2.1.17// CHAT PAGE!


2.1.17// CHAT PAGE!

13 2
I'm still doing homework too, I'm doing math.
*walks away*
I am so sorry Livia! I didn't mean to abandon you, please don't be mad! I just finished making a chard, spinach, and kale salad, and I just finished eating it. It was delicious!
IKR?! It took me FOREVER to finish, but I'm done with all my homework. I just need to study now, but I'm multitasking. Are you here?
By the way, thank you for making the chat page, I love it! It's so pretty!
Hello Livia!!
It's okay, RIGHT, np, and hellloooo!!!
LUCKY!! You're done with homework?!? I'm still doing math!! UGH!
aw, it's okay. is that all you have left?
how close are you to finishing?
that's not good! do you still want to chat tonight, or should we do it tomorrow night?
Maybe tomorrow night, okay? Okay. Goodnight!
BTW just finished math. ONWARDS TO SOCIAL STUDIES!
okay, goodnight! and congratulations! social studies is pretty easy, you should get through it quickly. good luck! 💕
Thank you, and goodnight! Hopefully it's as easy as you say!
You're welcome, and goodnight! It was easy for me, I hope it's easy for you!
yw! 💕
are you done yet?
Nope. I'm on number 3 in Social Studies.
still?? it is easy??
Yes, it is easy!
told you! are you done?
Not yet..
I just finished eating dinner, so..
okay... I'm going to sleep now, it's 10:30. I'll be up at six, good night!
Good morning! ☀️
hai! whatcha wanna talk bout?
yep, it sure was!! I'm not quite ready for the test yet though...
Nope, nope, nope..
so you're not ready???
or are you?
I am, now!
😒😞 I'm still trying to study! science is the most difficult for me. math and la are more natural, without having to study much. social studies requires studying, but it's always easier cause of all the sources.
I usually don't study that much, and I end up with grades like a three or three minus, which to me is, bad. The three minus is bad, I mean. The three is okay, but I prefer getting fours.
good job! fours are the best, but getting a three? be proud of yourself! it's hard to get a decent grade in 6th grade. the fact that you get threes without studying much is amazing! I study very hard, but usually, I get fours in SS and math. LA: 80-100 Science: 80-90
three is grade level, so you're all good! 👏👍 right where you should be!
I'm gonna go to sleep now, but I'll be up tomorrow, again. umm... good night?? 💤
by the way, I responded to your comment on my collage.
Goodnight! 😘😴💕
Goodnight! I'm eating dinner!
Morning! sorry, I just saw your comment! you want to GET iBooks on your iPad? are you sure? I think iBooks should already be on your iPad!
for me, when I got this iPad, I already had iBooks. or did you want to DOWNLOAD BOOKS on your iPad? that's a different story.
I have the APP iBooks but I don't have iBooks ON THE APP IBOOKS!
hmm, I don't know! that has happened to me before, let me see what I can do, okay?
Okay. Lmk if you find how to download iBooks on the app iBooks.
okay. my gosh, I'm like, so busy! I had three parties last week, and I'm at one today, and I watched the lion dance yesterday! so busy! there are some gamblers there too.
Wow, cool!!
so, umm, we haven't used this. what's up?
*used this in a while
Nothing really. Hbu?
nothing much either. just lots and lots of stress. 😕
hello, I don't want everyone to know this, so don't tell anyone, no one here, at school, or even my parents, cause they don't know about this either. so, to set up weheartit, I set up a new google account that no one knows about. apparently it also set up a new email for me, so here's my new email. ainfinite80@gmail.com if you ever wanna chat with me like over break or summer, you can email me using that email, and I'll be able to respond!
a new way of communication!
Ohhh okay. Cool!
I know! And thank you!
I know! And thank you!
I know! And thank you!
Lol why did you put that 3 times?