Poland is awesome


Poland is awesome

14 0
I was born in Alabama 2002
I was born in Poland in 2004 and move 2005 2. my b'day is on the 24-6-04😊☺️
she is born a day after you
that is so cool so your a day older than me, we could be best friends!
plus what month did you move here in because I moved here March, 2005.
I moved 16th of March 2005
and I fell like we have meet at this comp I was at
I moved 3rd of March
and what is your name? mines Paulina
I moved February the 3rd 2005 and my name is Lina but people call me Linz πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‚
Linz/Lina is my nickname for the OnesieSister account,so I think your lying and just trying to copy me.P.S no offence.
I was born in Florida in 2001 but my grandparents came from Germany and Poland so I know a few words in polish and speak German and English