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hey u commented on my Collage saying " R u gonna wake up?" lol I was at my aunts house all day
Oh oops ha ha ha😂
Oh hey were have u been?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!
wanna chat?
Of course!
what do u want to talk about
how about animals!
Hmmm……um…… OH I know how about What happened 2day
ok I ate at a famous ice cream store
Cool what was it called!?
Tony's u may have heard of it it's in North Carolina but i live in South Carolina I'm just visiting my grandma
do u play any sports
u got any requests for a pc or a icon
Oh when I was 6,7,8,and,9 my dads wife Eme)Emma she's Hungaryin I don't know how 2 spell it we went 2 this yogurt shop called forever yogurt I use 2 mix my flavors