I had to do Annabeth's name like that because it was too long if I didn't do that😁sorry😕Percabeth is the best!!!!!!😊💜💕


I had to do Annabeth's name like that because it was too long if I didn't do that😁sorry😕Percabeth is the best!!!!!!😊💜💕

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hey I was wonderin if u wanna join my book games! just scroll down a bit and you'll find the sign up sheet with the rules posted before it. if u don't wanna join I'm totally ok with that!! just wanted to spread the word!😊🙂
every 2 weeks (when the games begin) I will pick a theme (ex: make a collage based on ur fave character from ur book series team!) and at the end the person/people with the best collages get a prize! u also get a prize if u participate as well😊😊
u can join any team but choose the book that u know the most about
u can join any team but choose the book that u know most about