it's just that like almost everyone on here says they have some sort of mental illness like how does every. single. one. of you that doesn't ???? I don't kmow


it's just that like almost everyone on here says they have some sort of mental illness like how does every. single. one. of you that doesn't ???? I don't kmow

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noononono this is actually so true it could be offensive to the people who actually are this way but it isnt to me dont delete it i praise u man 🙌🏽
njce thx
I guess that's true, but also ppl with mental illnesses are prolly more likely to use social media like tumblr and pc, so maybe it's just that all the ppl that don't have any mental illness aren't on here? just a thought :)
thank you so much for posting this. like, I really hate it when people post so many things about how they have a mental illness. I was actually diagnosed with anxiety and it hurts to see all the people doing this for attention.
^^yeah idk I was just saying it seems a little weird
ur so welcome it needed to be said so :))
do you think I'm "faking" my social anxiety..? I'm not mad, I just want to know. I also think that it's crazy how everyone has depression and anxiety. maybe they're less severe as you think.
@FlyingTaco ???? I'm not say you're faking it, I'm saying some ppl might be ??? this wasn't directed at anyone in particular this was just a general thing bc like its just honestly rly weird ??? I have some illnesses (anxiety, depression, bpd, etc.) too and I'm aware that some ppl on here are not faking it but i was just saying it seems almost impossible that like every single fûcking person I follow has some mental illness. idk.
@cassie yes yes yes that's exactly what I was saying !!
oh okay. I didn't mean that in a bad way 😅, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't making it seem like my social anxiety is fake... I really agree with you, I kinda think it's strange too.
oh ok ! glad we see eye to eye :))
I didn't claim to and I don't have any mental illnesses
all of my respect goes to those who do, though. don't get me wrong.
yeah idk what I'm rly saying I'm not saying I'm qualified to say anything I was just saying it seems a bit like.. a trend ish thing I don't know
thx 4 the agreement
I was just thinking this the other day