My entry for -KatnissPotter- 's games (Round 1) // 🌸check comments.🌸


My entry for -KatnissPotter- 's games (Round 1) // 🌸check comments.🌸

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You guys remember how I told you about my English teacher and the whole chocolate thing? well, she came up to me at the beginning of class and asked me if it was okay if she called on me during class (I told her I have anxiety) and I love the fact that she asked me if I was comfortable with the idea of talking in class and I wish everyone would be so considerate as she is about mental illnesses.
That's so fret about your teacher❤️ Also don't forget to enter Round 2 of the Fandom Games by the 6th✨
*great not fret
lol I don't like kiwis they taste weird
^^^your teacher sounds amazing💜I'm glad for you fren
yes I can! can I have a picture? if you're not comfortable giving me a picture you can just tell me your hair color and length but I'd prefer a picture of you are comfortable fren💜
aww lol I bet you look great fren💜I'll draw you soon
This is amazing 💕💖😭💕💖