


28 6
best min of my life smiles*
is ur mom free of cancer?
nope she still has cancer but not as bad ... thanks for asking :)
yeah good for my mom but not for me I guess
I just wish I had a life with my little baby .. but I guess I never will :(
thanks :)
hey ... tell nick I need to talk to him about Wednesday:) thanks Jason
yeah I will tell him you want him :)
ok thanks :)
oh and Jason ... tell your mom I hope she is getting better and I will come over again soon with more cookies :) the ones she loves
ok she will love that very much :) it will make her day
aww thanks
aww I'm sorry I really hope your mom gets better ;)
I'm sorry that happened and I'm really happened u pushed through because that's what counts
awww thanks :)
I'm sorry babe
it's ok
thats so sad. hope ur mum gets better. oh and i dont get it, did she keep the baby to herself or didnt she have it
wow omg i just re read it. did she kill herself and the baby? if she did thats harsh
but good thing u stayed positive
yeah she killed herself and the baby too :(