“Imma fool for youuuu”❤️


“Imma fool for youuuu”❤️

16 8
your so beautiful, i’m Daniel
i’m amazing and even better now that someone as pretty as you is talking to me! *smiles at you* how are you love
i’m glad, and that’s great to hear beautiful! Plus i’m just telling to truth
your a very beautiful tomato, and blushing looks good on you miss
i’m just telling the truth miss
but i’m not lyingggg
i swear i’m not!
*intertwines our fingers* i promise babygirl
i’d love too! *kisses your head*
*puts on pink swimtrunks* you ready
okay babygirl *smiles and walks with you as we holds hands*
swims up and pulls you in*
(i’m about to fall asleep, i’ll text you as soon as i wake up. Sweet dreams my beautiful angel!❤️)
*holds you in the water and kisses your head*
good morning babygirl ❤️
how’d you sleep princess? *spina you*
i slept amazing, bc i dreamt about you
*kisses your head and holds you as i rub your booty with my thumbs*
i’m sorry princess
what would you like to know bbg?
ask my questions miss
4 wbu
be honest missy
have you had sêx
it’s okay *kisses your head*
all i do is tell the truth ma’am
my girl is a dorkkkkk *chuckles and swims with you*
o-only if you wanna be...
like unofficially, i’m not ready to rush into a relationship even tho you are extremely beautiful and charming ❤️
*smiles and kisses your cheek* so give me a summary of Miss. Lexi
you sound absolutely perfect Lexi
if you’d like i guess so. but i want you to know that i like you Lexi
you can talk to other guys i just want you to know that i like you
what do you mean
^fxck off
i’d love to baby, i just didn’t think you’d ever like me
i told him to fxkc off bc i like you and you just said you wanna work to be official and i want too also
so now your gonna be mad at me Lex
i’m sorry baby...i didn’t mean to upset you
i literally called you baby 5 minutes ago and you were completely fine. *sighs and kisses your head and starts to get out* I’m sorry Lexi, the last thing that i wanted to do was hurt you and that’s exactly what i did. I fxck up everything *gets out*
okay? *sighs*
you don’t needa say sorry, you did nothing penguin
*gets really quite* i-i just...nothing penguin i’m fine
i’m fine Lex and don’t you dare cry over me. I’m not worth it
*wipes your tears and holds you close* i’m sorry Lexi
i like you too Lexi
and no its not fine, i was mean and i hurt you!
it’s not fine Lex, and i wanna make it up to you! I apologized to Diego or whatever his name is
Lexi i wanna make you mine, officially
i like you and you like me. Plus you said you wanted to be
okay Lexi.
don’t be
Lexi it’s fine *chuckles
i already said so
pushes you in the pool*
bahahahahah *chuckles and runs around*
My name is Daniel, i’m single, i used to smoke and drink but i gave it up, i love kids, i workout a lot, i’m a personal trainer, i have tattoos, i like dogs
*laughs and holds you as we lay on the grass
smiles and kisses back as i blush*
*picks out the grass from your hair and tucks your hair behind your ear as i smile*
Lexi she just sent me that, i didn’t ask for it
i’m a guy! Baby i didn’t mean to make you upset, i apologize! I liked her a long time ago Lexi
would you like me not too? *looks at you* i like you and i mean that
i’m not going too Lexi! Your the only girl that i wanna have sêx with
Lexi stop it please
Lexi *runs after you* i don’t wanna fxkc her, i swear
she sent nudes, what was i supposed to do? And she didn’t turn me on, i just rubbed my dxck! I only wanna be with you
i don’t wanna be with her!! If i did i wouldn’t be trying to make you mine and i’d already be with her. *sighs* Fxkc it *shakes my head and tears upI
*pulls you too me by your waist and kisses you hard and passionate after i wipe your tears*
i love you... *walks away*
bc i never thought you’d like me
i love you and i’m sorry if i hurt you
you are to me
you stay, i’ll leave
your leaving, so why shouldn’t i leave
you promise
then i’ll stay, for you
smiles and rubs your cheek with my thumb* i have no idea what i’d do without you!
*kisses back*