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well as long as you won't be stressed out or unhappy I will like for you to post monthly then bc I don't want you to feel this way........trust me I know how it feels to get close with people and either you leave them or they left you it hurts so what's ever happening right now I truly hope it gets better and just know that you are amazing Virus♥️
We missed you Virus❤️❤️ Stay happy fwiend😘😘🦆🦆🦆🦆
I missed you so much friend!!! all I want is for you to be happy, healthy, and safe, so take all the time you need. life can be awful sometimes but amazing other times, and life loves to throw us some curveballs from time to time. I have also been having some trouble with life, I guess you could say, and it really sucks. it’s getting better and I hope life gets better for you, too. just make sure you’re happy and that you remember how truly amazing and wonderful you are ❤️
I just want you to be happy! so do whatever you need, take how ever much time you need! I'm you ever want to talk, I'm here for you!!! I'll be excited for your monthly collages!!! being stressed, sad, anxious and depressed sucks so, I understand how you feel and hope you feel better!!!ily!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love you too~♥️♥️yeah I just don't want my negative life to run off of people and even though I'm hurting I still put on a smile and sometimes smiling through it makes it better and also if that doesn't work I write it and make a story and that's helps me a lot but everyone is different and everyone experience different things some might be the same experiences but life is life what's life without a little bump in the road to show that we were born to be brave enough to handle obstacles
we can fight our troubles together, and we will win. don’t be afraid to smile, but don’t be afraid to frown. if you aren’t happy don’t put in a fake smile and pretend it’s ok. you don’t need to tell anyone your problems if you don’t want to, just be honest with yourself. tell yourself that you are going to make it and that you are going to be ok, and if you are ab,e to accept that it’ll all be ok and that you are amazing it’ll all get better, I promise. it’s so nice to hear from you again ❤️
I don’t know your exact situation but something like that happened to me about a year ago. so I made this friend and we just clicked, we had the same interests, we looked kinda alike, and we were always there for each other, but then one day she slowly started to talk and hang out with me less and less. also you must take into account that I only saw her on Mondays and Wednesday, and I was seeing her less and less and that really started eating at me. then after she had almos completely left me she told me she was moving and I was heartbroken. even though she had stopped talking to me I still had hope that she would one day change her mind and start to like me again, but her moving meant I would never see her again. well, she moved and life went on, and this summer I saw her and she smiled and waved at me like nothing had ever happened between us. I was happy yet sad, and that’s the end of my depressing story. I’m sorry I ended up venting to you, so so so sorry. ❤️
feel free to vent because, like you said, we all need to vent. I’m sorry that someone is coming between you and your friend and that that person is such a terrible human being. it sometimes seems like all the girls in my grade (and boys) are just like you described K. i hope everything gets better because we all need a good friend ❤️
it’s okay don’t feel sorry about it I don’t know what happened but don’t feel about about not posting it’s okay I missed you a lot and I’m glad you’re back
sometimes I think it’s almost better to not know someone, I mean, it’s harder to trust them but it’s nice to know they can’t ruin your life like the people you see everyday. also, thank you for letting get all my problems out, it feels good to have that weight off my shoulders ❤️
thank you for everything. just thank you ❤️
awe thank you so much I really did miss your edits as well
it’s total fine, i understand. your life and happiness comes before everything else! have a good day today!❤️
it’s totally okay! take care of yourself!
awwww thank you!!! ❤️ might I tell you the same?
hi virus, thank you🍂
Thank you so much for the spam! 💙
I'm so glad you're still able to post, but hope you're ok & mentally recover from family tragedy...I know how feel-it must be so awful & overwhelming...
I'm sorry to hear for your loss & hope you make new friends-on PC we're always here to give support, even if we're not always active
awwww well as long as you are happy looking at them •^-^•
re:// thanks!
re:// awwwe you’re welcome and thank you
thank you so much ❤️your kinda words mean more to me than you will ever know ❤️
Tysm for the spam!🌈❤️😘
I just realized I mistyped my last comment 😂😂I meant to say, your kind words mean more to me than you will ever know. thank you for your nice comments, I can’t wait to see the next marvelous collage you post!!!
yes it was lol I think your the only who noticed 💕
omg your back yaaaaaasssss❤️ we missed you
don’t worry, it’s stressful so do you girl! life is crazy and life is ughhh but remember you have people who love and care for you 🖤🖤🖤
yes you should be and I was like I should let people know that i did 😂
re:// awwwe thanks not really though it was a really fast edit because I was going to school and I rushed haha
tysm for the spamu💕
re:// yes fighting through is what I’ve been doing :) school hasn’t been that bad it’s just in the way heh
oh and thank you <3
re:// Awwwe you shouldn’t have that is so nice of you! Actually, your edits are amazing! seriously how long does it take you to make those masterpieces??☺️☺️
re://thank you so much! you are such a beautiful person!!!❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡🧡💛💛💛💚💚💚💙💙💙💜💜💜
haha thanks for telling me I would’ve never noticed 😂 (no sarcasm intended)
of course!! what do you need to ask?
no problem!! it’s going to be fun!!
AWWWE thanks☺️☺️
upps dude there is a remix now:))thankues
I'd like to sell some talent😂 but I cant
oh dude thanks man💕
re:// yeah, I noticed lol ( ´ ▽ ` ) thank you!!