🍭Comment any questions you have. Sub it your entries in the comment section. Please read this all, please don't forget, please like and follow! 🍭


🍭Comment any questions you have. Sub it your entries in the comment section. Please read this all, please don't forget, please like and follow! 🍭

13 4
also, go to my roleplay post and submit your character before the roleplay starts!!!
thanks for 61 followers!!!
don’t worry I don’t think you’re creepy haha 🫶🏼🫶🏼
yes i’m 🏳️‍🌈 are you???
my holidays were great hbu???
OOOH I WANNA JOIN THE CONTEST IT LOOKS SO FUNN maybe i’ll submit in time bc I have a horrible record of not submitting on time 😭
hello please follow me ☺️ if you don't want it's not a problem
to @london-frog, yes I am lol, and mine were great thanks!
Yay, I'm so glad y'all wanna join! I am so excited!
aSouSou_Wallpaper! you are so sweet! I will shout-out you and try to get you some followers!
yeah but make sure you have a MESSAGE! or like some sort of meaning
remember, January 10!
can I join?
OF COURSE! Anyone is welcome to join!
yes ofc she can!!!
so ik this is so bland. But this picture shows meaning to me because the day my only sibling left for colleg and went to study abroad (meaning I wouldn’t see her for a whole year) gave me this giant duck squishmallow, and it always reminds me of her
awww that is so sweet!