mean.. This is a small town, so I have to keep reminding myself, that since you live in a HUGE town, that everything will be different there, compared to here. 😊 It doesn't change who you are though.
Itz okie. We both have had long comments XD
Yeah.. It shouldn't change who you are 😊
Because the only difference is more people
No matter what, it shouldn't. πŸ˜„
Yeah.. 😁 And probably better buildings.
Yeah.. :D
**in San Diego
But that's why we have lockers for our instruments.. More people can also mea. more bad people
😊 So, what now?? XD that was an hour long subject of random stuff. :P
I am scared..
True.. There's always bullies everywhere though.
😞 Don't be scared.
Our neighbors have gotten their house broken into like 3 times..
And stuff has been stolen
And they are only 1 or 2 houses away and across the street from my house
😞 I always feel like that's going to happen.. But we live in a fairly safe neighborhood.. 😁
Don't be scared, Dylan. It might never happen to you.
:L Well I guess Winter is the season where you get stuff stolen off your front patio
People will steal plants.. Or doormats.. Idek why tho.. The most random things to take
😁 You never know..
Bc they steal stuff just to steal stuff.
But luckily my house you have to go up stairs to get to the door and a side walk
My house is hidden behind our garage.. πŸ˜…
And.. If you order stuff online.. You know how they leave it on your patio..? People will just take it and walk away
So like if you order something expensive then it's gone.. That would suck
Then they would keep coming back for more
DX Yeah..
Yeah.. But was that really an hour?
Just.. Don't worry, okie? If you worry, I worry.. 😞 Don't worry, it makes me feel bad. I don't know how to convince you not to worry..
It was o.o
About. :P
Okie.. I will try not to..
It's hard tho..
Just.. Think of stuff that makes you happy!
I know.. Just.. Don't let your worries, worry you too much..
Like 3 or 4 months ago someone smashed my dads window on his truck.. But they didn't throw anything at it because there was no rock or sharp or heavy projectiles inside..
And they had to stop to do it they were in a vehicle
Wait. Happy thoughts, Dylan. Happy thoughts.
Most likely a car.. With a baseball bat or something
Those aren't happy thoughts.. D:
Okie.. But I was so scared that night Bc my dad was like in Europe or somewhere far away for like a week.. So I popped the screen off my window and took his BB gun in my room.. And I was up all night.. Me and my neighbor had a plan
And.. Please don't think I am crazy carrying around guns.. But that's how scared I was
Well.. It was a late comment XD
Well.. Let's talk about something.. Happy..?
Dylan.. Those still aren't happy thoughts. Think of stuff, that makes you happy. Be happy. You don't need to worry right now.
Yeee! And you aren't crazy. :L
What should we talk about..?
πŸ˜… Something that I can try to think of..?
:L Okie.. Just didn't wanna sound like I am Bc I was carrying around a gun
Or you..?
Nah, it's okie. You were just afraid.
Okie 😁
I can try..
Oh okie I will too..
Fir no reason XD
Okie, if I think of something, I'll let you know.. XD
Okie, Me too
..? For no reason what?
Do you have a favorite color/colors?
Idek.. I am just thinking about if that mark will leave a big bruise..
Yeah.. My favorite color is blue :D
:D Same! But I also like green XD And everything in between.
D: That's still not a happy thought, Dylan.
Um.. I forgot 😁
Okie.. I am going to clear everything bad from my mind that's in it right now..
Okie.. I did it!
That was pointless.. And really random.. Sorry XD
Sameee! XD
Itz okieee! XD It made me smile.
:D Okie
You telling me that I made you smile.. Makes me smile 😁
Well, you make me smile a lot, honestly. πŸ˜„ My mid wanders sometimes to wondering what you're doing during the day, and it makes me smile.
Okie.. I have to go to bed in 30 minutes.. This morning so couldn't wake up XD
XD Sorry
You didn't do anything tho.. Why sorry..? I am confused XD
Bc, I'm the one who keeps you up at night, talking.. πŸ˜…
But honestly.. I think the same everyday at school.. And I always think how good life could be if we lived closer to each other.. 😁
Yeah... Then we could actually talk. 😁
Um.. Not really.. Sometimes it takes me an hour to go to sleep
For no apparent reason
That's me every night when I had dessert XD
Yeah.. I usually don't sleep before like 2 or 3 anyways, so this is like my usual stuff XD
Okie XD
Sugar doesn't make me hyper... But like when I get really tired.. I act INSANE. o.o
I don't get hyper either.. It's just hard to go to sleep when I do have it
Yeah. I usually don't sleep, unless I fall asleep on accident.. πŸ˜…
I had a spoonful of honey with nothing else today and it was good at first until I got a lot of it.. Then I was like: "Why did I just do that..?"
But like, if I'm not acting like myself, it either means, my parents/brother or I'm just really tired.
My brother thou.. He will freak when he has sugar
I don't like honey.. 😁 Or like plain chocolate, I only will eat like chocolate with caramel XD
He will like start doing suspicious things and then run off
My brother sleepwalks, and apparently he slept walked upstairs last night looking for his dog that was in his room XD
I kinda felt weird after eating it o~o
X3 Amazing. Siblings are weird, but it's like against the law of parents,to not love them.. :L
You might've had honey with the sugar in it..?
XD I feel stupid.
Yeah.. :I
I was like: ".. *facepalm* MORGAN ALL HONEY HAS SUGAR IN IT."
What?! Don't say that! You aren't and you know it!
Meh, sometimes. But we all can be stupid.
Heh.. That might have been a lie that I was told then.. Someone told me honey is healthy.. Which I didn't know until today and I was like: "So this isn't bad..?"
Idk. I think so, at least..? Our honey is like pure sugar.. o.o I guess that's why my brother likes it..
XD But the thing I hate about my brother and sister is.. If I ever eat anything they think isn't fair that I had they get to have it too.. So they did it themselves and both freaked out.. I am the only one in my family out of my sister and brother who DOES NOT freak out for sugar
Long comment D:
XD Ikr? My brother will do like anything for sugar and I'm like: "... Whatever just take my candy or whatever you want." :L I don't really care. XD
It's okieeee
I do like my candy and all.. But it's fine if I eat it.. But that's why my dad hides my brother and sisters Halloween candy XD
XD I mean I eat some candy, but I don't ask EVERY SINGLE DAY like my brother does. :P
Yeah I don't either.. Bc I hide it XD But I still don't have it every day
My parents put it in a cabinet and then my brother will just like open the cabinet and watch the candy for a minute sometimes.. o.o
o-o Okie XD
XD He is a weird little person.
I might have to go to bed now before I fall asleep randomly..
Just. Sleep. Then.
So.. See you tomorrow or tomorrow night?
Uh.. Tomorrow night.. I have to go to the dance thing thou.. So who knows when I'll be back.
Goidnight Morgan <3 :D 😊❀️☺️
Goodnight, Dylan! <3 c: ☺️
Oh right.. Okie :D
Yeah.. See you, tomorrow. <3
Goodnight! :D
Okie <3 c:
c: <3
Aparently the 'dance' ends at 8, so I might see you around 7 your time? 😁
Okie, have a good day Morgan 😊
You too! I actually have like an hour or so.. So, maybe, I might be able to talk to you, for a few minutes?
Oh okie :D
I just got home 😁
Well I am here if you need me :D
Okie, see you tonight c: <3
See you tonight. Sorry.. I was talking to my dad and brother XD
Okie XD
:L I'm still here.. For like 2 more minutes.. I'm bringing my phone, so I might be able to talk.
Oh.. About the Christmas trees.. Me and my brother have our own little trees. And we have one upstairs and downstairs. 😁
Oh that is so cool :D I wish I had one :c
XD I had to clear a table.
What do you mean?
Hewwo XD I forgot to say that.. 😁
:L Hewwo
What's wrong..?
The party. :c I'm still here.. And it's been terrible.
Oh.. D: I am sorry for you
Gtg.. Homework.. :c
See you tonight :D
See you tonight.
Okie 😁
I have a terrible headache... 😞
Constant screaming and my friends made me dance.. πŸ˜…πŸ˜ž Ugh..
Sorry, about the short comments earlier btw.. My friends kept trying to see what I was doing. 😐
Omg I am so sorry for you D:
I just got done with homework:c
* :c
Well.. If you fell asleep it's okie 😁 And if you did goodnight..
But I will be here if your not asleep :D
I'm not asleep.. Yet. c:
Hai! πŸ˜„
Sorry.. I was just sitting here, thinking.. 😁
Hewwo πŸ˜„
Okie XD
So, what's new?? 😊
I am really sorry.. 😁 About the dance thing.. And your headache.. DX
Um.. Not much.. 😁
It's okie.. I'm just trying not to think about it.. But my dad gave me some pain medicine, so my headache is finally gone.. 😁
Yeah. :L
That's good :D
Yeah, I'm glad. c:
Because when you are hurt I feel sad..
D: Don't feel sad. It wasn't your fault.
But the same for you..
But I can't be happy when you are hurt.. It's impossible.. And when I am around someone when they are hurt.. I feel bad.. :c
Yeah... 😞 Same.. But I've had a headache for all today.. it just got worse. 😁
Anyways... What do you want to talk about?
I don't want you to be sad.. 😞
Um.. 😁 I don't really know
XD I was like: "Something we haven't talked about... o-o Idek anymore."
o-o XD
We've talked a lot... I just don't know, what we HAVEN'T talked about.. :L
Yeah.. o.o
Well... πŸ˜… I'm not sure.
Well.. There is a movie on so.. I might get distracted XD
Okie. XD I heard my mom come home, so I'm like really alert right now.. 0.0
.3. I won't be caught tho. Imma ninja. :P
.o. Okie
Awesome :D
XD Not really, but.. I've done this before :3
Okay 😁
XD I would suck at being a ninja.. I hate hurting people.. And I can't seeing anyone's blood except mine.. 😁
Trust me on this, I'm not going to be caught :D
Someone else's blood makes me sick..
Okie c:
Yeah.. I can see my own blood, though.. I don't know. XD My life is weird.
Yeah me too XD
cx I promise if I am caught, I have my computer.. Unless they take my computer.. o.o
Then that would really suck XD I would actually have to sleep. :P
Sleep is like my worst enemy.. It means it will take me away from my time with you.. 😞
D: But if I don't sleep I cannot go to school..
I know. D:
XD Soo..
:3 What do chu want to talk about?
Idek XD
What's new? I guess?
😁 Idk
Oh.. Um..
How was school?
Good 😁 I guess
That's good.. I guess?
Yeh πŸ˜„
☺️ What else have you been doing, that you enjoy? 😁
?? There must be something..? Right..?
Well.. I have to go to my sailing award ceremony tomorrow night.. 😁
Cool! :D
Yeah.. 😊
Good job, Dylan. <3 c:
Well I am not gonna win anything..
:L I am in the 2nd to last class..
So? It's still cool. :D
But as long as I have fun it will be good :D
Yeshhh! :DD
Late comments c:
Ikr? XD
But that's all that matters :D
Of courseeee! :D
Yesh! ☺️
:D As long as you're happy, I'm happy. ☺️
Aww :D Me too 😊☺️
πŸ˜„β€οΈ c: Thank chu, but it is the truth.
Same here :D
c: You're so sweet. <3
You too c:
Thank youuuu! cx
Thank you too 😁
You're welcome, Dylan. <3
And you are welcome too <3 😊
c: ❀️
❀️❀️ cc:
Soo.. 😁
Um, yeah.. πŸ˜…
What now..? 😁
Well.. 😁
Um.. So how was your day..?
Well.. 😁 Goodnight Morgan
I really hope I didn't get you in trouble πŸ˜₯
I fell asleep.. πŸ˜… It's been a really long week.. 😞
But. I'll stay up until like however long you want tonight. I promise. And... I'm really sorry... πŸ˜” I'll see you after school I guess..?
I am home.. :D
And, don't feel sorry.. I had to go to bed before my dad came home.. 😁
But you don't have to stay up tonight D:
It's okie
Well.. I will be on Creative if you need me :D
Gtg to dinner :L I will be back in like 2 hours
So. Sorry. My dad made me come to our business to help 'make stairs'.. And then go to dinner.. I guess I'll be back in about an hour?
+ I can srsly stay up ALL night and all day tomorrow! I'm super hyper right now, for no good reason! :D
Okie, I'm back. I shall wait for chu <3
Oh, and, there's something I need to tell you.. I should be honest.. 😞
I am here..
If you need to tell me something..
And I will be here for about 2 more hours
But.. You can tell me anything..
Hewwo. 😁
For what..? Chu didn't do anything..
I have to tell you something.. πŸ˜” But.. It's kind of.. I don't know..
I was writing a story, and I kinda forgot about PicCollage..
Um.. 😁
That's it..?
Well.. Here.. I might have depression, 50/50 chance.. More likely.. But.. I think this, because when I mess up... I have suicidal thoughts. I thought I shouldn't keep this from you.. You're like.. My best friend.
No.. 😁😞
What! Why!
Don't.. Please..
Because.. 😞 I don't know.. I'm depressed sometimes.. And right now is one of those times..
I couldn't do anything without you.
It's true
Please.. If you stay here everything will be fine..
Thanks.. But.. I mean, I never have tried to commit suicide.. Yet.. But.. I have suicidal thoughts.. πŸ˜” And it's depressing..
D: Please trust me.. Morgan.. I don't know what I would do with my life if you were gone.
It's the same for you..
I just thought, that I should tell you..
For what..? It's okie you told me.. Because if I didn't know.. How could I have helped you..?
And I would get scared if you left me..
Because I wouldn't know.. Unless Muskey told me..
It's just.. I don't know.. I'm usually happy.. But yet.. I'm depressed at the same time.. I'm usually only showing my happy side of me..
And it's not going to happen okay..?
I know.. 😞
Okay. 😁
Let's.. Try to forget about this..? 😁
Or.. Unless my friend.. She knows my password.. She probably would post something on my account.. But I'm not sure..
Let's pretend that we never knew of suicide.. If that helps.. 😣
Yeah.. I'm sorry.. I just.. I don't know.. I don't want to keep anything from you.. 😞
That's okay with me.. I wouldn't either..
I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean.. To make it like this.. This is why I keep it to myself usually.. I don't want pity.. πŸ˜”
No I am fine.. Honestly, it's okay if you tell me.. Because I might be able to help.. Maybe..
My friend, she's been trying to today.. I've been like this all of today.. It's just one of my days.. Nothing really helps.. I've just been.. Depressed. That's all.. I mean.. It's going to be gone by tomorrow, hopefully..
**Later today. I didn't realize it was already past midnight..
Oh, okay then.. But I am fine.. You can tell me anything.
Oh.. Yeah XD
I'm glad you're okay. 😁 I was afraid to tell you.. I didn't know how you would take it..
Yeah.. I'm like half smiling.. Talking to you.. Actually brightens my days.
I am fine.. If I wasn't.. I would tell you. And I would never lie to you.
😁 Thanks.. I don't have anything else I haven't told you..
😊 Well I am smiling too. And I will keep doing it as long as you are here. 😁
Thank you, Dylan. c:
Well, so I went to dinner too XD And it was good :D
Thank you too. ☺️
XD That's good.
You're welcome. 😊
And.. Tonight wasn't really bad for me.. If it was I would tell you. Well.. I did almost fall off the stage, when everyone had to do a group picture..
But I didn't! :D
XD I'm trying so hard not to laugh now.. I went from frowning to laughing.. πŸ˜„
Good! :D
But.. My brother HAD to come..
Oh.. 😁
He took the whip cream from the ice cream table and tried to spray people with it but he made like a big pile on the ground..
That I stepped in..
0-0 That's nice.
Okay.. That's not nice anymore..
XD Well I figured it was him because he had whipped cream in his hand..
That sounds.. Gross. πŸ˜–
Oh.. Okie
He's still a little kid, though, they need to have fun. c:
Sorry.. I don't like whipped cream.. But like.. It's sounds like mushy to step in.. o.o
Yeah.. He also picked the raffle tickets XD But he didn't know what they were
Yeah.. It didn't feel like anything though.. Until I looked at my shoe..
It.. Idk.. XD
Sorry, about falling asleep last night.. I guess my 'fun party' caught up to me.. o-o
So.. Um. What do you wanna talk about.. 😁 Other than um.. Suiciding
It's okie XD I was watching a movie and got distracted too
XD okie and yeah..
Um.. Idk.
I will try to think of something..
I'll try also..
Um... How was your movie?
It was.. Kinda scary at first XD But then it got funny
It was Home Alone
You know that movie..?
Yeah. :P
Yeah apparently it was the new one.
It kinda scared me
Oh. I've only seen the old ones.. 😁
:c Don't be scared.
I think I have seen all of them now :D
XD I am not anymore
Okie. :D
Oh.. Um.. What now? 😁
Yeah.. I have a lot of movies I wanna see.. But I don't think I will be able to watch all of them
Umm.. 😁
I don't really watch movies anymore.. 😁 I'm too busy.
Yeah.. I will probably only get to watch one.. :L
:D One is better than none.
But that is okie XD
Yeah 😁
But it's a hard decision.. Idek what movie to watch
I'm sorry.. If you see my in a different way.. πŸ˜… I just feel like.. This is more awkward.
:D Do whatever your heart tells you to.
Late comments.. o.o
*me XD autocorrect didn't help me there
XD Yeag
Well.. Same there
I just feel like it's more awkward.. 😁 I'm sorry.. This is why I didn't want to tell you..
:L Autocorrect is going to kill me some day.
I don't feel awkward. Its okie Morgan, you didn't do anything wrong.
Oh.. Okie. c: I'm glad, you don't judge me.. I won't judge you either. I promise.
I would never judge you D:
Thank you. 😊 <3
And thank you too 😊❀️
You're welcome, Dylan. c:
XD It's so weird saying something that someone just told you
XD Yeah.
You are welcome too, Morgan :D
:DD cx
I think this is the first time, I'm truly smiling from the last 24 hours.. 😁
Omg I can't even do the right emoji XD
Yeah I always click the wrong one XD
Ikr.. And then I just like stare at my phone like: "Why do you do this to me..?"
I would try doing this 😁 But I would click this πŸ˜‚
XD I've noticed
Um.. Late comments
:L Idek
Oh nooo.. D:
I might not be able to stay awake for much longer
You can sleep. :D
Well.. Okie
According to my friend sleeping is healthy for you :P
Goodnight, Morgan ❀️😊
Goodnight, Dylan! πŸ˜„πŸ’™ I'll see you tomorrow.
Okie,you too :D
Meh, she still gets mad at me for staying up late XD
*, you
c: Byeee <3
Bye <33 cc:
:D <33 Have a good rest of your night
Goodmorning, Dylan. <3
Goodmorning, Morgan :D <3
Hewwo! :D
Hai 😊
Sorry, I had to move my drawing stuff downstairs XD
Okie XD
I couldn't focus :L
Oh :I
Ye.. I'm working on some of elves I drew last night..
Cool :D
I guess. 😊 What are you doing?
Um.. Well XD I just woke up and the heaters aren't on.. So now I am like curling up in a blanket..
And I am kinda mad teh heaters weren't on.. o-o
Ohh.. The heaters were on and I stepped on one.. XD I thought about sitting on it and drawing. :L I hate it being cold.
Yeah.. I have one in my room that is like right under my desk XD
I don't have one in my room.. You're lucky. cx
Oh 😁
Ye.. So how's your day so far?
Well.. Like every room in my house has one
The kitchen has like 4
Oh.. We only have heaters upstairs I'm pretty sure.. Considering it's freezing downstairs all day long.
XD Amazing
Good :D Since I am talking to you
c: Same. :DD <3
Thank you Morgan 😊❀️
Thank you, also, and you're welcome. ☺️
cc: :DDD <33
You are welcome too ☺️
I might have to go soon.. My dad says we have to take pine needles today.. 😞
Take pine needles..?
What do chu mean..?
*rake. :L
XD Stupid autocorrect
Ohh XD That makes more sense.. πŸ˜‚
* 😁
Ye.. XD Sorry about that.
Well.. I have to go also.. Maybe like 10 minutes or so..
Oh okie.
Yeah.. I won't be back until like 2 PM.. Your time.. Bc I have karate
Oh okie. That's fine. :D
Okieee :D
Well, at least, we have some time together. :D
Yeah :D Bc I never get to talk to chu in the mornings :L
Yeah.. 😁
Usually by now my friends would've dragged me onto Minecraft or something.. Today is a quiet day so far. πŸ˜„
So, what's new?
😊 Okie XD
cx Which is good.
I know it's only like 7:30.. 😁
Yeah.. But I am awake!
Just nothing new.. Right now
X3 Okie.
Well.. Idk
Yeah.. Well.. Um.. 😁
XD Idek rn..
I feel like I should make a Christmas Town or City at my plot..
You can if chu want! I can help. :D
But. Maybe not.. 😁
It's up to chu.
I don't wanna make you have to go to your plot and my plot.. For the whole Christmas Present part.. :L
Meh, it's okie. :P
So I might make it like a big city.. πŸ˜‚
* 😁
Okie. c: I'm always here to help.
Okie 😊 Except I can't get one rn..
But when I come home I can :D
Ye.. I mean I can, but I'm choosing not to XD
Okie! :D
Well.. Idk if I should make a city or like a mountain camping place.. You know what I mean right..? 😁
Yesh, and it's totally up to youuu.
Okie.. I still have like 5 hours to decide XD
But when I decide.. I might over think it.. o-o
Okie X3
Sorry my mom is texting me.
Oh okie XD
Yeah, she's in Dallas shopping with her friend :L She left us for shopping XD
X3 So like I'm texting my mom, talking to you, and drawing so I'm like checking everything like every 2 seconds :P
What's wrong?
Nothing XP
Oh okie XD
Meh. I don't feel like going anywhere today. I am too cold and I don't wanna get up XD
Oh :c Poor Dylan.
I am just going to wait until it's warmer.. Or the heaters go on.
Wait.. I am like 5 feet away from the heater switch.. o.o
XD Okie
Idek how to make it turn on tho.. I might turn on the air conditioning.. Then I will freeze
:c Poor, poor, Dylan.
Omg. Now I have 2 more :L
Okie :D
Oh. :L
Idek what I've done with it. o-o
Well.. It looks... Okay.. 0-0
:D It's so good! If I tried to draw an elf.. I would have to go through like 5 pieces of paper.. To get one part right
DX I used a pencil at first.. But thank you.
You're welcome, Morgan 😊
Okie.. Well, I will see you later.. 😁
Bye Morgan 😊 <3
Bye.. Sorry, I kind of forgot to check PicCollage.
That's okie XD
Byeee :D
XD I gtg now, and I forgot once again.. :L Sorryyy. I'll be back in like 2 hours? Maybe.. 😁 Or maybe around 12 your time. <3 Byez
Well.. I'm done.. I'll see you in about 40 minutes. I bet you did great! <3
I am home :D
Hai! :DD
Hewwo! c:
I am on Creative if you would like to join me and Muskey. :D
Okie I will do that :D
Okie! c:
Sorry, about earlier.. Everything today is really frantic. ^~^
About what..?
About like, saying I would help.. And not. I can now though. :D
And I am going to my friends house.. We are going to a parade! XD So.. I will be back in like.. 4 hours D:
Oh. Okie! Have fun! :D
Oh.. Well, I gtg.. :c
Bye, Dylan. Have fun. c:
And.. What does 'bbl' mean..?
XD Okie 😊❀️
Be back later
Oh okie
c: <3
Well, bbl :D
Okie! cx
Byeee Morgan 😊❀️
I might be able to bring my phone.. But I have like 50%
Okie, well.. If not. :D Have fun.
Who is -TakeMeToWonderLand- ?
She's kinda one of my friends on PC.. XD Sorry I am building on PunchCraft Creative :P
Are chu still there, Dylan?
* :D
She liked all my collages and I got confused..
Okie, just checking c:
XD Idk why. She's nice though.. We used to talk more. :L
Well I might be on Creative with my friend.. Or Mineplex
So.. 😁 I will see you tonight..?
Like.. 30 minutes..?
Um, yeah. I can actually help you with your plot, later. 😁
Okie :D
See you later c: <3
See you later, Dylan. <3
Hewwo..? I am on Creative.. I missed chu by 16 minutes D: Pls come back XD
Okie, I will. c:
Why does -TakeMeToWonderLand- keep liking and dis-liking my collages..?
Idk..? 😁 XD
Soo.. What do you wanna talk about..? 😁
Whatever you want to talk about. 😊
I don't know.. That's why I asked you 😁
Wellll.. XD Idk
I can try. 0-0
Oh wait..
If you could live anywhere.. Where would you live.?
Wait, what..?
How was your day..? XP
Good, how was yours? XD
Late comments :L
Um.. Maybe Hawaii..?
:D Cool.
Or where I am now XD
And beautiful.
Where would you live..?
California does sound nice, so you are lucky. :P
Canada, Hawaii... Or.. Maybe here or.. I'm not sure.. Somewhere.. 😁
It is.. Just.. Wasps. Scare. Me.
You shouldn't come to Oklahoma then.. πŸ˜…
That's the only bad thing about summer here.. Wasps and hornets
Wasps and bees.. β€’~β€’
There is more..?
o.o XD
Depends on your definition of more.. πŸ˜…
Um.. A lot..?
Do you see the wasp hives?
Well.. Kind of. 😁
If you do..
That is considered a lot to me
But, I don't know how many you have..
XD Okie
Here.. You see them everywhere..
Oh.. Yeah. My dad sometimes has to pick them off our house :L Sorry late comments
Even at school.. There are hornet nests
Ewww DX
It's just gross.. Like.. They will just sit on their hives for a long time.. 😁
Yeah.. My dad has this spray.. So there are just like 5 hives around the roof of my house.. With nothing in them
Bc of the spray
Gross xc
Yeah. My dad has a spray too. But usually he just knocks down the hive with like a broom or something.. o-o
Late comments :L
Me and my neighbors throw stuff at them.. Then we run inside and lock the door
It's okie XD
Let's just say.. None of my family is sane.. Like.. Not completely sane at least.
What's that?
Like, the opposite of insane, not crazy.. 😁
Itz okie, Dylan.
So your family is insane.. But not sane?
I am confused XD
Basically.. O-o They're crazy at least.
And being insane is not being sane..?
XD Ye, so okie, they aren't psychos, but they aren't normal. o.O
Oh okie
Idk what my family is.. Probably not insane..
XD They don't go that far. Hopefully. Usually. 😁
But I might be.. XD
I'm probably the most sane out of my family.. And I'm not very sane either. :L Heh.
Well.. I am. For downloading hacks XD
Wait. What I just said made no sense at all 0.0
Late comments >~<
Sooo.. o-o
What now?? 😁
What now? XD
Oops late comments
At first I was like: ".....? I just said that.. XD"
*facepalm x2
Itz okie, Dylan!
So much confusion :P
Yeah o.o
0-0 Soo..
What's new for you, again? XD
XD Idek what I'm doing anymore.
Idk.. But the late comment helped this time XD
Ikr XD
My dad shouldn't have trusted me with sugar XD I'm going to be hyper. :L
Like.. I'm seriously like going crazy, tomorrow. I can promise you that XD
I don't get crazy when I have sugar.. I just act like it's nothing.. I don't get hyper XD Idk
I usually, am not hyper.. But maybe I am today from having lunch at 3 or something..? XD
I never am..Idk how I am not
*.. Idk
My dad seriously took us to get icecream and lunch at 3 in the afternoon today.. >~< I didn't realize I was hungry.
Only when I'm super tired or had WAYYY too much sugar
Oh XD Before I didn't know what you meant by 'bbl icecream'
I was being completely serious 😁
With what?
With what, what??
With you being completely serious?
About the ice-cream. I was like on the phone and then I heard something about ice-cream and lunch and I was like: ":O I'll see you guys later."
Oh okie XD
:L I'm only going to eat fruits and vegetables today XD We had like nothing healthy.
Yeah.. :L I was like hyper. Before sugar.. So I was probably tired.
Oh.. 😁
Ye.. 😁
So, what's new for chu?
I had like.. Waffles.. Then Pizza.. And chips
Like srsly. Tell me something.
That works
And cookies.. I guess I didn't either
Late comments:L
* :L
I ate breakfast.. And then my dad made us breakfast and I was like: "o-o Are you serious."
XD Ikr
Yeah.. Today I was stuck for 40 minutes in a weird parade of police cars.. It had to at least be 4 miles of them..
Then I had lunch. And ice-cream for dinner basically.. :P
Wow.. o-o
Just waiting for them to go by
Ye.. I've been thinking about you lately, Bc my brother keeps talking about making lemonade.. And I keep thinking about how you told me about the Popsicle and stuff..
Um.. Okie. XD
XD Idk why that came to my mind.
Is that good or bad..?
Good? I think..
Okie :D
<33 c:
Thank you Morgan <3
You're welcome, Dylan. But, why are you thanking me?
I was thinking of you too.. I do everyday..
Um.. Idk
XD I almost just fell asleep o-o
☺️ In my free time I usually do. And today I was thinking while I was FaceTiming Muskey and I guess I made a weird face or something and she was like: "Morgan..?" 0-0
You should sleep then!
