I luv this edit I made rate? 1-10


I luv this edit I made rate? 1-10

9 0
You claim you made this hate page because castlescience hurt your feelings, but how is what you're doing any better? She unintentionally made you feel bad while you are purposefully being immensely rude to her. Please, think of others and delete this account. How would you feel if someone you didn't even know did this to you?
and to reply to your icon. yeah, you really don't know what your doing in your life
aw man tbh i hate me too lol you're not alone
this collage is cool btw!! i like it
your mind is messed up because she's amazing!!Please let me help you uncloud your jealousness so you can see her amazing talent!!
@caption well it would help to change the words.Then it would be worth while to look at.Also, what's your main??
Why do u hate her? She's amazing😱I mean, she's never noticed me, but I'm sure she appreciated ur comments😘 look, ur reasons aren't reasons to create a hatepage🙅 it's not ok😭
I hate my math teacher, mr.collins.He FORCED me into an elected math team and now I have to give up my lunch and recess every day. Gahhhhhh!