The Weekly Paper


The Weekly Paper

14 0
and my favorite character is Hermione or Katniss or Tris or Bella or any from those series
ok so ag011 changed the rules and if you don't have any other allies it can just be us so is that ok?
Katniss Everdeen!!!
Katniss, tris, or newt!
our topic is peacekeepers, so we can get started as soon as we figure out a what style we want to do and how we want to divide the making of the collage up☺️
so I just typed a really long paragraph and it won't let me send!πŸ˜‚
it will not let me send oh my gosh!
I'm just gonna remix my paragraph!πŸ˜‚
ok that's fine!
ok so do you want to do that style then or another one?
how about the one I used on my last collage? All you would have to do is add the text unless you would want to do more? (I mean the Pretty Little Liars collage btw)
so would that be ok?
no sorry πŸ˜πŸ˜“