:c Well I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow until 12.. My time
All I know was, I was staring at a wall XD
Oh okie XD
But, you're tired, Dylan.. :c I don't want to keep you awake, when you're tired.
Idek anymore.. 😁
Okie :c
I'm sorry.. Just, I don't want you to be tired tomorrow.
But I won't 😁
You won't..?
I don't think so..
Well.. If you don't think so.. 😁
What do you want to talk about..?
Idk XD
Okie XD
Umm.. What about... o-O
Idk.. πŸ˜…
It's okie! I might have to go to sleep soon
I almost fell asleep
Then.. We should both go to sleep..? 😁
Okie then
Goodnight, Dylan. πŸ’™πŸ˜Š I'll see you tomorrow.
XD Sorry I meant *...
Goodnight, Morgan c: <3
I will see you tomorrow also :D
Goodbye, for now. ☺️
^-^ Good morning, Dylan
Goodmorning :D
Hewwo! :D
Brb, I should go upstairs, my dad probably thinks I've been on my phone for like 2 hours.. :L
Okie, I'm back.
Well I will be on Creative for like an hour.. So.. You can join if chu want I guess XD
Everyone has been asking me that, and um, give me around 15 minutes. :P
Okie.. Sorry.
It's okie. I'll get on in like a minute or so..
Wait.. I got temporarily banned.. DX I tried hacking in Kit PvP
Dylan! DX
But only for 2 days
2 days, is a long time. :L
Well.. Do you have PunchCraft? There's Creative on that.
What's the ip?
Oh. I can give you the server IP
And chu can have pets! :D
Okie I am on PC :D
Okie Hewwo :D
Sorry, I was doing red stone stuff for, my friend
What's new? :D
Um.. Idk XD
Oh, okie. XD
Yeah.. Well I am going ice skating today for my sisters birthday party. So I guess that's new..?
Cool! :D
When I try to ice skate I don't skate.. I walk on it XD
XD I've never tried ice skating before.. :L
I have tried.. Like twice.. 😁
Wow. 😊 That's cool.
I guess. 😁
My friend somehow got her hole, she made underneath the Christmas tree when she was like 30 blocks away.. o-o
Yeah.. I have always thought of trying to slide on my stomach when ice skating.. But I don't want to get ran over.. XD
What do you mean?
Oh.. It's a ravine..
I made a Christmas tree, and now.. She has her house under it.. 😁
So now I'm like: "DON'T BUILD UP! PLEASE!"
Oh XD That would be bad
Wait.. How do I get back to my house when I go on Punch Craft?
You automatically spawn there and you can set your home by doing /sethome
Yeah.. Building in PunchCraft in the wilderness reminds me of my old server.. Where all the staff had their houses in the open.. Hidden away. I miss my old server πŸ˜₯
But.. I am trying to make it again.. And one of the other owners is going to help me install plugins
Okie. I'll help you too, you know. 😊 Anything to et it back to your old server.
And I will hopefully have success port forwarding it..
But I had none yet
Okie 😊
I just miss.. Like everyone there.. All the staff were so nice D:
You could invite everyone back..?
Or.. I could put my server on Planet Minecraft.. Or one of those websites
Yeah.. 😁
But really.. I only have one of the staffs Skype.. And he is the one helping me with plugins. 😁
Maybe he has all of them on Skype.. Bc he was an owner
I was a co owner.. And then there is the Main owner
But.. I want to have a server.. And make it just as good as my old one
It will be.
Well.. I think I have to eat breakfast soon
XD Okie
Wait.. Chu have Skype?
Well that would've made life easier.. 😁
Wait I am confused
I have Skype, and.. Nvm.
Oh. Okie XD
I guess it would have
My friend was like: "Morgan. Are you dead. You're staring at your phone like you're dead."
Ohhh XD
^~^ I'm actually Skyping, her rn
😁 Sorry for distracting you.. If I am
Wow. Just wow. She was like: "I'm not evil enough to destroy people's houses." and I was like: "You jus tried to burn my house down with lava?!"
Nah, it's okie.
But fire is banned from da server
Oh yeah
D: Gtg eat
Oh, okie. Byeee <3 :c
I am back 😁
Sorry I took so long.. My mom said I had to clean the house :c
It's okie! :D Sorry, I had to eat lunch.
Are you still there..? 😁
I guess that's a no.. Well, see you tonight?
I am back.. From my sisters party.. :D
I have to practice my saxophone.. So see you.. Tonight c:
Okie! Sorry, I had to have dinner and stuff. :P I shall wait for chu.
Okie.. I am on PC now :D
Um.. Yeah..
:L I will wait XD
Bc I know you are probably watching a video
Well.. If chu are asleep.. I will see you tomorrow :D
And if you are, Good night Morgan 😊❀️
Sorry for making you wait. I totally understand if you are ignoring me.. D:
What?! No never! I was truly asleep.. It's been a long day, of doing nothing.. Sorry, Dylan.. I didn't mean for you to feel that way.. 😞
I'll see you tonight..? :c I'm really, really sorry >~<
I'm really sorry... πŸ˜” I have to go to school.... See you tonight or later....? 😁😞
Okay.. See you later.
I'm sorry too.. I didn't mean to make you feel bad or like you did something wrong.. Because you didn't. I don't even know what I was thinking last night.. Honestly, I am sorry for making you feel down.. 😞 I really didn't mean for it to happen this way.
It's okie.. We're both sorry, and.. Let's just pretend it never happened? 😁
Yeah.. 😁
I will see you later.. Or tonight.. I have to practice my instrument again.
Well, I can't talk actually until tonight.. I'll see you later, Dylan.
I am really sorry. I knew I should have said that and I was being a jerk.. But when you are sad then I can't be happy.. So, let's forget and be happy..? I am truly sorry.
It's okie, Dylan. I'm truly sorry too. Let's just never speak of this again.
And, you're not a jerk.. 😞 Don't say that..
And Emma agrees, and says you're one of the kindest people she's met. :D
Well.. I gtg to karate.. See you tonight.. 😁
*shouldn't XD
Okie, I'm back, sorry. 😁 And yeah, Emma like.. never lies :DD I'm being serious.
But.. Emma... Our friends, Maggie and Erin.. They basically texted her saying they don't want to be her friend and saying she sucked... 😞 I feel really bad right now... I was there when Maggie said it to her..
D: That is awful! I feel bad too.. :c
Well, I am back from karate
Okie! Hewwo!
And I have to eat dinner in a few minutes. :L
Nvm.. Right now. XD
Okie! I'll see you in a while, Dylan.
And I feel awful, also.. But, if they even try to use, you and Aqua against me.. Since I like you guys.. That's what they did... 😞 I don't know what I'll do..
**That's what they did to Emma
Wait..? They did it to you also..?
And I am done with dinner
:L My comments are being slow
Luckily not.. But hopefully they won't..
Sameeee DX
They won't load for like 2 minutes.. Then they show up
Ye! Ikr!
Hewwo :D
Hewwooo! c:
I updated my hacks XD And now I got what I wanted..
Oh, and yes, Sharpie can give you skin cancer.
Fast Bow o-o
Oh okie
Omigosh, Dylan! You are going to be banned from like every server, if you're not careful! D:
I will tell my brother that.. He does that all the time..
And now I am afraid..
Yeah.. My parents freak out if I use Sharpie on my skin.. o-o
DX It's okie.
I colored one of my fingers blue with Sharpie and I didn't..
I know Morgan.. But I mainly use my hacks on a server that allows them..
Okie, good. c:
But I used it in Block Hunt today.. And forgot that if I kill them it says my name..
And I accidentally killed someone.. 0.0
And he said: "iLemon_Pie"
"Why are you bow haxing"
And I killed myself and left Mineplex
And I was like: "... No one saw anything.."
DX Just, try not to be banned.
But now fast bow makes lag.. A lot of lag
So, NOW it decides to send :L
But from now on I shall only use meh hacks on servers that hire advertisers to spam the ip, or servers that I hate c:
Or servers that allow them
Okie. I can't afford, to lose you on every server.. 😞
And XD My 2-day ban expires in like 8 hours..
Yeah.. I promise I will be safer with them. 😁
Thank chu. 😁 I have missed chu.
I won't use them that often anymore..
Okie. :3
I have missed playing with you too 😁
😁 So let's both, try not to be banned. :D
How will you get banned..?
I have no idea.. 0-0
I think I am the only hacker here XD
From being me, I guess. :P
XD Meh. You never know.
Well.. Idk
Ye... Maybe, I will, maybe, I won't.
But I'm not a hacker.. Yet :3
Yet. XD I probably won't be.
You wanna be a hacker..?
Oh okie.. I didn't either
Not really.. But you never know. +_+ Especially not with me.
And I promise I won't be anymore :D
:DD Thank chu
Late comments.. >~<
Yeah.. 0.0
I might delete them just to get rid of the temptation..
You don't have to stop hacking..
Well.. I don't like being a hacker.. But I had to do it.. To get my revenge on those Block Hunt cheaters..
Yeah.. 😁
I saw that and I was like: "o-o Whaaat."
And the new update is sooo slow..
When I tried to kill the Wither in a single player world it was still slow.. Then it shot like an explosion of arrows.
.o. Cool.
In totally opposite directions of what I was aiming at
Oh.. Not cool XD
Like.. I might use them on my server.. If it ever gets finished..
To teach other hackers a lesson :D And people that aren't nice..
^-^ I approve that
They will get locked in bedrock and I will kill them XD
I sound so evil now..
And I will torture them using really annoying hacks..
It sounds like what I would say to my brother.. πŸ˜…
^-^ What do you want to talk about?
The new update.. Has a "fun" category in my GUI >> I still don't know what that means but it says it is XD<<
Wait.. How was your day?
And there are 3 "fun" hacks
What..? XD
My day.. Was.. Okay..?
Yeah.. Over all mine was like.. Terrible.. 😞
Oh.. My.. Gosh.. PicCollage. Just. Send. It. >:L
Ughhhh! I've tried 3 times.
I'll send it separately, I guess..
That's fine :P As long as we can talk to each other
Ye XD I don't think PC likes me right now
Okie XD
.-. Why, PicCollage, why?
It doesn't want to work. 0-0
Okie then.. My violin... To be continued XD Omg
Your violin?
O.o It still hates me
β€’_β€’ Yep.
Something broke on it, from the cold weather.. I'll try to explain it XD It's what we pluck/play on.
HA! PC, I tricked you! >:l
Pluck.. That sounds funny XD
And then everything with my friends.. :L
Yeah... 😁
I guess, life was testing, our friendship's boundaries today.. 😁
What does that mean..? D:
It basically means.. Part of my friends.. They're drifting away.. Not really from me.. But.. It makes me angry they would do that to Emma.. >~<
Wait.. I meant my friends and me.. We're okie. :D
Oh.. Yeah.. :c
Okie.. I am confused XD
😞 It's just sad... For me and Emma at least.. She showed me everything they said.. I'm afraid to tell her what one of my friends said to me about it..
XD Ye. Sorry.
What did they say.. D:
xc They kept saying she brags about herself.. Only wants attention.. Pushes others away.. None of that is true..
DX That is terrible..
There was more.. I deleted it though..
Oh okie
I'm really sad, to call myself their friend, right now..
I.. 😞 This is so.. Ugh.. I just feel like crying..
Just know.. I will always be here for you.. Even during your saddest moments.. I will be right here
Thank you.. I'll be here for you, also.
Thank you too.. And your are welcome
You're, also, welcome.. Can we change the subject..? I'm sorry.. I just can't talk about this anymore.. 😞
Sure.. It's fine with me..
As long as you are okay
Okie.. So.. What's new..?
Just tell me if you aren't..
I'm fine, Dylan..
We had to do a "performance" to the dance we learned..
Today at school.. I did not like it at all
Well.. You tried something new, which is always fantastic.
I guess.. But it was.. awkward..
How so?
I just wish you could be there.. So it would be.. As awkward..?
😁 You wouldn't want to see me dance.
Well we had to do it in front of the class
And like.. It was at least 2 minutes long
You, most likely, did fine! 😊
Well.. Neither of us would be good.. But that's okay.. 😁
Heh. I'm terrible at a lot of things, including dancing XD
Me too..
I hope to.. Not do that again.. 😁
Well..... Like I said, you tried something new. ☺️
It's okie, considering, you have been doing random things in P.E. that next time, it might not be dancing?
Think positively, about the future. There are always chances. :D
And apparently in 8th grade we have to swim.. But, I hope I get to in the hot weather..
Oh.. Wow. 😁 Your school really takes P.E. seriously.
:L Yeah..
As far as I know, there's dodgeball and "Workout Wednesday".. o-o
At your school..?
Yeah, I think there might be more, but I'm not sure.
I always get hurt in dodgeball..
o.O You get hurt doing a lot of things, Dylan. Which makes you like me XD
All I do is hide in the corner..
It's okie, though.
Yeah.. XD
I usually stand like in the back.. And usually I would get hit.. Because doe one pushed me in front of them.. πŸ˜…
*someone XD Doe one?
What has autocorrect done? XDD
o.o I may be crazy.. But it's actually warm downstairs. I think I'm crazy.
>~< It's never warm down here.. What has happened?
Did the air conditioning turn off..? :D If so, my parents should keep it this way.
I wish I had air conditioning.. My house only has heat.. And I can't stand it during the summer
Confusion.. o-O I would go and ask my brother.. But he's sleeping and if I woke him up asking him if it was warm he would probably punch me/slap me or both. o.o
In the summer I sometimes wish to shut myself in the freezer
Oh.. XD
My brother is like so nice.. 0-0 I'm being sarcastic, by the way cx
Yeah.. I can tell XD
**is, like, so nice..
Yeahhh XD
What chu wanna talk about now..?
Idk.. 😁
XD I don't either..
What do you want to talk about? :D
Oh XD Late comment
*~* Would chu like help?
Do you have a preference of music?
Okie.. This might sound weird XD But what do you want for Christmas..? 😁
Um.. I honestly don't know..
Oh.. Um.. XD I actually only want books. But since the trip was expensive.. Only my brother is getting me a gift, what about you?
Your going on a trip?
This may sound weird, but I like Christmas and Halloween music best.. XD
In March.. It's like a school trip, you can choose to go on.. It's to Washington D.C. and New York City :D
I like Christmas music too.. And Halloween :D
Do chu like Ghostbusters..?
Oh yeah I remember
XD I listened to Halloween music like all day long on Halloween.. :P And I've been listening to Christmas music since November.. XD
Just.. Be safe..
Ye. :3 Do chu?
I will! My dad is coming with me.. You don't have to worry :D
Yeah XD I was Stay Puft for Halloween:D
* :D
Okie.. I just had bad hallucinations..
I will try to forget..
Nu... Don't! Plus I'll try to talk to you.. I most likely will have my phone.. But I might not have the time.. 😁
DX Late comments
Oh okie.. That's fine as long as you are happy :D
:D I mean, I might be able to talk at night..
0.0 That just made it worse..
o-o Sorry.
Don't. Ever. Say. That.
Forget I said anything. πŸ˜…
None of us will die..
I know!
But, if so, don't call yourself a jerk! D:
Well.. We all do.. But not for a while.. So don't think of it now.. 😁
Ye. :S
I am confused
Earlier. You said you were a jerk.. o.o Don't you say that.
It made me feel worse, honestly.. 😁
D: I am sorry
I hope you don't feel like that rn..
It's okie. Just.. Don't say that, about yourself. I know it's not true, and so do you.
I don't. I promise, sorry for bringing it up..
Really, Dylan. You can't not convince me, at least.
I wasn't trying to..
Wasn't trying to.?
Convince you..
Wellll.. You still can't. c:
Sorry, I'm like, a lot crazy right now.. o-o
**a lot,
:D Earlier I couldn't stop laughing and my parents kept asking me if I was tired and I was like: "N-no..?"
I honestly, don't know why I was laughing XD
Oh XD I was like: "... Laughing at what..?"
Yeah.. :L
Late comments
Ye.. :I
What now? XD
Idk XD
+~+ Oh.. Um..
What is one of your dreams/goals in life?? I mean like, idek o-o
Um.. Idk..
It's okie, chu don't have to answer
It's hard.. XD
Ikr.. o.o I can't choose one.
What is one of yours?
Oh.. πŸ˜…
Oh okie XD
Late comment
I can try.. o.o
Only if chu want
Um... I would have to say, becoming a better artist..
It's okie
I have like.. So many though.
But you are already good :D
Better than me.. o-o
Not as good as Falcon.. You haven't seen her draw irl.. :o She's amazing
I don't know.. XD
But thank chu anyways
XD It's okie
Yeah.. My friends at lunch today told me this story when he jumped in a bush at a construction site and yelled: "Green card checking"
I didn't know what that was until today XD
What is that..? .?.
But he said he saw 4 people run
Off the construction site
Your friend is evil 0-0 XD
Um.. I think you have to have on to be on a construction site..? 😁 I honestly don't really know.. I sort of assumed it
Yeah.. Then he said he felt really bad XD
Hmm.. Okie XD
β€’~β€’ I really hope my friends wouldn't do that..
Yeah.. He said he did it with his grandpa.. XD
Omg XD
My school.. Is weird.. And scary.. And.. Like everything
Yep.. o.o Describes my school.. and life πŸ˜„
There is a big hole in the fence near the field.. Someone could literally run away from school..
o-o They should fix that..
And.. People carry.. Illegal things.. And.. Bad things
That can get them put in jail..
I see.. 😁
:L Doesn't sound like my life anymore.. o-o
Like.. Not harmful.. Unless eaten.. Or.. Something else
Consumed.. I will go with that..
Yeah.. I know what you're talking about, Dylan..
Yeah.. That's good.. 😁
Yeah.. 😁
I mean it's good your life isn't like that
Oh. XD
Yeah.. One of my friends has this bottle opener but he flicks it around and it looks like a knife.. o-o
0-0 Wow.....
He like spins it around his finger.. But it's not a knife XD
I wouldn't have touched it
Oh. Okie. XD I was like reading it wrong.. :L
Someone got ISS for the last week of her going here, because she brought a lighter to school o-o
My friends.. :L
In school.. Suspension?
I forgot what it stands for
^~^ And I just thought she had already moved until people were gossiping about it..
You basically do nothing, from my understanding..
XD Ohhh
I meant in ISS XD
I was like: "You what.....? o.o"
Ye, you do plenty of things ^-^
They don't call your parents and make them pick you up?
I don't think so.. o-o
That might just be suspension..
Either way, not good.. o.o
Yeah.. It's good we don't know
That means it has never happened to us.. 😁 If that makes sense XD
Yeah.. XD
What now..? 😁
I'm not sure.. πŸ˜…
What do you want to talk about..?
Um.. I have no clue.. o-o
Oh... Well... Um..
How was your day, yesterday?
It was.. Good..
I think.. XD
Okie? XD
How was yours?
Long.. :L
Yeah... 😁
How was your sister's party?
Sorry XD I got distracted o.o
It was.. Okie..
It's okie, and okie. XD
Agh! I keep sneezing! It's so annoying :L
Yeah.. I hurt myself ice skating thou..
What'd you do, this time?
I fell.. And the ice is rock hard..
It felt like I broke a bone..
D: Poor, Dylan.
And.. I couldn't prevent it.. Someone else stopped right in front of me..
Yeah.. :I
It's okie! *virtual hug* <3
Okie.. ☺️
c: <3
:D <33
cc: <33
XD We are weird
But we're a special type of weird. ☺️
Yeah.. 😁
You are making me smile XD
:D I try
Aww ☺️ Me too
I've been smiling, also.. c:
That's good :D
Thank chuuu! I really wish, we knew each other in person.. It feels like we do.. But we don't.. 😞
Yeah.. πŸ˜₯
:c You could be like my best friend.
D: Life would be great if we knew each other.. In real life..
Yeah.. I've been thinking about this a lot, actually.. Until, my friends start talking to me.
Then I have to listen or else they'll ask me if I'm dead.. :L
Oh.. :L
What would you like to talk about, now? <3
:3 Anything?
Idk.. :I
Oh.. XD
Give me like.. a minute. :L
Even though you aren't back, I'm going to ask, or I'll forget :L
Do you want a pet? If yes, what type of pet? :D
Okie back
I can't decide.. I have had pets before.. But I hate to see them go.. Idk..
And welcome back! :DD <3
Thank you :D
You're very welcome, Dylan. <3
What should we talk about now..?
Uh. O.o
And PC deletes my comment 😐
What should we do now?
Idk, honestly.
Why is PC doing this..?
Doing what?
It's sending my comments that I say after another one in front of it..
It might be a bug.
It has never done this before.. In my.. 2 months of experience..
It's been 2 months already..? :o
Wow.. Time goes by fast. :D
Maybeee..? 😁
XD Okis
Late commeeents o-o
Now what XD
Um.. Idk..
What else is new?
Not much..
Well, there must be something?
Yeah.. I do have to make like 12 cookies for one of my classes by the end of Friday 0.0
Srsly..? :D awesome!
Yeah.. :D So I might not be on a lot this week
That's okie, Dylan! You need to get good grades. ☺️
I don't think it's a grade.. It's like a cookie exchange.. But if I don't bring any then I don't get anyone else's XD
Oh.. XD
o.o I almost just fell asleep
Sleep! :l
We can talk later!
Good night, Dylan. <3
Good night, Morgan <33
c: Good luck with your cookies
Thank you :D
You're welcome! c:
I'll see you later, Dylan! :D <3 ^-^
Oh! And, good morning! <3
Okie, you too Morgan :D
I'll be on tonight... My mom is making me go shopping for my orchestra concert clothes :L
Oh.. I have to do that also XD
But I can't today.. It's too late..
Ah, I see XD Lucky chu.
Oh... I gtg, eat dinner, I'll be back soon, Dylan <3
Okie :D
Okie, I'm here! :DD
Well.. I have to eat dinner rn also.. It's my sisters birthday.. So, see you in like an hour or so..?
Wait no.. I just had to get of MC
Maybe I can get on.. I will check
Okie, that's fine.
But, I'm not even on Minecraft, currently.. :P
Go spend time with your family, Dylan. It's your sister's birthday. 😊
Well.. I will see you tonight..? Maybe I can get on MC later..?
Okie! I'll see you in a while. c:
Okie I am here c:
Well.. Chu are probably asleep. So, goodnight Morgan 😊 ❀️ See you tomorrow
Sorry, I was asleep, but once again... I wake up at 2... I'll see you tomorrow, Dylan, goodnight. <3 c:
I'll see you later or tonight, Dylan.. <3
Okie, Bye Morgan :D <3
I'm scared.. My orchestra concert is tomorrow night... o-o
.o. So is mine..
I'm scared too.. o~o
+~+ Really?
That's weird tho.. We have ours the same day
Wait today is Wednesday right?
Yes.. XD
Yeah.. It's tomorrow.. And I am not ready
Ikr.. I'm really scared.. β€’~β€’
And I have one next week on Thursday also
For my school
Tomorrows is for the parents..
Oh.. This is all of the schools.. DX
Ye.. I have so much to do tomorrow
I'm like... Freaking out, so I'm talking to my friend.. Right now poker came up XD
Well.. I have to go do homework :L
Oh, okie. Good luck, Dylan.
Thanks :D
I still have to make cookies..!
Omigosh I forgot..
I hope I will have time tomorrow.. I should just try to make recipe cards tonight.. And the recipe..
It's okie! They'll turn out perfect! :D
Oh okie
Okie.. I hope so..
They will! c:
Yeah.. But like I said, everything is tomorrow
o-o My concert, cookies, I might have sailing, and a lot more o.o
Well.. I should get started now if I wanna survive Friday
So, see you later Morgan :D <3
See chu later, Dylan! :D <3 Good luck.
Hey :D I am back from karate
Okie! Hewwo! :D
Hai c:
How are chu, today? c:
Yeah.. But I am going to go have dessert..
Brb like 5 minutes
Okie, well.. I guess I'll see you later?
See you in about 5 minutes, then :D
Omigosh I am so sorry D:
My dad made me empty the dishwasher :c
It's okie, Dylan! I've fallen asleep on you multiple times now, this is nothing.. 😁
Okie.. I have too.. XD Your not the only one
:D Yeah.. It's just been.. Busy, I guess.
So, what's new? c:
I just knew it like 15 minutes ago
But that's me all the time.. o.o I seriously was going to ask you something, earlier, and then I forgot. 😁
I hate it when you forget what you were thinking about.. To me it's the most annoying thing in the world when it happens :L
Ye.. :L
Yeah o-o
I honestly don't know anymore.. o.o
I don't either..
So.. Um.. XD What's new?
I'm seriously trying to remember, right now.. But.. I'll probably forget what I'm doing in like 5 minutes, knowing me.. o-o
I went to this party today at school.. It was for if you sold stuff in a chocolate fundraiser
^-^ That's cool.
But it was so weird..
We had like light up foam sticks..
o.o That's.. strange.
And people just tore theirs apart.. o.o
But.. It was dangerous.. They were FLASHING lights
Is it bad that when I read that, I immediately thought of my best friend's little brother..? o-o
It sounds like him... 0-0 He... Ugh..
Yeah it was supposed to be a glow party.. But the room wasn't that dark
Yeah.. People ripped it apart to get the light that goes inside the foam
Wow.... Just wow..
My friend said if you take the light off the wires shock you.. I was like: "Okie.. I will not touch it then.. o.o"
o-o Good choice
Yeah.. People are so immature at meh school..
Same.. o.o
They act like 1st graders..
Some of them.. o~o
Heh.. Sounds like my friends.
Mhm.. I didn't know how bad it could shock you..
+~+ My friends have been so confusing lately..
So I didn't try
Good choice, very good choice.. o.o
β€’~β€’ I honestly don't know what to think...
Okie.. XD
So, how was your day? c:
Oh, um, good, I guess? XD
Good :D
That made me laugh.. XD
Late comments ^~^
Well that's good your day was good :D Mine was too
I didn't get hurt 😁
I think
:D Good.
XD How do you not know?
I didn't c:
Okie. XD
o.o Late comments
I.. Forget.. If it's like, not that bad.. 😁 If that makes sense..
Oh.. Okie! c: Perfect sense.
*It makes perfect sense
:I Not really XD
Yes it does! It's like my entire day, except for like an hour before.. πŸ˜…
Well.. I am glad chu are okie and chu had a good day :D
XD I'm glad chu did too.
<3 :D You're making me smile, once again. ☺️
Good <3 I am too 😁
That's good. c:
Yeah :D
XD What are we doing?
I have no idea 0.0
o-o Well we are weirdos..
:P Which can be a good thing.
Yeah :D
XD Omigosh thou, what are we doing?
I have no idea what we are doing..
Ye.. So, srsly, what's new?
Idk anymore.. o.o
Soo.. 😁
What now? c:
Oh.. Well, I saw your plot on Creative today.. :D I liked your idea, about counting down until Christmas.
Well, if you fell asleep, good night, Dylan. <3 c: I'll still be here, if you didn't.
Good night, Dylan. I may see you tomorrow night? 😁 Good luck, with all of your projects/work tomorrow. <3
I fell asleep D: I am sorry
And, Good luck with your concert tonight :D
You too! And it's okie! c:
I'm back.. Finally. 😁
I am back.. Now.. πŸ˜•
Sorry I was gone for like the whole day..
My mom picked me up from school then we had to go shopping right away :L
It's okie c:
Hewwo :D
Hewwo, Dylan <3
Hai Morgan <3
Tomorrow.. I am going to have to wake up early to make my cookies..
Oh... Well, good luck c:
Bc it might rain tomorrow and thunder o.o
And we didn't have baking soda :L
Ye.. It might be raining all day >>I hope it does<<
XD I like rain, just I don't like it raining when I walk home from the bus stop.... o.o
Because then I won't have to run in PE :D
XD I like running.. Just nothing else.
Idk if I do.. I don't think so.. I have to run like more than a mile every Friday o-o
Oh.. I used to run 5Ks.. But I haven't run one in a while..
Well.. How did you do at your concert..? 😁
Um.. We did the worst through 11th grade.. o.o
5K's 😨
XD Ye.
How was your concert?
I would.. It wouldn't end well for me.. Let's just say that
Oh.. c: It's okie, nobody is good at everything.. Plus they're only like 3.5 miles :P
D: That's okie Morgan, everyone can't do it perfectly..
Late comments..
Meh.. I don't really care XD We tried. Plus we were the newest.. 😁
5k's will make me sick..
Very late comments 0-0
Oh.. That happened to my friend.. I just feel like laying around for the rest of the day afterwards XD
My concert was good.. 😁 I think it was..
That's good! :D
Ye.. I will throw up at 5k's.. That's the kind of sick I mean..
Like.. If I run more than 2 miles in a day.. I will probably pass out
Yeah.. I got what you meant.. She ran it with me, and seriously vomited right afterwards. o-o
I do not plan on doing one..
Unless I want to stay home from school..
It's okie, nobody is perfect at EVERYTHING. c:
Um.. I suggest just not doing one.
And unless it was with you.. XD.. Even thou I would probably get sick.
