Collage by tinyangel


22 15
no , I can see it :)
I still can’t see it :/
very interesting choice 😂. yes, I can see it now
well those glasses are kool😎
mhm mhm 🤩
at my friends house, you?
fun:) what’re you watching ?
hey I’m Levi
well that’s a first 😂
hello angel, i’m dylan
let’s do something ?
hey i’m brock.
well, we can go out to dinner ?
what’s goin on gabi!
fun fun, what kind of candy, i’m watching some “ creepy “ show about killer legends or sum
i have no idea, otis just about killers from mid 1900’s and stuff.
that’s actually my favorite candy too :,).
oooh nah i don’t fw twix
i’m doing good, and yourself?
nice to meet you gorgeous, how’re you?
hey, I’m Dominic ;)
I’m alright, thank you. How’re you ?
We’re both princess :)
hey cutie i’m kai