Collage by L3MONtart


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ok! I’ll collab!!
ok let’s do it
So what do you want to do
I’m good with doing anything!!
idk you pick the background and I’ll pick the quote and you decorate
Are you going to do the text too?
I’ll do options so you can pick too
kinda.. here I have an idea we can both pick pictures and put them in the remixes here and then we can decide on one together
I already liked the balloon one
can we put it bigger
You can put stickers in the blank spots!
When you say guess what what is it
no I think it’s fine. it looks great
could you put me in your bio
sure! And okay! Whats the guess what
look on there
What does she’s working with them mean
look at what I put
you should do a face reveal
could you put me in your bio???!!!
I would do a face reveal if I was allowed to, I’m not allowed to. 🙁
what? omg!!! I see! omg! I didn’t know that!!
sooo could you put me in the bio and post it?
oh yeah I thought you mean the bio like by my account name and picture
But I was going to do that way too
Ha your sister asked me to collab too 😁
post it
the collab post
can someone collab with me?