Hi please comment


Hi please comment

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Don't pretend to be a celebrity because you can get in trouble for that. Also, if you REALLY are the real one, wouldn't you a have a blue check mark next to your username?!
no I am Ariana grande if I wasn't how would I have those photos
These photos are from the INTERNET
no there not if u click the bottom and it comes up the photos that means I got them from the internet if u have snapchat add me I'm called moon light bea
You're not the real one, so stop it. It's not nice to trick people like that. You can get in big trouble for saying that you are her. (Also, the photos ARE from the Internet. You either edited them or took a snapshot)
no I didn't I'm in my friends house
And what about the check mark thing? You would have a blue check mark if you were the real one.
Plus, I'm reporting you. I'm done playing this game.
y r u reporting me
Oh ok I don't want to be mean I hope u watch victorious
Because, you're not the real one. Stop tricking people! It's really not nice
the reason I'm saying this is because u made it as the background the. saved the image ON PC and then posted it so u can't collect it
he URSELF honey
you r lying to everyone they r right you would have a check mark next to your name if you r her name all the boyfriends you have ever had