I don't know how to use this app but hi??


I don't know how to use this app but hi??

207 0
Noo inghish. biutiful girl 😍😍
thank you😇❤
welcome to pic collage😊if you want we can be friends💕im lauren btw
hello, and cool I'm jacelynn 🙂❤
hello (:
can you talk to me please? I'm heartbroken and no one is helping me.
Sure what's wrong?
so I was telling my boyfriend that I had feelings for someone at my school and he just dumped me right away.
by the way ur cute.
Aw I'm sorry. does the person you have feelingsfor like you back? and thank you💖
idk. and ur welcome.
I'm sorry love. but you'll get through this
hi 👋