sooo would you? xD some of them have turned out pretty good and like- i also have no motivation to do anything else cuz like depression is a beach lollllllll anyway have a plus ultra day and night!


sooo would you? xD some of them have turned out pretty good and like- i also have no motivation to do anything else cuz like depression is a beach lollllllll anyway have a plus ultra day and night!

10 4
what kind of help my child
I don’t have tiktok I srsly don’t I need the tea
I’m in for the drawing stuff btw
I even almost got a drawing of yours done
lol i don’t have tik tok either 😂😂
i get it all from youtube
and holy wow u fast at this also i love ur drawing style it’s so cute!
thanks! I’m starting another one ehehe
YouTube is my fandom as well haha
I’m on an iPaddddd
youtube is where it’s at ngl xD
nah! u good I’m weird as hecc and you can give me a shoutout if you’d like