These are some of the fonts I use!😉 they are either from phonto or downloaded from dafont.com (you have to have phonto to download) If you have any questions let me know💕👍✨💁


•••TAP FOR FULL CAPTION••• These are some of the fonts I use!😉 they are either from phonto or downloaded from dafont.com (you have to have phonto to download) If you have any questions let me know💕👍✨💁

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wow thanks! and thanks for the spam and follow!! 🌟💕
You should try KG happy but use it in all caps! It looks really good.
what are the names of the fonts you used for the feathers and triangles? Hope I'm not being annoying! 😁💕💭
everybody says to use phonto so I'll try it!
tysm! 💕🌟
I just downloaded it! 🎀😊😍🌟💭💕
No problem! It's just a suggestion you don't have to if you don't like it or don't want to😌
this is so helpful! thanks so much!
I have to get this app!
your collages are so cool