:DD It's okie, I would help take care of chu.
Yeah.. 😁
Well.. Knowing I am not a good runner.. I think that would happen
It's okie, you don't start out perfect, you just have to try again. c:
Yeah c:
XD So what's new?
Um.. Idk 😁
Anything..? 😁
Like, anything at all..?
I honestly don't know.. 0-0 Mah brain is dead rn
Yeah.. I've been so worried all day long, I've been tense, I guess.. o.o
Why are chu worrying..?
About the concert, that was earlier... I didn't know how it would go with both of the 6th grade orchestras combined.. 😁😞
Yeah.. 😁
It's okie.. Because.. It's over..? I guess.. 😁
Yeah, I'm not worrying anymore.. I'm just.. Sore XD I've been that tense..
:c Well.. At least it's done.. Right?
XD My friends are annoying me they keep telling me to start a war.. They even do it on Skype.. o.o
Yeah.. So... What instruments played at your concert? Just saxophones?
Start a war..? o.o
Flutes, Clarinets, Trumpets, Trombones, Baritones, Tubas, Electric Bass, Percussion, Alto Saxophones, Tenor Saxophones > That's what I play < And Bari Saxophones.. 😁 A lot of different instruments..
That's just Intermediate Band..
Cool! :D
Wow.. o.o
o.o Super long comment
Meh, it's okie.
Okie.. XD
c: So.....
How do you think you did?
I think I did good..
:D That's good.
For some reason whenever I have to do it in front of a lot of ppl.. I get the parts I always get wrong in class right..
Ikr.. o.o
Then I wonder why I couldn't do it before..
Because, you feel the pressure to do it right..? Maybe?
Ye.. My dad says next year I should try out for Jazz Band..
^-^ That's cool
Which is really hard
Idk if I am that good..
Well.. You'd do fantastic in it! :D I know you would.
c: You never know.
Late comments o-o
I reread that and was like: "Great.. You're a stalker now.. o.o"
You're as in me.
DX Idk anymore
No, like me. XD
Ohhh XD
>~< I'm sorry, I'm confusing.
Everyone is.. Eventually..
At least once.. 😁
Is what..? o.o
XD Sorry
It's okie
Ye, very true.
😁 Sorry, I'm picking things up very slowly today..
It's fine! Don't worry 😁
DX My mom says I apologize too much.. And like.. I always feel like I have to say sorry.... Do you know what I mean..? 😁
Yeah.. I do.. DX
πŸ˜… That's good.. I thought it wouldn't make any sense for a while..
It does :D
I do it also..
Oh! Well you're not alone, then.. πŸ˜…
Yeah.. I guess not.. 😊
c: <3
:c I wish we could actually talk..
Yeah D:
That would be easier, and nicer.. 😞
Mhm xc
But, as long as I get to talk to you, I'm okie :D
Well.. Maybe we will.. Someday..
Me too :D
Yeah, someday.. ☺️
Yeah ☺️ If I don't sound creepy.. o.o I am sorry if that did..
c: You don't, Dylan.
It's sweet <3
Okie 😁
It is..?
Yes :D
Aww thank chu Morgan 😊
You're very welcome, Dylan ☺️
Well.. You are sweet as well ☺️
Thank you, also, Dylan.. πŸ’™β˜ΊοΈ
Chu are welcome Morgan ❀️😊
:D <3
What would you like to talk about? 😊
Idk.. 😁
Oh.. Um..
What haven't we talked about..? o.o
I don't know.. o-o
Like.. This collage almost has 6,000 comments..
Yeah.. 😁
From just me and you..
Yeah... πŸ˜…
Idk.. o-o
Okie.. 0.0
Sorry, I'm like.. 80% asleep..
Me too.. 😁
You should sleep, you have to get up early, then we can talk tomorrow?
What time do chu have to go to school..?
I leave at 7:45 but I usually turn off my phone at 7..
Oh okie.. Well I think I will be up at 5:30 or later my time.. So we might be able to talk in the morning..?
I can try.. 😁
It's okie if you don't.. I will probably be busy also..
Well, you don't have to talk to me. School work is more important and you know that. o~o
It is!
But you are important to me also..
Sorry if that sounds creepy
Butβ€” ☺️ That's very sweet of chu.
Nu! You are important to me, also, Dylan..
Thank you 😊
You're welcome. <3
It's true thou..
β€’~β€’ But still..
And you are very sweet too 😊
Thank chuuu!
You are welcome c: <3
:DD <33
:DDD <333
Okie.. I should go before I fall asleep..
Yeah.. 😁 Same..
Good night, Dylan. <3 ☺️
Okie.. Goodnight Morgan 😊❀️
I'll see you sometime tomorrow.. Sleep well! :D
You too c: Good night
Good night. <3
Hewwo :D I think chu are probably at school by now but I will see you later..? Or tonight?
Bai Morgan <3
I'll be on PC for a while, if I can.. Um, I was actually at school.. 😁 Sorry.
Okie I am home!
Okie! Hewwo! Sorry, I have been distracted
Hai.. Sorry, I was playing Minecraft
It's okie, sorry, I'm writing a story XD
I keep forgetting to check my phone.. DX Sorry.. I am getting to distracted with Minecraft
It's okie, we can just talk later if you want..
I guess we will, I'll see you later, Dylan <3
No! I am done on MC! My mom is kicking me off.. XD
Sorry, I'm still here, but my phone is about to die.
Oh okie.. I was just checking on my clan.. They do weird things sometimes..
Well, chu can charge your phone..
I will see you later Morgan :D <3
Yeah.. But, I don't want to leave, Katy.. 😞
Oops XD
See you later, Dylan c:
What do you mean?
Wait what? XD
Oh okie
No wait!
What do you mean, by what do I mean?
I thought you were charging your phone
You don't wanna leave?
No.. I would be, if I could, but.. The charger moved :L
So many late comments DX
XD Okie
No.. But I might have to soon, anyways.. I have to eat dinner when my parents get back.
πŸ˜• The heater that I am sitting on just turned off..
Wait.. Nvm
XD Sounds like me..
Yeah.. It was cold before but now it feels like a fire..
If I put her on the floor, then I can charge my phone, give me a minute or so..
Oh okie
XD I didn't know what chu meant
:L Whenever I don't start a clan war everyone in the clan just spams the chat saying "Start a clan war!"
And I told the Co Leaders to never start war.. They always put all the inactive people in war
Oh.. My friends are bugging me about them, but like, we have 10 people, but not everyone is active enough..
Oh :L
Ohhh nuuuu DX I gtg.. Dinner.. Byeee <3 I'll see you tonight??
I have 23 people in my clan.. 😁 So many people..
Okie :D
Oh! That sounds like RainbowNinjas.. My old Clan, of mine.. 😞 Everyone left though..
<33 Byeee Morgan
<3 Goodbye, Dylan!
Good bye Morgan <3
Okie, I'm back. :D
D: I am sorry.. I had to have dinner too.. And I am waiting for dessert
It's okie, Dylan, I've been busy, on MC XD
Okie.. I am off MC now.. If chu are there
D: You were on MC too?
Like 5 minutes ago :L
I wasn't really doing much tho
Oh okie.. I was..
Ik. c:
Will chu get mad if I said.. Hacking?
Nu..? Why would I? :c I can't be mad at chu, Dylan.
o.o So confused. Late comments tho
Okie.. I was trying it on Micro Battles on Mineplex.. And then another guy saw me and said he hacks too.. XD So we like teamed on the other hackers
DX I am such a hacker..
Ohh.. Well, chu didn't get banned, right.?
But I don't wanna be a hacker..
Then don't be a hacker, Dylan..
No we didn't.. I just got kicked several times for attempting to fly
His client let him fly without getting kicked D: I am sooo jealous XD
c: Okie.
Okie.. I am not gonna use it anymore
^-^ Okie
Well.. How was your day..? 😁
Um.. Okie, other than Katy, has been limping for a while.. At least the bandage is off now, and she doesn't have to limp.. As much..
D: Poor Katy
Yeah.. I'm glad she's going to be okie though..
c: How was your day, Dylan?
That bandage looks like a straitjacket on her foot D:
Good :D Other than feeling sick from cookies.. XD
Yeah :c
XD Too many?
o-o I think so..
But.. I don't get hyper from sugar.. There is someone in my class though that can't keep it together XD
When he has too much sugar
XD That was my friend today.. She was going crazy, bc after the concert everyone brought cookies to share, and she took like 10.. o-o
He was like rolling on the floor 0.0
o.o Oh my word..
Everyone took 12.. But I am glad I didn't eat them all at school..
We were supposed to take 12 XD
O.o 12?
Yeah so were we, but my mom bought like 20 little cookies o.o
Yeah.. I only had like 3 at school.. Luckily.. Or I would've been sick
2 and a half actually
D: Good choice, then.
But really all I had for lunch was cookies..
:o That's not good for chu, Dylan..
I know.. But I had a real lunch at home.. I didn't feel right having that tho..
Oh.. Okie, at least you actually ate food, actual food.. o.o
Yeah.. I wish I didn't have so many cookies DX
Well.. Do you feel okie, now?
Yeah.. I think..
c: That's good.
Yeah.. πŸ˜…
..Isn't it?
Early comments..? O.o
^~^ Just, if you don't feel okie, go to bed, okie?
Okie.. I don't think I am sick.. But at school someone said: "Let's have a contest to see who can get sick first!" And I was like: "Well I already feel sick.. So.. Okie?"
But then the teacher said no..
o~o That doesn't sound like a fantastic idea..
I would agree with the teacher on that one..
I wouldn't actually do that tho.. It would ruin my day..
Okie, good. 😁
Yeah.. I think he was joking about it..
And I would never get sick for a contest.. :P
Okie c:
:o 6,000 comments
:D Happy 6,000 comment XD
XDD Okie
c: I'm just being like crazy right now, sorry. o.o
It's okie! I was probably a little crazy when I said I would do that contest.. Chu aren't the only one :D
cx okie :D
So.. What do chu wanna talk about now?
Whatever you want to talk about. :D
Um.. Okie πŸ˜…
What would you like to talk about..?
Idk.. o.o
Late comment, sorry o-o
Oh.. Um..
It's okie
Sorry XD PicCollage just stopped working for me
Well.. Goodnight Morgan.. I think chu fell asleep. So.. I will see you tomorrow..? 😁 Goodnight
>~< I am really sorry... I did, fall asleep.. 😞 So sorry.. And I'll talk to you later? My dad says we have to do chores today..
Okie, I will see chu later Morgan <3 Byeee
It's fine Bc I fell asleep too.. XD
Oh! Okie! I have some time to rest.. I had to peel some stuff off of our storage buildings.. But then my dad said we could have a break.. Then I had to sweep >~< And my brother kept messing my piles up.
:D We got our Christmas tree today
It's so big..
:D Cool!
Yeah c:
c: Hewwo
Hai :3
:D How has your day been?
That's good.
Well.. Not that good..
😁 How so..?
My brother went in the front yard and started smashing styrofoam and I spent like an hour cleaning it.. Then he melted the carpet with a hair dryer.. o-o
And my dad was mad at me.. Not just my brother..
β€’~β€’ I'm sorry.
Even tho I didn't shred the foam or melt the carpet
It's okie.. I am finally done, now..
And I don't think my dad is mad anymore
D: I wish I could've helped or done something.. :c
Late comment
Ye.. 😁
Well I'm going to go on Creative.. For a little while..
If you wanna come it's okie :D
Um, okie :D
Okie c:
I'll see chu in about a minute..
Hewwo, Dylan <3 c:
Hai.. Sorry I had to go do something
It's okie :D
Okie c:
c: What's new?
Idk.. But I can see the lights from outside in my room.. We have so many XD
XD I fell asleep last night by staring at my Christmas tree.. o.o
XD I'll try not to fall asleep again.
I wish I had a mini Christmas tree in my room D: It looks so amazing
Aw, ty, Dylan.
You could always ask for one..? ^-^
It's okie if you do.. It just means chu are tired.. And eventually everyone sleeps XD
That makes no sense.. o.o
XD It's okie, I get what you mean.
Yeah.. But I've been falling asleep like everyday.. 😞 I feel bad, and I'm going to stay up until 6 in the morning if I have to c:
Why do chu feel bad?
Because.. I fall asleep every night, without a warning.. And then it's always only like 9 for chu.. 😁
It's okie! I usually go to sleep 30 minutes after.. XD
Oh.. XD
After you go to sleep, I'm usually awake until like 3 in the morning.. o-o
And you don't have to stay up until 6.. I can't even stay up past 12.. or 1
Well.. I can try. XD I'll probably fall asleep around 3..
It's your choice..
^~^ Idk.. Maybe 0-0
Okie.. But I am not pressuring you to decide, you can decide.. Bc I am not you.. XD
Again.. Doesn't make any sense o.o
XD Okie?
O-o I guess, I'll try.. I can stay up all night and then sleep for like 2 hours XD
I usually don't make any sense when I say things.. Like half the time.. o-o
Meh, neither do I..
So what now..? .?.
Idk.. I was just thinking of how it used to snow in San Diego.. But now it doesn't :c
It did? :o
I am pretty sure it did..
How cold does in need to be to snow again?
Woah.. :D
I forgot DX
Around freezing or just like cold.. o-o it depends..
:o Oh right! It's supposed to snow here tomorrow.. Or tonight.. One of the two, but most likely, nothing will happen :L
It's 50 degrees right now.. Idk if that is close or not.. I don't think so
I remembered it being like 30 to freeze
:D Cool
I haven't seen snow in a while.. o-o
I don't know how cold it is right now.. Probably in the 20s or 30s.. o-o
32Β° is freezing temperature?
I remember that is can burn if I hold it for too long thou
I don't really enjoy snow.. πŸ˜…
O-o That's a nice memory..
Oh.. Yeah, not close at all..
Idk.. Sometimes I like it but other times I don't..
It will get there, hopefully. :D
I don't like it especially when it gets in my shoes.. That is the worst..
I don't like it anymore, because of my brother and my friend's brother.. They turn the snow into ice and throw it at us.. o-o
True.. Very true.
But idk if I am prepared for it..
:D You will have to be.
Late comments =_=
Or if my house is prepared 0-0
Well.. You just have to be ready. c:
The day will come, someday, Dylan.
Yeah.. Hopefully the roof gets fixed or I get out of this house before that day comes.. 0.0
I like my house.. But it has problems when it rains.. Snow wouldn't be any better for it
+_+ I like my house, also.. Just it's always cold.
D: I hope your house gets fixed though.
My house is warm :D I am glad it is.. During winter.. Not summer.. During the summer I can't sleep bc it's so hot
But idk how to use the heaters.. I wish I did
Oh.. Well, at least it's warm.. 😁
Yeah.. But it seriously looks like the kitchen roof is going to collapse..
Be careful in your kitchen, then..
It's bc of the rain.. It leaks through then just rots the wood above.. Making it crack.. and the paint is like peeling
I hope it will be fixed too..
^~^ Still, be careful, Dylan.. I don't want to lose you.. D: </3
I will.. I will try..
And I can't lose you either
:c Thank you.
I don't know what I would do without chu.. c:
I don't either.. It would be very hard.
So.. What do chu wanna talk about..? 😁
Whatever you would like to talk about.. ☺️
Um.. Idk.. πŸ˜…
Oh.. Um..
How was your day, other than what your brother did?
It was good..
I guess
That's good. c:
Yeah 😊
How was yours?
o.o My dad just turned the outside lights off
Pretty good.. Other than having my fingers ache after attempting to peel the tape stuff off for about 2 hours.. o-o
D: I am sorry..
But.. Was that paint? The stuff you were trying to peel off?
^~^ It's not your fault.
No.. It was like a protective layer that was supposed to come off, but melted on the door.. o-o
Multiple doors*
I didn't get much off.. My dad said we could quit, luckily.. But it's still unfinished β€’~β€’
>~< What's new for you?
It took away the send button..
Oh. It does that.
Why PicCollage.. -~-
Yeah.. I feel chu there.
Well.. Like I was trying to say.. My brother told me he fixed the carpet by un-melting it.. Which is a lie.. But he told me he fixed it
?! How do you 'un-melt' things.....? o-o XD
I have no idea.. But if you could it would have helped you today
Very true. :L
But that's why he has using a hair dryer on the carpet.. My dad told him to use it to dry off the water so we could put the Christmas tree there..
And he was being lazy so he pressed it on the carpet
Why not a towel? .?.
So I actually won't know if he fixed it until we move our Christmas tree
Idk.. XD
=_= I honestly don't get how siblings' minds work.. Especially younger ones.
Yeah.. I feel the same everyday
+_+ My brother kept hitting me with a broom today when we were told to sweep. XD It didn't actually hurt, it was just irritating..
My brother ripped skin off my finger for no reason today..
I didn't do anything..
And he came up and just decided to do that
o-o Are chu okie? D:
Yeah.. It just stings. :c
I'm sorry.. :c
It's okie.. You didn't do it
>~< I don't want chu to be hurt though.
I don't want you to either. DX
<3 Thank chu. But then again, we hurt ourselves at least once a day, everyday.. o-o
Yeah.. o-0
Thank chu too <33
My dad says that I come from a family of klutzes and I can see that.. =_=
You're welcome, Dylan <3
You are welcome too, Morgan :D <33
+~+ I tripped on grass today.. XD
c: <3
XD I was looking for my dad earlier, and I was running towards a building and tripped on grass.. o-o
Are you okie..? D:
Yeah, thank chu for asking. :D
You are welcome c: I don't wanna see you hurt.. It is.. Hurtful..?
Is that a word
Um.. Idk..? XD
I don't want to see you hurt either. <33
I think so
Autocorrect says it is :P
Late comments
Ye.. Sorry, about that. I heard my mom so I quickly panicked and pretended to be asleep :L
Okie.. Even though you can't always be sure with it.. Most of the time it is right XD
True, very true XD
Oh.. I didn't even notice it but okie
Oh.. I have a dictionary behind me still.. XD I shall look.
Oh okie. c:
:l I might fall asleep soon..
Then sleep, Dylan.
Goodnight, Dylan <3 I'll see chu tomorrow.
And hurtful is a word.
Well.. I will see chu tomorrow Morgan, goodnight <3 😊
Goodnight <33 ☺️
Goodnight <333 😊
Sweet dreams. c:
You too c:
Goodnight. :D
Aww.. Chu are making me blush. ☺️
I never do.. o-o This is weird
>~< Sorry.
It's okie XD
:D Okie ☺️
You made me smile as well
I've been smiling <3
Good 😊 I have too
c: Fantastic. :D
Amazing :D
Fantabulous :3
Yeah :D
<33333 😊
It's been 5 minutes since you said you were going to bed.. o-o Oops.
Idk if I should keep going..
Late comments.. And yeah.. But it's okie because you are making me smile :D
<3 Aww. Chu are making me smile, also, like usual.. <33 owo
Fantastic. :D
Fantabulous XD
Well.. I should go to sleep, for real now XD
^-^ Okie, sweet dreams, Dylan <3
You too Morgan ☺️ <33
I'll see chu tomorrow! 😊☺️❀️
You are making me blush again 😊
I will too ☺️😊
.//u//. Goodnight.
Good morning, Dylan. I'll see you in about two hours, perhaps?
Hai Morgan :D
Good morning
Hewwo! :D
Sorry, I'm on Creative with Emma which is why I won't respond very fast XD
Okie I might get on MC soon.. Idk
Okie c:
D: Sorry I haven't been on PC or MC
It's okie.. I haven't been on PC much.. Bad headache with friends bugging me β€’~β€’
I gtg soon. I have another party but for karate this time.. So I will see chu.. Tonight? Maybe? 😁 Bye Morgan <3
Tonight, for sure.. Sorry, I spent the last 30 minutes getting rid of heads at my plot.
.o. I went outside.. And it was snowing! Barely.. But snowing! :DD
Cool :D
I just got home c:
And it was raining :D For a little while
DX Help me.. It's raining so hard right now..
Well.. Chu are probably asleep, but that is okie.. It just means you need to sleep. :D I will see chu tomorrow, Morgan. Goodnight 😊❀️
I'm really sorry.. My headache got really bad, and it was hurting me to stay awake... I'll see you tonight, Dylan. <3
It's okie Morgan, I just hope chu feel alright <3
Ty, Dylan! I'm sorry, but I'll talk to you tonight.. I'm going to another one of my friend's choir concerts.. See you soon! <3
K, I can talk now. I'll wait for chu <3
:D I am here
Hewwo! :D
Sorry, I'm on Creative so I didn't see this.. πŸ˜…
Okie c: I don't think I can get on MC right now
That's okie
Sorry.. 😁 I had to attack in my clan war.. Or my clan would get mad. o.o
Hai! :D
It's okie! :D 0-0 I rage quit my clan yesterday from my dad and he's the leader now.. πŸ˜…
Hewwo <3 c:
You don't even want to know.. 😞 This is exactly why my friends don't meet my family, though..
Oh.. Okie. D:
^~^ Yeah...
^-^ It's okie.. Don't feel bad.. :c Please, because it makes me sad.
And I don't like seeing other people sad
Dylan, I don't feel bad.. You don't need to be sad. <3
:c Same.
Okie <3
Idk what to put.. πŸ˜…
XD Ikr..
^-^ So.. How was your day?
Good 😊 How was yours?
Pretty good..
Good :D
Oh, and, thank you for asking <3
Yeah.. It was actually COLD when I was riding home..
:o Amazing
My jacket wasn't helping a lot o-o
It can actually be cold in California, though?
Ye.. But when it is.. It's really cold.
β€’~β€’ It was kind of warm today.. But mostly cold..
Wow.. ^~^ So.. You're not used to it being cold, I guess?
Not really ._.
c: It's okie, I'm not either.
Okie πŸ˜… At least I am not the only one
Ye, you're lucky that it's usually warm there though.. 😁
You didn't hurt yourself today.. Right? 😁
No.. I haven't in a while 😊 That's good
But of course once I say that.. Something will happen
Very good, and you're lucky for that. XD
^~^ Hopefully not..
Did chu?
Yes XD
DX What did you do?
I kneed the table on accident.. O.o And I now have a bruise.
Morgan D: Stop hurting yourself! I hope you feel better.. Soon.
XD Thank chu. I don't mean to though.. But it was my fault for my headache.. 0-0 10 hours on the phone.. 😁
0.0 That's a lot..
Yeah.. Me and Emma were on Creative for most of the day..
Oh.. Did chu go to school? XD
Yeah.. :P
=-= Today I couldn't get on Creative bc it said the servers were down.. For me..
Really? :o Maybe it was full?
Idk.. Bc I went on the Mojang website and it said servers weren't working..
So I stopped trying after 10 times :c
O.o They worked for me.. This morning and afternoon.. o-o
D: I hope they work tomorrow for chu
Well.. They started working when I has to leave.. :L Then I facepalmed..
Oh.. 😁
Yeah.. :I
I'm sorry for your loss of servers, today D:
It's okie.. It was for like 20 minutes.. I was on Creative and it said chu left an hour ago so I logged off then I went back on and it didn't work until I had to leave
Oh... Was it this morning? Or in the afternoon.?
Afternoon.. I think it was only me though.. Idk
It was probably my internet bc Pic Collage was not letting me log in..
Oh.. Maybe.. I had to undeny one of my friends, from my plot, that's why I got on.. Heh.. 😁
Oh okie XD
:L I was really mad at them though, I have my reasons for denying people. 0-0
It's okie, it wasn't chu.
Okie.. And I would never deny chu either
Thank youuu <3
<3 Just know that
Okie. <3 c:
^~^ I was thinking about chu earlier, because my mom threw away the lemon in the fridge, today.. =_= I felt like telling her to keep it.. But she would think I was crazy.
o.0 Okie? Can lemons go bad..? Idek..
Idk.. But I srsly picked it up and was like: "What are you doing with the lemon, mom..?" o-o
0-0 Okie
>~< But it made me feel bad.
D: It's okie. I am okie.. Don't be sad. :c
β€’~β€’ But it made me feel like she was getting rid of chu..
But.. I won't ever let that happen <3
I won't either <3 And thank you 😊
You're welcome, and thank you also. ☺️
Chu are welcome too c:
c: I don't know what I would do without you, Dylan.
I don't either.. That would hurt me so much DX But it's not going to happen..
Yeah.. :c Definitely not, I won't let it happen.. 😁
I won't either <3 It would be too hard to forget.. xc
^~^ Definitely..
And it would hurt to try and forget
Yeah.. </3
So.. What now..? πŸ˜‚
Um.. Idk.. 😁
Um.. What else is new?
XD You shouldn't let me make decisions.. I will repeat myself 0-0
What's your favorite Christmas song? πŸ˜‚
Oh.. Um.. 😁 Idk.. XD
Um.. Not much 😁
XD What's your favorite Christmas song?
It's really hard to choose.. :L
Ye.. o.o I like them all..
Yeah :D
Does your family have a Christmas tradition?
Like what?
Like.. I don't know.. A tradition.
Um.. Well we usually have Christmas at my house..
That's cool :D
I have only had like 2 Christmas's somewhere else
I guess c:
😁 I don't know how many times I have..
D: I am sorry I had to go calm my clan down.. They made a a riot bc there are 22 minutes until war ends and I still needed to attack
0-0 My clan..
It's okie c:
There were 4 or 3 people in it.. XD
Meh, you haven't seen mine.. It's my family and friends.. O.o
Then I got a 3 star and I was like: "We need 3 more stars.."
^-^ Good luck
Yeah.. My clan is my friends.. And my neighbors.. And other people
β€’~β€’ I've been thinking about leaving my clan.. And making a clan like how my old clan was..
That's cool :D
Someone in my clan goes into the global chat and spams people's inboxes that don't have clans.. 0.0
They won't tell me thou
Wow.. o-o
So there are always random people joining and leaving right as they join.. It's annoying =.=
>~< Hate them so much.
I have like 28 people in my clan now.. I am surprised how fast it grew.. I think I made it in September.. And it's already level 3
And good luck on your new clan :D
Ty.. I'm thinking about making it tomorrow, and great job with your clan :D
Yeah.. I can sometimes kick them tho.. I enjoy kicking hoppers c:
Thanks :D
Np. c:
=_= Wherever I go, my dad follows me.. So, I'm hoping he's going to stay with the old clan..
Yeah.. o-o But if I leave my friends will freak out on me.. I'll ask them about it tomorrow..
That wouldn't be good if chu joined my clan.. They are a bunch of crazy people.. 0.0
I am a crazy person, Dylan.. o-o
Well.. I am too.. But they sometimes waste their clan war attacks.. Then I get mad and they act innocent
Oh.. I usually don't do clan wars.. πŸ˜…
And they will donate goblins :L To annoy chu
I do.. And I basically have too bc I am the leader.. If I don't.. It would go wrong..
0-0 Lets just say that
That's what my brother gave to my dad, but learned not to afterwards, because my dad gave him a lecture about how goblins are useless XD
They also give you wall breakers XP
Oh.. I feel you there.. I didn't like being leader of 'my' clan, now my dad's bc my friends ask me everyday to do a clan war when only like 4/9 people are active.. And we don't even have 10 people.. 😁
Wow XD
And they once filled my war castle with level 1 barbarians..
Late and long comments 0-0
Wow.. 😁
I usually donate archers and wizards the occasional dragon. :P
*after wizards there should be a comma...
But somehow my friends get my clan name.. Idek how.. But they do and I didn't give it to them o.o
Okie XD
=_= My friend told this one really annoying guy about it, and now everyone asks me if I actually play Clash of Clans..
I donate dragons, and usually that's it..
^~^ Sorry, it's my pet peeve..
A lot of ppl at my school play it
I don't usually very many dragons.. And I don't attack very often.. So I usually save them for the special occasions when I do.
What is?
*have very many dragons
Whenever I mess up on my grammar :L I srsly have to correct it..
β€’~β€’ I guess since I'm a girl they don't expect me to play it..
XD Okie.. I attack with all dragons.. Even thou it's a waste bc half the time I don't get how much it cost back
I usually only attack the town hall.. +_+ And usually still fail.
Oh.. Well it's okie that chu do.. 😁
Yeah.. >~< People don't expect much of me, I guess..
The only time I use a full attack is in clan wars.. Otherwise I try to find bases with the town hall outside
Then some of them have all their traps by the town hall :I
Ye.. XD
I totally wasted 20 wizards today because I looked away from my phone and I was holding down.. o-o
I fail all my attacks.. If they aren't clan war attacks..
Same. β€’~β€’
What league are chu in?
I feel like all my clan war attacks are good but when I try them a second time they don't work.. o-o
My clan wars never work out in my favor.. πŸ˜…
Silver 1
I am close to Gold 3
Same.. I'm usually in Gold 3 but I got attacked and lost trophies.. :L Lots of trophies.
I was in Gold 3 but then I lost a lot of trophies
XD Same
Yeah XD The same happens to me
My dad always tells me to attack more.. But I usually just get on to check on everything +~+
I don't attack that often.. Bc I get off without having people training..
