I hate Liam from the account _LEEM_ 😑😑


I hate Liam from the account _LEEM_ 😑😑

6 1
stfΓ» unfollow me
dude y the fxck u follow me and chill the fxck out like y u hatin he seems so cool so chill alright?
lol my cousins name is Liam
why are you doing this? my brother did nothing to you 😭 (and if he did, he's sorry. he's impulsive sometimes) but please delete this account now πŸ˜βœ‹πŸ»
your brother is really rude and I do not like him
doesn't mean you have to hate on him. Liam is a good guy he doesn't deserves this at all....
no won is better then me stop hateing on me hate on Liam
I don't want to hate on Liam I'm not like that
do you thinks hes nice
stop bullying NOW
this paragraph seems like something a 10 year old would write, please unfollow me
Wth is this.Grow up.
because he's talent..take down this fxcking hatepage
you are just rude you keep saying knowone cares about him but really knowone cares about you he did nothing wrong.
unfollow me thx for following but no thx
Unfollow me!!!!!πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
because I hate Liam
you should go join OHATEmynameissteph in the pathetic haters club😀