Hmm yes very relatable. I'm doing a 'QNA' so ask any questions and I'll answer all :)


Hmm yes very relatable. I'm doing a 'QNA' so ask any questions and I'll answer all :)

149 2
why not?
hi u okay
I'm fine :)
You probs won't answer me, but these are all just quotes. Right?
these are all quotes not by me but these a very relatable and in a lot of these quotes I have either done or often think about
how old r u ???
I don't really want to answer that question
I'm sorry.😢😢
it's okay :)
don't think of suicide. Suicide if never the answer!
please can you give me a better answer?
it's just my personality.
it's okay honesty
do u like cats?
I prefer dogs but cats are cool I guess
whenever I think of doing something harmful. I think of cats.. to keep my mind off of that topic.
isn't the cat just an excuse to use for self harm cuts
not really. pretty much every thought can be masked by cats.
this is completely off topic, but would you consider dating me?
@paigepugs yep
no not really
k. I understand.
yeah sure :)
so true....
Very Relatable.
I relate to this
thank you. you understand me. finally someone who is like me