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ok first don't even comment on my collages, I don't like haters, even will. Second don't EVER tell me what to do, okay? She'll be a beetle person than you EVER will.
* better
ur the f...ing idiot and unfollow me
I'm sorry but please stop hating on them. They are amazing and I'm sorry you can't see that.
ur just a sad ร ลกล› hรณล‚รซ
That says following. It's loaded wrong. But I mean, you tried. That's a start. Not a good start, but I guess you really have to take what you get now, don't you?
why all the hate on her what did she do to u stop hating your just jealous of her! back off hater
What is a motivation to hate a person? People are terrifying, sure. However, people are also wonderful. If you ever wonder if you're amusing then you can stop. You're not amusing. You're hurting REAL people, and someday perhaps you'll realize that.
this is not how you gain friends btw
we all know you are... glad you finally realized! very very very proud ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