Collage by javajunkie


4 26
hi guys!
hiiiii!! who is going to do what?? i have to go somewhere for like 3 hours so I might need one of y’all to comment on my post what I missed
ahh oki!! so let’s split it,
someone does background, quote, text and designs
who wants to do what?
I can do background
I’ll do quote!!
I have to go to school today for a while so if I miss anything please telll me and I will do it. a little after that I have cheer so my day is pretty busy!! just make sure to tell me
I can do text!!!
oki I’ll start on background now
I guess I’ll do designs
wait does anyone know when it is due?
oct 24
okie what’s the quote for the text for throughitall
what is the quote
well what is the background??
I’m the quote person