thats a lot of red dots


thats a lot of red dots

53 0
wait u had a BF and a gf omg😱😱😱
Nathan, Harry, Matt Rook, Ben ,Tobey, Connor, Tyler these are the people who I used to like
u should tell ur parents
^^gurl,having a girlfriend is appropriate,u can like a girl or a boy,or both,ignore this ignorant dumbo
oh my gosh, r u ok? i feel my life is kinda lame now πŸ˜‚πŸ’—πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
u should not have posted this...bc there are little kids on this place an dthey could c this!
u should take this down, its inaproprate and i think that if a little kid saw this they would be in shock! just trying to help!
if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here😊