Collage by Unicorn_Naomi


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why does it matter if I post it in public
it just seems too unprivate to say her name and make a collage no one would understand but us in public
u wouldn't understand it either it was a big gesture and she liked it and that's the important thing is that she approves and she did
and it's not her real name it's a nickname there are hundreds of thousands of Yazzy's I didn't put her last name or information
whatever I just find that putting an apology for one person out to the world is not a good idea. my opinion
and I would understand sarah. I would
no u wouldn't u weren't part of it u don't even know what happened? and tons of people do it bye
how do u know that I don't know about it. are you me??? I don't think you are.
you know what... let's stop. let's try to be friends. I don't want to push you away anymore. let's both get a second chance
wow what's going on? big fight?