Hey guys so none of the co-owners seem to be posting much anymore comment if you still want to be a co-owner or if your not a co-owner and are interested in co-owning


Hey guys so none of the co-owners seem to be posting much anymore comment if you still want to be a co-owner or if your not a co-owner and are interested in co-owning

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id like to co own 😘❤️❤️❤️
I'm still a co-owner
I'd like to co-own🙋🏼 and btw OreoStyle left and gave me the acc and I don't think she will come back😬❤️I can ask her tho?
what happened to all the collages and how do I get the pass?❤️
Okay love you Gabby!🤘😘
I want to still be a co-owner