Idk what I'm going to talk about but I'll write something in the comments


Idk what I'm going to talk about but I'll write something in the comments

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what makes sense, my opinion of Melanie?
a lot is happening but it's not all bad, I got to walk all the way up to the high school with my girlfriend yesterday, which is basically my whole walk home. she talked to me about her ex-best friend and how she really hates the fact they aren't friends anymore but tODAY her ex-best friend talked to Kenzi (who is friends with both Deja ((my girlfriend)) and Ash ((her ex bff)) ) and Ash wants to be friends with Deja again and I'm really happy for them I hope their friendship is restored. also I briefly mentioned on my spam that there's this new girl at our school and she asked if there was any LGBT people and when I met her yesterday Kenzi introduced me as "Deja's girl" I felt so good because I'm clingy and protective af so yeah you better know that she's mine I'm not giving her up (I could rick roll you all but I'm not gonna) honestly it's so nice to be in a relationship where there is actual love or strong feeling for each other. my last relationship was terrible, I never loved her. I never said I love you, I never held her hand, I never did anything with her. but with Deja, we hold hands and I actually like her a whole lot. lol this whole rant is just me talking about my relationship but I don't really care
anyways it's snowing a lot here in Washington and I'm really happy the snow is fantastic. it's kind of funny since a lot of my tumblr friends live in California so they've never seen real snow before and I have to explain to them what it's like. I feel like it's slightly offensive when I say "have you ever seen snow" but lol it's funny and they don't seem to take any offense so I think I'm good.
I'm re reading this and a lot of it doesn't make sense lol I apologize
oh. I forgot what we were even talking about, in sorry
aw omg I just read your rant that's so cute. I'm glad you are happy with your girl, you deserve it :)