i hate myself i wish i could die right now😔😔


i hate myself i wish i could die right now😔😔

10 5
please don't just know that you are beautiful and even if there are some people that just tick you of its OK because there is me on here and many other people who might care about so don't think about dieting just because some idiot made you upset just know I care 😊😊
STOP. You r NOT worthless. there is happiness in this world u just gave up trying to look for it. LOOK HARDER. The Lord brought u here for a reason. I'm 12 and I know this. Why don't u?
you are not worthless. please do not. forget about the past and the people that want you to feel bad about yourself. you should do the right decision and ignore those people that are doing no good.👍🏼
thank you
please stop doing this! your not worthless!
you mean so much to a lot of people in this world. you are awesome and don't listen to bullies. please don't hurt yourself believe me it'll make you feel worse