β€’_β€’ My dad... I started around him.. And he's maxing his TH and stuff already.. It's only been about a year or 2.. o-o
Then I log on and have to wait an hours
I usually only have troops to donate :L
I rushed to town hall 7..
β€’~β€’ I am a noob compared to my dad..
Oh.. Idk what I am.. XD I'll look
I felt like just immediately upgrading bc I had enough gold after town hall 6
At least I have no more gold walls c:
I'm 7.. But I'm maxing out everything before I upgrade.. :L My walls are maxed and most of my defenses are.
Just the crystal walls
That's good :D
o.o I am a noob then..
I have the dark purple ones.. Idk what they are.. β€’_β€’
I only have like 10 walls maxed out..
Nu.. I am. I was in Bronze for about a year.. 😞
That's good though!
I have mostly pink ones ^-^
They are expensive anyways.. β€’~β€’
Yeah 0-0 Really expensive
I still don't have tesla's tho.. And I just got my air sweeper today
^~^ I have too much gold now.. Everything is really expensive, when I'm trying to max... So I usually have around 600,000 gold..
I have no Barb King either
That's cool :3
I am close tho
Nope. I got dark elixir like.. A month ago.. o-o
Only like 3k more dark elixir :D
D: Lucky 6,000 more
I got mine.. About a month ago also..
I have a Tesla.. Or maybe two?
+_+ I get attacked too often.
I have 2 teslas.. *~* Nothing else is very good.. Wizard towers.. One is maxed..
Yeah.. I am a noob..
I just remembered how long I have had my account
Nu you aren't.. DX I am. Seriously. I was Bronze. For. A. Year. :c
How long?
Almost 2 years now for me.. 😁
I think like 1 and a half years..
Oh. XD
Oh 😁
I started playing and stopped for a while.. :L And it made me restart.. So maybe about a year and a half..?
I stopped at town hall 5 for like 3 months bc no one in my friends clan was active..
His clan is like dead now o-o
I bet the last message was me leaving.. Which was like 5 months ago
Yeah.. I had this one really nice person in my clan, before, and he invited me to his clan, but he never got on, and I felt really bad for leaving..
Yeah.. Same.
I actually bookmarked it though.. 😁
Oh :c
Yeah.. My friends clan is still bookmarked..
He is like a town hall 9 but he has level 5 walls still 0.0
=_= Now I feel stupid. I accidentally unbookmarked it or he left.. 😁
It's okie.. Chu aren't stupid! Don't say that D:
Ty, Dylan. 😁
You are welcome <3
β€’_β€’ I was reading through the clan chat, stuff.. And my friends.. πŸ˜… They were excited about yay being spelled either way being yay..
:D <3
β€’~β€’ Idek.. XD
Soo.. What now..? 😁
Idk.. XD
I've been watching Katy sleep.. β€’_β€’ She keeps kicking me.
But I feel like a stalker XD
Okie 0.0
>~< But I promise I'm not.
o.O I think I just fell asleep for a second..
Dylan, you should sleep..
Okie c:
I am not either
Okie, good XD
Goodnight, Dylan.. <3 See chu tomorrow?
Yeah <33 Goodnight, Morgan ☺️
☺️ c: Goodnight. <3 ❀️
😊 Goodnight ❀️
Sorry, that I didn't talk to you earlier.. I woke up a little later.. 😁
It's okie Morgan, I had to leave anyways
But I will be on Creative probably
I am going to go eat a mini pizza c:
XD Okie. I'm on Creative :P That's why I didn't see it.
Okie I am here :D
Hai c:
I still haven't had dinner yet.. Bc it's only 7 here. I can talk for a while tho 😊
Oh okie :D
:c But.. What did you do earlier?
Oh. Yeah..
Well, when I got my bike from the garage.. I could see myself breathing.. That's how cold it was today. So I thought it was cool until I started riding to school..
My hands were like frozen 10 seconds after I left, and eventually my hands got num until I couldn't feel them
And I felt like I couldn't steer my bike.. :L
^~^ Are chu okie?
Then I felt like I was t holding onto anything and fell forward and tried to stop.. But I fell over :c
Yeah.. I am okie and thanks for asking 😊
You're welcome. DX You do realize I've been worrying about chu for the last 4 hours..? 😁
But.. I should have taken a picture.. My bike took all the damage, bc the handle bars were on backwards after I got up..
And the brakes came out
D: No, I haven't.. But I am sorry for worrying chu.
It's okie.. It's just.. You said that you hurt yourself.. And I got worried.. ^~^
But I felt like my pinky finger was broken or it had a giant cut on it..
Yeah.. But like one of my friends saw it happen on the way to school and now everyone is asking me if I face planted on my bike 0.0
o-o Well.. It's not the worst thing to be asked about..
^~^ I'm sorry.. I wish I could help chu.. D:
But how could chu help?
:c I don't know.. I just wish I could..
Thank you, Morgan
You're welcome, Dylan.
<33 c:
Yeah.. The person I ride with >>My neighbor<< Is in 8th grade luckily so he knows a lot about the school and he told me a way for us both not to be late..
Bc we already were
Oh.. :c
He said we would go get a tardy pass from the office and mess up our hair to make it look like we were in a hurry to get to school..
Idk if it worked.. XD
But I think it did
Oh.. Okie? XD
Yeah 😁 He has helped me with a lot of stuff at my new school.
That's good c:
Mhm :D
Well, how was your day..? I hope it was better than mine..
XD My friend made us miss the bus today.. She said she had lost her phone.. Until we realized she had put it in her boot for some reason.. And then I had already called her sister and mom.. =_= And then my mom had to come get us..
Well... It was.. Kind of?
β€’~β€’ It was awkward.. Because she had seriously asked a teacher about it.. >~< And I was like: "We're going to miss the bus.." But we were kind of freaking out..? 😁
Wait after school?
Yeah.. 😁
Oh that makes more sense XD
Well, at least chu didn't get hurt.. Right?
Yeah.. I don't remember getting hurt at least.. Other than my brother.. o-o But that's everyday.
^-^ How was your day otherwise?
Brb and good
Okie, and good. c:
Okie I am back :D
Okie c:
So.. What do chu wanna talk about now..? 😁
Um.. Idk.. β€’~β€’
Oh! On Creative, of course I can help chu, Dylan! :D It's quite difficult finding different presents though..
Oh yeah.. I think I have 2 or 3 thought out so far.. And I have already made one.
I think I gave one to PikachuDude
^-^ That's cool.. I'm working on everyone's third.. πŸ˜…
0-0 You did..?
But idk what everyone else likes, other than you and Emma.. Well.. Idk
That's.. my little brother.. 😞
Oh.. I kind of figured.. Bc his username said 916
And so does yours..
Heh.. XD Yeah..
But is that bad?
I've been trying to figure how to change my username actually.. ^~^
I know how.. I have done it twice
Um.. My brother.. He doesn't know about you. And.. Once he does.. β€’~β€’ You'll wish he didn't.
It's not hard.. But then someone else can take the username that you abandon
I mean.. I know how.. It's just not appearing for me..
And chu can only change it every 30 days
True. But I haven't changed my username before.. 😞 The option on Mojang doesn't show up for me.
Wait.. Why will I wish he doesn't?
Oh.. It's been.. 2 months since I have
Idk if I remember
+~+ He... If he finds out I like you.. Will drive you to insanity.
Oh.. Idk what I would change it to.. XD I wasn't really thinking when I made my username.
Um.. What should I do..?
Um. If he asks.. I'll just not say anything.. ^~^
Okie.. 😁
😁 I really wish my brother didn't have Minecraft..
I gave him a head of a random person named 'Pikachu' and renamed it to 'Pikachu Toy' XD
Well.. My brother doesn't know how to play it.. Luckily.. πŸ˜…
Yeah.. o~o My brother used to play on my account before he got his own..
And my sister doesn't care about games.. All she cares about it TV.. 0-0 And she turns it on so loud
Wait so is everyone that has a present going to get on during Christmas Eve?
Maybe..? 😁 I mean I hope so.. But... Most people said they couldn't.. β€’~β€’
Yeah.. But she figured out how to watch it on her iPod and sometimes I feel like jumping out the window or throwing her iPod out the window..
Oh okie..
Well.. I need help Bc I don't really know anyone on the presents
My brother will watch TV and play on the computer at the same time.. +_+ And that's how I end up downstairs...
XD Okis
I saw Ravenfyre and peace8910 today.. They were making a giant floating island
Oh.. Ye.. I told them they couldn't make a sewer.. So they wanted to make Heaven... At least it's better than a sewer..
But they snuck up on me.. And it scared me
o~o What did they do..? Please say they didn't say anything..
I saw a shadow and I looked up then saw it
And it said "Welcome to Heaven!β€’
* "
Oh.. Yeah.. o-o
But.. They didn't say anything.. right? 😁
0-0 I feel like I'm in an oven rn.. The heaters are on like super high and they won't turn off..
Say anything like what?
Well.. There's a story about today, at lunch..
Oh XD They just turned off
D: Did something bad happen?
β€’~β€’ I guess you could say that.
All they said was "Hi"
>~< Especially considering it involved the topic of you..
Omigosh.. Thank you Raven and Peace!
Well.. Raven didn't say anything
^~^ It wasn't bad.. They were just teasing me again..
Oh. Typical Raven.. She only talks to people she knows, really.
Well.. I hope chu are okie.
Yeah.. It just made me uncomfortable.. o~o
:c What did they say?
Oh.. Well.. It's a long story.
I am glad my friends don't know I like you.. Idek what they would do..
>~< I'm glad there isn't shipping at your school.. You're lucky..
Oh.. Well, they don't know I exist :P
Which is probably good.
Mhm.. Knowing what they would do..
What would they do..?
They would tell everyone.. xc
Oh.. :c
Well.. Some of my friends
Maybe not.. Idk.. I hope they wouldn't
>~< Pretend I'm not alive then, around your friends..
Well.. Sometimes I can't.. Like once in the morning I was just like.. Standing around waiting for the bell to ring and my friend said: "Dylan, you look depressed. Is there something wrong?"
And I was just like: " 0-0 I am okie."
^~^ I'm sorry.. I don't want chu to be depressed because of me..
D: Well.. It was a while ago.. When we said we couldn't like each other..
But I think he forgot
o~o I am really sorry about that.. I couldn't think, then..
It's okie Morgan.
DX I still feel guilty..
>~< Thank you, Dylan.. But for me it's not.
D: You are not! Please don't feel guilty, It makes me feel bad..
β€’~β€’ I'll try.. It's not your fault, though.. It was mine..
:c But you didn't do anything
Yes, I did.. I hurt you.. I can't forgive myself for hurting you.. 😞
Morgan, I am not hurt, and I don't want you to feel this way..
β€’~β€’ Dylan, you were.. You can't deny it.. It feels like I know you, by now... I'm sorry.. I'll stop.. 😞
Well, I am not hurt anymore..
o~o I'm still sorry..
Well.. Should we talk about something else?
Yeah.. 😁
I just don't want you to feel this way
Anything that will make you happy..
Dylan.. I don't want you to be hurt.. That's why I'm being this way.. I know I've apologized already.. But still..
The same for you, Dylan.. I want you to be happy.. πŸ˜…
Thank you, Morgan
You're welcome, Dylan..
0-0 The heaters are back on.. Srsly?
Okie I am back
Okie c:
So.. What do chu wanna talk about?
Whatever you would like to talk about ^-^
Oh. Okie.. Well.. I can start helping chu with the presents..? You don't have to get on.. I can just tell you a little more about them.
So.. Who would you like me to start with?
You can choose
Um.. Okie.. I'll start with my BFFL LilB_YT.
Her favorite color is yellow.. Um.. She likes elephants o-o Um.. This is harder than I thought.
Yeah.. I mean she's my best friend.. I just can't give anything away about her..
Yeah.. It would probably be hard for me
Then there's PuppyLover12345 or xxMoonyxx >>idk if her user actually switched<< and she loves dogs, the color purple.. She's obsessed with London..
Then.. There's Emma.. Do you need to know more about her?
Um.. Okie? This feels awkward.. 0-0
Yeah.. o~o
She doesn't have a favorite color, really.. +~+ On Minecraft I know she LOVES bunnies XD
β€’~β€’ Then.. There's Aqua_Moon_11839.. He likes pranks, anime >>especially Fairy Tail..<< and drawing.
Fairy Tail?
Like Fairy Tail books?
Then there's ___Padfoot___, she also likes drawing, anime, and cats.
Fairy Tail.. Um.. It's kind of a series? Idk how to describe it..
Oh okie
Yeah.. It's like a mythical scene though.. Don't even ask.. They made me watch some +_+
0-0 By what you have told me I don't think I will..
Then there's peace8910 who likes, pie.. Um.. o-o I don't know what else.. I should check on her account on PC and see.. Maybe later.. β€’~β€’
Okie. XD
Then there's RAVENFYRE, who likes, cats and reading..
Yeah.. When I say the Heaven they made there was a sign that said: "i like pie"
Then there's Falconstorm7 who likes, Fairy Tail, drawing and reading..
Then there's creeperkiller470 >>idk I haven't memorized his username yet..<< and he likes.. Messing around, basically.. 0-0
Then there's my little brother.. Who likes Pokèmon, all of these weird TV shows, and basically annoying me.. 😐
Idk.. I think that's everyone....?
o~o if not, I apologize.. I didn't feel like moving XD
I think I have an idea now
For what to give all of them
It's okie XD
I don't either
Oh! XD
I feel too lazy rn.. :L
Yeah :I
😁 So..
I tried with the descriptions.. And failed.. XD I almost said their names, a few times.. o-o But.. I tried.. 😁 They aren't all my best of friends.. :L
β€’~β€’ So yeah.. XD Idek if they actually care about this or not.. I mean I know Emma and you do.. But I'm not sure if anyone else is taking this seriously.. 😁
Oh.. :L
Yeah.. I'm going to ask them about it again tomorrow..
Okie.. It seems like a lot of us will be at the same plot all at once XD.. If everyone does come on
Yeah.. o-o Oh well.. XD Sharing is caring, as my friends quote.
Yeah..That's my brother all the time, he always says that if he wants something I have
He just runs up and says: "Sharing is caring"
Wow.. I'm sorry but that's funny cx
Yeah.. It is, bc if I say no he will just follow me and whine
And say: "Dylan sharing is caring!"
:c Poor, Dylan.
So..? Would you like me to find a topic?
Uh.. =_= Idk
I'm assuming you fell asleep..? If so goodnight, Dylan! <3 If not, I'll wait another 5 minutes or so.
Hewwo! c: I'll see chu later.. I have to draw a Christmas present and practice my violin.. :D Have a good rest of your day.. I'll speak to you tonight. :3
DX I am sorry, I fell asleep last night 0-0
Okie, I will see chu tonight, bye Morgan <3
I have to go to karate.. So I will see chu tonight
Okie. And it's okie. <3 I had to go shopping for my final copy anyways. See chu tonight.
Okie :D I am here
Okie :DD
So.. I will try not to fall asleep again..
Like last night :L
Okie. XD Same here, but no promises..
Yeah XD
^-^ It's okie, Dylan. I have fallen asleep on you multiple times.
^-^ So, how was your day?
I have too.. I think
Good :D
Not as many times as me..
That's fantastic! :D
Oh.. Well you are 2 hours ahead of my time, so it's okie
>~< I still try not to..
How was your day? c:
I try also. But sometimes, I am too tired
Um.. Pretty good. Thank chu for asking c:
Yeah.. XD
From school 0-0
You are welcome Morgan, And thank you too <3
^~^ I'm just tired in general usually.. +_+ Or maybe I got bored that day.
You're very welcome :D <33
So.. What do you want to talk about?
Um.. I'm not sure..
Well.. I have my school concert tomorrow
How is your finger? D:
:o Gl!
My last on was the concert for the parents
This one is during school
^-^ I bet everyone will do amazing <3
It's okie.. But my sister hit me really hard on another one of my fingers
:c Are chu okie?
It felt weird..
.?. How so?
c: That's good.. But bad that you got hurt.
Yeah, At least it's fine now :D I think it is..
cc: Good, if it is. Bad, if it isn't.. :c
Yeah 😁
o-o I think I will have to go to bed in 15 minutes
You can go to bed right now if chu need to.. 😁
I can wait a little longer
Are chu sure..?
Okie, if you say so.. ☺️
:o I just remembered something! I knew I wanted to tell chu!
Okie, so XD idk if this sounds weird.. But in Math today, we were practicing for a test tomorrow and I heard Dylan and I seriously froze and was like: "o-o ..?"
^~^ My teacher was reading a question but I was like ".. 😞" Yeah.. DX
Yeah.. I had to take a practice test today also.. Bc tomorrow is a test
D: Why were chu sad?
I've been having to take a lot of tests lately.. We have to take our Quarterly for every class..
What's that?
^~^ Bc.. You live so far away.. DX I was hopeful for a minute..
Oh.. Yeah πŸ˜”
It's.. Kind of a test, that we take 4 of in the entire school year.
Yeah.. I knew it was probably 4 something
Bc Quarters
Idek what I am saying now..
Ye, the schools divided into in Quarter sections and at the end of every 'section' we take a Quarterly..
XD It's okie
My school has 2 big semesters.. Then every 6 weeks we get a progress report
So there are like 6 in all
Yeah.. Our semester is about to end.. β€’~β€’
^~^ I'm ending the semester in Math with a really low C or a high A.. She still has to grade these packets for like 500 points of you grade.. o_o
500 β€’~β€’
Yeah.. 😁
Well, I hope chu get s good grade, Morgan.
Brb.. I need to check on something
Thank chu, Dylan. o-o I hope I don't get a C though.. My parents will freak out on me..
Okie back
Okie c:
So.. What do chu wanna talk about?
Wait.. Brb again =~=
Whatever you would like to talk about, Dylan <3
Mk. ^~^
*~* There was something annoying me
Oh okie cx
Ye.. Sorry.. 😁
It's okie, Dylan. As long as I get to talk to chu, I'm happy :D
Same here <3 c:
<3 ☺️
:D I'm glad we felt the same way when I confessed to chu, that I liked chu. <3
0-0 I said I would go like 30 minutes ago
:c Sorry.
Yeah :D
Sorry, late comments
c: If not.. I don't know what I would've done without chu..
It's okie
Aww, chu are making me blush ☺️
<3 That's good. :D
Yeah <33
Well.. If you're not already asleep, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, Dylan <3 I'll see chu tomorrow!
I am so sorry, I got distracted.. I kept clicking on a button and it would go through all the comments really fast..
Are chu there?
Well, Goodnight, Morgan <3
3: I'm sorry, also.. I thought you may have fallen asleep.. DX I apologize
Well.. I'll see chu later <3
Hewwo :D I have to go to my sisters concert, so I won't be home until like 9 your time
Okie, and I'll be on around then.. Hopefully.. Well, have fun, Dylan! <3
Hai.. Sorry it's so late D:
It's okie. c:
Sorry. I was doing something..
Hii c:
So.. Um.. How was your day..? 😁
Um.. It was.. okie. How was yours?
It was okie also XD
And thank you for asking <3
Yw, and thank you also. :D
You are welcome
<33 :D
cx <333
I still have to make presents.. 0-0
*~* There's always time
Well.. 7 days at least..
Yeah 7 more days 0-0 I hope that is enough
It is. I promise.
If chu say so..
^-^ If not, it's my fault.
D: How?
Because.. DX I told chu differently.
:c I would feel like I lied to chu.
What? You didn't lie?
I know.. :c But I would feel like I did..
But what did you tell my different?
That you had enough time.. 3:
Well I almost have everyone's thought out, and 2 or 3 I actually have made and put in their present already
c: Okie
I might not reply as fast, I am working on something
Okie, that's fine.
Well.. I guess I am not.
Pic Collage keeps crashing if I try to get a background..
Oh.. o~o
But I have to go soon.. This morningI couldn't wake up
D: I am so sorry..
o-o I actually should too.. My parents said they have to wake me up around 5:30..
Goodnight, Dylan.. <3 c:
Dylan..? 😁
Well.. Goodmorning. 😁 I'll see you later?
Yeah 😊 But I also have karate.. So maybe around 4 your time?
Mk. I'm actually available rn :L I'm just making my friend a house on PC Creative
Hewwo :D
Hewwo :D Sorry I was eating dinner
Well.. See chu tonight, I guess? My family needs me.. 😁
Okie <3 See chu tonight, Morgan
Okie back c:
Goodmorning, Morgan <3
I will probably be on creative
cx How is your server so far?
Goodnight, Morgan <3
I'm so sorry.. I fell asleep.. DX I could've been on with you guys... and... ugh.. xc
D: It's okie, Morgan. I was going to fall asleep if I stayed up anyways
Oh.. Well, I'm bringing my phone with me tonight if chu want to talk..? ^-^
And I'm sorry about my friend.. >~<
Hewwo :D And she did nothing wrong
Sorry.. I was gone for so long bc my friend showed me factions and how he does it so..
I kind of liked blowing up stuff
And the host of the server apparently was trolling us.. So I couldn't leave the server bc of lag
Sorry, we were messing around..
Well.. Maybe see you in like 2 hours?
Hewwo :D Sorry, I had to eat dinner
Well.. Goodnight, Morgan <3 I will see chu tomorrow :D
D: I'm so sorry.. I fell asleep, again.. >~< Goodnight, Dylan. <3
Goodmorning, Dylan <3 I'll see chu soon or later.. ☺️
Okie :D And Goodmorning to you, also <3
Ty. ^-^
>~< My phone won't turn on and I have been charging it all day.. So.. I might not see you tonight, and I'm going to this light parade thing tonight, so I will probably see you when I'm back
Sorry for the long comment
Well, bbl Morgan :D <3
Goodnight, if you are asleep <33
Oh! I'll be on, Creative, waiting for chu <3 c: Bye for now, Dylan.
πŸ˜… Yes! I finally got my phone to turn on! That chu, Apple.com XD
*Thank chu
D: I am so sorry 😞
My dad said I can't play Minecraft tonight DX
I am sorry for making you wait xc I am really sorry
It's okie.
Sorry, I haven't been looking at my phone.
If chu fell asleep, goodnight, Dylan <3
Hewwo :D
I am still here, Morgan <33
Oh okie :D
Hewwo <3
Sorry for making you wait DX
It's okie, sorry for not responding :c
It's okie, also
^-^ How has your day been?
Good c: How has yours been?
Pretty terrible.. xc
Btw, Goodmorning <3
But thanks for asking.. c:
XD Thanks
DX What happened
=_= My brother, is what happened..
:c He seriously is so annoying..
D: I feel you, Morgan.. It's the same with me, except my brother and sister
No, you don't understand what he did.. D:
Ye.. My day way good, other than burning my finger
o_o Dylan!
What did he do..?
...So I kinda told him about how I liked Aqua a while back.. And he srsly told my parents I liked someone and now they're bugging me about it... And I won't answer them, so they bug me more.. D: And I've ignored my brother for like 6 hours now.
Sorry, that was long.
How are they bugging you? D:
They.. Are asking me who it is.. And kinda if I like someone or if they like me.. ^~^ I don't want to talk to them about it though.. My dad actually isn't, my mom is..
It's okie, as long as I can talk to you <3
And are chu okie? D: And okie <3 c:
DX I am sorry, Morgan
^~^ It's not your fault, I should've known not to trust him.
I think I am okie.. As long as it doesn't get worse, then I am
:c That's good.
Yeah 😁
β€’~β€’ Sorry about complaining to chu..
D: It's okie, Morgan.
^~^ If chu say so...
it is, you can trust me.
Thanks, Dylan.. <3 Chu can always come to me also, if you need to talk. c:
Your welcome, and thank chu <33 ☺️
You're, also, welcome, Dylan. <3 ☺️
I can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve.. Well, it already is for you XD
Ye :3 Merry Christmas Eve Eve for chu. <3
Merry Christmas Eve, for chu <33
c: Thank chuuu! ☺️
Your welcome, and thank chu, too 😊
Your welcome, also. c:
:o Oh and know what?
I was right about the Zerrethos guy :L Emma said he divorced her last night because she reminded him of his ex or something, like, what in the world?
Heh.. I kinda freaked out on him today. 😁
And Emma was surprised XD And that's why chu don't meet my bad side. :L
Wait.. What's an ex?
I don really know
Like.. Someone he had divorced/they had divorced him, they aren't a couple anymore, that sort of thing.
Okie.. o-o
That's okie, Dylan. c:
Heh.. Yeah, so what's new?
Idk.. XD
o_o Sorry, I'm like a dictionary sometimes.. β€’~β€’ Always a nerd, I guess.
Oh okie cx
That is okie, Morgan.
Okie.. c:
So, tomorrow.. Are we going to get on during the day or night?
On creative
Um.. Whenever you're available, there isn't a set time anymore.. 😁 Like, considering half of my friends ignored it.. >~<
Oh okie
Well.. I will make sure I am there
I will not forget.. I couldn't.
Yeah.. I honestly don't even know if I can get on tomorrow night.. I can try, but I might just have to do it on Christmas in the morning when I wake up.. o_o Considering I always wake up at 4 XD that's not a problem.
c: Thank chu, Dylan <33
Oh okie XD
And once again, my apologies.. That was longer than I expected
It's okie, and you are welcome <333
Oh.. And sorry about my friend.. =_= They're all embarrassing in their own ways..
Um.. Yesterday.. Like on your Clash of Clans post.. 😁
Oh.. Okie..? I don't get how she was embarrassing.. But okie..
o_o Just be glad you weren't next to her..
Um.. Okay..
+~+ Even though you don't understand, I am sorry.
It's okie.
XD <3
I am so weird.. XD
Nu, it's okie, I am too :3
Okie XD
^–^ Srsly, though. My parents think I'm crazy today.
Srsly though.. Something must've happened today other than burning your finger D:
Like what?
Like, what happened today?
Something better..?
Ye. c:
Well.. I went and saw a Christmas light parade..?
:D That's cool.
It actually wasn't a parade. It was a street and almost every house had a bunch of Christmas lights
Yeah c:
:o Woah, that's awesome!
It's really cool.. I think they have to start right after Thanksgiving to put them up
Bc there are so many
:D Awesomeeee!
Yeah :D
I'm really sorry, but idk if I'll be able to talk to chu as much until like Saturday.. :c
It's okie, I probably won't be able to tomorrow or Christmas either.
Oh okie.. I'm really sorry, just my uncle that we only get to see on Christmas really, is going to be here, and my family attempts to make as much time for them, so sometimes we'll be at my grandparents' until 11... o_o
Sorry.. That was really long, again..
Woah.. 0-0
It's okie XD
Yeah.. :c
Okie <3
Trust me, it is <3
Okie, thank chu! <3 ☺️
Your welcome 😊
^-^ <3
:D <33
c: <333 I'm glad we met XD
Yeah 😊
☺️ No, really though.. <3
I know <3 😊 I am too
c: Chu are making me blush, again.. <3
☺️ You are too <33
☺️ <333
My life would be so different, without you.. But now my life is great <3 Because of you
Awww.. Thank you, Dylan. I can't disagree, because I think the same. <3 :D ☺️
*about you
Thank you too, and you are welcome, Morgan 😊 <33
You're also, welcome <3 c:
Honestly, if I hadn't met chu, I don't know what I would be doing right now.. Everything would be so.. Different </3
>~< It wouldn't be.. The same.
Yeah.. I don't know what I would be doing either
^-^ I would miss chu <3 :c
The ways lives can change so easily.. ^~^
I would, as well <33
<33333 XD
We are so weird XD
Ye.. XD
☺️ But, I enjoy every second I can talk to chu
Awww, I do to, Morgan <3 😊
<33 c: That's, most likely, good.
It is, it's very good :D
^-^ Okie, good <3
Okie I am back
Okie, welcome back <3
Thank chu XD <33
You're welcome <333 c:
So.. What do chu wanna talk about now..? 😁
Whatever chu would like to talk about.. c:
Okie :D
Um.. Idk.. 0-0
Um.. What's your favorite part about Christmas?? 😁
Um.. I think it is giving people gifts.. And.. I really wish I could give you something..
Sorry if that sounds creepy
Nu, it's okie, I've been wishing that I could give chu something, also.. :c
Other than on Minecraft..
Yeah.. xc
Maybe someday.. Who knows..
Yeah, we just have to hope.. ^-^ <3
Yeah <33 😊
☺️ And hope that it will happen.
I do too ☺️
Soo.. 😁 What now?
Idk.. 😁
Umm.. β€’~β€’
How is your Christmas break so far? 😁
It has been great, how has yours been? 😊
Fantastic, thanks for asking c:
Thank you too, and your welcome. :D
Your, also, welcome <3
Umm.. What do you want to talk about now?
What are you doing for Christmas Eve? 😁
Oh.. Umm.. I think I'm spending my day with my mom's side of the family..? 😁
What are you doing?
Cool :D
I guess c:
Well almost every Christmas Eve we have dinner at our friends house.
*have had
Oh, cool! :D
Merry Christmas Eve, Dylan! <3
Yeah c:
You too, Morgan <33 And thank chu!
