WHY IS THIS SO BLURRY?!?! Hey guys! This is like a 5 minute collagey collage b/c I have to go soon! Love! PConly


✨Tap✨ WHY IS THIS SO BLURRY?!?! Hey guys! This is like a 5 minute collagey collage b/c I have to go soon! Love! PConly

72 0
Thanks! xoxo
1st: SimplySadie 2nd: Quotes4days54 3rd: Monkee1916
true....what should we do....?
also, hi! Do you have a fair in ur town yet?
omg I'm actually scared for her....
I think she's acting normal....I think...
omg they put one up, I already went and my sister convinced my grandpa to take us again!!!
love your account 💕💕
thank you! 2x😂💕
I'm not sure tho...
ask DREAM1NG something only u and her know...
and if she answers correct....she's not hacked!
if wrong....then we might have a problem...
nobody touched my device except for me! AND I DIDNT POST THAT!!!
oh no
thx...this is neha btw!
oh, you're so sweet!
< yup I have a main and u follow me
Hey, I saw what you put on DREAM1NG's account. I'm glad you are trying to support her, too. I hope that hacker stops.
did neha have an extra account that she might be on?
😕😕 I'll get on trying to find the hackers main
I'll find all of the active people that I've never heard of and start questioning them
So, I must ask, is there anyone you follow that you don't know well and could be capable of hacking
Good, I'll check the bottom of your following list if you can get top
maybe they were smart enough to have a main and then delete it, maybe they made a new one or the got rid of any accounts that would lead to them
DREAM1NG's gone!
i'm rlly rlly so so srry bat dat icon form is closed 😔💕
tysm for understanding !! here, i'll give ya a spam instead 😉💕
tried looking for you on Pinterest but I couldn't find you
still not coming up. maybe you can try following me @SimplySadie04 then I can follow you back
wait, so the hacker has a main account that ur following? 😱This is insane! P.s Do you think I should start a petition thingy to bring DREAM1NG back? She was a friend of mine, as I am guessing she was for you.
I know. Hopefully we can bring her back
hi. it's all because of you and my other friends I am back!
really!!! OMG! sorry! and thanks! 🌿
wow your style has got me feeling inspired 🤗💖🌹