Who wants matching profiles :3


Who wants matching profiles :3

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bet you won't mind I'm hacking her
Lu: *walks away angrily*
Lu: G-get o-off...
Lu: *feels like she's on fire* I-I...
Lu: *hides behind Tyler*...;~;
Lu: *cuddles into Tyler's chest* L-Loud...
Lu: *whimpers* S-Scary..
Lu: *whimpers more and buries face into Tyler's chest*..
Lu: H-hurts to breathe!!!!!
Lu: Y-you w-were o-okay! *breathes heavily* ;~; h-hurts t-to e-exhale...
Lu: E-E...
Lu:...can't...breathe...*passes out*
Lu: D-don't touch me...
Lu: *starts glowing red*
Lu: *hair turns red again and opens eyes*
Lu: *gets out of Ella's arms*
Lu: *tilts head and looks over at him, having a trench coat on and bandages around her chest* Lu? I'm Shana...
Shana: I'm the other part of Lu's mind.
Shana: *holds a locket out and a smaller version of Lu is in there, banging on the metal*
Lu: *keeps banging on the metal* TYLER!!!