You're very welcome! :D <3
And thank chu also! <3
You are also, very welcome 😊
Soo.. Um.. What do you want to talk about now..? 😁
I'm assuming you fell asleep..? <3 Have a good rest of your day, Dylan. I'll try to talk to you later ☺️<3
Dylan, I apologize.. But... I might not talk to you tonight.. >~< I'm exhausted.. Have a wonderful Christmas <3 πŸ˜„
It's totally okie, Morgan. I am too, and I am at a Christmas Eve dinner.. I hope you have a great Christmas, as well. <33 😊
Oh okie! c: And thanks, Dylan.. <3 ☺️ Have a great time.
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan <3 My apologies, but me staying up so late, lately, is catching up with me.. 😁
Good morning, and Merry Christmas! cx <3
DX I am sorry I couldn't get back on Creative tonight.. My friend was distracting me.. Then we got attacked.
And I know chu aren't on, but Goodnight, Morgan <3
And, Merry Christmas <33
Thank you, Dylan <3 Have a good day, once again, I have to spend it with my family, mostly.
Oh, and I'll have to talk to chu tonight or later, Bc I gtg shopping XD
Okie, I will see chu tonight, I will make sure I do <3
<3 Aww.. Thank you, Dylan. I will also, make sure to see you. ☺️
^~^ I'll be here for another 30 minutes or so.. Hopefully, I'll see you soon? <3
Hewwo DX
I am so sorry.
We went over to a friends house and my parents wouldn't leave until like 10 minutes ago
Oh, it's okie ^-^
β€’~β€’ But, idk if I'll get back on Creative.. I'm kinda afraid to be on my phone even. O-o
Well.. I'm not on Creative rn.. But why are chu scared D:
My mom scared me so bad earlier.. o_o I was on Creative with Raven and then all of a sudden "Hey you." XD I jumped.
Oh okie.
o~o She asked me if she needed to take my computer and I was like, "..No?"
^~^ So.. How was your day?
Good :D
That's good c:
How was yours?
Pretty good, but tiring, thank you for asking ^-^
Thank you too, and your very welcome <3
Your welcome, also <33 cx
Actually, a few minutes ago I was really excited
About what..? .?.
I saw that my clan could have a perfect war during the war rn
Awesome c:
The enemy clan is so easy
Oh.. D: That's bad for them, but good for you. <3 XD
My clan rn is me and my dad.. o_o I haven't dared to go in Global, yet..
PicCollage.. xc
It keeps deleting the 'Send' button
Poor, Dylan.. xc
Okie.. I was trying to say, your clan will soon be just like mine, I started my clan in September with no one but now I have 30 people and we have won like 14 wars.
o~o Well... My dad doesn't like wars, I can't say I do either, so.. I mean, it could have wars but without my dad, my clan would potentially be weak.. 😁😞
D: Well.. It could be good, I know it can <3
:L Oh, talking about clans.. My dad refused to join RainbowNinjas so I had to make a different clan.. o_o
Well, thank you, but honestly, I don't believe in my clan.. 😁
It's okie, it will be great. No matter what <3
<3 Thank you, Dylan.
Your welcome, Morgan <33
c: <333
I swear.. If my friend try's to Skype me.. He will regret it.
I have my iPad on my stomach.. And it usually vibrates when someone texts me.. Or tried to Skype me..
Oh.. XD
And I will jump.. And it will be scary xc
D: Poor, Dylan.
So.. What do chu wanna talk about?
Um, idk.. o~o
Whatever you want to talk about? 😁
Okie.. πŸ˜…
^~^ No pressure..
Okie XD
cx I can help, if you need help, also. :D
I don't really know.. >~<
Oh. Okie. c:
0-0 Are you serious? Sorry.. o_o I'm listening to music and like these songs are playing over and over again.. :L
XD Okie
^-^ So, how was your Christmas?
It was amazing <3
<33 That's great! c:
How was your Christmas?
Yeah :D
Good, but it would've been better if chu were there.. <3
Yeah D: It would have been better, if we spent our Christmas together. <33
100% better. <3 c: But, as long as I can talk to you, at least, I'm okie.. 😁😞
Yeah <33 Maybe one day.. We will spend a Christmas together.
<333 Maybe one day. c:
Sorry if that sounds creepy
Yeah 😊
Nu, it's okie, Dylan. You don't need to apologize.
Okie :D
c: You haven't sounded creepy, ever since I started talking to chu. <3
Well.. Chu haven't either <33
^-^ That's, most likely, good :D <333
Of course, my friend Skype's me
Are chu okie? D:
And it's not something normal he would say
?? Okie?
He said: "I just found someone I want to date."
That's.. strange.
Brb.. I need to ask him why he would do that
If he has siblings, it might've been one of his siblings??
Oh.. Well.. I don't know then..
Warning: If I don't respond I'm reading a book or I fell asleep, so I'll check my phone like every 2 minutes.
My friend..
Some of them.. Not all of them
Wb <3
Um.. He just thinks crazy..
Ty, wb also <3 c:
Ty, and your welcome :D
You're also welcome cx
Idk.. If I should tell anyone
About what..?
He probably won't care.. But idk
o_o I'm confused..
Well.. He said he wanted to date this person that was in someone's YouTube video.. 0~0
.?. Okie, then.
Why is that so bad..? I'm so confused.. o~o
Yeah.. He is in 8th grade.. And he is 14.. XD He still can act like he is 12 though
Oh, well, we're all childish at certain times.. ^-^
Um.. He wants to date someone that's 24.. And lives in Korea
o_o Okie, I see why, now.
Well.. Good for him..?
He said he would.. If he wasn't 14
But isn't there a problem about like that person living in Korea..?
Well.. Yes there is a problem.. They are on the other side of the earth
Yeah.. 😁
😞 I don't want to be a teenager.. I wish I could stay 12.
^~^ You'll still be perfect to me.. <3 But, yeah.. I'd rather stay a kid forever..
Aww, you will always be perfect, to me <33
☺️ <3 Thank you, Dylan.
Your making me blush ☺️
You are welcome, and thank you too <33
You are making me blush, also. c:
You're, also, welcome :D <3
:D Goodmorning, Morgan <3
I missed talking to you, Dylan.. ☺️
Ty, and almost, goodmorning, Dylan. <3 c:
I did too 😊 I always do
Aw, thank you, Dylan. ☺️
So.. What should we talk about now?
Um.. Idk.. 😁
Oh.. Um...
What has been your favorite thing over Winter break so far?
Um.. I can't really choose.. All of it has been good
That's good :D
Do you have a favorite thing over break so far?
Um.. Not necessarily, but one of mine, would definitely be talking to you. ^-^
Aww, thank you, that has also been one of mine, or one that is better than everything
☺️ Thank you, also. But, you're also welcome. <3 You are making me blush again.. cx
You are too <33 😊☺️
c: That, I think, is good. <333
It is, definitely :D
c: Okie, fantastic! :D
Yeah :D
cx <3
Fantabulous XD
Ye :D
<33333 XD
Idk if I should keep going
It's up to you XD
Probably not 😁
Okie, like I said, it was up to chu. c:
So.. Um, what now? 😁
Um.. I don't know.. πŸ˜πŸ˜…
Oh.. Um.. I'll try to think of something..? 😁
Okie.. I will too
Okie.. 😁
Goodmorning, Dylan.. <3 c:
Morgan, if you don't mind, I should sleep now.. I can't even type right.
It's fine, Dylan.. But I may not be able to talk until tonight. <3 Goodnight, Dylan. c:
Goodnight <33 I will talk to chu tonight
Well.. Goodmorning
Of course <3 :D I'll see you later <3
XD Yeah
Yeah ☺️ Bye, Morgan <33
πŸ˜„ Bye, Dylan! <3 cx
Goodmorning! I'll see you tonight <3 I may be gone all day.. 😁 c: Bye, Dylan.
Can't talk tonight.. My mom took my phone and computer, and my iPod is REALLY slow.. Sorry, Dylan... 😁 </3
It's okie, I couldn't take to chu today either.
And, we can talk tomorrow.. Right?
Well, goodnight, Morgan <3
I hope so.. <3 Goodnight, Dylan.
Goodmorning, Morgan <3
I will talk to chu later <3 I haven't eaten breakfast yet o~O
Wait.. What? You're not serious... right? And yeah, basically, I can't talk until tonight, since it's snowing and my dad's birthday.. <3 Bye, Dylan!
I'll talk to you around 10, your time, okie..? Trying to talk to chu without being caught.. ☺️
Hewwo, Morgan :D
Well.. I am pretty sure chu fell asleep, and I will wait 10 more minutes, but if chu are asleep, goodnight, Morgan <3
Omigosh.. I am so, so, so sorry, Dylan.. D: I guess I'll see you tomorrow? Goodnight <3 😁
D: Are chu still here Morgan?
Okie, I will see you tomorrow. For sure ☺️ Goodnight <3
Sorry... 😞 I feel really bad.. I haven't really talked to you in two days.. I'm really sorry, Dylan... But, today, I will for sure. πŸ˜„
It's okie, Morgan. I haven't had a lot of time either, so don't feel bad. 😁 It's really okie. <3
If chu say so... ^-^ <3
Morgan, really, it's okie
Okie.. Well, I'm on Creative making a RP if chu want to join me.. c:
Okie :D I will
Okie! :D
πŸ˜• I guess not. Someone took my moms computer and I usually play Minecraft on it because my computer is too slow..
So.. Idk where it is, but I will keep looking.
It's okie, if chu can't..
Brb for a minute
Okie back.
I am going over to my friends house, so I might not be back until later like 5 or 6 your time.. 😁 But I can still talk tonight.
So, I will see chu later, Morgan <3
Oh, okie! See you later, Dylan. <3 c:
Um, so.. My mom took my phone and computer, but I'll still talk to you, but my comments may be slow... 😁
Hewwo, Morgan :D
Hewwo, Dylan! c:
Hewwo! Sorry, I had to go do something.
Morgan? D:
Well, goodnight, Morgan <3 I will see you tomorrow..? 😁 Maybe?
I'm so sorry.. Well.. If you can meet me on Creative today? 😁 I kinda have some surprises :D
Yes, of course! I will definitely come on Creative! Morgan, I will do anything for you <3
Aw.. Thank you.. But sadly I just had to get off.. But.. Perhaps later? ☺️
Emma is coming to my house today.. So, I'll talk to chu tonight ? <3 Farewell.
Okie, I will see chu tonight <33
I can get on Creative in a few minutes if chu are still on.. Perhaps, I'll see chu. ^-^ <3
DX I am really sorry I couldn't get on.. Whenever I went on Creative it said chu left like 10 minutes before I joined D:
But I can talk tonight, if you can. 😁
Oh, okie <3 I shall try to not fall asleep.. >~<
Well.. See you tonight then? Or, I can try to be on Creative for as long as I can.. 😁
Oh! Happy New Years Eve, Dylan! <3
Thank you :D I am really sorry I couldn't talk last night, my parents took my phone and iPad.. 😁 And, Happy New Year's Eve, as well <33
I hope you have a great day 😊
I have to go to lunch, so I will see you later <3
Oh it's fine. c: And I'll see you later <3
Wait.. I just realized, I have to go to my grandparents' house tonight, since my parents won't be home, but I'll try to bring my phone.. 😁
Hewwo :D
Hewwo, Dylan! <3 I will speak to you soon, but I'm at my grandparents' house, so I'll talk to you when everyone else goes to sleep..
Okie, I can talk now.. But if chu aren't here, I will wait for chu ^-^ I'll most likely be up until like 6 today πŸ˜…
Okie :D
xc I am sorry that I kept falling asleep..
I am going skiing tomorrow so I won't be able to talk to you until like 9 your time. DX I have to leave at like 8 your time though. So I might be able to for like 10 minutes.
Morgan, it's okie.
9 my time..? Wait, what? In the morning?
Don't worry D:
Oh.. Okie.. <3
Oh, okie. XD By then I might be like sleeping actually.
Omigosh.. I am confused XD
Yes, no ?
What? XD
I leave at 8:30 AM your time and get back 9 PM your time
Oh okie!
Well, have fun! ^-^
Ye.. I think that's right
Okie. xD
Well.. I have to go for like 30 minutes
Oh, okie.
I will be back really soon though! :D
Okie! <3 c:
I will see chu soon <33
For sure. <3 Farewell, for now.
Okie, bye Morgan <33 ☺️
Goodbye, Dylan. 😊
Goodbye, Morgan ☺️
xD Bye <3
I am back :D
Okie! Save me now, though.. o-o
Welcome back, by the way.
Thank you.. And.. How can I save chu? What's wrong?
Dx This one guy, he's Moony's friend, he keeps calling me his bestie and like randomly texting me, and it's SO annoying because he will come up to me at school and sing the song he knows I hate, and his friends have joined in, and for awhile now, some of my friends have called me Morgie-Boo and I have lost all of my patience ! DX
Sorry, that was long..
D: Poor Morgan, I wish I could help you DX
:c I wish I could escape this.. And thank you.
You are very welcome.
☺️ Thank you, for listening.. Well, how has your last few days been?
They have been pretty good, and thank you for asking 😊
πŸ˜„ You're welcome.
How was it for you?
Um pretty good.. It snowed but it all turned into ice.. ;-;
Aww D:
Yeah.. xc It was disappointing.
It's okie. I think I will post a picture once I am in the mountains when I see snow.. If there is internet..
c: Okie. It sounds beautiful.. :D
Yeah :D
cx You're lucky.
How? You have snow also.. And I have to drive 2 hours to see it. :c
Well.. You have actually been on mountains.. I may draw them, but nothing compares to actually SEEING them. Plus, Oklahoma snow.. Isn't that great.. Usually it snows for like an hour and stops.. We were lucky to have it snow an entire day.
Oh.. D: Well.. Maybe if you come to California, you will see mountains!
Maybe.. 😁 Hopefully..
Okie. X3
Yeah.. Maybe. 😁
There's always a chance... 😁
Yeah.. We just have to think about the future.. In a good way..? 😁
^-^ Of course, Dylan. Well.. If I ever can, I will come to California. ☺️
:o Omigosh. 2 minutes..
Okie ☺️ Sorry if I sounded creepy 😁
No, no! You didn't.
o~o There are fireworks, that are shaking the house.. DX
One second, I promised my parents to tell them Happy New Year ^-^
That's scary DX
Okie :D
Yeah.. And back :D
Well.. It's 2016.. XD I don't even have a resolution..
Okie :D And, Happy New Year, Morgan <3
Thank you, Dylan <3
I don't either o-o
:L So many late comments
You are welcome, Morgan 😊
o~o I am trying to come up with one and then I get distracted..
☺️ I will make sure to tell you happy new year, also, when the time comes. ^-^
Yeah.. 0-0
Um.. o_o
Okie :D And thank you. Even though it's a little early XD
Sorry.. Late comment
XD Yeah.. I will tell you again, later. <3
It's okie
Okie <3
Thinking.. And my dad is texting me random stuff too, which isn't helping, which is why I said "Um.. o_o"
Oh okie XD
<333 XD
Yeah.. XD Sorry, if I confused you.
<3333 cx
It's okie, and you didn't.
Oh okie.. :D
^~^ Idk if I should keep going XD
It's up to chu.
<33333 😁
o_o My mom told me I should go to bed and I was like: "Oh.. Okie, goodnight!" but I'll stay up still XD
Okie XD
I have broke the law of my family.. Oh well. ^-^
I do that a lot.. 😁
Yeah.. πŸ˜…
XD It's okie.. As long as we don't get caught 0-0
Yeah.. I commonly have been caught on Creative, though.. >~<
Especially lately.. Which is why my mom is taking my phone and computer at night sometimes...
Oh.. xc
Yeah.. ^~^
D: Oh my gosh.. I just remembered.. You don't even know the surprises I told chu about o~o
It's okie, Morgan. I haven't really had time to get on Creative.. Because whenever I get on my friend Skype's me right away
Well.. Do you want me to just tell chu then..?
He either wants me to go on his server, or factions. And if he doesn't want to he just says he needs someone to talk to
He just did it again..
Um.. If it's okie with chu.. But I can wait, if you would like to tell me on Creative ^-^
It's up to chu, and sorry, my friend tried to FaceTime me.. o_o
Oh okie XD
Yeah, so I kinda freaked out and stared at my phone for a minute
DX I hope I didn't wake anyone up..
Well.. I guess you can tell me now, because I probably won't be on Creative tomorrow. Unless I get on once I get home.
o~o That wouldn't be good
Oh.. Okie.. So, I kinda got Hero, and made a RP, that you need to make a role on, and built a giant castle with Emma and Falcon over a course of days?? 😁
:D Cool!
XD I was waiting to surprise chu, but then like when you could get on my mom made me clean .-.
Oh :L
Yeahh.. 😁
Well.. I might get a rank soon ^-^ Idk
But, the thing with the castle.. XD I kinda randomly started a competition with another Hero on the server Bc they randomly asked me to.. :L
Oh! Cool! XD I suggest above Hero, though...
I wish that you didn't have to use a credit card for a rank.. Bc then I could get one whenever I wanted..
Yeah.. >~<
Why..? Is it bad?
Like.. You can't really do much.. Elite has so much more.. o~o
Oh.. Okie
Yeah.. But, this is really awkward right now because.. Someone's credit card number is on my phone and I am pretty sure it's my moms.. But I bought something like 1 month ago.. So if it's hers.. I would expect her to see it..
Well.. Um, it can't be that bad, right..?
So.. I am being cautious about it and I haven't bought a lot.. But still..
If it is my moms.. I will just pay her the money I used XD
You should ask your parents about it, maybe..?
Okie cx
Um.. That's what is weird.. It has her credit card number.. But no security code.. And it says it won't work without one..
o_o That is weird.
So I don't know what is happening.. Maybe my phone messed around with Apples system..?
Idek.. But it may have confused the App Store
Maybe...? O-o Idk.. I mean.. I would help, but I've never heard of anything like this..
Wait, srsly?
I will just try to get rid of any credit card numbers on my phone and iPad
Yeah.. o~o
Well.. I honestly don't know.. >~< This is just.. Weird.
Well.. Brb. I am going to see if I can get it off my phone real quick
Good luck.. >~<
>~< I feel like an idiot.. I can't find it.. And I don't remember how I got to it last time. I don't know if they took it off or not.. But I can't find out where it is
Well.. Hopefully, they took it off..?
You're not an idiot, Dylan.. D:
Yeah.. But.. I mean, I think they took away the part where I can delete it
Oh.. Oh. o~o
Okie.. Thank you.. <3 Just.. Sometimes I feel like that
Well.. Don't.. DX Because, you aren't. I promise. <3
And you're welcome. c:
Okie. I won't.. But I am not sure if I should buy anything
Thank you.. And, honestly, it's a risk.. o~o
Yeah.. >~<
Well.. Dylan, maybe you should ask your parents.. I mean.. It's up to you, but.. >~<
Yeah.. I think I will.
Okie.. ^~^
And.. If it says there isn't a credit card.. I don't know what I will do
Everything has a purpose, just think positively! Like, um, maybe it was all a mistake?
Yeah.. But I think it's from when I got my iPad.. I needed my mom to buy something so I could use the same Apple account for it
And I don't know if her credit card got removed after it
Dylan, it's okie...
I hope it is..
I promise, everything will work out.. ^~^
It will be!
Okie ^-^
Thank you <3
You're welcome. <3
I don't know what I would do without you.. Honestly..
☺️ Aww, thank you, Dylan.. I don't know what I would do without you either..
Your welcome, and thank you too, Morgan ☺️ <33
You are, also, welcome.. <3 ^-^
😁 Almost 1 more hour until it's 2016 for me
Yeah. c:
..Honestly, I'm nervous about this year.. With the presidential election, everyone is arguing about.. >~< I honestly don't know..
Yeah >~<
o-O Someone is setting off firecrackers near my house
#~# Is it just me, or is the election driving you crazy, also..? I mean.. Like.. I don't know..
3 so far..
Uhh.. Yeah..
Huh.. I just realized the fireworks stopped.. XD
I don't know either
>~< Okie.
There are like 7 now 0-0
Is that good or bad...? o~o
It's okie, you aren't the only one.
I don't know.. It's fine.. As long as they aren't near my house
Oh okie.. And oh.. Well.. β€’~β€’ Be safe..
One time.. I got really scared because I think someone shot one into my cousins tree, when I was at their house.. Which is like.. The opposite side of the U.S.
Sorry, that was random..
XD Its okie
o~o But srsly, be safe.. I can't lose chu.. </3 DX
Oops.. I forgot to set my sailing watch 1 hour ahead since the time changed.. So it just went off and it's only 11 XD
Okie, and I can't lose you either
<333 XD
<3333 cx
<33333 XDD What are we doing??
I don't know XD
Okie XD But it's making me laugh.
Me too XD
^-^ That's always good. :D
Yeah 😁
So.. Um XD
Umm.. XD
How are you? 😁
Good :D How are you?
Fantabulous, thank you for asking! ^-^
Thank you too, and your welcome ☺️
You're, also, welcome. ☺️❀️
So.. What do you wanna talk about..? 😁
Um.. Anything.. I don't know.. o~o
I don't either.. 0~0
I can try to think of something..
Okie.. I will try to think of something salon
Auto correct =~=
Oh.. I feel you there.. o_o
I said 'know' up there and like corrected it to 'K so' =_= Like, no..
But, have you figured out a New Years Resolution?
Um.. Not yet.. o~o And I only have like 40 minutes
*~* Well.. What do you want to accomplish this upcoming year?
Um.. Tbh.. I don't really know..
Oh.. Um..
>~< Like.. Um...
What do you enjoy, that you want to get better at..? Like, for example, I decided on art.
Well.. I have like 2 or 3 things
Do I have to pick one..? XD
I don't think so? XD Idk
I wanna get better at sailing, and.. I guess playing my instrument..?
Well.. I want to get better at like everything I do.. XD
Okie, cool! :D
Yeah.. o~o
=-= Low battery.
Oh.. :c
Okie I am back
Okie! Welcome back! <3
xc My iPad is going slow for some reason.. Idk why
Oh.. :c Well.. Everything turns out fine. ^-^
o_o I seem to like saying that today... xD
XD I think it's better now
Okie :D
Are chu ready?
For what?
New Years is in 10 minutes for you..
Oh yeah :D
So, um, what do you want to talk about..?
I don't really know.. πŸ˜…
Oh.. Um... I will try to come up with something.. Sorry, if I don't reply right away.. I'm checking on another app at the same time :L
Oh okie
Ye.. Sorry. >~<
It's okie.
If chu say so.. 😁
Mk, so random question, do you have a favorite emoji?? Idek XD
D: Morgan, it is. Okie?
o_o Sorry, trying to help.
😱 or πŸ˜‰
XD Okie
Idk.. But I think one of those two
Okie cx
Do you have a favorite?
Um.. o~o
It's okie if chu don't..
πŸ˜† or πŸŒ™ most likely.. Idk.. I like them all, almost.. o_o
Yeah.. Me too
2 minutes until New Years for me :D
Only like 30 seconds now..
Yeah XD
Welcome to 2016, Dylan! <3
Yay :D It's 2016.
Thank you, Morgan <33 ☺️
You're, very, welcome! ^-^
More firecrackers! And they sound a lot closer!
o_o On this app.. It's like a music app where you make videos, I have, like, dedicated my life to it.. XD Some of them though.. o-o
I'm just rewatching some of them.. What have I done with my life? XD
*~* There is something outside my house.. And it's making a really odd noise.. >~< I don't think it was firecrackers..
:c Be careful.. >~<
It sounds like someone.. Smashing metal.. Or grinding something.. xc
Be very careful... >~<
Okie.. DX
>~< I'm sorry.. Like I said earlier.. I can't lose chu.. :c
I can't either. I wouldn't be where I am today without chu. πŸ˜₯
Yeah.. >~< Same for me.. *~* Chu have helped me, honestly..
Yeah x~x
No, really.. I kinda have trust issues.. o~o And you have helped me.. ^-^
Trust issues..?
Like what..?
Like.. It's not easy for me to trust people..
Well.. I trust you.. Way more than my brother and sister o~o
^-^ I trust you WAYYY more than my brother also.. And I have trusted you for a long time now.. But I have to admit.. At first I was wary..
What does wary mean..?
o~o I keep seeing something flash outside of the window and it's catching my attention >~<
Oh.. I figured out what it is.. XD
I have a short term memory.. :c
D: It's okie, Dylan..
Okie.. Just. Stay safe.. >~<
Dylan, it's fine.. It's just Christmas lights XD
:c I can't remember how we met.. Just that it was on Creative..
I wish I knew.. >~<
Oh.. I do. c: I can tell chu how if you would like.
Well, so like a day after Emma's town RP, you asked me to come to your plot, and you asked me if you should or a crown on your giant head you made. ^-^
Autocorrect are you serious..? *put a crown
Oh.. I remember that part now..
Well, I only know my side of the story, but after I said "Sure" about the crown you asked me to marry chu. <3
I think I remember that..
If you don't, it's okie.
I probably will now. 😊 I hope so..
☺️ Okie. But, we all have our flaws. c: <3
Yeah 😁
Dylan, it's okie.. :c
Okie.. If you say it is..
It is!
o_o That was the most depressing post ever.. DX It was sad.
I promise, it's okie. You will always be perfect to me <3
Like one of my followers posted a story or something all about this person dying..
Aww ☺️ Thank you, Morgan, you will be more than perfect to me <33
Oh.. o~o
Late comment..
☺️ Thank you, also, Dylan.. <3 But you're also welcome XD
Yeah.. And lots of late comments o-o
Your welcome too XD c:
:D <3
:D <33
I'm confused XD
Me too.. o-O
Sorryyyy 😁
It's okie XD
c: Honestly, chu make me laugh more than I think I ever have.. <3
Oh.. I don't really make people laugh that much.. But.. That's good, right?
Of course it's good..
My family says I have no sense of humor.. >~< So I don't really try to make people laugh anymore..
Well.. You still make me smile c: Even when I feel.. Really depressed.. Or sad.. You still make me smile ☺️
>~< I hope chu aren't sad or depressed because of me.. And that's good ^-^ <3
I really can't stop smiling when I talk to chu cx
D: No, no, I am not! You've never done something even close to that DX I would never be that was because of you.
#~# But.. Nevermind.. Okie.. ^~^
Late comment
It's okie.
But, wait.. You said I made you depressed before.. o~o
What? When?
When I said.. .~. That I couldn't like you anymore..
Well.. I still like you <3
o~o Yeah..
I still like you, also.. <3
So.. What do chu want to talk about..? 😁
Um.. Idk.. +~+
Okie.. I will try and think of something
I will, also.
Um.. Do you have a favorite food?
Pasta XD
Oh right! I remember asking chu this before! XD
Yeah XD
o_o It's hard to remember what we have asked each other by now.. XD
Yeah o-o
Wow.. It's almost been 3 months since you've joined PicCollage.. I was reading want we said on your very first post.. Everything seemed so awkward and now we're carefree.. XD
*what not want autocorrect.. o~o
Well.. I'm going to sleep.. Goodnight, Dylan <3 ☺️ See you tomorrow?
D: I'm really sorry I fell asleep.. Well.. I am not going to get to talk to you today.. Until later. :c So.. I will see you tomorrow..? Or tonight..? 😁
Well.. Goodbye, Morgan <3 Hopefully we can talk tonight..? I will be back around 9 PM your time.
Oh okie. Have fun, Dylan! I will try to talk to chu. And it's fine, I fall asleep all the time on you.. 😁
Hewwo, Morgan. :D
Well, you are probably asleep, because I didn't expect to get home this late.. So, maybe we can talk tomorrow..? Goodnight, Morgan <3
I apologize... I did fall asleep.. >~< Well.. I might have to help my parents today, so see you tonight or later?
Morgan, it's okie, because I fell asleep then woke up again to say goodnight o~o
And.. Yeah :D See you tonight or later.
Well.. I have to help my dad with a trampoline my sister got for Christmas :L So.. I will see you later..? 😁
Oh.. Um, I actually just got home.. 😁 And, well.. You really don't have to say goodnight to me, if you don't want to..
Hewwo :D
Well.. I am going to watch a movie, so I will be back soon. <3
Goodnight, Morgan <3 ☺️
I'm so sorry.. >~< It's actually hard to stay awake sometimes.. Well.. I'll try to talk to you today? <3 😁
Morgan, it's okie, I can feel you there.. I can't stay awake that late either. And, yeah.. I will also try to talk to you today <3 ☺️
<3 😊
Well.. I have to go to my grandparents' house.. See you later?
Okie :D I will just be on Creative.
Oh.. I'm back, but, I don't know if I can get on anymore today.. >~< If my parents don't take my computer, I'll get on later..
Hewwo :D
Hewwo! I'm so sorry! Dx I was going to get back on but then I thought I heard someone again.. >~<
I had to get off MC also.. So it's okie!
Okie.. If chu say so.. Just a second, now Katy is barking at a fan I made.. +_+
Oh okie XD
Mk. xD It somehow started spinning so, she kinda went crazy o-o
Yeah.. 0-0
So, how have your last few days been? 😁
They have been good ^-^ How were yours?
