Pick a question and I have to answer it x


Pick a question and I have to answer it x

79 5
Eye color?
my eye colour is green but it can change to a hazel colour
I don't actually have a crush on anyone a I'm going out with my best friend x
relationship status
fave song? (*whispers* Mine is 'Angel with a Shotgun' by The Cab <3)
kissed anyone?
worst mistake
ever done drugs?
Are you OK?
tbh I'm not ok
I have never done drugs
worst mistake was self harming and ending up in hospital
I have kissed
I am taken
my fave song is stressed out
middle name p.s. my fav song is stressed out as well
awwww I was gonna ask your fav song ... oh well last book read?
last person you texted
my middle name is Niamh
the last book I read was am I normal yet
the last person I texted was my boyfriend
ur biggest fear?
my biggest fear is death
I'm in a relationship xxx
I love stressed out to
last thing you ate
I last ate pizza
I last ate chocolate
Current mood?
I'm in a bad mood tbh. I have a massive bruise on my face and it's hurting really bad
Oh😔 I'm so sorry. Feel better🤕 soon!
thanks xxx hopefully I will feel better
someone you trust
I trust my boyfriend
do you trust us
thanks Xxx Xxx. I trust you
thank you xxx
worst mistake
ending up In hospital
someone you hate
I don't really hate anyone, I just dislike some people
oh ok
fav lyrics
the house was awake with shadows and monsters the hallways they echoed and groaned
middle name
my middle name is Niamh
mine is heather
thanks xxxx
probably art
mine to