if you like her give me 3 good reason


if you like her give me 3 good reason

6 0
well I'm pretty sure ur a hater
Reason? she doesn't create despicable hatepages like you.
we don't have to do anything! you're a terrible person and one of the reasons why 1. there's so much hate in the world 2. why so many teens commit suicide every year from bullying! get a life and stop trying to ruin someone else's? why make a page about someone you hate? if you hate them, you shouldn't want anything to do with them! so you're doing a lot for them even though you can't stand them. you get what I'm saying? another thing, why make a page about how much you hate someone when you can just rant to yourself! pllllzzzzz delete this bc there are just too many people suffering. PLLLZZZZ 😭
please unfollow me.
Unfollow us, stupid idiot
I don't need reasons. please stop acting like such a pathetic human being. there's already too much hate in this world, you don't need to create anymore.
how dare u say she's fat she's not and even if she was it doesn't matter . it's about what she looks on the inside