Um.. Okay. But it's good that your days were good
D: Did something happen?
I've had a headache today and yesterday.. 😁 But, thank you for asking.
Your welcome <3 And I hope you feel better DX
Thank you <3
Your welcome <33
c: <333
:D <3333
XD What are we doing?
I have no idea xD
Sorry, I heard my brother.. :L
Oh okie
Ye.. Brb for a minute or so.. D:
Okie, back.. Sorry Dx
It's okie, I was checking on another app.
Well... xD That was interesting.. As soon as I sat down, Katy escaped my room :L
I had to chase her upstairs.. Dx Now she's upstairs.. I don't think she wanted to be in my room tonight..
Yeah.. xc
So.. Um.. How are chu? 😁
Good :D How are you?
Pretty good, thank you for asking. ^-^
And it's good that you are good.
Your welcome, and thank you too <3 ^-^
You're, also, welcome <33 c:
And, it's great that you are good. c:
XD That doesn't make any sense.. o~o
cx <3
It made me smile xD
:D Well that's good, also. ☺️
I suppose. <3 😊
Yeah <33 And whenever I talk to you, I always smile.
Aw, thank chu! ☺️ I am always smiling also, when I talk to chu.. Well, thank you, again xD
Your welcome :D
c: <3
:D <33
xD This is making me laugh. <333
Yeah XD <3333
<33333 xDD
cx <333333
Omigosh xD <3333333
XD I don't know if I should keep going..
It's up to you.. cx
Um.. I guess not..? Idk anymore.
Okie. ^-^
So.. What do you want to talk about..?
Um.. Idk.. o-o
Oh okie..
Sorry.. I'm indecisive Dx
I don't know what that means.. But I probably am too.. ^~^
It means that I can't make decisions.. >~<
Oh.. Yep.. I definitely am then.. *~*
Well.. You're not alone xD Around 3 of my other friends are too...
o-o The first comment made no sense, whoops.
Okie XD
Um.. So..? 😁
^-^ Um.. How was your day..?
Wait.. I think I already asked that..
Um.. It was okie, how was your's? ☺️
xD It's okie
Good :D Thank you for asking.
Yeah.. I knew I did.. XP
You're welcome, and also, thank you. ^-^ <3
xD It's fine. I have done it, also.
You are, also, welcome <33
c: <333
cx <3333
xD What are we doing?
I don't know.. XD
It's funny, but weird at the same time, considering we do it everytime xD
*every time
Yeah XD
Whoa.. I just noticed that someone un-followed me.
Oh! It was Nefarious.
Idek XD
^-^ I lose followers all the time.. xD I have stopped checking.
Ye. A random one of my followers, on a different account of her's we're kind of friends..?
Oh okie.. But what does 'nefarious' mean?
I have no idea xD
I can look though, in this random dictionary I have in my room.. o_o
It's okie.. XD
Nvm, I will use my phone.. xD It didn't have it
o-o What.
I just deleted a comment bc it was a late comment that said late comment.. If that makes any sense.. o~o
So.. Um, it means: "Wicked or criminal" which is kind of creepy, considering it's her username..
Oh nu! Low battery DX
I don't want to leave chu.. xc
Well.. It's fine, Dylan. ^~^
Okie.. If you say so..
I promise. <3
Goodnight, Morgan <3
Okie <33
Goodnight, Dylan <3
cx <3333
xD <33333
XDD <333333
Omigosh xD What are we doing?
I don't know o-o XD
:D It's funny, but strange xD
Yeah XD
^-^ Ye.
Well.. I should go now, so.. I will see you tomorrow..? Maybe..? ^-^
Of course! Hopefully? 😁 <3 πŸ˜„
Yeah 😊
Goodnight, Dylan <3
Goodnight, Morgan <33
^-^ <333
Good morning, Dylan! I will see chu later or tonight! <3 ^-^
D: I just missed chu on Creative by 7 minutes DX
Oh.. I can get back on..? 😁
Well, It's up to you.. I don't want to force you to..
Meh, I'm already on xD
Okie XD
>~< Sorry.. My headache got really bad.. It's hard to look at a screen right now.. Dx
xc Hewwo, Morgan.
I'm sorry for giving you a headache.. xc I feel really bad.
Hewwo, Dylan. Are you okie..? :c
Wait.. What? You didn't! I've had one all day.. >~<
Oh.. Well, I still feel really bad DX
Don't.. Dx You have nothing to feel bad for! :c
Okie.. As long as your alright..
I am.. I promise.
Dylan.. Don't feel bad. Seriously. You did nothing! Dx It's making me feel bad, that you feel bad. If that makes any sense...
Sorry, I heard someone walking around..
Well.. I'm sorry for making you feel bad..
Okie, and it's fine.. Just, don't feel bad.
Okie.. But I don't want to make you feel bad either.
I don't want to make you feel bad, also.. <3
And if I ever do, just know that I didn't mean to, and that I'm sorry..
Dylan, you don't need to apologize.. D: It's fine.
It is. Just.. Don't feel bad. You haven't done anything, not ever since we met. ^-^
And, you haven't either. Even if you say that you did, I promise, it's fine.
...Dylan, I know, I have. >~< And, no, it's not fine. I hurt chu, which I can't accept. :c
Well.. Even if you do, I will still like you. No matter what.
I will still like chu also... <3 ^-^
<333 cx
<3333 c:
<33333 You always find a way to make me laugh.. ☺️
<333333 That's in a good way.. Right?
Yes, why wouldn't it be..?
I don't know.. Sometimes I embarrass myself and everyone will laugh at me..
Oh.. I know how that feels.. >~< But, no, I wouldn't laugh at you like that.
Like.. One time I tripped and landed on my face during lunch.. And everyone started to laugh..
Are chu okie..?
Okie, and I wouldn't either.. Because I hate to see other people hurt..
Yeah.. >~< Thank you, by the way.
Thank you too, and your welcome <3
People find the mistakes funny, but not the positive things about people, which is sad.. xc
You're, also, welcome. <33
Yeah :c
One time.. My friend photoshopped my face and another one of my friends faces to a picture, and sent it to all of our friends... I know she made it her background too for a while.. But, it was so embarrassing.. >~< And everyone else thought it was hilarious..
o~o Yeah..
So.. How are you?
Good c:
How are you?
That's great! ^-^
Pretty good.. Other than this headache. 😁
Oh.. Well.. That's also great, except for your headache..
And, if you need to sleep, it's totally fine with me.
Well.. Thank you for asking. ☺️ And, yeah...
Thank you too, and your welcome
You're, also, welcome <3
I don't need to sleep.. I'm fine. ^-^
Okie. <33
<3 Especially, since this is the only time I can talk to chu.
Yeah ☺️
☺️ So.. How was school?
But, I might have to go soon.. Because I might fall asleep soon.. But I don't want to leave you D:
Good 😊
How was school for you?
Dylan, if chu need to sleep, go sleep.. D: I don't want to keep chu awake.
Pretty good, other than everyone was insane o_o
xc Okie..
Thank you for asking <3
Your welcome <33 And thank you too
I'm serious, if you want to sleep, you just have to tell me..
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
But I don't want to leave you D:
But, you need your sleep... :c
Well..Goodnight, Morgan. <3
*.. Goodnight
I really am serious, though.. If you ever want to sleep, just tell me. I won't be mad at chu.
Goodnight, Dylan <3
Hewwo, Morgan :D
Well, chu are probably asleep, and it's my fault because I took so long D: But.. I guess I will see you tomorrow..? <3 Goodnight, Morgan. ^-^
>~< Sorry... ^-^ And of course we will talk today! πŸ˜„ <3
And it's not your fault, Dylan... :c
Well, I have to eat dinner.. So I will talk to you after..? 😁
I will see you tomorrow, Morgan <3 Goodnight ☺️
So sorry... I don't know why I've been so tired lately... >~<
Morgan, it's okie. So.. I will talk to you later..? <3
Bye, Morgan <3 I guess we will talk later or tonight..? 😊
Of course! And sorry I had to go.. My mom told me I had to eat dinner.. >~<
Oh okie <3 Well, I will be on Creative a little longer, but if I don't see you on there then I will see chu on PicCollage tonight 😊
Sorry, Dylan.. I'm not really in the mood.. 😁 So, I guess I'll see you in a while...?
Hewwo, Morgan :D
Well.. I will see chu tomorrow or tomorrow night..? 😁 Goodnight, Morgan <3
Nu wait.. I'm still here D: <3 But goodnight, Dylan.
D: Are you still here?
xc Goodnight..
Sorry... I fell asleep and Katy woke me up last night..
Oh okie XD Well.. I will talk to you later..?
Of course! I'll be on Creative, if chu need me. ^-^
Well.. I guess I will see you tonight..? <3
I will probably be on Creative later, and if not then I will be on PC.. So if chu need me.. I will be on one of those ^-^
Okie, I just got back on Creative, but I'll be checking PC every once in a while.
Hewwo, Morgan. :D
Hewwo, Dylan. ^-^
I'm sorry about everything with my friends.....
Morgan, It's okie, really.
It wasn't as bad as that other RP
Which one..?
Um.. I'm pretty sure it was a school RP but it was when Emma liked that Zerenthos guys
Ohhh.. Yeah..
Like.. People kept dying then coming back to life..
And the one guy who said he was going to jump off of a building o~o
Yeahhh o~o
Well.. I mean there's pros and cons about RPs.. None of them are perfect.
So.. Um, how have you been? ^~^
Sorry about the late comment..
Good ^-^
How have you been?
It's okie, and um.. Okay? 😁
Thank you for asking.
Well.. I guess, that's okay..?
Ye.. It's good that you have been good. xD
Your welcome <3 And thank you too.
You're, also, welcome <33
XD I have lost another follower
D: You have?
Omg.. *facepalm* It's me and my friend's shared account.
I wonder why..? O-o
Um.. What do you want to talk about?
Um..... Idk.. o~o
What do you want to talk about?
Ooh! I know! So.. It's been raining a lot her in San Diego and my friend showed me a picture he took at school of an underground parking lot that was filled with water.
So, I asked my dad if we could drive down there after school and there were cars down there that were almost underwater β€’~β€’
Woah..! That's cool but scary at the same time! :D
Um.. Sorry for the long comments..
It's okie, as long as I can talk to chu <3
Okie <33
So.. Umm.. How has.. Um.. Idk.. o~o
I tried cx
It's okie, XD
You made me laugh ☺️
^-^ Okie!
That's good πŸ˜„
Yeah 😊
c: I usually don't make people laugh.. So, I mean.. I don't know when I do something funny I guess..? 😁
Well.. You can always make me smile cx
^-^ I never stop smiling when I talk to you.
I don't either πŸ˜„
☺️ That's good.. <3
Yeah c: And it's also good for you too <33
xD <333 Ye..
cx <3333
<33333 :D
<333333 ☺️
<3333333 πŸ˜„
XD This is hilarious <33333333
Yep. xD <333333333
<3333333333 I think that was 11 idk xD
Um, Dylan...?
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan.. <3 See you tomorrow?
DX I'm sorry. I didn't realize how tired I was..
Well.. I will be on Creative this morning.. For a little while.
Well.. I might get on in a while.. And it's okie, Dylan.
Well.. I will be on Creative a little longer, so if you need me, I will most likely be there.
Yeah.. I had to do something but I'm back on now xD
Hewwo, Morgan <3
^-^ Hewwo, Dylan. Sorry, I had to be with my family for a while.. >~<
Okie, sorry.. I had to go eat dinner
It's okie. ^-^
Okie, and hewwo. c:
Hewwo <3
So.. Um.. How was your day..? ^-^
Good, thank you for asking. How was yours? cx
Mine was good, also.
Your welcome <3 And, thank you, too
You're also welcome. ^-^ And that's good.
Well, it's great that you are good. Sorry.. If that doesn't make any sense..
No, it's okie, I get what chu mean.. <3
It's really okie, Dylan.
Okie.. If you say so.
I promise. ^-^
Okie <3
<33 c:
cx <333
:D <3333
^-^ <33333
☺️ <333333
πŸ˜‡ <3333333
xD <3333333
xDD <333333333
x3 <333333333 >>I started counting like 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9... o.o<<
xD I don't even know how many there are <3333333333
XD I think it's at eleven now..? <33333333333
^~^ It hurts my eyes to count xD <333333333333
>~< Chu don't have to count... <3333333333333 What are we doing? xDD
Okie back.. ^~^
Okie ^-^
So.. How are chu? ^-^
Good ☺️ How are chu?
That's fantastic! ^-^ And good, thank you for asking. πŸ˜„
You are very welcome, and, thank you too cx
You're, also, welcome. <3 :D
>~< PC is being slow for me..
Sorry.. I got a text and then I had to restart my phone.. My screen froze ;-;
It's okie, Morgan.
It's okie, mine is too..
Okie. xD
Ye.. It took 2 minutes to load the comments and then said my collage had 0 likes and 0 comments xD
Wow.. xD Yeah, PC isn't always the best app, but I mean, not the worst either.
Yeah, it could be worse.. o~o
Much, much worse.. Sorry, checking multiple apps at once ^~^
It's okie.
If chu say so...
Morgan, really, it is.
Trust me.. At least this time.. I'm not the best person to trust sometimes thou.. Idek xc My friends tell me that no one should trust me.
Okie.. >~< I just feel bad, it's usually around a minute before I respond to chu..😁
Wait what..? Why wouldn't I trust chu..? And why shouldn't you be trusted?
I don't know.. One of my friends won't trust me because I typed in a command on his server..
Oh...? Well.. I'll trust chu ^-^
Well.. Like, they usually trust me.. But not all the times..
Yeah.. I mean.. Sometimes my friends just freak out for no reason... >~< And usually I'm the one to be blamed for something.. So, I'm not even sure if my friends trust me..
Oh.. Yeah.. That's what I feel like sometimes.. Dx
Dylan, it's okie. People can be wary, so maybe that's why you think your friends don't trust you..?
Yeah.. :s
Sorry for the late comments Dx
Well.. The only reason I did type what I did was because I was lagging way too much, but I had like 60 fps.. Then I found out it was a co-owner using a punish plugin on me.. He said it's supposed to make you look like you are lagging, then crash MC.
:o That's evil.
But.. That's what I don't get xc Why would one of the co-owners use it on me and my friend would be okay with it..
And.. Sorry for the long comments..
>~< Well.. Did your friend know?
It's okie.
Yeah.. But he didn't care.. Dx
That's when I said I wouldn't join his server for a while..
o~o Oh... Well... Was it one of his friends?
Because.. I felt like I was hated there..
Yeah.. It was his friend.. And then my friend >> the owner<< made a group call in Skype and I really didn't want to join it.. But he was spamming it..
Maybe.. He didn't want to seem like he was choosing a favorite..? 😁
So.. All I said was: "I'm not coming back for a while.. And I don't want to see you right now."
So I ignored Skype for like 16 hours..
xc I'm sorry that this happened to chu.
Well.. I guess it's okie now.. My friend said he was sorry.. But.. I feel bad for blaming my friend for not knowing, because he didn't actually know until I told him..
Oh... Dylan, all you can do is be grateful you both are still friends. ^-^
Everyone makes mistakes, anyways.. You just have to let them go.
^~^ Sorry, if I'm not helping..
No, really, it's okie.. Just.. I wish I had known before getting mad at my friend..
I know..
But, everything turned out okay, right?
Yeah.. It did.
Well, be thankful for that. ^-^ I mean, your friendship isn't lost.
Well.. Should we talk about something else.. That isn't as.. bad as this..?
Um.. Sure.
I do too.. Like.. I didn't have a lot of friends in 4th and 5th grade..
Oh.. Sorry..
I had nobody really in 1st grade.. I seriously started hanging out with all of the boys.. >~< And in 3rd grade.. I lost all of them from a huge fight.. And they followed their dreams at least.
It's okie..
Oh wait.. Them as in my friends I actually had..
Oh.. Dx Well, I'm sorry that happened to you, also..
Well.. I don't really care anymore.. But thank you for caring..
Your welcome, Morgan <3
😊 <33
😁 <333
Sorry for complaining.. 😞
Morgan, it's okie, I did too.. Your not the only one.
Okie.. >~<
Really, it is, I promise. <3
Okie. ^-^ <33
c: <333
You always find a way to make me smile somehow.. cx <3333
You do too :D <33333
That's good.. ^-^ <333333
Yeah cx <3333333
c: <3333333
:D <33333333
:3 <333333333
x3 <3333333333
xD <33333333333
☺️ <333333333333
I might have to go soon.. I almost have low battery and I am getting tired..
πŸ˜„ <33333333333333
Chu can sleep, Dylan... You just have to tell me.
😊 <3333333333333333
*that you're tired
xD <333333333333333 I don't know how many this is.. Whoops o.o
Well.. I'm not that tired.. But now I smell popcorn.. Which will probably keep me awake longer..
xD Okie
It's okie xD I don't even know how many mine was either.
But seriously.. It's right outside my bedroom..
Okie.. ☺️ This is making me smile.. cx
o.o Wow. Is like a common room for people to be in right outside of your room..?
Good ☺️
πŸ˜„ You always seem to cheer me up, somehow.
Well.. Basically..
Well.. Maybe that's why?
My bedroom is in a hallway which is right near the tv room.. Which is where it's coming from..
Or the heaters are blowing it around..
Ohh.. Well, that makes since.
That's strange.. Emma liked around 5 of my posts.. At midnight.
o.o The reason why she is awake.. Most likely Minecraft, actually..
She doesn't like RPing with us anymore really.. ;-;
:c Yeah.
She replaced us all with ONE person! Dx
xc Yeah..
β€’~β€’ And whenever I call her, she hangs up randomly from a 'sore throat'
She's drifting away from our group of friends to random people on Minecraft, I guess.. 😞
Sorry.. I'm complaining again Dx
It's okie.. I promise <3
Okie.. <3
c: <33
^-^ <333
Goodnight, Dylan.. I'll talk to chu tomorrow.. <3
xc I'm sorry I fell asleep.. But, yeah.. I will talk to you today <3
It's fine, Dylan! And, I'll have to talk to chu tonight.. My parents are making me spend time with my little brother.. Sorry.. >~<
Dylan..? Are chu there?
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan. I'll try to talk to you tomorrow.. <3
Dx I am really sorry, my parents took my phone and my iPad yesterday. I might be on Creative in a while.. So, I will talk to you.. tonight? <3
It's okie, Dylan. I can't actually get on Creative until tonight.. But, of course I'll talk to chu tonight! ^-^ <3
Okie <3 Well, I have to go to karate, so I will be on Creative when I get back. ^-^
Okie! I'll get on Creative in a few minutes.. <3 See chu soon!
xc I am so sorry, I had to go to karate tonight.. Well, I have to go eat dinner, and I will be on Creative right after! So.. I will hopefully see you tonight, on Creative or PC? <3
Okie, I'll probably still be on, I'm getting a lecture from this one guy, about religion.. <3 I'll see chu soon.
On Creative?
o~o Okie.. xD
Yeah.. xD He just asked if I was a Christian and I said: "Kind of..?" so I've been here for like 30 minutes now..
Oh, well.. I think I have to eat now. :c I will be on right after though <3
Okie.. ^-^ See chu soon <3
Okie <33
Farewell, for now <3
Hewwo, Morgan <3
Hewwo, Dylan ^-^ <3
Dx I'm sorry I couldn't get on Minecraft for long..
It's okie! I promise. c:
It is..
Wait. That made no sense.. o.o
Well, I promise I will be on longer tomorrow <3
Okie. <3 ^-^
So.. How was your day?
Strange.. Thank you for asking. How was your day? ^-^
Well.. My day was okie.
Your welcome, and, thank you too.
D: Did something happen..?
You're, also, welcome. xD
What happened..? >~<
Well.. I hurt myself trying to play the same game again..
Oh... :c
I think I might have told you.. I'm not sure though
You just told me that you hurt yourself.. I'm sorry that you were hurt. :c
I mean the last time I did from the same thing I was doing.
I'm trying to remember what that was.. o~o
And.. I don't know which was worse.. I am guessing today though..
When I got hit in the stomach by a racket ball..
Oh.. And I remember now.
And it left a red mark..
I'm so sorry.. >~<
But.. That time I didn't bleed..
D: I wish I could help chu somehow..
Well.. I think I am alright now.. But.. Whenever I see my blood.. Or someone else's.. I feel.. sick.
>~< Well.. I'm still sorry, that chu got hurt.. :c
Like, I thought I was going to fall over when I was walking to the nurse.
I can see my own blood.. But not other people's.. o.o Idek what's wrong with me.
D: I hope chu are okie.
I can't.. I will feel.. I don't know how to say it.. Like, unstable or dizzy..
It's okie.. It wasn't as bad as it could have been..
Oh.. I mean, it's just gross to me to see someone else bleeding, I guess..?
xc But still...
The way I landed, I probably could have hit my jaw bone on the ground.. I basically landed on my stomach..
+~+ I'm sorry.
I am okay now.. I think.
Well.. >~< I hope chu are.
Thank you <3
You're welcome.. <3
o~o Idk if this sounds creepy or not.. But I've been worrying about chu..
It's not, but why D:
Have you heard about El NiΓ±o..?
Yeah.. It's just rain.. Right?
It rained like all last week.. Really hard.
Sort of... >~< But.. Apparently, this one this year, could turn out dangerous....... o~o
And... My Geography teacher said that it usually hits around the West Coast..
Oh.. But how is it dangerous?
I think, this year it's supposed to be one of the biggest storms, or something..?
Oh.. Well.. It doesn't seem dangerous.. But, I could be wrong.
But.. Flooding.. And.. >~< I don't know.. I don't want to scare you..
β€’~β€’ Just.. Be careful..
Morgan, you aren't scaring me, I promise, I won't get hurt.
Okie.. Good. <3 It just.. I guess scaring me.. o~o
I have already seen what happens. I know how bad it is.. I won't get hurt <3
Well.. I won't post a picture then..
It would probably scare anyone..
Okie.. <3 It's just.. >~< I can't lose chu.....
Picture of what..?
I can't either xc
And.. I guess there are multiple reasons I'm worrying.. o~o I live in 'Tornado Alley' you know that right..? Well.. There's a potential of tornadoes too.. And the storm can hit Oklahoma..... So.. Dx
Well, my friend showed my a picture at school and it's close to where I live, but it was an underground parking lot filled with water.. So I asked my dad to drive down there and I saw how bad it was..
Oh right..
o~o Morgan!
I guess, I'm worrying for everyone..
Please, everything is going to be alright..
And.. I'm pretty sure there are tornadoes in a city right outside of San Diego, it's where my mom works.. It's a city called 'La Jolla' and I don't know for sure.. But someone said there has already been one there or there might be..
Sorry, for the long comment.
o~o Well.. Be safe, you and your family..
It's okie..
There's already been tornadoes in Dallas.. Which is I guess sending my into my worries..
You should be safe, too. You live where a tornado can hit.. I don't know the chances of one forming or coming from somewhere else to San Diego..
Where is Dallas?
It's in Texas.. And for the 10 years I've lived here, there hasn't been a tornado.. Well.. There's been some in surrounding cities.. Which is scary..
How close is it.. To Oklahoma?
Texas.. Is the state right below Oklahoma on a map. >~<
Oh x~x
Yeah.. o~o
Brb.. I feel like looking up the chances of a tornado forming this.. However long El NiΓ±o lasts..
Okay.. >~<
Well.. I couldn't find anything..
Oh okie.. Well, even if you did, you might not want to tell me.. o~o
Let's just say.. I'm panicking silently.. 😁
😞 Sorry if I did scare you though..
Dx You didn't! I am okay!
Okie.. >~<
β€’~β€’ PicCollage is being slow..
That was weird.. o.o It said PC was down for maintenance.
Just for like 2 minutes.
Oh.. Okie..
Maybe.. a minute ago?
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan <3 I'll talk to chu tomorrow.
Dx I'm sorry for falling asleep.. I will talk to you, later today? <3 Goodbye ^-^
Okie, and it's fine. <3 I have to go somewhere though.. But if I can, afterwards I'll get on Creative..? 😁 I'll talk to chu later!
Okie <33
>~< Actually.. I'll be on in around an hour.. Sorry, I'm kind of going to be busy for a while..
Well, I might not be back on Creative tonight >~< I'm sorry.. But, I will be on PicCollage. xc I will talk to you in a while..? <3
I will check PicCollage every few minutes.. I reading a book.
*I am
Okie, it's fine. ^-^ I'll check PC every once in a while, also..
I might be able to get on Creative.. I don't know though.
Oh.. xD Okie
xc I'm really sorry.. I don't think I can get back on tonight. Well.. I will be on PC for a while.. But if I don't see you, then goodnight <3
It's okie, and I'm here.. Just talking about Clash of Clans with friends, sorry if I don't reply right away, if chu are still here.
Oh okie..
Sorry.. ^~^
o-O I am lucky my clan didn't see that I only used 1 attack in the last war.. I think they got distracted because we won xD
xD Gj.
I found out about this cool thing you can do with Clash of Clans but if I do it I am pretty sure it shuts off the wifi.. So I have to do it when no one is using the Internet.. Or I am home by myself..
Sorry.. PC stopped working ;-;
It's okie.. My comments won't load though..
It is supposed to give you a temporary account on Clash of Clans where you have like unlimited gems.. Idk.. All I know is I tried at my friends house and broke his internet for like 3 minutes 0~0
If I can get to it.. I will post a picture on PC..
o.o Oh my..
Okie.. Well, be careful.. >~<
Well.. I'm not sure if it effects everyone using the internet.. But it does for people using it to play Clash of Clans.
Because it kicked his brother off Clash of Clans β€’~β€’
Oh.. Well.. I'm not going to try it.. My brother and dad play CoC, also..
o.o Seriously, though... Be careful with that.
Yeah.. I wouldn't.. But I'm not even sure if they work..
Okie.. But, why?
Um, it could been a hidden virus.. Idk. o~o
x~x My comments aren't loading.
I forgot about that.. >~<
Sorry, I keep having to restart my phone bc of PicCollage saying there's an error..
Just.. Viruses aren't fun.. Don't mess around with the Internet, is my best advice.. ^~^
It's okie.. It's taking me 5 minutes to load the comments.
>~< Same, but instead of comments, PicCollage in general.
I'm not going to try.. I have seen viruses on phones.. They aren't good.. They are almost worse than computer viruses..
o~o Oh.. Well.. Viruses on computers, aren't enjoyable for sure.. >~<
Everyone kept asking me to get on Minecraft when my dad was working on restarting my computer and I was like: "Guys.. Seriously?"
Okie, back. ^-^
Okie, welcome back <3
Thank you <33
You're welcome. ^-^ <333
cx <3333
:DD <33333 >>Sorry, looking at random pictures I took over the summer<<
xD Okie <333333
o.o My icon is a picture of fish now.. <3333333
☺️ They look like a bunch of Nemo's xD <33333333
xD They're Koi fish. <333333333
Oh.. Oops..
It's okie. ^-^
o.o Wait.. *+1 3
xD I can't even count how many there are.. I think that's eleven now..
xD I keep doing too many or not enough
Idek xD
Yep.. That's what I am doing xD
Wait.. What number is that..? o.o I think that's my problem.. Oh well.. I'll make up a number <33333333333333
Idk if it's just me but, whenever I have to count the zero's on people's shops in Prison it gets really annoying..
I don't go to shops really.. 😁
Nuu.. I just clicked it not knowing..
It's okie, it's not your problem.
I'm so confused.. xD
Late comments :L
It's okie.. ^-^
My Prison plot is turning into a Creative plot.. Soon I will have to move my farm.. Or make it look better.
Oh, xD I turned my plot into a roleplay almost.. o.o
I saw it xD
It's okie.
Yeahhhh xD I guess that's what happens when I'm bored. 😁
Yeah.. xD I just felt like making a big house on my first plot.
First plot.?
I made like 64 furnaces for my second plot o~o
o.o Wow
Apparently with my rank I get 4 plots
Just like Creative though.. One of them will probably turn into Devil's Asylum..
Oh.. On Prison I can only have one.. o.o And on Creative 2..
Wait.. What?
Devil.. Wanted to live on someone's plot because it was an asylum.. So I made my fifth plot one for her.. It's not finished though..
On Creative.
Oh.. o~o Sorry about her.. She's one of my weirder friends.. Which isn't too weird actually..
Sorry.. I am really weird that way.. She just said in the chat: "I belong here."
Nu, it's fine.. You're not weird.
So I told her she could make one on my fifth plot.. β€’~β€’
Well.. That was kind of chu ^-^
Meh.. I think the Vip plots are too big..
Yeah.. >~<
Unless I build something that takes like.. A month. ^~^
o.o Yeah..
Maybe I should.. But not make it take a month.. xD
xD It's up to chu.
o.o And, of course, my hand falls asleep.. If I misspell something, I'm sorry Dx
Well.. I would need idea's from everyone.. I already tried making a city on my first plot.. And failed xD
Oh.. ^-^ I bet it looked fine.
It's okie, and that happened to me this morning.. When I was going to school..
Nuu.. It didn't..
o.o Did something happen..? Are chu okie?
