💰 | money has its appeal […]
Last summer i had a phase of super somber melodramatic posts, but I’ve forgotten how fun it is to make collages just to make collages. Anybody else’s fyp full of the one song that goes “I’m looking for a man in finance, trust


💰 | money has its appeal […] Last summer i had a phase of super somber melodramatic posts, but I’ve forgotten how fun it is to make collages just to make collages. Anybody else’s fyp full of the one song that goes “I’m looking for a man in finance, trust

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💰 | money has its appeal […] Last summer i had a phase of super somber melodramatic posts, but I’ve forgotten how fun it is to make collages just to make collages. Anybody else’s fyp full of the one song that goes “I’m looking for a man in finance, trust fund, six five, blue eyes…” just me? 😅 Please rate 1-10. QOTD: highlights of the month? AOTD: done with school !!
THIS IS SO PRETTY!!! Also yes that song has been all over my feed!! 💸💸
10/10 🥰
This looks stunning!! Love how neat the text looks 🤩
@caption I mean the melodramatic posts feel so good to make too in a way, but I also totally get the just random collaging :)
No clue about the song, but I don't have tiktok sooo
Aotd: bowling with friends, a weekend get away with the fam and seeing some friends I haven't seen in a while soon 😊
Haha same!! Sad literature for the win. So obviously I just couldn't write a happy piece, I mean what even is that?? I'll remix you the whole thing
gorgeous omg 🫶
how are you doing dear??
Aahhh thank you Kat, glad I get to share my sad writings with you 🩷
Oh yeah I always forget that's called a fyp too. Mine is filled with book things, poetry and animal vids tho haha
OMG the song is stuck in my head HAHA
i love how u did the text for the word finance
ahh i’ll definitely come back online from time to time! and i’ll follow u back rn, i just don’t really check that acc so rlly sorry if i missed your follow notif ><
Kat... this is getting scary. That's exactly what the poem is about. Called it "holding down the fort" bc it reminded me of conversations we had about it
THIS IS GORGEOUS!! & thank you so much kat, how are you doing by the way?? @caption: my highlight of the month was definitely the two week trip to scotland with my family!! // & samee this song is all over my tiktok fyp haha, i can't stop thinking about it 💕
hehe love this
Had to look up the ship of theseus thing, but it sure is an interesting thought
Aahh thank you Kat, lots of love for you 🩷
You just exactly get it, like I knew you would. And it's such a sad feeling knowing we're not enough to change anything on here, bc in some way that means there's nothing really left to stay for and ughh