Made this sucky Tiger out of tinfoil XD


Made this sucky Tiger out of tinfoil XD

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I'm gonna start off with Clove.
kay imma start with roselynn
Clove: * Tries to get out of the endless landscape of trees, She was lost in the woods *
roseslynn: *wakes up, yawning*
what house is clove in?
Clove: * Sighs * I knew I Shouldn't of snuck out....
ty: *is sitting in the ravenclaw common room studying*
Erm, you choose )
Oh, I know. Ravenclaw? )
Clove: * Stamps her boot onto the ground, Sending leaves flying *
gryfinndor XD what house is your other oc in? XD ;-; i forgot his name lol)
Erm... Robin can be in....,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,.. Idk you choose )
yeah actually ravenclaw that'll build the ships)
okie robin in gryfinndor? XD im not creative)
Ok, I think living in the same will build up ships x3 )
imma have another oc btw)
Clove: * A snake slithered against her boot, It's fangs glistening as they popped out *
Ok )
name: kate age:16 gender:female sexual prefrence: gay house: gryfinndor or ravenclaw 030 you choose)
So Kate is...
yeah 030)
i forgot the word XDDDD)
Ok, I can create a girl OC for her if u wanna make a Ship for Kate? )
i guess so :D)
Name: Sarah Gender: Female Sexuality: Les Age: 16 )
check mah latest post)
Ok )
Awesome )
Want them to live in the same house? )
it aint mah art)
Ik )
It said it XD )
yusss btw kate is roseylnn's best friend 030)
What building does Kate live in? )
Okai Sarah lives in that to 030 )
Sarah: * Goes through her desk, Looking for books *
<( ouo )>
Sarah: * She wondered if anyone else was her Sexuality, Because usually everyone around her was straight *
kate: *sits in common room doing a report deciding if she should tell roselynn her sexuality*
kate: *le sigh*
XD )
Sarah: * Wanders around, And sees if she could talk to anyone *
Sarah: Maybe Kate is here? * Knocks on her door *
kate: come in!
Sarah: Hey, Kate! Just came by to say hi. Kinda bored.
roselynn: *sitting on kates bed with her* heyo!
kate: oh hey! yeah me and rose are kinda bored too
Sarah: I Haven't seen Clove around........ Do you guys know where she is?
Sarah: I know she lives all the way in Ravenclaw but she usually stops by to hang out with me.
roselynn: guys we've gotta get to the dining hall!! its already 8:30!! classes start at 9 and we've got transfiguration there's no way mcgonagle is gonna accept us being tardy to her class!
Clove: * Runs all the way out of the woods, Finally finding Ravenclaw *
kate: ahh! c'mon guys! we gotta go! *sprints down the steps*
Sarah: * Runs down the steps following Kate and Roselynn *
roselynn: *sprints after kate*
Clvoe: * Picks leaves out of her hair and walks through the door, And probably tardy *
both: *get to the dining hall and start wolfing downs some eggs and bacon*
Clove: * Walks through the hall of the house * Hello...?
ty: *already in the dining hall*
Sarah: Mmm... The bacon is good. * Eats her plate of food quickly *
ty: *walks over to sarah* hey have you seen clove? im getting worried, i've checked everywhere
Sarah: No, I haven't at all... She was supposed to hang out with me before class started.
ty:oh.. *walks back to the raven claw table*
Clove: * Quickly goes out the door and runs all the way to Dining Hall *
roselynn: there she is!
Clove: * She was close to the Dining Hall, She just had to catch her breath *
roselynn: *points her out in the hallway*
Clove: * Her braid had a leaf in it, From running around in the woods crazily *
Sarah: She looks a little spooked... Where was she?
roselynn: i dont know..
roselynn:*walks up to clove* where were you?
Clove: * She had a small cut on her arm from thorns, But she casually walked over to the Ravenclaw table *
Clove: * She randomly plopped down in a chair next to Ty *
roselynn: clove were you in the forbidden forest?!
Clove: Oh... um... I was at... * She tries to look away from Roselynn *
Clove: N-no...
roselynn: *spots the cut on her arm* *grabs her hand and walks torwards the hospital wing*
Clove: * Sinks down in her chair and quickly tugs a leaf out of her braid *
Clove: * Grunts and lets Roselynn grab my arm *
ty: clove are you alright?!
Clove: Y-yeah I'm fine.
Sarah: * Looks at Kate * Knowing Clove she probably went over the fence and into the Forbidden Forest, Just like Roselynn said.
roselynn:*shoves clove into the hospital wing then runs to class expecting the others to see the time* (class is transfiguration)
Hello? )
ty: * walks to class*
Sarah: * Runs to class *
hia XD)
kate: *follows sarah*
Clove: * Looks around In the hospital wing *
Sarah: * Plops down in her seat *
madam ponfrey: how did you injure yourself?
Sorry )
Clove: Oh I um... I dropped a glass and when I was looking for the pieces I cut my arm..
Ok )
get on animal jam... 😭