Bye life


Bye life

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woah woah woah I know how you feel (I have depression) I'm sure most of this is just teenage insecurities and hormones rushing through your brain pls don't die💜 no one else can play your part, your the main character and you have to stay alive to play the part!! please don't do this
just post a pic of you (a real one) and you can delete it as soon as I comment. sound fair?
ok you know what? you stop rn, straighten up, and think about why your sad. then tell me and I know I can help ok
you rly need to stop
just pls talk to me I'm here for you
I'm here for everything and everyone and I want you to know that. you are loved. you may not think it but look at these comments. two ppl. that's more than one, which is more than zero. if you did what your saying you will, you will shatter two hearts
no boy loves me either
and I'm as fat as Garfield
don't worry, you don't need a boy to be happy. all you need is love and you have two sources right here
no. your not sorry bc your not going to do this.
OH GOD JUST LISTEN TO ME PLS!!!! I'm trying to help you just calm down and think.
well if it's at the worst rn, it can only get better
how do you know? no one knows. no one knows the future, but we can work to make it brighter
c'mon, you can do it I know you can. we can be friends, best friends. we can face this together and I promise you can get out of whatever situation your in
yes it has to and it rly can't get anything but better
don't slice your wrist it leaves permanent scars that will affect your adult life