_bailey_is_bae chat here


_bailey_is_bae chat here

6 1
o ok so what ya doin
Nothin just on the computer
nice did u know I'm Mike little sis
Yup well ur not real brother and sister u just call ur selves that but I can understand that I have a friend that I call my sister
ya I tell my mom I have 2 brothers she gets mad lol
is dad over protective of u
Sooooo over protective
ya I asked my dad when I could date and he said I could when I get married and I'm like then I wouldn't get married if I don't have a date
When I was 15 he said I could date when 16 but now that I'm 16 he said I can date when I'm 17 and I'm turning 17 this January
will he say yes or no lol
I have no idea lol
my aunt and uncle and cousins live in Florida
Cool my aunt and grandma and uncle live in Florida 2
nice east are there names
I visited Michigan before and it's really nice and I've been Hungary before that's were my dads wife used 2 live cause she's Hungaryin
And I also been 2 Romania it is SOOO pretty there u should look it up Romania has sooooo much nature there