


8 0
all of them >:D
😰 gawd-
1. actually yes 😶
2. n-no 🙂
3. Pan 💅💃💃
4. FTM Trans (maybe Non-binary)
Country USA County Hennepin Location Southern part of the State (hush I know that’s weird)
Then Central time zone ✌️
i kissed my ex gf in a tree 😑
The fact I’ve never dated anyone yet I’ve kissed other people (not counting my parents) is slightly concerning-
i have dated my ex… thats it… she broke up with me
bc her parents are REALLY homophobic
so r mine 🙂
my parents are alright… but when i came out my mum looked at my dad in panic
but she got me a pride flag so its all good now… and she really wants me to put it on my ceiling ;-;
both of them r really homophobic, once I made a Gender-fluid OC and my mami saw it and had long @šš conversation abt if I thought I was a ‘girl’ or not, I lied and said yes 😶