*fangirls* I love making this collection


*fangirls* I love making this collection

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I love the collection
This is so cool!
@ZOMBIE_BRUHRITO, Cali-Girl, __unicorn__ ~ Thank you all, your support means the world! πŸ’–πŸŒŽ Who knows, I have some ideas for a short November collection that I might do...πŸ˜‰
beautiful darling~ 😘
@-PumpKin-Queen- ~ Aw thanks! 😘
I love James, Lupin, and Sirius! WormtailπŸ˜•
@giraffekid16 ~ No problem! And same! Lupin is my favorite character πŸ’
I love Harry Potter!!
Sirius is so cute and so is Remus
James is a jerk. sorry .