d o c t o r  w h o  a e s t h e t i c // c h e c k  c o m m e n t s


d o c t o r w h o a e s t h e t i c // c h e c k c o m m e n t s

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So, I started watching doctor who (pls no spoilers) and I've been loving it so I thought of doing an edit of it. sorry for not posting so much, this week's been chaotic. I finished my project and it went better than I thought it would. also, thank you to everyone that wished me good luck, your encouraging comments are deeply appreciated. another thing I need to mention is the fact that I was going to do a throwback Thursday thingy every week because of my one year anniversary and completely forgot about it. I think it was mostly because everything's been crazy lately and I've been really busy, but I'll try to start doing that next week. alsoooo, Sherlock ep 3 is coming out soon ahhhh *fangirl screams* I'm so excited to watch it! I've been quite happy the past few days and I think it was because I had something to look forward to like watching Sherlock or doctor who and that kind of shizzle wizzle. I guess it's true when they say that once you found something that makes you truly happy you'll be happy for the rest of your days. I hope you have a nice day/night and ily frens.💜
^^wowie that was long