Yes, it didddd. I promise chu. You are fantastic at building.
No.. I didn't get hurt today, luckily ^-^
^-^ That's great.
Sorry.. Late comment.
It's okie.
Okie <3
._. Autocorrect isn't helping me right now.. 'Okie' keeps autocorrecting to 'Okis' for some reason.. Did I misspell 'Okie' as 'Okis' before..?
<33 ^-^
I don't think you did.. But for me 'Okis' has red dots.. So, it's spelled wrong..? Idek..
xD Yeah.. I probably did it while texting someone
Okie. xD
^-^ So.. Um, how was your day?
Good c: And thank you for asking <3
How was your day?
You're welcome <33 cx
Um.. Okay.. Thank you for asking.
D: Did something happen?
>~< Well.. I guess you could say that.
>~< I'm sorry for you, I wish I could help you.
No, it's okie, Dylan.. <3 I guess, you could just say, I'm not feeling like myself.. Just.. Different?
I've just been stressing throughout today, which made me freak out on Moony... >~< And now I feel like a jerk.. She said it was okay, but I still feel bad. o~o I just.. Ugh.. Dx
:c I hope you feel better.
Thank you..
And thank you for listening.
Your welcome.
And, of course, as long as I can talk to you.
^-^ I'll try to act like my normal self..
☺️ Aw, thank chu. <3
It's okie, if you don't. You will still be perfect to me.
Your welcome <33 ☺️
You will, also, be perfect to me, no matter what.. <3 But, I mean.. I guess it's better to not act unhappy, so I'll act like my normal self.. ^-^
Yeah ^-^
^-^ Thank you, Dylan. For everything.
When I don't act like myself as if everything was fine.. My friends would tell right away, that something was wrong..
Your welcome <3 And thank you, too, Morgan.
Yeah.. >~< I was like, depressed one day, and one my friends seriously walked into the room and asked me what was wrong, right away..
You're, also, welcome. <33
Yeah.. That happened to me, before school one time.. And my friend knew that something was wrong.. It took me like 5 minutes to try and tell him it was fine.. Then I realized how obvious it was o~o XD
Yeah.. >~< I mean, she's the only one that actually cares more about friends than her phone, from my group of friends.. ^-^ I'm grateful for a great friend..
Yeah ^-^ My friends don't care that much about phones.. Maybe just Clash of Clans..
*Not just about Clash of Clans* Sorry..
Like.. They are only on their phone to show me something, call someone, or Clash of Clans..
Well.. You're lucky for that.. 😁 My friends at lunch, will seriously ignore you, just because they're on their phones.. >~<
Yeah.. I mean, I'm only on my phone around my friends if we're doing something together on our phones, or like I'm answering a call/text..
Oh xc Well.. Sometimes my friends use their phones during lunch, even though you aren't supposed to during school..
Yeah.. I mean, I don't even know if we're allowed to at lunch, so I don't risk it.. o.o Plus, I'd rather talk to my friends..
Yeah.. o~o
Except.. One time my friend started playing Clash of Clans when we were supposed to be reading o~O
^~^ It's sad how much people >>including me<< can be so absorbed into technology..
And I almost slapped his phone out of his hand..
o.o Wow..
Well.. That is me, also..
Yeah.. I can't deny it, considering, in my free time, if I can, I'm on Creative or texting my friends.. o~o
Yeah.. That's what I do..
o~o Ye..
^-^ But, it's just the way we are. Everyone is unique and amazing in their own ways! <3
I guess ^~^
It's true.. Like, we have strengths and weaknesses in our abilities, and nobody is exactly alike.. ^-^
Are chu okie..?
Yeah ^-^
Okie, good! ^-^ When you are happy, it makes me happy. <3
o.o I hope that didn't sound creepy..
Don't worry! It didn't! <33 It made me blush ☺️
Sorry if that is creepy, also.. *~*
Nu, it's okie, it's not.
It made me smile.. ^-^
Good 😊
πŸ˜„ Thank you, for helping my have a better day.. ^-^
Sorry, I heard someone walk by my door. o~o
And, your very welcome. c:
It's okie.. ^-^ Just.. Don't get into trouble because of me.. D:
^-^ <3
*in. Omigosh, I can't spell/think today..
Don't worry! It wouldn't be your fault anyways.
And I can't either.. xD
>~< But, still..... You would've been caught.
^-^ I'm not alone! xD
Maybe, I should actually sit up.. xD
Nvm.. o.o I was like laying on my side.. I'm going to try and sit up and see if it helps.
Oh, okie. xD
=.= I give up on correcting myself..
Ye.. I'm hoping it also keeps me awake.. o.o
Okie cx
^-^ I'll try.. No promises xD
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan <3
Omigosh Dx I fell asleep again, sorry.
I will talk to you later..? Goodbye, Morgan. <3 ^-^
It's fine, and of course! I'll see you later, because I have to go eat dinner.. I might be on after? 😁 <3
Okie.. But, I have to go to karate in an hour.. So I don't know if I can be on Creative or Prison.. xc But I will definitely be on PC. So, I will see you later..? <3
Of course! <3 And before I forget, why are you so happy to see your brother? :o Did something happen to him?! D:
Hewwo ^-^ And, no he is okay.. I just wanted to see him because my sister was a jerk to me today.
Oh.. I'm sorry :c And hewwo! :D
Hewwo cx
Hewwo :P
So.. How was your day..? ^-^
Fantastic! Other than going insane for around an hour.. o.o Thank you for asking! <3 How was your day?
Well.. It was good, until my sister came home..
Oh.. :c
What did she do..?
Your welcome, and thank you, too. <3
You're, also, welcome <3
Well.. She shoved me into a cabinet with a lot of my brothers toys on it.. And they all fell on me.
D: Are you okie?
Well.. It depends.
xc So.. No? >~< I wish I could've done something..
Well.. She made me bleed.. And then I had to put everything away I knocked off from her shoving me, while she sat there looking at me laughing with an evil smile on her face.
Well.. This may sound weird, considering I'm a girl.. But, girls are more of jerks than guys for sure.. =.=
D: Your sister is evil...
Well.. You aren't.. You are perfectly fine, to me. <3
Sorry if that sounds creepy.
Well.. Thank chu. <3 You are also, to me. ^-^
Nu, it didn't.
Okie, and you are very welcome. <3
And, thank you too. ^-^
You're, also, welcome <3 ^-^
Other than your sister, was your day good, at least..? 😁
Yeah.. ^~^
Well.. That's good. >~< I'm really sorry that your sister was that way, though..
Sorry, I heard someone.. o-o
And, it's okie.
It's okie.. Just.. Be careful.. >~< I don't want you to be caught or anything.. o~o
Dx I wish everyone was just like.. Perfect, I guess.. Then nobody would have to experience sadness or pain.. 😁
Yeah.. :c
o~o Not that anyone is perfect.. Just.. Unique and amazing? It's just sad seeing people act like.. Jerks, I guess....
Ye.. xc
:c You don't deserve to be pushed around >>I guess quite literally, also<< by your sister.. >~<
It didn't make any sense.. But, yeah.
I got what you meant.
Oh.. Okie, sorry.
It's okie.
Okie <3
<33 c:
^-^ <333
<3333 ☺️
<33333 cx
<333333 :D
<3333333 πŸ˜‡
<33333333 πŸ˜„
<333333333 xD
Oops.. I scared Katy.. Just a second.. I need to calm her down
Oh okie.
Okie, sorry.. o~o
It's okie.
<3333333333 :P
Okie.. 😁
<33333333333 😁
xD I think it's 11 now..?
<333333333333 o.o Idek if I did 12 or whatever xD
<3333333333333 I don't know anymore..
Katy climbed across my bed when I was typing it.. So I got distracted.. o~o
<3333333333333 😁
<333333333333333 Meh.. I can't count them anymore.
I think I did 1 more than it was supposed to be..
Ye.. o~o Idek what number it was.. I already forgot.. 0~0
Idk.. o.o They're hard to count
So.. Um..
What do you want to talk about..? Sorry, I got distracted again.
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan <3
I have to eat dinner.. So, I will either see you on Creative or PC?
Okie <3
Okie, I might have to wait a few minutes to get on Creative.. But I will be able to get on! ^-^ So, I will see chu soon! <3
Okie! I'll see chu soon. πŸ˜„
Well.. I might have to wait a while to get on Creative, actually xc But, I will make sure I do, tonight. <3
Oh okie ^-^
Dx Sorry.. I just missed you on Creative by 50 seconds xc
Oh.. Sorry. :c
Well.. I will be on Creative for like 5 minutes, but then I will be on PC. So, see you soon..?
Ye.. Sorry, I just wasn't doing anything.. >~< See chu soon <3
Okie.. Well, I won't get on Creative actually.. Because, I won't have anything to do either.
So.. Yeah. I will see chu soon. <3
Oh okie.
Okie, I am here.
Okie, sorry, I was checking on a different app, but hewwo again! ^-^
Hewwo. ^-^
:D How are you today?
Good, I guess. How are you?
Um.. Okay, I guess..? Thank you for asking.
Your welcome, and, thank you too.
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
Well.. That's good.. Right?
Sorry, late comment.
What's good..? Sorry. >~<
And it's okie.
That your day was okay..?
Oh..! Um, sort of..? It was confusing, I guess.
Oh okie.
So.. Um.. What do chu want to talk about..? ^-^
Whatever you want to talk about.. ^-^ <3
Okie <3
Well.. I don't really know..
Oh.. Well, what happened to you today?
Like, something good..?
Um.. Well, my brother was excited to see his house..? xD
That's good! c:
Okie.. :D
Did anything good happen to you today..?
xD It made me laugh when you told me that he thought I was a bad guy in his house.. But I also felt bad then. >~<
>~< Yeah, I felt bad also..
Sorry about that... xc
Nu, it's okie.
I just thought it would hurt your feelings.. xc
Nu, it's fine. Like I said, it made me laugh. ^-^
I promise, that it's okie, Dylan.. <3
Okie <3
c: <33
:D <333
cx <3333
o~o I can hear some sort of scary noise coming from my parents room.. It sounds like a scary movie.. >~<
☺️ <33333
^-^ <333333
<333333333 xD
x3 <3333333333
+1 3
xD Idk if I should keep going or not.. o.o
xD It's up to chu.. But I don't either.. o-o
Um.. I guess I'll stop then..? 😁
Okie, and I will too.. xD
Okie cx
o.o Today during PE, I was waiting for the bell to ring so I could go to lunch, and I ended up in the middle of a fight.. I got shoved into someone else and two people started to punch each other.. 0-0
Sorry for the long comment..
Oh my.. o.o And it's okie.
Are chu okie?
Ye.. o~o
That's good.. ^-^
I almost got hurt though.. Someone else got shoved into me and then I hit someone else, and it was just chaos.. Then someone insulted another person, that's how it started. o.o
D: Wow..
Yeah.. Like, in 7th and 8th grade, people start to care less about getting in a fight, even in front of a teacher.. They will still do it..
o~o That's scary... Great.. Can't wait for next year, if I do pass 6th grade, that is..
D: Why wouldn't you pass 6th grade..?
Bad grades..? I mean, our teachers explained it to us before..
And, yeah.. But it's very unlikely for someone to fight you, if you don't mess with them.. o.o That's what my neighbor tells me, because he is in 8th grade.
D: Morgan, that's not true, you will pass 6th grade, not in a bad way.. Just.. :c Idk..
Oh, okie.. Well, I don't really try to mess with anyone.. So, I guess I'm safe for now.. 😁
Yeah.. I don't either.. But, the things people do at my school *~*
Well.. I've already started the year with a B in Language Arts.. 😞 So, I guess that's just bugging me..? But, thank you.
Well, isn't a B good..?
Kind of..? I mean.. o.o My parents expect the best from me.. 😞
Oh.. I feel you..
Last year, my dad got mad at me because I got a B in math.. >~<
D: But that's still good..
Well, yeah.. But my parents are just like yours.. :c
The sad thing is, last year in our states test, I always do the worst at math, my highest score was in math.. >~<
Oh >~<
Oh.. I'm sorry, then. o~o
It's okie, and, I'm sorry for you too.
That's why my parents expect me to get a good grade in everything, I guess...?
Thank you, but it's okie.
Well.. I bet you'll do fantastic! ^-^
On what..?
On your grades.
Oh.. Well, I'm sure you will too. ^-^ And, thank you.
Thank you! And you're welcome <3 ^-^
Your, also, welcome.<3
*. <3
Whoops, I forgot to put a space xD
It's okie, and btw, if I fall asleep soon, I'm sorry ^~^
It's okie, Morgan. <3 ^-^
Okie.. <3 c:
^-^ I have done it a lot, well, like every day this week, so it's okie, I promise you. <3
Well.. As long as I can talk to you it's okie
Sorry.. I was like falling asleep while typing.. >~<
Yeah. c:
Well, chu can go to sleep, if you need to.. I don't want to keep you awake.
Goodnight, Morgan. <3 I will see chu tomorrow..?
Of course! Sorry, PicCollage stopped working, and I was too tired to try and wait.. <3 I'll see chu later!
Okie <3 ^-^
I'll try to get on Creative if my friends want to.. But I might have to play something with them for a while.. ^-^ See chu soon
I'll be here, instead of of Creative or Prison tonight.. Sorry 😁
It's okie. <3
So, I will see chu in a little while. <3 ^-^
Okie. <33
Hewwo ^-^
Well.. Goodnight, Morgan. <3
D: I am so sorry... Have a good rest of your night, and I'll see chu later..?
Of course! ^-^ And, it's okie. <3
Okie <33 ^-^
Oh.. My parents told me I couldn't do anymore technology today.. So, I'll talk to chu tonight.. Sorry, bye <3
It's okie, and of course. <3 ^-^
Well, I have to have dinner soon, but I will be on Prison or Creative after. ^-^ Probably Prison.. So, I will see chu soon. <3
MineHeroes/ClimaxCraft stopped working for me and Moony.. >~< Sorry
o-o That's okie..
Oh nu
I think I am bleeding..
D: Oh nu
Okie, and the servers finally work again ;-;
Okie, I am back.
Do you still want to go on Prison?
Bc I can..
It's up to chu.
Oh.. It's up to chu actually.
And okie ^-^ Wb
It is
D: But I don't know..
>~< Well..
Omg. No! Chase is shipping me with him now! Dx
What! xc
Save meeee Dx
Okie, I guess I will get back on..
Are chu okie?
Not really..
Why? What happened? D:
Oh.. What'd he do to you?
It's hard to explain..
Well.. I'm here to listen.. ^-^
If you want to talk about it.
After he said sorry he said: "Now lemon is mad at me :)"
With the smile
Oh yeah.. I saw that..
>~< Yeah, I left Creative. I'm going to get off most likely and unfriend him.. He can't treat people this way!
Is he still on Creative..?
You read my mind..
That's what I was just going to do..
o.o Okay, he's just being a brat right now.
Okie, I will get on.. Prison.
But don't tell him I am on at all.
Oh.. I just got off.. But I'll get back on.
Well, I have to go, just to get frozen yogurt XD
Okie. ^-^ Thank you btw!
Thank you..?
Yes..? I'll explain it later, I have to go finish watching a movie with my family <3
Oh okie. <3
Sorry that you had to see that... 😞
Are you okie..?
Um.. I guess I will see you later..? Bye..
Oh.. No, I'm not okie.. >~<
I'm really sorry.
It's okie.. I hope you feel better..
Thanks.. I'm just.. Going to work on my plot for now since she got off..
Oh.. Your still on Creative..?
I just got on again...
Oh okie, let me get back on, I guess..
Oh.. Sorry.
Um.. I guess I will see you next week..
Um.. Bye, I guess.. >~<
Oh.. Sorry, I had to eat lunch.
And I'll still be on PicCollage.. Just not Minecraft.
But we don't have to talk if chu don't want to.. 😁
Oh, nu! I do want to talk, I just thought you meant you wouldn't be on Minecraft and PicCollage.. >~< Sorry..
>~< I'm really sorry.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, if I did..
I didn't read it right.. xc
Well.. I have to go to karate soon.. So, I will see chu tonight..? ^~^ Sorry about my misunderstanding.. >~<
It's fine, Dylan. And you didn't hurt my feelings, don't worry. But, I mean, it was also my fault, considering I most likely spelled it strangely.. ^~^
*Typed it strangely, sorry, I can't think... I'll see you in around 2 hours maybe.?
Okie, I have to leave now, so, I will see chu later..
Oh okie, see chu later <3
Okie, I am back. ^-^
Okie, hewwo! ^-^ Sorry I didn't respond right away.. 😁
It's okie, I had to go do something. 😁
And hewwo. ^-^
Oh okie. ^-^ It's fine.
Okie. ^-^
c: So, how are chu?
Good ^-^ Ty for asking, how are chu?
Umm... Sort of good, sort of bad? ^~^ Thank you also for asking, and you're welcome.
You are also, welcome. <3
<33 ^-^
Is everyone okie..? Other than this morning..
Umm.. Sort of..? 😁
Oh.. >~<
Just.. Angry and confused, I guess..
*I'm just
Well.. I know I have already said this a lot, but I hope you feel better.. <3
Thank you.. <3
Your welcome. <33
<333 And thank you for not freaking out on Moony and Emma also..
Your, also, welcome. <3333
<33333 And I'm sorry for quitting for a week.. I just need a break from everyone arguing, I guess.
Sorry, I heard someone.
And, it's okie. <333333
It's okie.
If chu say so.. ^~^ <3333333
Really, it is. I promise you. ^-^ <33333333
Okie.. <333333333
Really, I wouldn't like to you. <3333333333
Sorry.. I didn't see that until now.
It's okie.. My comment won't send though ;-;
Oh ;-;
Ye.. But, I know you wouldn't lie.. I've just had a not so great last few days.
Oh :c
😁 Yeah.. I'm really sorry that you had to watch them fight though..
o.o Scary sound coming from my parents room, again..
It's okie..
Okie... >~<
Well.. I was really just working on my plot.. So I didn't pay attention.. But I would look every few seconds.
If that makes sense.
Oh.. Well, I hope you didn't see most of it..
It does, don't worry.
Sorry, heard someone again. o.o
And, idk when it started but I didn't get on until it was started..
It's okie, and yeah.. You're lucky for that. ^~^
Oh.. Okie..
o.o The comments aren't loading..
Ikr xc
Umm.. So, what's new?
Nothing really.. ^~^
Oh.. 😁
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan. Have a good day tomorrow <3
Omigosh >~< I am really sorry I fell asleep.. xc Um.. I guess I will see you tonight..? Bye <3
Hewwo, Morgan. <3
Um.. Well, I guess I will see you tomorrow..? Goodnight, Morgan. I will still be here for a while longer though. <3
It's fine, and I'm sorry Dx I couldn't get on my phone because my mom was down here... >~< See you tonight? <3
Oh, and before I forget, you're an amazing artist <3 See you later.
>~< Sorry I couldn't play Minecraft tonight.. My dad said I needed to go to bed because I am sick.. Again o.o
And.. I'm not really that good at art.. But it might look like it..
D: You're sick? And yes you are.. >~<
Yeah.. :c
:c I'm so sorry.
And get better soon <3
Thank you <3 ^-^ And, It's okie, my immune system is bad also..
Oh.. I know how that is.. And you're welcome ^-^
I'm the only person that gets sick when my family goes on a trip in a plane.. o.o
*^-^ I don't know if it seperated for you too..
xD Nvm
No, it's not.
I actually haven't been sick for a while, surprisingly.. ._. Now I'm going to get sick now that I say that.. o.o
Oh okie.. Well it did for me. πŸ˜…
Oh, it's okie.
Well.. How are chu, other than you being sick.. >~<
Okie.. ^~^
Um.. I guess good..? How are chu? And thank you for asking.
Well.. I'm okie. Thank you for asking, also. And you're welcome xD
Oh, well that's good. ^-^ And, your welcome, also.
Ye.. It's also good that you're good, if that makes any sense.. o.o
Don't worry, it does.
Really, it does. <3
Okie. <3 Sorry.. I'm just confused right now. ^~^ Not about you though. I promise <3
Oh, okie..?
I'm guessing it's about Chase.. He was really confusing to me today.. o.o
Uh.. Ye, sorry.
Oh, actually, no..
Okie..? XD
Ikr.. He keeps unfriending me, also.. And now Devil is mad at him..
Late comments sorry. >~<
Yeah.. I told Devil what Chase told me.. Because Devil said she was going to move on..
It's okie.. Sorry for my late comments also.
I know.. She told me not to tell you that I knew.. But I mean, I don't see why..?
It's okie
Wait.. What..?
Yeah.. o~o
Devil told you not to tell me..?
Yeah.. ^~^
Oh.. Well.. I knew that for about two weeks now..
* I have known
Sorry.. That didn't make any sense..
It's fine.. And I guess I'm the only one who didn't know then..? 😁
Ye.. But why didn't Devil want me to know.. If I already knew..?
I think I wasn't supposed to tell you that she told me..? .?. I don't know.. I'm wondering why still though.. Raven already knew.. o.o Is it a secret?
o.o This is confusing.. Bc Chase randomly joined an empty SkyWars lobby I was in and told me.. When I was all alone..
And when I told Devil today.. She acted like she didn't know Chase never liked her..
Oh...? I'm confused why any of this happened.. >~< She's really mad at him, and he's going to be on at 4:30PM our time.. According to Alex, and now I'm pretty sure she's going to freak out on Chase.. o.o
I thought it was obvious..?
Sorry about the long comments..
Wait.. Tomorrow..?
I get out of school tomorrow at 12:30PM my time tomorrow..
I mean, I'm not really Chase's friend, but still.. I don't want anyone to be like.. Yelled at, at least.
Oh..? How come?
I said tomorrow twice..
xD It's okie
Because it's a half day tomorrow. ^~^
Half day..? What's that?
Erm.. It's where all of our classes are shortened.. I usually get out at 2:30PM, but on a half day it's like 12:30PM
Like.. I think all of our classes get shortened by half..? I'm not sure..
Oh... That's cool. ^-^
Ye.. ^-^
I guess that's like our snow days.. If there's ice on the roads then we get a day off.. But we only have 6 until it we have to expand the year. o.o
Oops.. There's not supposed to be an 'it' there..
Oh.. Ye, my cousins live where it snows a LOT.. They said they have to make up those days during summer or one of their breaks.. >~<
Oh.. I didn't even notice it.. xD
Yeah.. D: They're lucky.. They live where it actually snows.. ^~^
Oh xD Well, it was an accident.
Yeah.. ^~^ They sent me a picture when their backyard was covered in snow that was like 4 feet high. o.o
Woah.. :o
Ye.. I probably still have it. It's somewhere in my messages..
Okie xD Oh.. Another thing you're lucky to have: cousins.. ;-;
Oh.. Ye..
^~^ Ye..
So.. How are chu..?
Okie, how are you? Thank you for asking, also. ^-^
*I'm okie. xD I can't think or type today.
It's okie, I can't either. And.. I don't know.. I honestly haven't gotten any better today.. Just worse. >~<
Thank you too, and your, also, welcome. ^~^
D: Oh nu.. I hope chu get better soon.. <3 I don't like how you're sick right now.. o.o I guess I'm worrying again about chu.. Sorry.. It's just how I am >~<
You're welcome.. >~<
It's okie, chu don't need to worry about me, I will get better.. Soon.
And thank you. ^-^
D: But I am worrying.. It's a natural instinct for me. >~< If chu say something is wrong, I instantly start worrying about chu... >~<
You're welcome, again. ^-^
Oops.. That sounded creepy..
Well.. I feel that way too.. And I do the same exact thing..
I just.. I don't want you to worry about me, because then it will stress you and me out.. >~<
Oh... Okie. <3 ^-^ Thank chu.
Nuu, it didn't. Its okie..
Oh.. xc Sorry.
Oh okie..
Your very welcome. <3 ^-^
And, it's okie. I just don't want chu to have to feel that way. :c
^-^ Like, really though, thank chu. That made me smile.. <3
Sorry if this doesn't make sense.. I can't think or type right now.. o.o
Your welcome. <33 ^-^
Dylan, it's okie, I only worry because I care about chu <3 If that makes any sense..
It's okie, and it does. xD Sorry for all the late comments
It does, and I do the same thing.. <3
It's okie, as long as I can talk to chu.. ^-^
Sorry if that's cut off for you *^-^
Okie.. ☺️ <3 Somehow, you always can make me smile.. ^-^
It's not, don't worry. And ye.. As long as I can talk to chu. <3
And somehow, chu can always make me laugh. <33 ^-^
Oh okie, it is for me.
That's good.. But probably because I did something wrong.. I don't usually make people laugh unless I do something wrong.. o~o
Oh. xD Okie.
Laugh, In a good way. ^-^
Oh, well that's good. ^-^ <3
Nu, I promise.. I would never do something like that. >~< Then I would be making fun of you.. xc
Oh, okie... Sorry.. >~< And it's fine if chu do, I don't really mind.
Nuu! That would break my heart if I made fun of chu! >~< And I would never do something like that.. It would make me feel bad.
If that makes any sense.. o.o
:c Oh.. Sorry. ^~^ I didn't mean to insult you, if I did.. And I wouldn't ever make fun of you either.. If I ever say something like that.. It's my brother or one of my friends, most likely.. o.o
It does, don't worry.
D: But you didn't insult me..
And okie.. o.o
Oh.. Okie.. >~< Sorry...
Ye.. ^~^
>~< It's okie, just.. Don't feel bad.. Chu did do anything wrong. ^~^
Oh, okie.. ^~^ Sorry.. I've been told I apologize too much.. >~<
It's okie.. I do it too..
Not as much as me.. ^~^ But okie..
So.. How have chu been..?
Good, other than being sick.. :c But I am really excited because I am pretty sure my band field trip is next Friday. ^-^
And thank you for asking, How have chu been?
That's cool! ^-^ You're welcome. And.. I've been using mods again.. ^~^ Only two though. And I've had some blurry vision every once and a while.. Otherwise good, thank you also, for asking.
For what?
And your welcome. ^-^
Mods as in Minecraft mods... I'm nervous though.. I only came back on today, because I got lonely by myself xD
Oh.. Why are you nervous though..? D:
Because of last time.. 😁
Oh.. Yeah.. :c
Ye.. But I asked my dad before I downloaded them.. >~<
Oh.. Is that good.. Or bad..?
Both.. Because I told him that if I got a virus he could kill me.. He said he just might.. I mean I know he's joking and everything.. But it still worries me. πŸ˜… Is it strange to say that?
Nu, it's not, don't worry, my dad gets really mad if I get a virus.. o~o
Well.. At least I don't think so..
Okie.. >~< Well.. I'm sorry.. Viruses don't make anyone very cheerful.. +~+
You don't think so, what..? Sorry.
Ye.. And chu don't have to apologize, it's okie.
D: But still.. >~<
That its not strange..?
Oh.. Okie, sorry.. 😁
It's okie, Morgan, I promise.<3
Brb... ^~^
* <3
Sorry, back..
Okie. ^-^
As long as chu say so.. ^~^
Really though, I promise. <3
Okie.. Sorry. <3
It's okie. <3 ^-^
Okie. ^-^ <33
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan <3 Feel better soon.. I'll see chu tomorrow, I suppose?
>~< I am really nervous right now..
I have to go, I will be back on PC later though.. I might be on Prison also..
Why are you nervous..? πŸ˜– But, okie.. Whatever you're nervous about, it will be fine. ^-^ Think positively. <3
Okie, I am back.
Welcome back <3 ^-^
Ty <33 ^-^
Yw! ^-^ And your artwork is just as good as mine, Dylan! D:
Okie.. .-.
It is... >~< I wouldn't lie to chu..
Okie, and I wouldn't either. <3
<33 I know.. ^-^ I trust you entirely.
I am hoping I don't fall asleep again.. o.o
If chu do, it's okie.
<333 I do too. c:
:D That's good.. <3333
Are you sure..? I have been doing it like all this week..
Yeah ^-^ <33333
I'm positive. I've done it also.. But, even if I only had a minute to talk to chu, that would be amazing ^-^
<333333 ☺️
Yeah ☺️
^-^ Ye..
<3333333 :D
<33333333 cx
<333333333 xD
<3333333333 >-<
That looks weird o.o Lesson learned to not do ">-<" anymore..
<33333333333 c:
<333333333333 cx
<3333333333333 xD
<33333333333333 ^-^
Sorry.. o.o PicCollage isn't working for me..
<333333333333333 :D
Same >~<
<33333333333333 :3
Ugh.. >~< Comments or anything aren't loaing.
Yeah ._. PC is so annoying right now...
<33333333333333333 x3
>~< I might have to go..
Oh.. Okie :c
If PC stops, then I will be able to stay.. But it's taking 5 minutes to load the comments each time..
Ye.. I wish there was an easier way to talk... >~<
Okie, I think it stopped..
Okie. ^-^
Yeah.. >~<
Late comment.. Sorry.
But.. We have to be thankful for what we have..? 😁
It's okie.
Yeah.. 😁
Ye.. πŸ˜…
So.. How was your day..?
Pretty good, actually! Thank chu for asking. ^-^ How was your day?
Well, that's good. ^-^ But.. my day has just gotten worse.. >~<
D: From being sick..?
Also, your welcome, and thank you, too.
You're, also, welcome.
Yes.. :c
Dx I wish that you weren't sick..
Sorry for complaining..
You're not! You don't need to apologize.
Oh.. Thank you. <3
You're welcome.. ^~^ <3 Get better soon, Dylan..
You weren't.. I promise.
Okie. <3
^-^ <3
<3 c:
:D <3
c: We are strange..
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan.. <3 Feel better soon, and rest.. Don't worry about it if you did fall asleep, you're sick. It's natural to be tired when you're sick.. Anyways.. See chu tomorrow?
Well, I am assuming you are asleep, and that is okie. So, I will see chu tomorrow..? Goodnight, Morgan. <3 ^-^
Sorry.. My mom caught me >~< Well.. I'll be here <3
Wait.. What?
Oh, Hewwo!
Nvm. xD
Hewwo! ^-^ Sorry.. My mom caught me and starting talking to me.. ^~^
Okie. Sorry if I confused chu. 😁
Oh.. o~o
Ye.. >~<
It's okie.. I just got off MC.
Ye.. I saw. I got on again when chu got off.. πŸ˜…
I got of because someone had like 3 alternative accounts and they said they were going to crash my internet and router.. >~<
Oh.. Wow.. o~o
Oh.. I can still get on..? If chu want.
I just didn't want to listen to that guy.
No, I only got on to say I was going to get off.. Heh.. ^~^
I mean.. If chu want?
Oh.. Okie. xD
What guy...?
Ye.. 😁
Idk.. He kept coming on prison..
He said this to me "Lemon nice ip babe" β€’~β€’
o.o Okay then...
Then he said "ez ddos"
What is that..?
Idek how he got my ip.. o.o
Um.. It's called Distributed Denial of Service.
That's what it stands for..
Oh...? Okay. ^~^ Sorry.
It's basically where you spam someone's router with ping and it crashes.
o_o Oh...
And you can go to jail for it..
So I told him to stop saying it.
D: Oh..
I felt like joking around, but I don't feel like now is the time.. 😁
And then he came back with another account and said "iLemon_Pie ready for round 3?"
It's okie.. A Moderator came on to save us.
That's good.. ^-^
Ye.. You can still joke around if chu would like. ^-^
And I knew he couldn't do it anyways.
Heh.. Nu, it's okie. xD The moment passed..
D: Okie.
He'll probably be banned though.. o.o
He was.. I think he got ip banned.
^~^ Sorry..
0-0 Wow..
He also threatened to take down the server..
But it's pretty much impossible because all big servers have ddos protection.
That's good..
Not the server taking down stuff but how they're protected..
^~^ So.. How are chu today?
Good.. Other than being sick. :c
That's good.. But I hope chu get better soon <3
Thank you. <3 ^-^
How was your day?
You're welcome <3 c:
Pretty good, but at the same time not okay..? >~< I guess.. But thank you for asking.
D: Did something happen?
And your welcome.
Mhmm.. Friends. ^~^ Like usual.. But this is just... Not okay.. >~<
Oh.. >~<
Brb for a moment.. Sorry.
Okie, back.. Sorry >~<
Its okie. Is everything okay..?
Ye..? Why..? o.o
Bc you did '>~<' That.
Oh.. Sorry. I was thinking. πŸ˜…
It's okie. ^-^
Okie.. ^-^ Sorry, if I'm confusing..
It's okie, you aren't.
Oh, okie. I just always seem to confuse people... But I guess not everyone.. ☺️ <3
:D <3
Thank you for making me smile <33 ^-^
Your welcome <333 Thank you for making me feel better. c:
You're, also, welcome.. <3333 :D
cx <33333
xD <333333
^-^ <3333333
c: <33333333
cx <333333333
x3 <3333333333
Well.. I'm assuming you fell asleep..? Goodnight, Dylan! <3 See chu tomorrow? ^-^ Feel better soon.
No way! :o The MineHeroes website and forums are down!
I'm hoping it's not what that guy told me last night..
Oh.. The whole server restarted.
I'm just on PartyZone with Raven and Moony if you want want to come, the IP is MCPZ.NET
We're in murder btw xD
And in a while do /f join Katyrules916
We all got timed out ;-;
I have to eat dinner, so.. See you later? <3
Of course! <3 I might be on Creative or Prison soon..? I'm not sure. But see chu soon! ^-^
Okie, I am back. Sorry, I was watching a movie with my dad. ^~^
But.. See you soon! ^-^
o.o PC isn't working..
Ikr.. And it's okie ^-^
Okie, I am back! Sorry..
o.o 44 minutes ago I got a random follower..
That's cool! And okie ^-^ Wb
Ty ^-^
Yw! c:
So.. How was your day..?
Okay, I guess.. How was your's? ^-^
And thank you for asking.
It was okay, also..
Thank you too, and your welcome. <3
Oh.. Did something happen other than being sick and having to go to karate..? +~+
You're, also, welcome. <3 ^-^
No.. Just.. It's been a week since I have gotten sick.. And the doctor said that whatever I have doesn't usually last this long..
:c Oh.. Wait.. A week? D:
So, I'm not feeling any better really.. :I
Yeah.. I got it on Monday.
Oh.. >~< I hope you start feeling better soon, though..
Thank you. <3
You're welcome. <3
So, is it just your throat..? o~o
I think so.. It might be a cough also.. I'm not sure.
Oh.. Maybe you just have a cold..? 😁
Nuu! I hear scary music coming from my moms room.. It sounds like a show that has given me nightmares before.. >~<
I hope.. ^~^
o~o Maybe.. Try not to think about the music..?
Ye.. >~<
Think about.. Um.. Something you like to do?
Well.. I like to talk to you..? :D
☺️ Well.. Thank chu.. ^-^ But I meant like a hobby xD
I enjoy talking to you, also. ^-^
Oh.. Okie.. And your welcome.
Thank you too. <3 ☺️
Ye.. ^~^ But I mean, whatever you want to think about, it's your mind..
You're, also, welcome.. ^-^ <3
Okie.. ^-^
^-^ So..
Oh okie.
Ye.. o~o
Ohh.. I probably won't be on Minecraft tomorrow.. My parents said since it's going to be 'nice outside' >>like 55Β° outside<< we have to exercise tomorrow.. ;-;
Oh.. Okie. ;-;
Ye.. I'm pretty sure that I'm going to freeze tomorrow >~<
^~^ So.. Um.. What do chu want to talk about?
I don't know.. Whatever you want to talk about..? ^-^
Oh.. o~o Um.. I don't know either.. πŸ˜…
It's okie.
Um.. Well.. How are you..?
Um.. Good, now that I'm talking to chu ^-^
How are you? And thank you.
That's good! ^-^
Ye.. ^-^
Well, I am also better now that I am talking to you. ^-^ Thank you too, And your welcome.
That's, also, good. ☺️ You're, also, welcome. <3
Yeah.. ^-^
^-^ Thank you for making me smile, once more. I know I've said this so many times.. But it's true. I'm always smiling somehow whenever I'm talking to chu.. <3
Aww.. ☺️ Thank you too, and you're very welcome. <33
^-^ You're, also, welcome. <333
c: <3333
:D <33333
cx <333333
^-^ <3333333
☺️ <33333333
😊 <333333333
Well.. Before I fall asleep.. Goodnight, Dylan. <3 Feel better soon! ^-^ Ciao.
My mom is making me come shopping with her.. ;-; So.. See you later..?
Of course! Plus I won't be home much today.. So ye.. 😁
Okie! I am back, but I have to eat dinner soon.. So, see you later..? <3
Of course! ^-^ <3 But my mom took my computer and phone, so my comments may be slow since I'm using my iPod.. But ill manage if it means talking to chu! πŸ˜„
Okie! I am back. ^-^ And thank you ☺️ That's very sweet.. <3
And, I am using my iPad Mini.. Because my phone is going to die soon.
Okie. And you're welcome ^-^ Thank you, also.
You are also, welcome. ^-^
Sorry that I didn't reply right away.. ^~^
It's okie. ^-^
Okie. ^-^
So.. How was your day..?
It was.. Different for sure. Thank you for asking. How was your day? ^-^
My day was.. Better than the rest of the week.. Because I think my sickness is going away. ^-^ Thank you too, and your welcome.
Was it different in a bad way..? :c
That's great! :D And you're, also, welcome. ^-^
Sort of..? It was just kind of frantic, I guess.. Or crazy? ^~^
Yeah. ^-^
Oh.. +~+
I hope chu feel better completely soon.. <3 ^-^
Ye.. 😁
Thank you. ^-^ <33
You're welcome. ^-^ <333
c: <3333
:D <33333
cx <333333
xD <3333333
Sorry.. Someone walked by my room. o.o <33333333
It's okie ^-^ <333333333
Okie. ^-^ <3333333333
<33333333333 ☺️
<333333333333 πŸ˜‡
<3333333333333 xD I'm pretty sure half of all of the comments is us doing this.. ^-^ But it makes me smile.
Yeah.. ^-^ xD <3333333333333
+1 3
cx <333333333333333 Ye..
:D <3333333333333333
c: <33333333333333333
^-^ <3333333333333333333
xD <33333333333333333 I lost track of how many that was.. ;-; And Katy stole my pillow.. I'll use her as a pillow now o.o
xD It's okie.. I can't even count how many there are. <33333333333333333333
And now my comments don't send of course.. >~<
xD Okie. I think I'm supposed to do 19 now..? <3333333333333333333
I tried to send one so many times.. ;-; I'll try again..
Idek xD <3333333333333333
O-o Now it sends?
<333333333333333333333 cx This is just funny by now..
Yeah.. xD <33333333333333333333
Idk if I should stop.. +~+
Ikr.. And my comment decides not to send again ;-;
That looks weird..
<33333333333333333333333 xD I was trying to count but I randomly started laughing.. ^-^
xD Ye.
<333333333333333333333 xD
+3 3's
Oh okie xD
<3333333333333333333333333 o.o Idek if I did the right amount..
<333333333333333333333333333 Idk either.. o~o
Nope.. I did too many. xD
<333333333333333333333333333 I think I did too many.. ^~^ I keep getting distracted while counting.. xD
xD Okie.. Well, I probably did, also.
<333333333333333333333333333 Idk how many this is.. xD
xD Okie. <33333333333333333333333333333 I just looked and we've been doing this for 30 minutes.. o.o
o.o Maybe we should stop..
Ye.. xD
Okie.. xD
^-^ So.. What's new?
Nothing really.. But I did find out how to get that credit card off of my phone today.. And it turned out to be my moms.. ^~^
o~o Oh..
Well.. At least you got it off..?
What's new for you? ^-^
o.o PC isn't working.
Ikr >~<
Ye.. xc
Um.. Nothing much. Plumbing issues again, so I wasn't home for half of the day... ^~^ Oh! My parents finally told me that I can quit karate! ^-^
+.+ There.
xD That looks weird.
Oh..? Well.. I hope everything goes alright.. >~<
It's fine now.. I think? 😁
Oh.. Okie.. >~<
Ye.. But my parents and grandparents were discussing it at their house and said it could've flooded downstairs so now I'm worrying even more than usual.. ^~^
>~< Okie.. Just.. Be safe. I don't want chu to get hurt.
I'll be fine, Dylan.. I won't. It wont flood THAT much.. My parents just.. Seemed worried, so I guess I am..? >~<
But thank you. <3
Okie.. >~<
Your welcome. <3
^~^ So.. Everything is okie with you..? Other than being sick..? >~<
Yeah. +~+
That's good.. ^-^
Yeah.. ^-^
^-^ So.. Um.. What now..? 😁
Idk.. 😁
Oh.. The hard thing is finding something we haven't talked about.. >~<
*part not thing.. I can't think.. Sorry.
Yeah.. o~o
It's okie.
Okie.. ^~^
It is, I promise. ^-^ <3
So.. Well.. Do you know anything we haven't talked about..? >~<
Okie. <3 ☺️
Um.. I don't think so..? +~+
Oh.. πŸ˜… Um..
Ye.. Sorry.. ^~^
It's okie! ^-^ You don't need to apologize though..
Well.. Goodnight, Dylan.. <3 See chu tomorrow? ^-^
Sorry.. I kept almost falling asleep then waking up again.. So, see chu later? <4
It's okie! And of course! ^-^ I'm sorry about what I said on Sunday by the way.. >~<
Okie.. But what did you say on Sunday..? D:
And sorry.. I had to go to karate.
It's okie. And.. Um.. ^~^
I.. Uh.. >~< You don't remember..? I feel really bad for it.. 😞
I don't remember.. D: But you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.. Just, don't feel bad. >~<
Oh.. Okie.. Well.. I said it on Murder. ^~^ Sorry.
Oh..? I don't remember but.. Okie?
But chu don't need to apologize.
Oh.. Okie.. And yes I do.. >~<
Why..? I mean.. I couldn't remember so.. I don't think it's that bad..?
Idek anymore.. +~+
Um.. Okie. But I feel really bad for saying it... ^~^ I mean.. I guess it's not bad..? >~<
D: But I don't want chu to feel bad..
^~^ I have to go eat dinner..
^~^ But.. >~< I deserve to feel bad for it, okie..?
Oh okie.
Nuu! >~< You don't.
Yes, I do...
But.. Why? xc
I'll explain it later.. ^~^
Okie.. I might be on Minecraft after dinner.. It depends.. But I will be back on PC.. ^-^ So, see you in a little while. <3
Okie. Ciao! ^-^ <3
Okie! ^-^ <3
^-^ <3 See chu soon.
Omigosh.. My dad just took my computer because I was on Minecraft for 1 minute.. He took it for the entire week.. ;-;
D: Why..?
;-; He is mad because my grade in English went down to a C.. But.. It's kind of ridiculous.
And sorry if I go on brb randomly.
Oh.. >~< Well.. Everything will get better..?
It's okie.
Yeah.. It will. ^~^ Just, you don't need to worry. It's okie. <3
Okie. <3 ^~^ I hadn't thought about worrying about that until you brought it up though.. xD
Oh.. Sorry.. >~<
It's okie. ^-^
It is! And why I'm not worried about it is like I said, everything will get better.. c:
Okie. <3
<33 And if it doesn't.. Well.. Life is unpredictable. ^~^
>~< Okie.. <333
But.. Think positively? ^~^ <3333 I'm trying to help, sorry.. >~<
It's okie. ^-^ <33333
Okie.. ^-^ <333333
c: <3333333
:D <33333333
cx <333333333
xD <3333333333
^-^ <33333333333
<333333333333 I just read most of the comments on your first post.. o_o Everything was so awkward..
I'm going to go do that also.. Brb <3333333333333
Okie. <33333333333333
o.o You are right.. It was, really weird.. xD <333333333333333
Ye.. xD Some of the stuff I said doesn't even look like something I would say now.. <3333333333333333 But it was funny and embarrassing at the same time..? 😁
Yeah.. I feel the same way.. xD
Okie.. ^-^
<3333333333333333333 :D
<33333333333333333333 c:
<333333333333333333333 cx
Sorry.. I miscounted once and got distracted when I tried again and did way too many 3's o.o
>~< I should go before I fall asleep..
<333333333333333333333 ^-^
Okie.. Well, goodnight Dylan. <3
<33333333333333333333333 Oh xD Well.. Goodnight, Morgan. See you tomorrow..? ^-^
Of course! ^-^
Okie! ^-^
See you tomorrow then.. ^-^ Goodnight. <3
Goodnight. <3
Goodmorning, Dylan! ^-^ Have a great day, I'll see chu later. <3 Ciao!
Hewwo! I have to do more homework.. ;-; I might be on MC later.. If my dad says I can. So.. See you later..? <3 ^-^
Of course! ^-^ Sorry, I had to eat dinner.. But I'll see chu later! Ciao!
Okie! ^-^
Back! ^~^ Sorry. I had to do some things.. So, I'll be here and maybe on Creative or Prison..? 😁
Okie, I am back.. ^~^ Sorry I couldn't get on Minecraft tonight.. I will try to tomorrow though.. But, I will be on here for a little longer.
And, It's okie. I had to eat dinner also.
Okie! ^-^ Sorry, Raven was making my skin so I forgot to check.. ^~^
Oh, that's okie.
It is! What's really annoying me though is the new update for PicCollage.. It keeps making me scroll through last nights comments.. +~+
Ikr >~<
Yeah.. >~<
But for the posts with less comments this is nice but with posts with a lot of comments.. ^~^ More annoying than helpful..
Ye.. +~+
So.. How was your day? ^-^
Um.. Okie, I guess? And thank you for asking. How was your day?
That's good.. Right? ^~^ You're welcome xD and Um.. There were good and bad parts of my day..?
Thank you also.
Um.. I guess it was good..?
You are, also, welcome.
Okie..? o~o Did something happen though..? Or is everything okie....? >~< You're confusing me.
Well.. At least you had some good parts of your day..? ^~^
Heh.. I guess.. ^-^
Oh.. Sorry. And, no.. Nothing happened. >~< Sorry.
It's okie! ^-^ You just were acting like something did happen.. ^~^ Sorry.
Okie.. Sorry.. >~<
It's okie! I promise. ^-^ <3
It is.. >~<
Okie. <3
<33 ^-^
<333 :D
<3333 c:
<33333 cx
<333333 xD
<3333333 ^-^
<33333333 :3 Oh.. And if Aqua or Devil/Hillary whatever she calls herself now mentions 'Melon' or 'Laty' to you.. I'm so sorry.. >~<
<333333333 x3
Um.. Yeah.. ^~^ It's another ship name apparently for us.. I just asked them about why Emma has put ships that you support and why Padfoot had to bring up 'Melon' and they argued about which one was better for 5 minutes.. >~<
<3333333333 ☺️ And sorry for the long comment.
Wait.. I support something..?
Oh! The sign said 'Any ships that you support?'
<33333333333 πŸ˜‡ It's okie.
<333333333333 πŸ˜„ Okie.
Oh.. So they support it..?
Apparently.. 😞 I'm so sorry....
<3333333333333 c:
It's okie.
<33333333333333 ^-^
>~< Okie..
It is, really. ^~^
Okay.. ^~^ I'm sorry. I'm just.. Kind of annoyed right now.. My friends must think it's fun or something.. 😞
Oh.. It's okie. <3
Oh nu.. My phone is going to die soon.. >~<
Okie.. <3
^-^ <3
Oh.. >~<
c: <3
Ye.. So.. See you tomorrow..? I don't just want my phone to die and then make chu wait.. ;-;
Of course! ^-^ And it's okie. I'm tired anyways.. 😁
Okie. Goodnight, Morgan. <3 ^-^
Goodnight, Dylan. <3 ^-^
Goodnight. <3
Goodnight. ^-^
Good morning, Dylan! ^-^ Have a nice day. Ciao!
Okie, I am finally done with dinner.. ;-;
Okie. Hewwo! ^-^
Hewwo, and sorry. ^~^
It's okie, you don't need to apologize.
So, how are chu today? ^-^
Good ^-^ How about you?
Pretty good, thank you for asking! ^-^
Your welcome, and thank you too! <3
You're, also, welcome. <33
<333 ^-^
c: <3333
cx <33333
Brb.. Sorry, it's hard to breathe right now >~<
D: Are chu okie?
Ye.. Sorry. ^~^
>~< Okie..
I am, I promise..
:D <333333
>~< I promise. I wouldn't lie to chu.. It would emotionally break me ^~^
☺️ <3333333
πŸ˜„ <33333333
Oh.. I wouldn't either.. ^~^ I wouldn't feel like myself if I did..
Ye.. >~<
πŸ˜‡ <333333333
😊 <3333333333
c: <33333333333
^-^ <333333333333
:D <3333333333333
cx <33333333333333
xD <333333333333333
:P <3333333333333333
:3 <33333333333333333
xD This is making me laugh. <3333333333333333
Ye.. ^-^ <3333333333333333333
Oops.. I think I didn't do enough 3's.. πŸ˜…
It's okie.. I think I repeated the same number I did.. ^~^
^-^ <33333333333333333333 Sorry, I thought I heard someone.
Oh.. xD Okie.
It's okie. <333333333333333333333
Okie. <3333333333333333333333 :D
c: <33333333333333333333333
cx <33333333333333333333333333
Oops.. I miscounted xD
xD It's okie. <333333333333333333333333333333333
o~o Oops...
Okie. xD I don't even know what number I was on.. I already forgot.. ;-;
^~^ I think I did like 30..
It's okie! ^-^
For me the 3's go onto another line..
If it's different for you, that's why I said "Oops."
Ye.. It is.. ^~^
But, okie. ^-^
Oh okie.
^~^ Sorry.. My pillow was annoying me..
It's okie. ^-^ Wb though.
Ty. ^-^
o.o 10.0K comments..
Yw! :D
o_o Wow.
Ye.. o~o
Sorry.. My mom came downstairs..
Well.. ^~^ I guess that means we like talking to each other..?
It's okie.. And, yeah.. ^-^
Okie. ^-^ Well.. That's good. <3
Yeah. ^-^ <3
<3 :D So.. What do you want to talk about?
Umm.. Idk. ^~^
Oh.. Well.. What's new or exciting? cx
Um.. I am going to Disneyland on Friday..?
That's cool. ^-^
Well.. Basically it's for my band.. So it's not just me going. xD
Ye.. ^-^
Oh, well.. It's still cool! c:
Yeah. But we aren't allowed to take pictures when we are behind the scenes.. :L
Otherwise they won't let us in Disneyland again.. o.o
Oh. xD Okie.
Do you think Disneyland has roller coasters..?
Probably, why..?
Idk.. I guess I am scared of them.. A little.. +~+
Heh.. I'm more than a little scared of roller coasters.. πŸ˜… So you're not alone..
Yeah.. 😁
But everyone is afraid of something! ^-^ It's natural.
I'm afraid of too many things.. ^~^
Same, sadly... >~<
Like.. The dark, spiders, roller coasters, airplanes, ghosts>>even though they don't exist<< And a lot more..
Oh.. I'm afraid of half of those.. Also adding the fear of heights, and talking to strangers.. o~o I know.. It's weird..
Yeah.. I get scared really easily..
Same.. >~<
Oh yeah.. Fear of heights..
^~^ Ye..
Also those rides where it drops from like 100ft in the air but catches you right before you hit the ground.. >~<
o_o I've never been on one of those.. But ye.. >~<
I am too.. And I never plan on going near one..
That makes no sense.. +~+
Yeah.. >~<
xD It's okie, I get what you mean.
I should make a list of what I am scared of.. ^~^
^-^ Well.. Like I said, people have fears. It's normal.
o~o My list would go on for days..
Ye.. ^~^
Same.. +~+
:c I am an easily scared person..
Yeah.. I am too.. I once saw a slight bit of this show/movie somewhere and I had the same nightmare about it for about a year or two..
Wow.. o~o
I don't know if that's normal.. But.. It's true..
It's okie! Nobody's 100% normal.
>~< I can watch scary movies.. But the one I watched.. The bloody handprints on a wall were what creeped me out..
It's true! I'm probably only like 5% normal.. xD
But I still have nightmares that can last that long.. All it takes is me to see it for a few seconds. Then its permanent.. >~<
o~o Oh.. I'm sorry.. >~<
I am probably the same..
But.. Like.. It's weird. Someone had their head cut off and it didn't scare me.. >~< I have problems, I guess..
I watched this commercial and it was called "Sinister 2" or something.. And it really scared me..
It was a commercial for a movie..
Oh.. The movie I watched was like "The Blair Witch Trials" or something like that..
Well.. That's not a problem.. I can watch that stuff.. But.. The commercial I watched.. I wouldn't recommend anyone else to watch.
o~o Okie..?
In the commercial I saw.. This weird zombie kid made other kids come with him and forced them to watch other people die and he said "If you tell your parents I will kill your family." >~<
o_o It sounds like Syfy..
Sorry for the long comments..
o~o Yep.. Sounds like a Syfy/Rated R movie..
It's okie?
If I am scaring you.. You can tell me.. Because I don't want to do that.. >~<
Nope, it's all good. ^-^
And.. I had to watch it alone at 11 PM at night when my whole family was asleep.. And it kept coming on every single commercial..
I mean, I find it terrible that someone would make a movie trailer like that, but it just sounds like Syfy movies.. Like Piranhaconda xD
o_o Oh..
xD Yep.. I probably sound like a maniac, but it's a Syfy movie.
It's okie, chu don't.. But now just talking about the commercial I watched is scaring me.. I have to keep looking out of the corner of my eye.. >~<
Oh.. >~< I'm sorry..
Oh nu.. I am hallucinating.. >~<
Um.. Should we talk about something else..? >~<
If you want.. You didn't have to tell me.. ^~^
Tell you what..?
And.. I do want to.. Because I don't think I am going to survive tonight.. >~<
About the commercial.. If it's going to scare you to tell me you don't have to tell me, Dylan.
:c Okie. And yes you will.. ^~^ Don't say that..
I'm not sure.. But okie.. >~<
Yes you will... >~< You saying that is what's scaring me...
Oh.. Sorry.. >~<
It's okie.. Just.. ^~^ Think positively..?
And sorry if I fall asleep.. 😁 I'll try not to. But just in case..
Ye.. Sorry if I do too.
It would be okie. ^-^
Okie. ^-^ It would also be okie if chu did.
Okie. ^-^ <3
^-^ <3
Um.. So, how are chu..?
Pretty good, other than my friends fighting again.. ^~^ Thank you for asking! How are chu?
Um.. Okie, I guess.. Thank you too, and your welcome.
You're, also, welcome. ^-^
And that's good.. Right? >~?
*>~< I really can't type right now..
I can't either.. And.. I'm not sure..
Oh.. ^~^ If it's about.. Well.. You know what.. It's not real.
Okie.. Thank you.. ^~^ <3
You're welcome..? Why are you thanking me? .?. <33
Goodmorning, Morgan! Sorry, I fell asleep again.. ^~^ Well.. Have a good rest of your day! <3
It's okie! I fell asleep also xD You too! Ciao! <3
Okie. <3 ^-^
I'll be back around 7:00 your time.. Ciao! <3 Sorry, my parents aren't letting me get on anything right now..
Oh.. Okie, see chu later! <3
So sorry.. >~< I fell asleep.. Well.. Good luck today, Dylan! <3 Ciao!
Hewwo! Sorry I couldn't talk to chu the last 3 days.. >~< I will be on later today though, but probably not on Minecraft.. So, see you later..? ^-^ <3
Of course! ^-^ And it's okie.. I've been really busy.. 😁 Ciao! <3 c:
Okie! ^-^ <3
Well.. I'll talk to chu later?? I have to do some stuff with my family today.. Sorry.. >~< Ciao! <3
And.. If we don't talk tonight.. At your default plot on Creative, I left a spot of redstone.. Dig down there whenever you want, I guess.. 😁
It's okie.. I should get my phone back on Sunday.. But, tbh.. I have missed talking to chu.. >~< So, see you soon. <3
So, goodnight, Morgan. <3
I have missed talking to you also.. <3 I'll definitely talk to chu on Sunday, though. c: Goodnigbt, Dylan.
*Goodnight, sorry... I just realized. >~< Anyways, I'll see you soon. <3
Well.. I might have to wait until Thursday.. Or later.. >~< So, see you later. <3
Oh okie.. :c See you later. <3
Sorry, I don't know if you can talk tonight or not.. But, I actually can't, really sorry. So, um, talk to you later? <3 ^~^
It's okie! I don't think I can either.. So, see chu later.. <3 ^-^
Okie. <3 c: I'll talk to chu today, maybe?
Happy Valentine's Day, Dylan. <3 ☺️
Oh, btw I changed my Minecraft username.. o.o Sorry.
>~< Things are just getting worse for me.. I'm not sure when my dad is going to give my phone or my iPad back.. So, I am really sorry.. But, I will try to think positive.. ^~^
And, Happy late Valentine's Day.. ^~^ I'm really sorry I couldn't be there. >~<
Oh okay.. And it's okie. <3 ^-^ Positive thoughts lead to a positive life! c: Hopefully talk to you soon?
Yeah.. ^-^ See you soon, Goodnight, Morgan. <3
Goodnight, Dylan. <3 ^-^
Okie.. I think I will get my iPad and phone back this weekend. So, I promise I will talk to chu if I do. See you later, Morgan. <3 😁
Oh okie! ^-^ I will talk to you then for sure! <3 Farewell, for now. ☺️
I can talk to chu tonight, only for a little longer though. ^-^
Well, goodnight, Morgan. <3 ^-^
Oh.. >~< Sorry.. My parents told me to get off my phone.. Well.. See you soon then? <3 ^-^
It's okie! I was really tired anyways. So, yeah.. See chu soon. ^-^ <3
^-^ <3
Well.. I'm leaving on Monday for my trip.. I hope to talk to you before then, but it not.. Talk to you after Thursday? ^~^ <3
I think we should stop using this collage to talk to each other because sometimes it takes 5 minutes to load the comments. o-O
I agree..